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Messages - greycat

Yes, i have sold a few of my paintings; several of the little houses and a few of the larger paintings. I really need to get my butt in gear and paint more, hard with a full time job...the typical story.  ::)
Thank you all so much for the kind words!  :)
Oh, and the time it takes to paint varies...the larger paintings can take a few days (i dont like to wait too long cos the paint is harder to move around then), the smaller ones a few hours. Each one takes a long time in my head though before i actually get down to work!
Thanks everyone, it means a lot to me to finally get some of it out there. I have been slaving away over a website on and off for months, then someone finally suggested the blogspot space, which is great!  Thanks for the comments, I will let you all know when i have a show. TheBorken; The large photographic piece with the faces doesnt actually exist in that state any more, it was a photo sculpture 6 x 6 with large steel boxes. It has long since been dismantled but i could probably make a print of it. I am glad you like it.
...and thanks for the karmas kind folks : )
Thanks Sportsdude, i have a feeling you are right about that!
Discover Seattle! / Re: Regrets
Oct 05 06 07:53
Yeah, the past has made you what you are today. But say you had a really rough childhood, that might make one person stronger, or another person may forever see themselves as a victim. How you see yourself is how you present yourself to the world, and that attracts positive and negative into your life. SO, if you had a shitty pre-life, you have to try and put it behind you and build your new life, yes?
I am a horrible decision takes forever...obviously. I just wondered how this situation looks from an objective point of view and if there were any others out there who were still struggling with their lives at this late date, or still trying to make major life decisions. Seems ppl get married in their 20s or 30s, start spittin out the babies, get mortgaged up and by the time they are 40 they are having a midlife crisis! I feel like i am just starting out all the time, its crazy.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Regrets
Oct 05 06 07:26
Read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I mean, when you think of it, the past is over. You might as well pretend it doesnt exist, because it the NOW. Your mind takes you wherever you want to if you dwell in the past, live in the past, you cant be living in the now. As for regrets...what can  you do about it? nothing. its a waste of energy.
Please, please dont turn this thread into an argument about housing prices dropping or getting worse...thats what www.realestatetalk is for. I know where to find a house for under $200,000 and that is part of the plan.
I, for one, am glad you were banned dude. You know why too.
What is this 8 months of rain thing? I have been living out here since last October and dont recall 8 months of rain. And ppl make it sound like its if. Yeah, i am a wuss (re: previous comment on my constitution), spent almost my whole life living in Alberta and dealing with that shit weather, so i think i am an expert on that topic! Anyway, i live in an area where i dont see any drug addicts and havent had my car stolen (knock wood) it doesnt feel like a huge problem (city hall area) have to decide on a decent area to live, then move there right?
...childs play! Your eyelashes freeze, your skin freezes, your toes unless you are wearing wool socks and Sorels...its sickening cold like you have never felt before! Trust me.