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Messages - ProjectoR kiDD

||||Did i mention 2012 could be 2008 december 21st?the leap year||||

2008 is a leap year and a window of oppurtunity to make change, if so action will be needed pronto...
change= humanity unites, throws the leaders into the lake of fire, and goes on to live in infinity...
non change= the earth stays and remains controlled, boring, painful 3d living for thousands of years...(prison planet)
ive seen so much  stupidity out there, that i could care less if humanity evolves or remains imprisoned, however it does bring a tear to my eye at how sad we are.

wrap up of last 3 years:
2005: the portal from the afterlife was opened, so ppl can channel the dead. "desteni"
2006: the year CSHD got illeegally shorted and killed, the stock that was suppose to fix the financial system
2007: i came out into the open, and started letting ppl know about the truth, besides earlier manipulation in my life since i was born, this is the year the leaders really f*cked me over...
- i went from a perfectly healthy person, and shortly after ended up with rapid ageing and symtoms of sickness in the summer of 2007
-* it seems i may have been exposed to uranium or radiation, possibly in my own home, at a rave, thru gangs, infected thru food or even a cigarette, or dentistry...
-tests for STDS came up negative in 3 trials... this is similar to uranium bullets they used in iraq, and mutated and killed ppl.
-i should have seen this earlier this is the oldest trick in the book, uranium and radiation stays active for millions of years if its in ur system
-thats why remedies i tried havnt done shit.
- this in return gave me cancer and rapid ageing 10 years to 1 ageing...***making it look like i got cancer from smoking ciggarettes, the health change was way too rapid and uncalled for, for it to be that...this is how weak ass bitches ruin lives behind backs, to prevent truth and mass awakening.

2008: my condition and certain rumors spread about me, made ppl think i was the bad guy in all this, while i was trying to stay alive, my soulmate was manipulated and stolen from me.

2008: its probably true about descension, existence will come down to alpha and oemga the first and last beings...its obvious at least to me that my life was sabotaged in order to keep alpha and omega apart, to maintain control over humanity...even if i find H3R i have to convinve her about whats goin on...

theres nothing else to say at this point, im dissapointed at the weakness of myself, humanity, and its pathetic leaders, thers still a lil time left if anyone wants to help, we must erase the fake wars goin on, and create a new "war on control" its just me and her left, everyong else sold out to materials and FEAR...

i will unite heaven a nd hell, or go down fighting for it regardless...

aplha2 omega  
yes its ur mind PC, you can waken us all by setting up camp on DS and talking about pancakes...

or maby its ur cake with that fancy lil frosting yeh got their?

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[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]om[/td][td]
theres one mind left that can pull this world outta eternal slavery...however Wunder kiDD has no girl friend, see yah next cycle maby?

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i dunno u ppl studied english in high school, i find it quite easy to understand, opposites, truth vs lies, prophesies, and earth being a game....

for those still stuck in dimensional grade 2 heres whats goin on in simple terms...

2 worlds remain, the physical earth, and the spiritual dream world
-both worlds are seperated by LIFE(birth into physical) and DEATH(back to spiritual)
-celestine, buhddist, and even revelations prophesies dipict some kind of end result, or enlightenment.....
-this is when the 2 worlds merge as one fused world
-this is when ur flesh and spirit merge as one godself, capable of spiritual flight and physical feeling together as one...
-this is Nirvana for all beings, the point where true reality is felt and lived...

other key prophesies by myself:
-vancouver is the center of the world
- alpha is male and omega is female (first girl + last man)....i may be the last man...
-time will go on forever, and nothing will change unless we act here in vancouver
-there is only 1 man and 1 woman in the universe (lightness and darkness)
-earth is a prison for the universe, all beings, gods, have decended to earth, a 3d hell
-the controller of the universe ANU, could be here, living as a normal person
-i chose to openly lead a revolution against control, and manipulation
-alpha and omega unite to birth the final birth a perfect child(perfect universe)

the end

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 P.C. wrote:
[a href=",5457.0.html"],5457.0.html[/a]
And this is part of the same story ?

yah thats part of it, but im pretty sure that wacko chick  was an assassin, she had no soul whatsoever, its like she was a yahoo BOT... rofls
MOst single prophesies are misleading, yet hold a piece of the WHOLE puzzle, to take and read the bible for example, word for word, it could be a trick, where you have some truth released and also a lil deception...

at any point all prophesy can be opposites also, another tactic used by the leaders to throw off humanity..

example: china and russia is said to be the BEAST, when in fact this could be opposite and china and russia, are actually humanities last hope...

some prophesy are pre thought up mind tricks, for example, the ONE they call the beast or hades, could be in reality the savior of humanity... thus tricking the world into thinking the GOOD guy, is actually the BAD guy...

if u ask me from my inner journeys the truth is buried deeeeep in lies and deception, and the truth will shock humanity, i dont think the masses are ready for the real truth, its too schocking... life could be a programmed reality to enslave all beings on one prison planet, where we work for paper, and meaningless false happiness....

I believe in game prophesies more than religious prophesies myself...
our future godselves sealed hidden info in games, books, and movies, to giude us to final evolution(godselves)

so yes ii believe earth is the final game... a test of human spirit and flesh....

not an easy adventure so far, as the mass control and ignorance limits ppl like myself that threaten the leaders of the universe..

goa_travel11: MASS**** ALERT!! the 2nd or 3rd or 4th TRUMPET sounded today at 8: 40 am pacific time, in Revelations, it was ethericly defoning *kaa donk* in the game prophesy chrono cross, its one of the 6 elements, either earth, wind, or water... this is a WARNING to humanity and its leaders, and also more wake up calls to humanity...if anyone else heard it let me know, wicked weather will follow this trumpet, in the coming year 2009.

im pretty sure FIRE(anger) and WIND have sounded already

next to come, EARTH and water

Alpha2 Omega
Nirvana is true peace.  
evengings at 7- 12 ish, fire shows, music, ppl, revolutions, booze...

the more ppl that care, the more will gather..
[span][/span][wbr][span class="word_break"][/span]m/
 List of GODS curtisy of Evil
 plus kick ass profile song, revolt!!!!
[span]  ********[/span][wbr][span class="word_break"][/span]m/  lyrics to gods song...
 ......never will we know, if our love is true.....
 at night i sleep and dream of you,.
 only to awake in my emty room...
 you give me power
 you give me reason
 so will you love me
 time only knows, time only knows...
 Shala, Goddess of storms Canaan
 ********some key gods, and interpretations...
 free university here, get ur university fukks...
 Shala, Goddess of storms Canaan- aha the storm that saved surge in krono kross
 Anu, Mother goddess associated with fertility and the primordial mother Ireland
 Anu, Head of the gods, he had an army of stars to destroy
 (stars to destroy) aha so instead of destroying the universe, ANU enslaved all stars unto earth, the prison for the universe, crafty coooocksucker
 AhA!! so anu has an opposite too!
 Ra, God of rebirth and war and the sun Egypt( no shit war or slavery)
 Ra, Goddess of lightning, Thunder Nigeria
 Molek, God of fire who children were sacrificed to IAW 1 Kings11:7 and 2 Kings 23:10 only Amorite
 Moloch See Molek
 Moloch, God of the sun and a god of war Canaan
 Baal, God of the thunderstorm, war, good harvests, fertility, nature, winter rain and of storms Phoenicia
 Baal, God of fertility Syria
 Baal, Storm god[originally meant lord
 ProjectoR~KiDD - Alpha and omega
 *teehee i added this 1 myself*
 [/div][div class="photo photo_none"][div class="photo_img"][a href=""][img]" alt="" class="" on-load="var img = this; on-loadRegister(function() ( adjustImage(img); ));"][/a][/div][div class="caption"]and the number 1 god is, No shit SChala kiDD zeal
 Anu go fukk yourself, hiders dont RUle anything[/div]  
For abortions use Peenyrotalle tea, can be found at  commercial st north, sweet cherubum market

sit and driiiiink peennnyroayle teaaaaa
they banned PrajectoR too, i think they work for the NWO, get some hackers to nuke Dv for good fukken posers  
so anyone wanna jam the bike ride nekkid with me? ill be wearing underwaer tho,

we can also jam sideways into the bushes, polish our bikes
heh calories shmalories, wont do anything for my cancer and rusted heart...

only venus can save me

marz needs women! DooF*
do i get a reciept with the medication?

i dont normally trust doctors but fine ill ingest ur nipples
"hang up the phone you prick"
"ill split ur nuts from the back of yer ass to the top of ur head"

Frank rizzo