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Quote from: Mel on Jun 03 19 12:17
Still in Kent?  Life is well?

I've been around here from the minute you split from DV, if that gives any indication!    ;D
Not in Kent, but life is good. :)
Quote from: Mel on Jun 03 19 12:02
Did the forum hags from next door get to you recently, TehBorken?
No, I'm just wondering if it's still worth it to continue this particular forum.
Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Eves still in control of m...
Last post by Mel - Jun 03 19 12:17
Disregarding the (probable) hags, I am surprised you logged in to respond to one of my random posts, TehBorken!

I thought you might have died in a Scooter accident in some shithole Asian country, or the likes...

Still in Kent?  Life is well?

I've been around here from the minute you split from DV, if that gives any indication!    ;D

Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Eves still in control of m...
Last post by Mel - Jun 03 19 12:02
Quote from: TehBorken on May 25 19 02:52
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.
Did the forum hags from next door get to you recently, TehBorken?
Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Eves still in control of m...
Last post by homeless troll - May 28 19 11:28
Quote from: banny on May 28 19 12:12

He's been banned from most sites so you cant shut this one down

Currently some of my posting accounts are in state of flux.  Thank you to banny for advocating on my behalf.

Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Eves still in control of m...
Last post by banny - May 28 19 12:12
Quote from: TehBorken on May 26 19 02:10
I don't know. Perhaps membee or some other anonymous board?

He's been banned from most sites so you cant shut this one down
Quote from: homeless troll on May 25 19 09:57
Excuse me Mr Borken but if you close down where can I deposit my holiday ode.

I don't know. Perhaps membee or some other anonymous board?
Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Eves still in control of m...
Last post by homeless troll - May 25 19 09:57
Quote from: TehBorken on May 25 19 02:52
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.

Excuse me Mr Borken but if you close down where can I deposit my holiday ode.
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.

Quote from: Melvina on Apr 28 19 11:25I've stated this in the past:  The forum worldz do not need another forum with three whole posters!

The current state of affairs are bad enough as it is...  Last thing needed is another half-dozen shit forums appearing on the scene.
Wild, Wild West Board / Re: Stop spamming this forun b...
Last post by happy go lucky - May 24 19 08:55
this guy makes even me look good.