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Messages - Van

P.C. wrote:
Threesome ?  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]      I hate malls too.  

Oh wait......I'm not dating.

  My heart just skipped a few beats...

  Oh well, looks like just you and me purelife!! (shh..I think PC is joining in on the fun too..she just wrote that cause she know sawdust reads this...)...heheh!
Lise wrote:
What turns you off for a bad date? Mine would be:

a) halitosis

b) cheapskate

c) doesn't drive a car

d) doesn't listen

e) horrible, horrible fashion sense (like one time, he actually turned up at my door step in pink Bermuda shorts, thick sunglasses and a straw hat)[/DIV]
 a) yes, only order garlic if you both are.

b) Cheap? Or poor? If a poor bastard doesn't order the best wine in the house, get over it.

c) Most North Americans could use a walk for Christs sakes!

d) Depends...if a girl doesn't shut up, I start daydreaming about chips and salsa and just nod my head.

e) I wouldn't date a girl who is a fashion snob to begin with. I prefer a girl who hates the malls too.
P.C. wrote:
 Damn! Is that the vampire from 30 Days of Night?!!! AHHHHHHH!!!  
I like a girl to just be quiet and show her boobs on the first date. I mean, come on!!

*ducks from rotten tomatoes*
Hey. Happy Friday.

  Beer n' hot wings for lunch today. Heading to a pub to meet a buddy for lunch. Then not sure about the rest of the weekend?

Probably some kind of play!! woohoo..
Funny PC, when I was 18 and left home my dad had the locks changed and my room turned into a home gym before I got to the sidewalk!

  (ok exagerating), but they never begged me to stay home either.
All I know is it hasn't even been a week yet and I am sick of it already. I hate all the candidates and hope a Black Hole from that partical smasher dealy, sucks all the senate and the party leaders into it.    
and KISSES?!!!!
Sportsdude wrote:
My Ontarian roomies are appaulled at the lack of Tim Horton's around here. lol
Funny, I had to be the BC 'resident' expert. haha

 You should tell them to be thankful for that.
Michel wrote:
Too greasy ?

  It didn't seem too bad when I ate it. Just unsettled afterwards. I am sure it is cooked, just meh!

*bad Van!!*

  The coffee I make at home (fresh grounded Kirkland house blend thanks to Russ's tip) is 1000 times better too. I was just lazy and thought I would try something different.

  Thanks for the advice purelife...can you rub my tummy so I feel better?
I know it is not nice to make fun of people. But if someone can prove to me a politician is a person, I will stop.
I want a Dion mask for halloween.

Had Tim Hortons for the first time for breaky today. Not impressed. Their coffee is ok, but this sausage patty sitting in my stomach just does not feel good...?
LOL! Good question.

  I am also wondering if Dion is a ghost? Or is he just naturally that pale?
Michel wrote:
Van you're terrible, you invent post to discredit me. LOL