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Messages - Itsy Bitsy

Discover Seattle! / Re: Itsy Bitsy
May 21 10 01:07
I'll be turning 25 in August. And I was not a gymnast, but a wrestler. The rest is right :p
Irish would never speak (type) to me that way. They are hardly the same.
I like this one:


 [FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080](1)  You might have to guess, whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.[/FONT]
[FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080]Derrick, age 8[/FONT]

Discover Seattle! / Re: Itsy Bitsy
May 21 10 10:32
   I'm so confused. What's going on in here?

Are you an elder, gopher?
Natasha wrote:
 Just because abuse doens't happen right where the children can see it with their own eyes, doens't mean they don't know what's going on. Adults don't give children the credit they deserve. Children are more aware of what's going than we think they are. Children can benefit from a good male figure... perferrably the father of that child(ren). No one can deny that. If abuse was happening in a way that a woman could fool even herself into believing the child(ren) didn't know about it and the husband/father was great to the children, I see no harm in her trying to stay with him. However, when a beating stops because a crying child stands in front of the mother (that does happen) then it's just a bad situation for everyone involved. When life has gotten to a point where all you have is your child(ren) and all they have is you, making those children feel as if they've replaced by a man would be a huge step backwards in all of your progress.

  I disagree. There is plenty of harm in her staying with him.

True! Haha

  PBM likes natural peanut butter
Hmm... I agree that children should without doubt come before dating.

  As for abusive lovers, nobody should stay in a poor relationship, not for any reason or anyone. The way I saw it, this is sort of putting relationships/ lovers before children. Let me explain it though.... in a case where a husband was abusive to the mother only when alone and not in front of the children and was really great to the children (this does happen), the woman should put her need for a healthy relationship before her childs relationship with their father. Now I'm not suggesting she should go out and date, nor that she needs to have a lover at all, but she should never stay in an unhealthy relationship just because of how it impacts the kids.
I like hearing elders tell stories about their life. They come from a much more interesting time imo and have had amazing experiences. The only problem is, if you're around the same elders often enough, they tell you the same stories over and over and over. That I can't stand.
^ looks like we both value lovers (husbands) more than most.
Sounds like fun times Orik. I grew up the center of a city (Vancouver)  in the 90's and 2000's where parents wouldn't let their kids play outside their own yard and where cops were always around to ruin any mischief (even when harmless). The highschool I went to never had initiations, pranks, clubs or even much in the way of dances and nobody threw house partys. It was dull to say the least.

  Those who grew up knowing their neighbours and those who blatently ignored them.
For me, my lover would be my family and yes they'd come first. Next would come my related family (nephew, niece, dad, sister, brother, mom) <- in that order (yes I absolutely have favorites). Then would come extended family and friends. I'm an athiest, so I get to take god and church out of the equation. I'm also not a mother, so that's not in the equation either... though I agree that your children should be put first. Of course all of these people would come before work/ career, fun/ hobbies, etc.
^ haha I totally need a little liquid courage to get me more social :p
That makes sense. Except the first three didn't address those other issues, so it's not a fair comparison.
True. I just ate a bunch of cherries about an hour a go.

  PBM grew up with fruit trees in their yard.