The Rant Thread

Started by Gopher, Feb 11 11 10:25

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purelife wrote:
 I also can't understand how ppl can update status on just about everything in their life.  I guess some ppl like to have an open-book life online.  And nowadays with facebook in the palm of our hands, it makes it that much easier for ppl like her to update everyone every second.  

  Just because it's easier doesn't mean they should. Too bad people like her don't realize that.

   Do ppl comment on her status?

  Some times they do. Most of the time not. We have alot of the same friends so it's been interesting to learn the vibe others are getting from her. When she goes too long without comments, she'll randomly post a pic with the description "SEE! I TOLD YOU ALL I WAS FAT". She's really not fat. All she's doing is fishing for compliments and attention.

  I have one friend who does this but she's a teen.  It's understandable.

  I agree. That's understandable.

 I'm the total opposite of her spectrum.  I update status like once a week or sometimes two weeks.  [/DIV]
 Me too  :)  I'm on everyday but mostly to IM / PM. Not to update my status or share anything.

I've tried telling her FB doesn't have the safest privacy so telling everyone what store she's currently at can be rather dangerous. She thinks I'm over reacting though.


she'll randomly post a pic with the description "SEE! I TOLD YOU ALL I WAS FAT". She's really not fat. All she's doing is fishing for compliments and attention.

It sounds like she has insecurity issues and FB is a means of getting attention.  

  P.S.  I am at work. ;)  


To all the a**holes that caused shit after the game i hope they catch you all and you pay big time
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


purelife wrote:
 she'll randomly post a pic with the description "SEE! I TOLD YOU ALL I WAS FAT". She's really not fat. All she's doing is fishing for compliments and attention.

It sounds like she has insecurity issues and FB is a means of getting attention.  

  P.S.  I am at work. ;)

[/DIV]^ lol
  I assume insecurity is the reason for her posting random "look at me" pics. Along with her need to share the price tag on what she has...$350,000 for the house which she HAS to sell cause she find out one of her neighbors has been gossiping about her. Or paying $500k for braces that insurance could have covered but she didn't want to wait for the approval. My other friends and I share recipes, she jumps in with "why cook when you buy". I personally prefer a homecooked meal...that's why. When my other friends and I give each other the heads up on discounts, she lets me know (notice I said ME know) she never buys anything at a discount price or on sale cause that means something is wrong with it. Which is totally untrue. If I say I have a lot of house cleaning to do, her response "why do when you can pay". She has a maid that comes in a couple times a week to clean... I don't.  I'm not sure how to take the it. Perhaps she's proud of her life now (since she came from nothing and an abusive home) or is she just bragging?  Either way, I do know I'm tired of it.


It sounds like the both of you live in separate worlds.  You would think that someone who came from nothing then worked their way into wealth would understand these things that some of us non-rich folks do.   Saving money, eating in and cleaning our homes are just some examples.  

  Speaking of saving money, have you watched that Extreme Coupon show?  Lucky Americans have a better coupon system and they get better deals than us.  There is no way that we could get $1,000 worth of products for next to nothing.  And the nice thing there is that tellers can scan the coupons, here, tellers manually enter the amount as manufacturer coupon and then some have to note the price of product on coupon.


She didn't work her way into it... she married into it. My only splurge item are handbags. I buy whatever I want and use it til it's almost falling apart. I mentioned I was going to splurge on a Tommy Hilfiger handbag.She went on and on about all the starving people in the world and how people (meaning me) should get what we need not what we want and so on. I found her to be very a big hypocrite on the issue. I mean I'm suddenly a bad person for one handbag? When she is actually selling her home over one neighbor and wants to buy a large piece of property with lots of trees so she can level off the trees and build (from scratch) her european / french inspired cottage. If she doesn't have this within 2 years she going to buy (what she calls) a small cozy shack. Her small cozy shack is actually a small castle... no joke. And of course she had to highlight the price to this "small cozy shack". I just don't understand how someone can change soooo much. I miss the girl she used to be  :(  

  As for the show, I haven't watched it. I saw a commercial where a woman seemed to be saying she got 6 hundred dollars worth of groceries for 6 bucks. That's crazy! One lady said it took her hours to prepare for her grocery shopping trip. I could never do that. I do have sites where I can get printable coupons if I need to but rarely need them. I'm in The States and this local store has a sale every Saturday, if you buy over so much then you get so much off. It's great for I when I need to stock up on cleaning products and things of that sort. And I also recently lied to Lowes.. lol  I told them I was moving so they would send me a 10% off coupon.. lol I've used lots of those while doing my outside stuff this year.


As for the show, I haven't watched it. I saw a commercial where a woman seemed to be saying she got 6 hundred dollars worth of groceries for 6 bucks. That's crazy! One lady said it took her hours to prepare for her grocery shopping trip.

    I love that show but you can not get those types of deals in canada.........

  Now if you could get FREE BEER..............
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


DDD wrote:
 As for the show, I haven't watched it. I saw a commercial where a woman seemed to be saying she got 6 hundred dollars worth of groceries for 6 bucks. That's crazy! One lady said it took her hours to prepare for her grocery shopping trip.

    I love that show but you can not get those types of deals in canada.........

  Now if you could get FREE BEER..............[/DIV]
 lol ...there'd be a lot more alcoholics.


I want my FREE BEER
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!