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Messages - Itsy Bitsy

True. I like getting new things, but I hate having to shop for them.

  PBM would rather live in a super hot place than a super cold one.

  PBM thinks it's unsanitary to breath in other peoples expelled anal gases (farts).

Think about it, that gas has been up their ass and is now crawling down your throat.

  PBM is capable of growing up and moving on  [DIV id=smile_editor] [/DIV]
^ true, we should probably be addressing other lifestyles and sexualities, etc as well. I guess we are just discussing the more common one because it's easier. We're lazy. :)
He stepped in for a moment and insulted me. So I'm pissy about that. Assuming it really was gordy. I was surprised because back when he was on DV we got along... then he went and made an ass out of himself.
I think my age range would be 18 to possibly a young looking 50. I'd prefer under 35 though.
twice as old would make them 48, so yes.

  half as old would make them 12, so ewwwwwww pedophilia, no.
Insult that fvcker Gordy all you want, but leave Irish alone.
Two garbage cans. I replaced my one big one with two smaller ones and I'll be using one for compost.
^ a young at heart one too it seems. Most 60+ year olds I know don't quite get how to use internet forums.  :p  :)
Hmm, who said they would put men before themselves?

  As for putting men before others, I meant to put a positive loving relationship before others, not to put the man you're with despite how he treats you before others. I think it's important that you are healthy and happy with your relationship status (even it it means being single) before even considering having children. If you do not need a companion, that is fine. It is better to be alone (or be a single parent) than to be with someone who doesn't make you happy just because they want to raise kids with you. I don't think anyone should ever stay with someone "for the children".
Yeah some 60 year olds seem so young to me, whereas some seem freaking ancient. 80+ would certainly qualify as elder, but 60-80 would probably depend on the person.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Itsy Bitsy
May 21 10 02:43
aww thanks guys/gals
First two are products of incest. Let that be a lesson. Do not fvck your cousin/sister/brother/mom/dad/etc... just in case you were considering it.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Itsy Bitsy
May 21 10 01:08
Oh I did do circus acrobatics if you want to count that as gymnastics.