Identity Theft

Started by P.C., Nov 05 07 12:04

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This is very frustrating.

  This morning I opened some mail (which was redirected to me as it was sent to the wrong address), and it is a pre-approved gold card application.  Now, it has MY name on it.....but an incorrect  address.

  I find this to be extremely irresponsible in todays world of rampant identity theft.  I called them, and asked to be removed from their mailing list.....and of course this wasn't a simple process.  He then informs me, that I may receive more mail at this incorrect address for up to 90 days.

  I told them I wanted it removed immediately.  He said there is mail pre-approved already in the works for up to 90 days.  I said you better send someone down the the mail room and make it stop or there will be consequences.

  Has anyone else had this problem ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

Aw P.C.- teh sucks.
 I don't know that there is much you can do, if you're being auto-mailed these things.
 You can get a free credit report to check (by mail).
 [a href=""][/a]
 I check mine periodically, as our mail has been stolen several times.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I get these pre-approved offers almost daily.......they don't mean a thing as one still need to fill out the application.  

  I usually stuffed everything back in the return prepaid postage envelope and put in the mail for them to dispose


 I get these pre-approved offers almost daily.......they don't mean a thing as one still need to fill out the application.  

I usually stuffed everything back in the return prepaid postage envelope and put in the mail for them to dispose

  I don't have as much of a problem receiving these types of things.....I would just prefer that if they are going to use MY name.....they should make sure it is coming to MY address.  Fortunately it was put back in the mail and redirected to me.

  I get the pre-approved offers several times a week also 49er.....but at least they are coming TO ME.....not some stranger.  I just think they need to be more careful.  If anything were ever to go awry, I would hold these companies responsible, moreso than the person who took advantage of the situation.[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.