How to make Pandan Chiffon Cake

Started by Lise, Sep 28 07 07:26

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Right, this is so easy to make and taste really good. Pandan paste can be bought at any Asian grocery store. Best part of this cake is that it is light and fluffy, goes well with almost anything.

  If prefer, cut a 4 by 4 square baking sheet and line the bottom of the tray with it to get the cake out easy. [A href=""]Source[/A]


     [LI]5 egg white  [LI]5 egg yolks  [LI]100g sugar  [LI]60g sugar  [LI]1/2 tsp pandan paste  [LI]2 tbsp water  [LI]100g self-raising flour  [LI]5 tbsp corn oil (or any vegetable oil) [/LI] How to make pandan cake

 [LI]Using a food mixer, beat 5 egg whites with 100g sugar till light and fluffy
[img height=100 src="" width=100]  [LI]Make sure the egg whites become fluffy so the cake retains its spongy texture  [LI]In another bowl, whisk the 5 egg yolks, 60g sugar, pandan paste and 2 tbsp water well
[img height=100 src="" width=100]  [LI]Add into the bowl with the egg whites mixture and mix everything
[img height=100 src="" width=100]  [LI]Add in the self-raising flour to batter mix  [LI]Add in oil
[img height=100 src="" width=100]  [LI]Make sure everything is well blended but do not overblend or you will loose the bubbles from the egg white mixture  [LI]Pour the batter into a mould and bake in moderate oven
[img height=100 src="" width=100]  [LI]Cake is ready when brown on top and batter does not adhere to stick when tested  [LI]Cut cake when cool and serve with coffee
[img height=100 src="" width=100] [/LI] Viola! Easy, no? And you can say you've made an exotic cake!

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I remember this cake, when you made it the first time.  It really looks interesting.

  Are you saying to cut wax paper or parchment for the bottom of the me please ????  

  "If prefer, cut a 4 by 4 square baking sheet and line the bottom of the tray with it to get the cake out easy."  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Uhm... I think I meant to say, line the bottom with baking sheet? Just cut the it to fit the bottom of the cake pan.

  Yeah, it's easy to make. The more I do it, the more it just comes naturally to me now. I was relatively green (haha) when I started but now it's so easy that I make it all the time.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Sorry Lise.....I must be thick tonight.  4 by 4 baking sheet ?   I don't know what this is.  What size pan do we need to bake this in.  (pardon my  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hmmm... I don't know the size of the cake pan. It's just a square pan. 4 by 4 means the four corners of the pan. You cut the paper to fit the bottom of the pan like what you would do so the cake won't stick to the bottom of the pan. Does that make sense?

  [FONT size=1]Now I'm confused.... [/FONT]
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.