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Messages - Itsy Bitsy

^ holy fvck. Do you constantly need to bring him up? Obsessed much? *rolls eyes*

  I know what thread you're talking about and it was disgusting, but entertaining. I think the mod overreacted by deleting it. All that's left over there now is word games and trivial chit chat about the weather and crap.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Whoah
Jun 02 10 01:39
If  it's about a particular person it's rude, but it's just a general hate the ex joke.
Those who like thier own fart smell and those who don't.
False. I had to look that up.

  PBM likes to mix food with sex (i.e. lick chocolate syrup off of someone)
Discover Seattle! / Re: Whoah
Jun 02 10 10:53
I thought it was funny. It's just a joke...
Yikes, that would be a LOT of local papers. Though I am hoping to buy... eventually.
I would like to move to a small town in a few years and I'm debating between the island, the okanagan and the kootaneys. I'd like a place with a small town community feel, a couple hours drive away from a small city w/ airport, plenty of outdoor recreational activities, not too shabby weather, and most importantly affordable housing. I don't care about cost of general merchandise, just cost of housing. I have a spread sheet listing all the municipalities in BC (so small communties, villiages, non-incorporated towns, etc. get left off). I've got a check list of different things that I want on this spreadsheet so I can figure out which place is best for me. But I'm having a hell of a time getting a recent average house price comparision. I find charts that compare canadian cities, but that leaves off all the small towns I'm looking to live in. It only lets me know about Vancouver, Victoria, Kamloops, Kelowna and maybe a few others. There are well over a hundred towns on my list, but I have no idea what the housing cost is for them. :(  
Yeah I have this odd feeling like the island is really secluded compared to bc's interior.
I almost never see my real boss. I have various supervisors that change depending on what project I'm on. Some have been total effing a-holes, others have been pretty great. My supervisor right now is like one of the only other women in my department and she's cool.
Oakanagan and Victoria would be the only well populated places warmer than the lower mainland. Lots of nice ares in the oakanagan... depending on what you want nearby.
Very TRUE. I also want to try as many water sports as possible this year.

  PBM has a blackberry.
Some fruit and veggies. The cherries are really good. They are the yellow and red ones.... more expensive, but much better too.
False. I do the exact same thing while at work. Though I go back and forth b/t 4 different forums. :)

  PBM thinks they are a good employee.
Actually there is one good place up near Braid and Columbia. I can't remember what it's called. There are three near eachother and only one is good though.

  True. Who can go an entire weekend without masturbating?

  PBM likes to jog.    
False. I almost never eat large meals. I eat about 6 snack sized meals a day.

  PBM has had sushi in this past week.