The Basis For Forum Anonymity

Started by Adam_Fulford, May 29 06 01:08

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Et tu, Chicklet?  

  Wow wee, Curses -- ever heard of yellowpages?  But I am truly moved that you spend time Googling me.


Oh so now it was all just an 'adventure'?  You made a pretty big stink over an 'adventure'.  I admit what was done to you was terribly wrong but you have to take some of the responsibility.  You've done nothing to guarantee that it doesn't happen again so I think you give up the right to run to the mods everytime someone associates your name with something ugly.  I'm sure you are a nice guy and I have, on ocassion, enjoyed chating with you but come on man....
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


Can you say "Attention Whore"?
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani



doesn't it scare you to be such an a**hole to people?  


Dissident wrote:
I appreciate having some measure of anonymity on DS and DV, as both Seattle and Vancouver are small towns, and I am not interested in getting abusive phone calls, letters or emails from people.  I've dealt with anonymous harrassment on the job here in Vancouver, and had a problem with a stalker in another community, so I'm not about to put my personal safety and peace of mind on the line just to have the freedom to express my opinion once in a while.

However, I am in full agreement with the downsides of registration-free anonymity as evidenced on DV.  Never mind the rampant misogyny and racism throughout the forum, but the venomous abusiveness of some of the regular posters truly sickens me.  [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"] I find the poster referenced above, and some of her male counterparts who "follow around" and target individual posters singularly repulsive.  They seriously need to get lives.
Speaking of which, I'm returning to mine.  

 You're Expat aren't you?    If only I had "male counterparts" following me around...your impressions of  "academe groupies" are sorely erroneous...




For the record, Curses, I'm good to my friends and honest and hardworking in my business endeavors.


 academe wrote:
If only I had "male counterparts" following me around...your impressions of  "academe groupies" are sorely erroneous...
[/p]Oh, the delusions to which egotists can be subject.  
[/p]I was referring to trolls (most of whom are obviously male) who decide to target a particular poster and introduce personal attacks into what had been a perfectly reasonable discussion.  You are not the only poster to whom this has happened, and I would hardly call them "groupies".[/p]As far as I'm concerned, using terms like "stfu" and stooping to personal attack in a debate are the refuge of the cowardly and the underintelligent.

fenec rawks!


You can see the domino-effect in this thread.  Once one person jumps on me, they pile on like dominos.


maybe because everyone understands that you shouldn't post under your real name on the internet...? and maybe that's why the "domino effect" is happening, mm?
oh yeah one other thing: why do you keep talking about that blackboxvoting website?


Chicklet wrote:

Yep.  He got into a world of trouble just by making one silly mistake.

  He may have made just one silly mistake, but he keeps making the same one over and over and over.  There's nothing wrong with making a mistake, but when you keep making the same one, and keep getting the same results....isn't that akin to stupidity ?

  Go to your room, Adam.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


For crying out loud, Adam. Geez. Are we still in our diapers? Grow up, already and stop howling everytime someone diss you. WE DON'T CARE.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


More domino-effect at work.


So what's your point ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
