Crime, Web 2.0 Style

Started by TehBorken, Apr 20 06 09:52

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An interesting question from AskMetaFilter ([a href=""][/a])
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"] [h1 class="posttitle"]Crime, Web 2.0 Style
[span style="font-weight: normal;" class="smallcopy"][/span] [/h1]    [div class="copy"]ShadyDealingsFilter: Since I've read some how-to's on [a href=""]cyberstalking[/a] and [a href=""]murder[/a] and such here lately, I have a hypothetical question about criminal fund-raising...
            [div style="border-top: 1px dotted rgb(119, 119, 119); margin-top: 6px; padding-right: 20px;"]    
 I'm no criminal mastermind, but I do have a hypothetical premise in my mind that might make a good story if some realistic mechanics could be worked out. Hence:
 Let's say you wanted to commit a criminal act, but needed a signifigant amount of money to successfully commit the act. Let's say the commision of the act was the important thing, and that getting caught afterward would be acceptible, if not preferable. Let's say the nature of the crime is such that international law-enforcement would cooperate to prevent it, but that it couldn't be 100% preventable, even with advance warning. Let's say that you don't have access to any large sources of money, but that the criminal act would be endorsed by/popular amongst a large segment of the world population.
 Using the internet or otherwise, could you realistically announce your intent to commit a crimimal act and solicit funding from a worldwide audience, while mainaining your anonymity and the anonymity of any "donors" throughout the financial transactions and the investigations of motivated police agencies?
 In short: could you setup an anti-charity and collect money for bad deeds instead of good, without lying about your motivations, without exposing every donor to conspiracy charges and without getting caught before you finish?

 [/div]        [span class="smallcopy"]posted by [a href="" target="_self"]chudmonkey[/a] to [a href=""]law & government[/a] (19 comments total)    [/span][/div]  [hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.