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Messages - Future Canadian

I'm wishing I'd gotten in on the cynical, christmas-ruining PS3 frenzy. I just realized that I could've got a free PS3 by camping out w/ my son, buying one each, then selling the other on ebay. Holy Smokes! I just checked ebay and there ain't a one of 'em under a grand. fooey! I could've got paid to get a PS3.
But in reality I think what Sony is doing is quite evil. They can manufacture as many as they want, but choose to build this frenzy by making fewer. How many kids are sad because daddy can't afford a thousand clicks. Sheesh, they are already so far out of reach for most people, why make it worse?
Can't stop laughin' with 'em.
Techno-Trousers (Wallace and Grommit spring to mind)  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Coffee
Nov 17 06 08:02
A Canuck in spirit only for now, but PDX does make for a decent substitute for sure. I've yet to get to Ashland, but I'm sure we will eventually. I did get to see the Oregon Shakespere Company perform Glengarry Glenross a number of years back, tho. That was a treat. There is so much going on around here in theater, music, art, outdoors, etcetc that I wish I could take in. With all that free time I have, of course.  
There lookin' for the kind BC Bud.  
If there's anything cuter than the sound of a baby's laugh, I don't wanna know about it.  
If it's a Miyazaki (Spirited Away, etc) film I'd love to see it. (I just looked it up and it's from his studio (Ghibli), but not by him) The guy's a true master. Looks worth a rent.
That guy makes it look too easy. I'd like to try it but all I see is flying dice and broken knick-knacks.  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Coffee
Nov 15 06 05:05
 Yowza! Another Euro fry haus in Van to check out? Yippee! We always stay in a hotel a block away from Fritz downtown (I can't remember the street name) and just love it! And I love mayo on my fries! Especially the dutch mayo they have at Fritz. There are no Euro fry shops here in Portland - I thought aboot opening one until I realized I really do hate food service and wouldn't want to buy myself a job.  
TehBorken you are hooking it up this morning! That was off the hook!
My toes are still trying to uncurl from that leap.
I...I...umm...I'm speechless.
can't wait to show my kids.