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Messages - Devil

I wish he got killed in the first book. Sorry, can't stand those stories/movies.

  haha! I guess I am just too old to get it?
I hope everyone had a good weekend.

My weekend was amazing. Can't get enough of that lake.

It is still hot here. Happy Monday!!  

  Yesterday evening, the sun was so sweet and there was just enough breeze to make it refreshing.

  What's up for the weekend? I am off to White Swan again. Life is too short to spend summer weekends in a city!

  omg! One week till I am on the plane to South Florida for a week. Better hydrate!!!!
Who really knows the true story though? Could be some serious BS on her side too?

Or, yes, Sting and his wife could have done that too.

Although, not a big fan ofg Sting or the Police, I try not to rush to judge by just one or two reports from internet stories or blogs.
Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane
I remember 21! Great year. In school and loving it.

Enjoy every second.

  Happy Thursday Everyone!  
haha! crazy! I never would have wanted to show up at class drunk!

19 seems like a fair age. 18 seems a bit young, like in Alberta. But then again, if a guy (or gal) can go to Afgahnistan at 18 and be part of a massive bloody carnage and live to witness it, for God's sake, let them have a shot of Crowne and a beer.

  Nothing wrong with a few drinks now and then either. I always say, if you drink casual, you can drink all night!

  Hope your day is good!
You don't see a lot of brown nosing these days in the workforce. At least from what I see.

 Most employees have the attitude of "you don't want to give me perks, F**K U!, I will go down the street for double the money and many perks".

  As the baby boomers retire, the employers will be the ones brown nosing to keep employees.
Ween - The Mollusk
Happy B-Day sports. I always forget 21 is legal age in the US. I know myself, by the time I turned 21, I was starting to slow down a bit on the drinking. Thank goodness, my liver would have been dissolved by the time I turned 22 at that rate.

  I haven't been to the PNE for about 14 years or so. Never got into it through my 20s.  Leaving town always seemed much more appealing to me. If anyone goes, hope it is a sweet time!
Maybe if it was called "Discover Uranus", or "Discover Hell"...I would be fine with it. But with the losers in charge attaching the name "Vancouver" to it really sucks! I guess I think it is a crappy representation of my hometown.

So, let it be hacked, destroyed, or ignored...I don't care!
Hey Lise! My Aussie/Canadian amiga!

(Australians are so cool!)

Yep, bagels are great. I go to a bagel place on my way to work. They sell only fresh bagels and they cook them in an old fashioned fireplace type stove?? not sure what the exact name is for the cooking device? But wow! Best bagels I ever found. The place is called Wayne's Bagels.

  Calories, smalories! Calories in the morning are good for you. haha! Now, a bagel at bedtime, may not be as wise for the belly.
Oh, I understand its a mockumentary. Nothing to take serious.

I know a lot of people that don't care about Toronto, but that is different than hating. Just like any town.

  There are a lot of Leafs haters in the west. I don't care myself. I have too many other things to concern myself with than hating a hockey team with a passion. If it is all in fun, that is another story.
Billy wrote:
What are your thoughts on this?[/DIV]
 Lets see, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest care level for DV, my care level is around...

 - 10.

DV is the snerfiest suck on the net!  
What a busy place here in the evening. Good to see.

  Happy Tuesday Morn.

Bagel and coffee = good!