Hello Kitten

Started by Gopher, Apr 24 06 11:35

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Raccoons used to come through my lawn every year in the spring.  A mother and three young ones.  One of the first years I lived here my cat had a narrow escape from them and managed to squeeze through the patio door just in the nick of time.  Since then I've always been wary of the critters.  I think the SPCA relocated them a couple of years ago.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Yes, I've heard they can be nasty....lucky kitty.

  I have a picture of my old cat Leonard, touching noses with a raccoon.  He was unaffected by their presence (and they, his).  I was VERY nervous, and by the time I'd spotted them, I made the decision to not put the scare into them, for fear that would trigger a negative reaction.  They were often on the porch together.  There was also a big rabbit that hung around the yard for a couple years.  He seemed to be sweet on Leonards mama...P.C.  She wanted nothing to do with him...(I have pictures of the 3 of them together too)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


What a gem for a photo album!  I'm surprised that Leonard had no problem with the raccoon, but he was a big cat, wasn't he?  The sort other animals think twice about messing around with.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Oh !!! I'm surprise that posted.....I've been sitting with a big white page for 10 minutes again.

  Leonard was a giant.  Cashmere is a big fellow, but part of that is the figure he cuts with his long coat and Leonard was a short haired ginger cat.  He looked like a souped up hot rod, as his back legs were much longer than his front legs.....lol
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good mornin, Gopher.  Here's the update on the emergency my patient phoned about in such a dither.  She couldn't explain on the phone because she was crying, so I dashed off frantically to see what was wrong.  When I got there the noon caregiver had already arrived.  She had dropped her remote control on the floor, and couldn't get it herself.  So when I went in to see her, she was happily changing stations and forgot that she had called me.  Just one of those little frustrations that come with the job.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Why are little frustrations usually perceived as great? I had imagined the worst and was wondering what was happening -  I was fully expecting you to have much to say on this matter.

But, good morning to you, too.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I had also expected the worst so I grabbed the list of emergency numbers as I left the apartment.  I guess that to her it was an emergency.  After all, she is confined to bed and helpless, and all she has for entertainment is her TV and newspaper.  Since she doesn't understand or remember too much of what is in the paper, that only leaves TV.  For most of the time, that is all the company she has.  It's a good thing she is only a ten-minute drive from my place.  Less, yesterday!
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Oh what a sorry thing all round. Infirmity with age has absolutely NOTHING to commend it at all, I just hope that she's happy - or at least contented (at least contented? I really think that I'd change happiness for contentment any day).

By the way, have you looked at the Quotes? Are you a TRUE friend?  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


She seems to be content. I've seen her suddenly remember things she used to do and start crying with frustration.  She soon forgets again, but watching her being so sad is heartbreaking.  There's just enough of her mind left that she has these flashbacks.  To me that would be a living nightmare.  I would rather go swiftly than decline gradually.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Oh yes, anyday. My mother died from Alzheimers, we had her at home with it for ten years - it was an awful period, and yet now and then lightened by moments of incredible humour. Yes, a swift and painless demise is something certainly something to hope for.

BUT, while we're approaching the height of our youth, we should temporarily let these sad matters rest and turn our thoughts to gathering rosebuds while we may.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Agreed.  I was out gathering wilted roses from the bushes early this morning, and the new ones are so pretty.  My favourites are still the yellows, but the light and dark pinks are lovely too.  I had a red rose bush, but my clematis ate it when I wasn't looking.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Oh a carnivorous clematis! My roses are only just coming out - well, actually they've been out for a couple of months but they're making very, very slow progress this year.

I've more or less half-killed myself with work on the garden this week so now I'm giving it a break for a few days - should have been sensible and realised that temperatures in the nineties aren't conducive to hours of manual labour. It's still pretty hot today, but cloudy and given to brief showers of rain - otherwise entirely suffocating.

My special birds have indeed bred for a third time this year!
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Hey gopher I don't know what the best city in the world is temperature wise. That was a tough one. I guess it depends on ones taste. For some living in the desert with no water in sight is paradise while I perfer mountains and semi to cold weather.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Those birds are amazing!  You have provided them with a beautiful place to rear their young, and in return you will be serenaded by a wonderful chorus of grateful birds.

  It's good to know you're going to take it easy for a while.  Not much sense in beautifying the garden and destroying yourself in the process.  I wouldn't want to work in that heat if there was any choice.  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


To Sportsdude: I wondered about the Canary Islands or Madeira, but don't really know much about them. I had the feeling that an island not TOO far from the equator would probably have a nice combination of warmth and cooling breezes.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.
