Hello Kitten

Started by Gopher, Apr 24 06 11:35

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tenkani wrote:
When I think of Gopher I think of James Bond.[/DIV]Played by Sean Connery, of course     [/DIV]
[FONT color=#40007f]You'll have to go to the later Connery movies to see the uncanny resemblance as nowadays we both have beards.[/FONT]
A fool's paradise is better than none.


kitten wrote:
Chicklet wrote:
I think Kitten deserves to be 'VERY' hot.

[FONT color=#7f007f]WHO, ME?????  You're kidding, right?[/FONT]

This is my contribution.  Add one more to the count. ;D

[FONT color=#7f007f]Thank you so much.  *curtsying prettily*[/FONT]

[FONT color=#0000bf]Just between the two of us Chicklet, I think that Kitten's a towering inferno of womanhood.[/FONT]

[FONT color=#7f007f]Not quite.  I'm more a 5' pile of cold ashes.  But thank you very much.[/FONT]

[FONT color=#00007f]Madame, I find your modesty becoming.[/FONT]
A fool's paradise is better than none.


P.C. wrote:
Potatoes that have become exposed above the surface of the soil, causing a 'green' potato are not healthy...you're absolutely correct.  You should wait until the leaves of the plant become yellow and begin to die.[/DIV]
[FONT color=#00007f]The lesson to be learned from this is that exposure is always a risky affair.[/FONT]
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Chicklet wrote:
Gee Kitten. You sure do have a complimenatry admirer.  Lucky girl.


I admire you too, Chicklet

A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
P.C. wrote:
 Potatoes that have become exposed above the surface of the soil, causing a 'green' potato are not healthy...you're absolutely correct.  You should wait until the leaves of the plant become yellow and begin to die.[/DIV]
 [FONT color=#00007f]The lesson to be learned from this is that exposure is always a risky affair.[/FONT]

[FONT color=#00007f][/FONT]

[FONT color=#800000]Isn't it odd that people will expose their worst behaviour and most intimate thoughts on national television, but shrink in horror at the thought of baring their bodies?[/FONT]

[FONT color=#800000][/FONT]

[FONT color=#800000]My apologies for not writing too much. I hurt my wrist at work and it is rather awkward to type, as well as being a tad painful.  But I shall still be lurking around here whenever possible.[/FONT]
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Gopher wrote:

[FONT color=#00007f]Madame, I find your modesty becoming.[/FONT]

 [FONT color=#7f007f]This was not modesty, but rather a correction of misperceptions  I have many shortcomings.[/FONT]

Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


kitten wrote:

  [FONT color=#800000]Isn't it odd that people will expose their worst behaviour and most intimate thoughts on national television, but shrink in horror at the thought of baring their bodies?[/FONT]

[FONT color=#800000][/FONT]

[FONT color=#000000]lol, kitten.......You must be a nature and news channel gal, like me.  Otherwise, I've seen little evidence that supports such modesty on National television.[/FONT]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
 [FONT color=#000000]lol, kitten.......You must be a nature and news channel gal, like me.  Otherwise, I've seen little evidence that supports such modesty on National television.[/FONT]

  I know that a lot of people will expose many parts of their bodies on TV, but not necessarily all at once.  At least, not on basic channels, which are all I get.  I don't watch enough TV to make it worth my while paying for the higher channels.  I do watch the news frequently, though.  Glad you joined us, P.C.  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Sorry to hear of your wrist, Kitten - but glad to know that you're still lurking.

  As for people baring all - well, the other day I was discussing the fact that when we meet the vulnerable and disadvantaged our hearts automatically go out to them, whereas when we meet the 'haves' we tend to raise our hackles (that word again) and not give them a chance. One person told me that this was because the disadvantaged and vulnerable don't wear masks and therefore allow us to see them for what they are - naked and unashamed! Interesting idea, isn't it? You have to be rich to afford a mask - and having acquired one, people automatically turen away from you. The moral of which is ---- ?

  Otherwise, I have a feeling that a full moon is in the offing, and wonder if perhaps your wrist problem has something to do with your usual metamorphoosis.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
 Sorry to hear of your wrist, Kitten - but glad to know that you're still lurking.

[FONT color=#7f7f00]A day without DS is like a day without sunshine.  Wait a minute, I just looked out the window.......no sunshine.  I'll have to think of another comparison.[/FONT]

  As for people baring all - well, the other day I was discussing the fact that when we meet the vulnerable and disadvantaged our hearts automatically go out to them, whereas when we meet the 'haves' we tend to raise our hackles (that word again) and not give them a chance. One person told me that this was because the disadvantaged and vulnerable don't wear masks and therefore allow us to see them for what they are - naked and unashamed! Interesting idea, isn't it? You have to be rich to afford a mask - and having acquired one, people automatically turen away from you. The moral of which is ---- ?

[FONT color=#7f7f00]You make an excellent point.  I think the moral would be, "Hurry up and get rich so people won't stare at you funny".  By the way, if this keeps up, I shall have to heckle your hackles until they stop rising![/FONT]

  Otherwise, I have a feeling that a full moon is in the offing, and wonder if perhaps your wrist problem has something to do with your usual metamorphoosis.

[FONT color=#7f7f00]I hadn't realized that the full moon was getting so close.  Perhaps that's it all along, instead of dragging a limp body up and down a bed.[/FONT]
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


My hackles are temporarily incapable of rising due to an extremely convivial evening in the garden where three of us dug, raked, weeded and brushed with the aid of a nice Chilean red: prior to leaving off and going out for a few beers.    
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
 My hackles are temporarily incapable of rising due to an  extremely entertaining evening in the garden where three of us dug, raked, weeded and brushed with the aid of a nice Chilean red: prior to leaving off and going out for a few beers.

  [FONT color=#60bf00]This green is for envy.  I managed to find someone to weed my garden for me and help plant after.  I can't seem to handle the bending down a lot any more.  I have a small garden but it grows alarmingly when there's weeding to do.  It will be mostly shade plants, but there is one place that gets some sun right under my kitchen window, so I'll be putting in a couple of tomatoes and a cucumber..  This place is surrounded by a tall cedar hedge that I can do nothing about, so roots grow everywhere under the soil.  There are also some gray hard shelled bugs that want to devour everything except tomatoes.  I wish I could find a way to control them.  As it is, it will be necessary to put nearly everything into containers.  Do you have any suggestions for perennial shade plants, preferably with flowers?[/FONT]  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Alas no, I'm trying to think of some for myself too - will let you know if I come up with anything. This moining I've been 'at it' again (my first of two days off), planting out tomato seedlings, carrots etc.etc.  Tomorrow I'll go to the shops and do a bit of 'judicious' squandering, even though I'm more than a little tempted to take myself off into the countryside for another serendipity day.

The weather has thus far been superb, blue skies, sunshine and my preferred temperature of low seventies. Ah, if it were only May the whole year through.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Thank you, Gopher.  So far all I've heard about is hostas, and although they can be beautiful, I wouldn't want a garden with nothing BUT hostas.  May is indeed a lovely month, and I don't blame you for wanting to escape to the country.  However, plant now,  eat later.  Duty beckons, and all those other horrid cliches that push you to work instead of kicking back and relaxing.  I'm sure you will have a bountiful garden to show for your efforts.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I agree, hostas aren't bad plants but they're a bit too invasive. I'm going to check the garden in a few minutes and see what I've got that's blossoming in the shade. I have a feeling they're mainly bushes.

  IF Tenkani reads this, then I have to tell him that I previously forgot to relate the fact to him that I have a Monterey Cypress - and that it is the no.1 choice of visiting starlings.
A fool's paradise is better than none.
