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Messages - Lisa Maree

Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 05:01
Must be a different Lisa Maree.  I have never actually come across someone with the same middle name spelling, but neat to know there is another Lisa Maree out there.  
Buahahahahaa OMG! That is hilarious.  I am sending that one out. hahahaha
Witch! There you are!  I have missed you on DV.
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 11:40
Whoohooo! Self administration features.  This forum is the bomb!
Don't worry.  All the jobs for carvers have been contracted out to India where they haven't perfected their techiques yet.  By the time they do, a Dem will be in office.  
That is just sickening!  I hope these youngsters get a swift kick in the read from lady justice.
If I have any advice to give, it would be to try to work things out before you cheat.  You would be surprised how quickly things can change when you put a little focus and effort into your relationship.
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 11:31
You know me Good Times?  Feel free to out my via private message hehehe
Yeah but then you don't get to eat the yummy cone!
I love that show.
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 22 06 10:56
Ahhhhh there it is!  There is so much going on with this fancy forum I missed it.  Thanks PC!
Why is this place so dead though?  What are the busy times?
That's just it.  The forum needs to be updated in and of itself.  Once that is complete, the mods stand a chance against trolls, etc.  I think a lot of mods spare themselves the frustration of trying to take care of business. It's like mud wrestling with a pig.
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 22 06 10:47
Thank you thank you :)

So how does one bless another with good karma or smite one with bad karma?  Do the mods take care of that or is there some special karma button I haven't noticed?
From what I recall of that show, the hoverboard wasn't overly safe.