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Messages - greycat

Maybe Britney will front a punk band soon! Wouldnt that be good fun...something along the lines of Wendy O Williams!
Can anyone answer this though: why do people advertise on that site, considering the content? Does Home Depot want to be associated with racism?
Can anyone provide some insight on the owner? What kind of person is he that he lets this shit go on? Reminds me of the guy who owns the Girls Gone Wild videos - sued all the time and yet, still rakes in the dough. He must have some major lawyers on his side.
So did you all read the article in the West Ender paper about DV? Interesting that there really are RCMP watching that site! Who would have thunk?
Hi Raor! I feel really bad for that shit that happened over on DV, what a bunch of ingrates. I hope you post some kitty pics. on DS! Welcome.
Seems a lot of you not only hang out here, but also hang out on the dark side, what name(s) do you all use?
Discover Seattle! / Re: DV
Dec 06 06 10:41
It goes well, hows tricks on DS? I see a few more ppl have abandoned the DV ship, either on their own or with help!  :D
Discover Seattle! / Re: DV
Dec 06 06 10:08
who are you over there btw? and what kind of mischief were you up to? might as well fess up here!
Thanks again, i will see if i can get to CostCo., i really could use a good crockpot cookbook. I will also check out that site on the prev. page. I am just so sick of falling back on pasta whenever we run out of boring.
Stephos is fantastic because the food tastes really fresh, you get huge servings and its really inexpensive. I almost always get the calamari dinner, you get greek salad, rice, roasted potatoes and a TON of squids, lightly battered and tender...consistently. And its under $10! And its enough for a meal and a half (lunch the next day). There is a greek restaurant in Edmonton that is always touted as the best in town, they charge you for tzatziki and their meals are all over $15 at least!!! If you want to eat in at Stephos, get there around 4:30, not much later. Even the calamari appetizer is a mini feast, i like a restaurant that doesnt try to rip you off. Their takeout is really fast and just as delicious, take it down to the beach to eat. Love that place, have been going there for years.
Thanks, those are some great ideas. I like the idea of a cooking day and freezing stuff! Any other easy soup ideas would be great too...does anyone use a slow cooker?
Discover Seattle! / Cooking ideas?
Oct 26 06 03:28
Does anyone have some really easy but nutritious recipes for suppers? My husband and i work dumb hours and dont get around to shopping as much as we should, we eat stupid things for supper and i really want to make better meals! I need the ideas to be fairly easy, few ingredients, but healthy...any ideas welcomed!
I agree! Antons and Stephos are the best! Still have to find a good dim sum place though (not too expensive but lots of variety)...any suggestions?
Hey Raging Poodle, can you post a painting of yours?
What kind of painting do you do Lise? Maybe DS should have a gallery...everyone post their poems, pics., art etc! I was meaning to ask Tenkani, is your dad a well known artist or does he have a website to view?