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Messages - Good Times

Reading this whole thread reminded me of an old memory:

I must've been 14-15 when I found a combination bike lock on the street. Of course it was locked, with all 3 keys set to zero, and no sign of the combination that would open it.

I think the topic of permutations had already come up the year before in my math classes, so I was aware of the difficulty in figuring out the right combination.

The lock stayed on my dresser for 10 days. Then one afternoon when I was lying down for half an hour, I picked it up and casually started fiddling with the keys.

Click, click, click... nope won't open. I kept on clicking and failing for at least 15-20 mins.

Then suddenly I thought I heard something: One of the clicks had sounded slightly different than the rest.

I left the 2 keys where ever they happened to be and started advancing the 3rd one, one by one, click by click... And when I reached 7 or 8 (out of a possible 10) I heard a "clack". Pulled the 2 ends of the lock apart and voila! It opened.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  
Hey Realist, if you wanna see someone disagreeing with all the asskissing read some of my posts on DV mods.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]

 Mind you, only on that topic do I get a bit hot under the collar. Rest of the time it's good times, good times...
purelife wrote:

I deleted my post because I realized that I was writing in anger towards Good Times and NEVER meant to direct it to you.

Why're you gettting mad at me? We're just debating.

Isn't it ironic that we can have this discussion only under the refuge of DS? (What does that tell you about the level of oppression in that little shithole?)

Let's be honest, had this dialogue taken place on DV some f*cktard (perhaps yourself?) would've loooong hit the delete key.

Or is that why you're frustrated PL, because you can't silence me as easily as you could've on DV?

[FONT color=#a040ff]> I don't know which moderator submitted his ip for banning or if he really got banned.[/FONT]

It's ALWAYS the same lame excuse isn't it PL?

"Huh... wha... I dunno who did that, wuzn't me..."

The famous whodunnit ploy: Always trying to get lost in the chaos...

Whether you did something or not, because you f*cktards have no accountability for your actions, and are quite keen on keeping yourselves as anonymous as possible, then those of us viewing you from the outside will view you as one.

You should've distinguished yourself from the beginning or not gotten involved in this whole game at all, if you don't like people blaming you for actions you didn't commit.

Like it or not PL, you're as guilty in all the oppression and stifling that take place on DV as are those who actually commit them!

Look, just because you deleted a couple of porn pics doesn't make you a hero. Nor does it exonerate you from your past injustices. Any moron with access to the delete button could've done what you did.

Forget the chorus of asskissers that tell you how great you are. Because that's what they are doing, just kissing your ass. The fact is: You guys have done a HORRIBLE, GODAWFUL job of moderating that place!

You've hurt and offended thousands of people with your indiscriminate deletions, unfounded bans, and totally dictatorial style. Don't think for a minute that anyone appreciates what you're doing there.

[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  Oh lookie what I found!

[TABLE class=bordercolor cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0][TBODY][TR][TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=center align=middle width="5%"][img alt="" src=""] [/TD][TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=center align=middle width="4%"][img alt="" src=""] [/TD][TD class=windowbg vAlign=center][A href=",293.0.html"][FONT color=#323232]Drooling over newscasters[/FONT][/A] [SPAN class=smalltext][/SPAN][/TD][TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=center width="14%"][A title="View the profile of Good Times" href=";u=13"][FONT color=#000000]Good Times[/FONT][/A] [/TD][TD class=windowbg vAlign=center align=middle width="4%"]0 [/TD][TD class=windowbg vAlign=center align=middle width="4%"]2 [/TD][TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=center width="22%"][A href=",293.0.html#msg4647"][img title="Last post" style="FLOAT: right" alt="Last post" src="" border=0][/A] [SPAN class=smalltext]Feb 28 06[!--br /--] by [A href=";u=13"][FONT color=#000000]Good Times[/FONT][/A] [/SPAN][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]

[DIV align=right] [/DIV][DIV align=right][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]   [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Here's a thread you can use to yap at your heart's content about the noon hour or other newcasters' desirable traits and your fantasies about them:

[UL][LI]who looks nice in what dress[LI]whose hairdo is better[LI]who looks tired[LI]who's humping who[LI]who has a nice cleavage[LI]whose bulge is promising...[/LI][/UL] you can read and write all about it here, instead of hijacking other people's threads!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
While we await clarification from Adam...

purelife wrote:
... most of us use instinct and damn common sense when we delete a post or submit an ip for submission.  

I'm glad DV mods don't rely solely on instinct or even common sense to survive. Because from what I've observed, they're wholly inept at using either!

As is the tradition on DV totally irrelevant, frivilous posts get deleted  (because a hysteric mod happens to be PMSing or having some shitfit that day) however racist crap is left to fester for days.

Oh and don't you dare criticize the holy mods - those posts get deleted instantly.

And more often than not totally wrong IPs are submitted for banning:

Why was P.C. banned...? Oh she was on a shared IP,

Why was Adam Fulford banned...? Oh he was on a shared IP,

Why was Good Times banned...? Oh he was also on a "shared IP"

Get fk'ing real, will ya?!

For the record I'm on dynamic IP, no one is sharing my connection. Never has, and never will!

I see that you have this handy excuse of "shared IPs" now and you will be milking it for all it's worth, aren't you? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  Do you even have a clue as to how these things work?

What're the chances of 2 people's sharing the same IP visiting the same site day after day?

The fact remains: The incompetent mods/admins have banned hundreds of wrong people so far!

It's like a dentist pulling the wrong tooth, surgeon cutting the wrong organ... and they have been consistently wrong!  

DV mods aren't even capable of reading a simple IP associated with a post. What's more, those retarded admins who do the actual banning don't bother verifying the information given to them. So abuse and incompetence is rampant at all levels in that shithole.

So you tell me: How're we not supposed to get annoyed?

> And most of all, no moderator can do a 24/7 job FOR FREE!  We are so unappreciated it's not even funny anymore.  Most importantly, nothing is genuine coming from these "new" owners.  

I know, it's a thankless job. But at least in your case I see that your common sense has started to prevail, esp. with regards to your observations about the new owners...

Not genuine, ha! Try "user" (ie. meaning, people who like using others to get them to serve their interests.)

Yes, you're correct. Have you met the CZ staff yet? Have you talked to Elkay...?  Mind you they're not "bad" people per se. They'll remain your "friend" so long as you agree to serve their interests, preferably for free.

However once you cease to be useful for them, then you're disposable.

> Why haven't I quit moderating?  Just because I still feel a part of dv and please, refrain yourself from giving me the lecture of "being in a co-marriage" crap.  

Considering that you can't even quote what I said properly (however you still call it "crap") indicates to me and to everyone else, how little you understood what I was referring to.

In an earlier message you were trying to quote, I was referring to co-dependent relationships. I'll let you do the research on that.

This business of not fully understanding what's being talked about (due to lack of English proficiency) but deleting our posts anyway, has been one of the major issues on DV as well.

Many people have complained and nothing has been done about it. I could tell particularly when Orca wrote while disguising herself as a mod. Because her grammatical errors are so consistent: She never learned the passive voice, proper use of plurals, or how to conjugate the third person singular in simple present tense...

How are we not supposed to get annoyed when our posts are deleted without even being understood?!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

How can we have any sympathy (let alone appreciation) for you guys, when you treat everyone with such arrogance and total disrespect?

> Being a moderator is totally different than being a poster on dv.  And to have both, I already feel the responsibility ever since I had moderating, yet limited, "powers."

I'd think that it's up to you to attain those powers. You have to ask for them, however be prepared to act if you're denied.

> Ok...throw your tomatoes at me.  I'm ready!  :P

No tomatoes, just the facts. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Please understand that I have nothing against you a person. But I hate the way DV treats its visitors.

Adam, I have a couple of very simple questions for you:

Are you on a shared IP?

And who else has access to the computer you used to visit DV?
primefactor wrote:

I was so fond of the sound of the word [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]lurid [/SPAN]in my 20s that I legally changed my last name to it for about 18 months. I was kinda goofy.

[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]


Definitions of lurid on the Web:

[UL type=disc][FONT size=-1][LI]horrible in fierceness or savagery; "lurid crimes"; "a lurid life" [LI]glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism; "lurid details of the accident" [LI]shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke; "a lurid sunset"; "lurid flames" [LI]ghastly pale; "moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence"
[A href=""][FONT color=#008000][/FONT][/A][/FONT][/LI][/UL]
purelife wrote:
His ip could've been the same as the troll that was up for bannishment.[/DIV] [/DIV]P.C. was in the same situation a while ago.

These are typical of the moronic justifications coming from the computer illiterate.

Such explanations do nothing to cover up DV admin/mod's utter ineptitude. On the contrary, they prove my point - that they're a bunch of clueless f*cktards.

Don't assume that the rest of the world is equally ignorant.
purelife wrote:
It's so nice to know that the dv moderators are so hated.  It makes me feel so good inside. :P[/DIV] [/DIV]Smite me all you want.  

Up until now I've never smitten you.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

 But yes, mods on DV ARE hated. They're absolutely despised. I've explained numerous times why, and how they've managed to garner that much hatred.

You say it as one word.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
On DV, banning and deletions are used in the same way a 5 year old would use a laser gun: With no ability to aim. Hence they shoot in the dark hoping that their random shot finds its target.

It never does.

Now replace with the "5 year old" in the above text with a "moron" and you have the most accurate depiction of a DV mod/admin with his/her finger on the trigger, maniacally shooting away.

Shalom Crypt - isn't it fun to play with the international keyboard especially when you can't speak any of those languages? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Next to the international keyboard was the HTML window... Have you missed it already that you're fiddling around it?  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sportsdude wrote:
its rather annoying. I know the priest dude hacked the system but....[/DIV]

 [img alt=Crowd src="" border=0]  [FONT color=#936386]He really couldn't do anything.[/FONT][/DIV][FONT color=#936386][/FONT] [/DIV][FONT color=#936386]Visitors to the site should have the option not to register but post as guest. Keeps things interesting methinks... You don't know who might drop in tomorrow. [/FONT]

[img alt=Crowd src="" border=0]
smithl wrote:
[FONT face=Verdana size=2]news hound, i think we might need a seperate thread for all local-news-related-things [/FONT]

[FONT face=Verdana size=2]Sounds like a superb suggestion to me...[img alt="3 Some" src="[/img]