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Messages - Good Times

We need a dark chocolate only option in that poll!  

News flash for those who haven't noticed: Today DS had its first visit by a troll ever since its inception!  

A follow up investigation revealed that it was a baby troll that had accidentally strayed away from its parents at DV.[/DIV] [/DIV]Shortly after a few unsuccessful attempts at trolling on DS, it now appears to have returned to the safety and comfort of DV.  

According to witness accounts it's in good health and has been enjoying its favorite activities.

This thread can be used for future updates on troll sightings and activity/damage reports.

 Baby Trolls





Lise wrote:
I can probably think of "other" good uses for a furry dildo.  [/DIV]

[DIV align=center][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Imsayin wrote:
Johnny wrote:
Hi, i am new here and live in Seattle. Is it me or is there a large Canadian contingent on this site?

lol, Do you consider 95% large?

It's a long story...


Currently only 15 pages long... [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]

[A href=",34.0.html"],34.0.html[/A]


Sportsdude wrote:
Only time I think the DV'ers ever got mad at Good Times was when GT started posted DV is going into the crapper threads. But I don't think that was GT I think it was a handle jacker.

Yes that was UK Basketball Fan. He's confessed to his deeds and and sort of apologized for them.

Being the holy person that I am, I've already publicly forgiven him for his actions.[/DIV][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

You can read all about it in the old forum: [A href=""][/A]

[DIV align=center]So at least this story has a happy ending.[/DIV][DIV align=center] [/DIV][DIV align=center] [/DIV][DIV align=center][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
Good Times....I don't think anybody has ever disagreed with your perception of DV's disfunctionality.  

Not outwardly anyway, because my arguments are based on reality and logic.

However I'm sure there're a few resentful misers out there who know that their rationale doesn't have a leg to stand on, so instead of debating the issue they've been frantically hacking away at their smite function like a hamster trapped in a maze.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

I think the disagreement comes, in where you're placing the blame. Your last post kind of made me think that you know that too.   No ???[/DIV]
See my responses to tenkani, in particular: [A href=",34.msg3701.html#msg3701"],34.msg3701.html#msg3701[/A][/DIV][A href=",34.msg3704.html#msg3704"],34.msg3704.html#msg3704[/A]

In general I don't like lengthy posts, but this one turned out that way. You can tell me if you spot any errors of logic or thinking.
I think the fact that I'm quoting your text is contributing to the length of my message... but on this matter, I prefer clarity over brevity.[/DIV] [/DIV]> I've been accused of that in the past. Hey, if it seems like I'm trying to bully you into agreeing with me or dissapearing, that's not my intent. You have an opinion. I happen to think you're wrong but I respect your right to it. Gripe away.

I don't feel that you're bullying me. It's just that your view seems to have a narrower range than mine does, so when I talk about the bigger picture sometimes I see you reacting either in a knee jerk fashion, or from a totally emotional perspective ignoring the tangible, observable reality in the process.

 > The fact is that IMO the mods are seen as free labor, and their opinions are largely irrelevent when it comes to decision making at DV.[/DIV] [/DIV]True, no disagreements there.

It just befuddles the mind as to how and why anyone in his or her right mind would waste so much of their time and energy to attempt to moderate an anonymous bulletin board: It's like trying to create sculpture from liquid water, any attempt to shape it only results in waste of energy as water returns to its natural state and flows away. [/DIV]
I'm not really into lengthy messages but look what happened in this case... LOL[/DIV] [/DIV]The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: [/DIV][DIV style="MARGIN: 1ex 0px 2ex 3ex; COLOR: red"]The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (10000 characters).
tenkani wrote:
> Good Times, maybe the reason I don't just ignore your posts is because I like most of them. You're funny and intelligent.

Thank you.

> I just hate seeing the massive generalizations and baseless assumptions you make in every single post that concerns the DV mods.

I know that's been ticking you off but my statements, as much a generalization as they may appear to be, are far from being baseless. I'm speaking from first hand practical experience.

And when you come to think of it in practical terms, what you're saying is no different than what I'm saying. We're only using different criteria to reach our conclusions, as eventually we both end up in the same spot. (You'll see what I mean shortly.)[/DIV] > My point isn't that no mods are on a power trip. I think I've said in other posts that some proabably are

Aren't these 2 sentences contradicting each other?

> , although it's tough whenever we try to speak about MOTIVE rather than action.

Eventually one has to focus on the motive. Without a motive, all our actions are meaningless. It's our motives that drive us to act or react in one way or another.

> Your statements that all the mods (there are at least 6 or 7, I'm not sure about the exact number) have the same motives and persective just flies in the face of human nature.  Each mod is an individual.

Obviously I can't read their minds, so I'm looking at the end results of their actions.

And it's from the end result of one's actions that one can make an educated guess about the perpetrator's motives.

So far the results I've observed have always indicated the same thing: That those mods are vindictive a**holes hellbent on powertripping while using moderation as their pretext for self satisfaction.

> Some of them are my friends and I know for a fact (as much as I can know anything like this) that for at least a few of them, they mod because they believe doing something (even something that may be doomed to failure) is better than just giving up completely.

I think we've already discussed this before. We don't need to go over how pretending to be "doing some good" under such dysfunctional circumstances is an indication of their addiction to co-dependent behavior and has nothing to do with charitable action.

> Why is it so hard to understand that yes, SOME mods delete too often. At the same time SOME mods delete almost nothing. SOME mods would prefer to squash any debate where racial epithets start flying. SOME mods may not like what they read,

I have no problem understanding what you're saying and I agree with all of it. In theory you're right and this is where our views converge.

So obviously individual styles of moderation will vary, however in practical terms I question if those mods who don't do anything can actually be called mods:

Technically yes can still call them mods, because they still have mod access to the forums. However in practical terms no, because you see no outward evidence of their moderation.

The only result you and I can see, are those results brought about by the a**hole mods. (So the tame or harmless ones get burnt and labelled along the a**hole ones, and this is what's pissing you off.)

Can anything be done about this? Unfortunately no.

Simple because as you've said it yourself, there's no way of telling who did what.

Then the initiative has to come from the inactive mods. They should insist on having some guidelines of conduct, and even a means of identifying who does what - which of course brings us to the thorny issue of accountability.

> but let the debates rage out of respect for freedom of expression.

In all honesty, I don't think that any single one of those asswipes (or those whose actions are visible to you and I) really give a rat's arse about freedom of expression.

> The problem is this, when a thread suddenly dissapears, there is no way for a poster to know who deleted it, so what happens?

Next the user creates a thread asking "Who deleted my thread?" and those f*cktards delete that also infuriating everyone in the process.

> Some, like you, decide that all the mods are responsible,

Yes, because they are responsible. (Simply because as explained above the inactive ones can not really be called mods as they're not really performing their duties as frequently as the a**hole ones are. We can only go by the results, not by who theoretically has access to mod functions.)

> and further argue that nearly all troll activity is the result of the abuse of power by "the mods".

True. I put that to 90%.

And I further assert that perhaps if people were treated with a bit more respect (meaning those f*cktards that claim to be running that place will have to drop their personal agenda and grudges) then DV may not have had a Naughty Priest problem today. Just an idea.

> I think you would be surprised to know just how inactive some of the mods are, only stepping in when absolute chaos prevails. Then again, I think the very idea of that would challenge your simplistic perspective in such a way that you would immediately dismiss it.

I'm not dismissing that possibility at all. On the contrary, my view encompasses it.

On a related note, if my views were not realistic I wouldn't be receiving 10 negative karma points (from the spineless apologists who've fled here) every time I post my views.

And furthermore if my views were so simplistic I wouldn't be able to elaborate them, nor could they stand to close scrutiny.[/DIV]
These 2 comments

Legion wrote:


[/i]I've offered them my help many times. F**k them.
However... I shall not fight for DV.

deserve double blessings!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

No matter how "nice" a person they appear to be, DV admins are sloppy and wholly unprofessional. They're doing a lousy of job of running that site. They neither deserve, nor will ever get, any of my support or respect either.

purelife wrote: first smite.  How nice :P

Didn't come from me BTW. Just so you know. [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=15 src="" width=15]
tenkani wrote:
Good Times, I didn't respond to your bullshit post

Just because someone else's opinion doesn't fit your narrow view doesn't mean it's BS.

> about the DV mods before because I didn't want to post angry, but your assertion that all the DV mods are on a power trip, and that their only reason for staying on is so they can essentially push people around is yet another massive generalization.

If you don't like my rationale, give me a better reason (preferably with some logic behind it) instead of keeping on poo-pooing it.

You've been one of the loudest voices in that chorus of asskissers that chant the familiar: "Poor, poor mods..." despite the fact that on many occassions you've admitted yourself that their actions were unfair and their deletions and constant stifling of expression had gone way overboard.

Does your brain really work that way, or do you paint with such a broad brush just to piss people off?

You're not really a troll but more often than not I've seen you acting like a pre-troll, just like you're doing with your baiting above.

Look, I have no reason to even want to piss people off. In real life I've been known to speak my mind, and now I'd be damned to go along with spineless apologists "just to look like a nice guy".

> Can't you understand how someone would be completely disgusted with a base, but at the same time, after having spent hundreds of hours there and having a lot of good memories surrounding the place still be torn, because they have a lingering hope that things will turn out Ok?

There's your definition of dysfunctional. What you're describing is a prime example of co-dependency. That's the very reason why some people stay in abusive relationships holding on to the hope that some day, just some day, things will turn out for the better.

Have we not been hearing that the registration system will be implemented on DV "soon" AT LEAST FOR THE PAST SIX FRIGGIN' YEARS?!

Those admin morons have been dragging their feet and stringing people along for this long, and the equally retarded mods are just walking along like sheep, accepting to be taken for a ride in the hopes that "oh things might just get better some day"...

The admins there need to get their ass in gear, and the mods need to grow some spine, instead of perpetuating this dysfunctional game while taking their frustration and neurosis out on the users.

> I KNOW you are smarter than your posts.

Thank you for your confidence.

> I know you realize that the real world is made up of shades of grey. I wonder why you post flame bait. And I wonder why I usually fall for it    :P[/DIV] [/DIV]I have no desire to flame anyone. I'm not into games, be it online or in real life.  So I'm just expressing my observations. And I say it, the way I see it.  
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 01:26
Lisa Maree wrote:
You know me Good Times?  Feel free to out my via private message hehehe [/DIV]
Outing your private message, meaning revealing your email address? I wouldn't think that's necessary, there're better ways!

If you're the LM that came to my mind, then

- you have a reeeeally long last name that starts with "a" and ends with "u" and pretty much contains most letters in the alphabet in between? [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=15 src="" width=15]

- and you used to, and perhaps still, smoke?

These should clarify this matter.  [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=80 src="" width=80]
purelife wrote:
And dv is dieing when the moderators don't feel like moderating that sh*t anymore.  [/DIV]I am fed up with the high volumes of troll action.  I can't speak for the other mods but that is how I feel.  Aaaarrgh!  [/DIV] This dv meet that I'm planning now feels like it has no meaning.  I almost want to just cancel this god-damn meet. :POn repeated occassions before I've seen you express your discontent with DV.

The natural question that comes to mind is: If you're that much fed up with DV, and with your moderating responsibilities there, why're you still hanging on to that title?

You can smite me all you want for asking you this but, what's holding you back from writing to whomever is the admin in that place and saying, This is it?

LOL, I believe that was the very first trolling attempt on DS.

It didn't sound like the work of a mighty troll though... so I thought: "[FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]Look at that - a baby troll, one that must've accidentally wandered away from momma and poppa at DV...[/FONT]"[/FONT]

So be nice to it, people. That's just a baby.