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Messages - weird al

Yeah, that was good old Benny. Insanity it is. What could be more schizophrenic than claiming, for example, that one's nation does not negotiate with terrorists, while giving them arms for hostages?  I mean no disrespect to schizophrenics by the way. Far from it. Hell, people tell me I'm crazy. But I know I'm just differently sane.
"No more pretending to be part of the outside world. Let's be honest for a change."[/DIV] [/DIV] That about sums it up. America, the global cop, is isolationist and interventionist all at the same time. Sounds like a new kind of  schizophrenia - globalisolationism.
Read the full article. You'll feel better, I swear.

[A href=""][FONT color=#323232][/FONT][/A]
That and more, read all about it. [A href=""][/A]
I think senor Borkington had said something about the thread being a potential magnet for offensive pictures (go figure!) and hoped to prevent further free-for-alls. And then we kind of Bowdlerized it anyway. Maybe somebody should start a twee thread (seriously).
....coupla quotes from Harper's Index [A title="Internal link to: The Harper's Index" href=""]The Harper's Index[/A] :

  [SPAN class=20060206tdwbkeyqctph][SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][FONT face=Arial size=2] [/FONT][A name=20060206ltvonlvtddwa][/A][SPAN class=20060206ltvonlvtddwa]Percentage approval rating of Bill Clinton the day after impeachment and George W. Bush in November (2005), respectively: 73, 37[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][The Gallup Organization (Princeton, N.J.)][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=20060206ltvonlvtddwa][SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][A name=20060206ltvonlvtddwa][/A][A name=20060206nnjmxnyuumys][/A][SPAN class=20060206nnjmxnyuumys]Percentage of Russians today who approve of the direction their country took under Stalin: 37[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][VCIOM (Moscow)][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=20060206nnjmxnyuumys][SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][A name=20051208eijuntdkdbon][/A][SPAN class=20051208eijuntdkdbon]Years after the start of the [A title="Internal link to: Vietnam" href=""]Vietnam War[/A] that a majority of Americans first said it was a "mistake": 3 1/2[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][The Gallup Organization (Washington)][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[A name=20051208huhwsjffnbnc][/A][SPAN class=20051208huhwsjffnbnc]Years after the start of the [A title="Internal link to: Iraq" href=""]Iraq[/A] War that a majority said this: 1 1/4[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][The Gallup Organization (Washington)][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=20051208huhwsjffnbnc][SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][A name=20051103pntksjhavswh][/A][SPAN class=20051103pntksjhavswh]Rank of 2004 among the most [A title="Internal link to: Economics" href=""]fiscally[/A] reckless years in [A title="Internal link to: United States of America" href=""]U.S.[/A] history, according to the comptroller general: 1[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][U.S. Government Accountability Office][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN class=20051103pntksjhavswh][SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][A name=20051103elkciklvowcp][/A][SPAN class=20051103elkciklvowcp]Total U.S. spending on [A title="Internal link to: Drugs" href=""]poppy[/A] eradication and other antidrug efforts in [A title="Internal link to: Afghanistan" href=""]Afghanistan[/A] last year(2004): $780,000,000[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][U.S. Department of State][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[A name=20051103fxhjkvynetao][/A][SPAN class=20051103fxhjkvynetao]Amount it would have cost to purchase the country's entire 2004 poppy crop: $600,000,000[SPAN class=footnote style="DISPLAY: inline"][U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (Vienna)][/SPAN][/SPAN]

Are you a leftie or a rightie? As a right-hander, I need the phone to be in my left hand so I can take notes, etc. with my right. It definitely feels odd to have the phone in my right.  Btw Ali G. is on at 10, followed by Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm, two of the best things to ever hit the idiot box.
Why are there more right- handers than left? Doesn't seem to be anything definitive out there. I have my own theories (about everything, natch, that nobody ever agrees with...well, hardly ever), but I wonder what everybody thinks about this. Pretty big discrepancy - 9:1 or 7:3 or thereabouts.
P.C. wrote:
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]"causing trouble at DV" - that's like causing sand at the beach.[/SPAN][/DIV][SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"][/SPAN] [/DIV][SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]That's a great line, weird al.....may I use it ?   ROFL[/SPAN][/DIV][SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"][/SPAN] Yeah,sure, I got a million of 'em! (Only I can't think of any just now.)
I've sifted through all the verbiage, and it seems to boil down to: "Pray we don't have another Katrina, and God help you if we do."
[A href=""][/A]

Good night P.C.
G'nite, Lise.