[h3]Dell seeks damages from dude named Dell over "dellwebsites.com" [/h3]Paul Dell, who probably had that name longer than Dell Computers Inc. has been in existence, says: [blockquote]Dell Inc. are suing me for using my own name. My friends are helping me out over a summons I recieved from Lovells, the law firm representing Dell. I can't afford the legal fees, let alone the headache -- and I find the whole scenario disturbing. My friends are doing a great job, and I have recieved words of encouragement from all over the world. [/blockquote][a href="vny!://pauldell.blogspot.com/"]Link[/a] to the backstory, JPEG [a href="vny!://www.dellwebsites.com/summons.jpg"]Link[/a] to scanned copy of summons.