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Messages - Itsy Bitsy


Actually the entire site is blocked cuz I'm at work.
Dang, I can't see it. Anyone want to copy and paste?
False. I could spend that eaaasssyyyy. :D

  PBM would move far away if they won 50 mil.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Remove
Jun 08 10 01:13
K... in order...

  Hard core child porn

Snuff/ violent porn

Soft child porn

Pop-Up Ads  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Remove
Jun 08 10 12:00
You mean like one specific website?

  Or just more specific?

  Perhaps laying out some options might make it easier to choose.
Sounds like a deal.

  What's with the flying pig?
^ haha yeah. Despite popular belief, attractive ladies do frequent forums. I think this thread proves it. I love Lil Me's dimples. I'm a dimple lover!
False. Is wanting the sun to stay out every day of the year.

  PBM plans to do something outdoors this weekend.
I didn't do anything and I like it here. I can't believe you actually want me to leave because of one disagreement. Why does it have to be like that? What exactly have I done that is so unforgivable? Please explain it to me.
Discover Seattle! / Re: NSgirl
Jun 07 10 05:56
 I am the one who is constantly trying to get you to stop with this Irish stuff. The only reason I even jumped in here is because you were calling him a pedo based on something that I said. I took personal offense because I felt like you were calling ME a pedo... cause it was my opinion that you were talking about. You can understand why I took personal offense right?

As for this "drop it" business, you are the one who started it. I would prefer you never brought it up again. But to me the conversation looks a little something like this:

you: I hate so and so... look what he said.

me: Stop hating so and so. I'm the one who said that.

you: Drop it!

uhhh... I wasn't "holding" it....[/DIV]
I didn't say you said it and I'm not the one here who "causes shit". In the other thread you said you got that pedo stuff in an e-mail or pm or something. When you thanked Natasha for the e-mail and said it proves you were right I assumed it meant that Natasha was the one eho sent you the pedo stuff. I was confused because I thought Natasha was neutral. I'm sorry Natasha for making that assumption, I should have known you wouldn't be a part of that.
Seriously? Natasha has an issue with Irish now?
Discover Seattle! / Re: NSgirl
Jun 07 10 04:51
Great. That means all this childish fighting will stop and never again be brought up on ds. We'll see how long that lasts.
Discover Seattle! / Re: NSgirl
Jun 07 10 04:40
What's your issue? You feel the need to bring Irish up and call him a pedo, but you use something I said. Seriously, how mature are you?
Discover Seattle! / Re: NSgirl
Jun 07 10 04:28
DDD wrote:
 not what I had sent to me...just proved what i had been saying......... plus you have the hots for him and would say anything to protect him.......anyhow i do not care as this is over for good and i will not respond to anything about it

  Sent to you? Go and read the whole thread if you want to understand what is really going on. Don't pull random shit out of a hat and assume you understand it. I am not defending Irish. If anything he is defending me. I am the one who started the conversation about young children with sexual thoughts. Oh and I may have the hots for him, but that would certainly change in a blink if I ever thought he was something as disgusting as a pedo. He isn't one nor has he ever said anything suggesting he was. Calling him something like that is not even remotely funny.