Republicans finally pull racist senate tv ad againts Harold Ford Jr.

Started by Sportsdude, Oct 25 06 02:38

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Democrat Harold Ford Jr. who is trying to become the first black senator elected from the south since reconstruction was bombarded with an "he dates white girls add" by his challenger who is a Republican.

  Typical race baiting by the Republicans. Trying to get the anti black vote out.


  [A href=""][/A]


Harold Ford Jr.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Thats pretty crazy that theres still comments like that in this day and age of oversensitive political correctness.

  Good link, thanks
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Ottawa is pissed at the ad as well because it disses Canadians as free loaders in one line.

[A href=""][FONT size=2][/FONT][/A]

    But yeah its the south you've probably never lived there. You can still feel the racial strife and tensions there especially in the cities and rural areas in southern areas. (Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennesse, Southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and some parts of Texas.)

  Problem areas:




New Orleans




Saint Louis





    Want see something life changing? Drive through the back roads of Mississippi. I did one summer. Never saw a house except a couple trailers. Poorest state in the union. Its the Newfoundland of the US.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


The main headquarters for the company I work for is based out of new orleans. Ive been down that way and spent some time in the south. I do know what you mean. Still blows me away though.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


yup. thats my terroritory. Spent tons of summers driving through Tennessee spending time at Kentucky Lake, driving to Destin and Sarasota. Florida let me tell yeah is the most shocking state. You can go from one street of bmw's and lexus's and super rich areas to the next street over is pure poverty mainly hispanic/black. Its truely the land of the have's and have nots.

  I've been everywhere in Atlanta. Walked through its ghetto once to the MLK memorial. You see homeless people sleeping in the weeds. Downtown Atlanta is dangerous. Seen people get mugged.

  Cops rule in Mississippi. They're the ones with the nice cars. People stand outside of gas stations in the morning and talk to each other. Its dismal. Then Katrina came through and all the money that Mississippi ever created is gone now because without the gulf coast the state would and has collapsed.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Yeah, I cant imagine some of the stuff you have seen. What I saw is just the surface. Until like you said, you actually LIVE or be in the area for a while immersed in it, you will never understand it.

  I think what you have done and see is a real experience. Too bad most of the people you try to explain it to will not understand. Its like that with me and storys about arica. After a while I get tired of trying to explain and just say ya. Its a poor country, dirty, and violent. Its good to be home.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Yup on my way to Destin one year I went by this village. It had burned down houses, houses that have fallen apart it was creepy. But in general Mississippi is a dismal place. Didn't drive through the back swamps of Louisiana so I don't know the real Louisiana but the real Mississippi is depressing.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."