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Messages - Van

purelife wrote:
I thought they were more into David and Victoria Beckham.  

Lol! Well you are probably right. I only noticed from a few people I met. I could be far off on the Seinfeld CSI thing too. To be honest, while I was there, I really wasn't concerned with what people were watching on TV.  
Wow, it is Thanksgiving coming up. I will be in the Okanagan to see my mom. Then a trip down to the Kootenays to see some friends. Bringing my bike in hopes for a good weekend.
What I am saying though is this. No matter how supportive or unsupportive a government is when it comes to culture, it isn't really going to help either way. Culture to me, comes from peoples daily lives. What is done in their lives from the time they get out of bed, until bedtime. Culture happens with or without gov. support. To me, its actions in your daily lives, not a stupid Canadian made movie or TV show. I think until the majority of Canadians turn off their TV's in the evening and do someting constructive, we are at a dead end. Then there is Trudeau, a lot of people think the end of Canadian culture ended with him when he brought out the M word.

  Myself, I don't care. When I see a person trying to give Canada a cultural definition, it makes me think of a sniviling kid in high school..."Define me...define me...sniffle".

  When I was in the UK, it seemed people were more into CSI and Seinfeld than most other TV shows? Does that make them uncultured?
Hope the weekend is treating evryone well. Busy busy for me. Last night was too fun. Hung out with a goofy friend. Man! I laughed so hard I almost peed right out in open at the pub last night.

  Did the skate park thing for a bit this morning. It was meh, weather feel like fall. Ran into a cousin later this afternoon and all he wanted to do was watch a hockey game so I had to bail. I will meet him another day.

  Tonight is popcorn and sleep night.

Sportsdude wrote:
somewhat, I'm just stoked they're talking policy over "we're mavericks, I represent Joe Six pack" etc.

 Is this in refernce to the USA debates? etc??  who is the maverick?

 Okay I'm going to make a stretch here, but this is from an American looking at why the government pays for culture. English Canada has been in my view taken over by America, there's really no Canadian programming, no real English Canada identity or Globe and Mail wouldn't have an essay in its newspaper every other month about the "Canadian Identity" or "What is Canada".  To me that's typical funny Canadianisms though, only Canadians would be so pessimistic lol, first day in Canadian History class prof goes "they thought the country wouldn't last a month back in 1867" "oh no they thought, how the heck do you expect us to work together if we've never gotten along".  

 True, English Canadians are good at "Not being American", and yet, very Americanized.

 Its like Vancouver people driving down in drunken busloads on Sundays to watch NFL in Seattle?

 Look at the debates for example,

 I just caught the highlights on the news.

 they were strategically placed on certain  days so the private networks wouldn't lose their precious ratings from American tv shows.   My  reasoning on culture only works for Canada because of its location next to America. Australia and the UK are separated by oceans surrounded by different languages and cultures, so those countries don't have to worry about a more dominant english country. Canada isn't an island. Anyway, I think it goes: If the government of Canada does not promote and fight for Canadian culture then Canada would lose its culture, thus its identity.

 I am an oddball, I don't watch much TV at all.  A bit of news. Movies on the other hand..

 It's not even just arts, Canadian History in schools isn't being taught apparently (prof told me), this leads to a populace of people who don't know anything of their own country, it's culture, history etc. I felt embarrassed last year to explain to a bunch of 18 year olds what the cultural significance of the hockey players on the back of the 5 dollar bill or when they'd as usual go for talking about America, I'd respond "do you know your head of state", "do you know the prime minister".  They didn't know. To say "well politics isn't my thing" isn't acceptable it shows lack of cultural knowledge of where you live, which is only hurting themselves in their own country's cultural enrichment.

 I remember a ton, I mean a TON of Canadian history in Jr. High. Whether is was correct history?? I don't know?

Anyway that's the theory and then think about Quebec. French in an extremely dominant anglo continent. If the roles were reversed and we were the minority, we'd be fighting for our own cultural existence as well.

Anyway, that's how I see it.

   I have to give sports credit...Good in depth reply sports.

 I guess what I am saying is, culture comes from peoples daily lives, not a TV set. (although most people nowaday do sit their a*ses down in front of a TV for many hours every night?).  If Corner Gas is what is cutting it for Canadian Culture, please let them have it.

  I don't trust the government to do anything in a positive manner, so when it comes to culture support, I am weary.  I don't think about culture like others I guess. I am just livin', enjoying the outdoors and I like my pub nights. I work hard, and play harder.  I love music, from all parts of the world.

 Rock came from the USA, the Brits took it, spit it back at the USA with vengence!!


G'd afternoon!

A big stiff drink is coming to my lips in the near future! Oh, and some pub food!! (and my favorite pub waitress!!)

  Russ, yes I work with a youth group. Not really work, but volunteer some Saturdays to spend time with troubled teens. I am not a guidance counsellor or anything. I take kids to skate parks, bike rides, movies, hiking, beach, or just for mini-golf.

I have been bad all summer as I have had a hard time finding time for it. Summer is so busy.

Most of the kids are good kids from troubled homes. A lot of their parents should be shot, but that is another story.  I have a close friend that runs a youth group, and he talked me into helping out.

I would rather see a kid on a skateboard and having a blast, seeing how fun life can be, rather than sitting in a back alley with a needle. The best is taking them for a hike. They are skeptical at first, but love it once they are there.  
I believe in psychos.
You know, I have never ironed. Any khakis etc, I let the dryer iron them. As for dress clothes, the dry cleaners dry them. But most days I am in a t-shirt and jeans so no ironing required for me. I wouldn't even know how to do it. I would most likely burn down my home!
That sounds like it could be adventurous. Enjoy the trip.

  tuna in a pita with green onions, pepper and cheese for lunch today.
I usually bring a thermos on the ferry. Coffee is very important!

Where ya heading PC? (or did you already say and I missed it?).
anything to do with bathroom cleaning.
Sportsdude wrote:
Russ wrote:
Refreshing isnt it, having politicians actually talk about their policies. Or attack the others so at least you hear most of them.

Yeah May sounded like an activist in both debates. Used words like "fraud, autocratic" etc. in both, Dion and Layton must of been beaming of the 'omg she's digging herself a hole'.

Harper has an aloof problem. Literally he looked like he was on drugs last night in the french debate, tonight he did his usual Dick Cheney smirk, which is really annoying.
Layton gets too excited in English debates, like its Christmas and his kids are about to open their presents.
Dion seemed drowned out, complete opposite from last night.
Duceppe is great during the English debates. He should show up with a beer in his hand and just crack jokes, since he knows there's no real point for him being in the English debates.

Harper didn't come off well in these two debates, any ideas of majority went poof. 'More of the same' line will stick on him with the economic outlook.
I can't figure Dion out, Liberals are lucky in BC if they don't lose all their seats.
At least in Dion's case he comes off better in this debate format, he can express his policies much better.

Another problem for Harper is the culture issue. His governments actions on bills and then cutting culture, which is a huge job creator.  Quebec is the most that gets hurt by culture cuts, since they put the most into it and enjoy it the most. It's near political suicide in Quebec.

Layton used the sweater joke because Harper has yet to announce a platform and after the debate on CBC Newsworld there's rumours that he'll announce a platform, if this "hey the Tories don't a platform out yet" line sticks. Which it could and if they do release a platform, it'll look really silly on Harper's part. He'll have gone the whole campaign without one, then with a couple of days to go, show Canada his platform? That comes off as odd.

Yeah, they all seem pathetic hey?

 I am not sure what you mean by cutting culture? Why would anyone depend on government for 'culture'?

I missed the debates. I was at a coffee shop for a bit, then had to get some housework done. Just a stereo night last night.
Any plans for the weekend? Pub night tonight for supper and a brew or two.

Saturday I am taking some of my youth group to a skate park, rain or shine. Maybe a movie?? maybe get some sleep. Not going out of town this weekend.
Sportsdude wrote:
Labour Relations Board will disappear just as quickly. Then where will you go, the Human Rights Commission? The party in power can get rid of that too. You will have nothing, no voice to back you up and you'll get squashed by whomever you're going up against. Everyone has become complacent if they believe that those boards will always be there and at the same time believe those boards just were created on their own. How did those boards and commissions get created in the first place? I wonder who pushed for them... hmmm  
  You really have no clue do you?