Canada and USA: One army?

Started by Oh Boy, Aug 17 07 06:55

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Oh Boy

  [font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2"]                    This sounds very scary:

 [div class="storyheadline"]Deal that could lead to U.S. domination of Canada flying under media radar[/div] [div class="storysubhead"]Business CEOs, faceless bureaucrats deciding future of North America behind closed doors[/div] [table border="0" width="100%"] [tbody] [tr] [td] [/td][/tr]  [/tbody][/table] [div class="storydate"]Geoff Olson    
Vancouver Courier
Friday, August 17, 2007[/div]
 Canada Day is long past, and a parade is hardly what you'd call hard news--but work with me here.[/p] Last month I took in the Canada Day parade along Lonsdale Avenue. Police from the local detachment wove about on their motorcycles and firemen waved from their trucks. Members of a martial arts group rumbled by in a Hummer, followed by a bagpipe band playing Amazing Grace. Hair salon employees dressed up in rock-star gear, bopped about on their float, lip-syncing to the En Vogue song "Free your Mind," followed by a banner-waving mental health advocacy group.[/p] There were kids with painted faces and adults wearing large, floppy red and white hats. The communal vibe was made warmer by sunny skies, but something was missing. The Canadian military put in an appearance, but where were the real representatives of Canada, our true masters? Where was the float bearing the CEOs and political insiders?[/p] I also wondered how many of the people lining the curb, celebrating Canada's birthday, knew anything about the current plans to alter their nation beyond recognition. How many had heard of the SPP?[/p] The Security and Prosperity Agreement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico aims for a more integrated North American economy and security region. If that's news to you, join the club. Apparently the vast majority of the Canadian and American public is in the dark on this one. The SPP was deemed one of the top 25 stories in 2006 by Project Censored, a respected academic body devoted to ferreting out big stories that fail to go prime time or make the front page. Even the Project Censored story, "U.S. plans for hemispheric domination include Canada," failed to get national media attention.[/p] The harmonization includes resources, agricultural, health and environmental measures, along with the merging of U.S. and Canada military under Northcom. This is not some paranoid future projection from conspiracy-mongers, it's happening right now. In 2005, when reporters asked then Canadian ambassador to the U.S. Frank McKenna about Canadian participation in Star Wars, he replied, "We're part of it now." According to Project Censored, "It has also been noted that Canadian personnel are taking part in large scale American operations space war games to prepare for combat in orbit."[/p]Full Story:  [a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""][/a]


Nah. I don't think it'll come to that. I don't think Canadians would want to be in the USA army, we're not part of the USA and have no wish to be.

  No... wait... unless you look like that man-hunk Leonidas from 300 then sign me up for bearing his children. (call it duty to country) Otherwise, I would settle for being his spandex.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.