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Messages - greycat

Wet cold, dry cold. -25 is bloody freezing, big difference! You dont have to wear a sweater and a down filled jacket, mitts, scarf etc. here...not even close! 1 or 2 degrees is childs play!
I lived in Vancouver for 10 years, the rain didnt bother me until the last year - it just also happened to be one of the longest rainiest months on record at that time other stuff was going on that helped me decide to move to Alberta (of all places). So then i live in alberta, its cold, its miserable, everything is dead...and no, it wasnt always that sunny either, mainly cold and overcast. So i moved back here and didnt find the winter to be too bad last year...we will see how i feel this winter. I am kind of looking forward to it though, a good time to hole up and work on my artistic endeavours. When its sunny every day i feel compelled to go outside and not do anything! Anyway, i absolutely hate the freezing cold of the rest of canada, getting into your vehicle and having to warm it up, scrape off the ice and snow, drive down dangerous, slippery streets etc. Its miserable. Here....its green and doesnt feel like winter at all.
You didnt mention how much you expect to pay for rent, or whereabouts you would like to live. But if you want to live in the thick of it, (downtown, west end, kits, city hall areas) expect to pay between $800-$1500 in and around downtown, even Kits has some decent 1 bedrooms that arent too bad (go to craigslist to see what you can afford).
Flowers bloom in February...the only place in Canada where this happens i am sure! Right now in Alberta it is 1 degree, here it is 16 degrees. I was on the beach yesterday and it was frickin snowing in Alberta! Yes, it rains, but there are also sunny breaks, and yes, everything is green so it doesnt look like winter. Summer is non-stop sunshine between 23-30 degrees, its quite glorious! The scenery is amazing and there are so many neighbourhoods to tour around (unlike places like Edmonton where you have 1 main street!). As someone else mentioned, you are merely an hour or so from some of the best places in BC...and my gawd, Long Beach is just over there (gestures to the west)!
Dude, this isnt Discover Vancouver.  :P
Yes, Lise, cheers to that!  :)
Wow, that is some crazy crap! They are now saying on CNN that the plan was to down at least 10 jets heading to the States...creepy.
Yes...dare to dream....! : )
Gopher, that is so funny! And true, i have thought of incorporating my years of artistic struggle into a  novel...i would think it would make for pretty amusing reading! lol!
I can go several different ways; graphic design, admin. (specifically in an arts organization would be the best), promotions...creativity has to be in the mix somewhere!
Thanks everyone, I know this is just a blip in time and that eventually i will find something permanent, and more important, something i love to do! If it werent for bills, i would wait as long as it takes! It just makes for stressful living, but it will work out. I am just amazed at how long employers take to get back to people out here, for interviews, for decisions, everything! Now i am noticing the appliation deadlines are for August 31! I am writing August off, i guess there isnt as much hiring going on in the summer, people are on vacation etc. I will keep planting the seeds, sending out resumes and hoping September will be better. And yes, i will try to make the most of this time off and try not to be on forums all day!

Thanks Lise! This site is so much more pleasant than DV, its like a breath of fresh air! Ahhh, normal people.
Thanks Kitten, thats really sweet!  :)
Thanks Purelife, i actually went to a personnel company today...I am just starting to freak out about this. When i first moved here i got a job immediately and it paid really well. Then i was involved in a car accident and was let go a couple weeks after coming back to work. Since then i have been having a  hell of a time getting back into the work force in any decent capacity! I am not used to this and starting to spaz!