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Messages - Van

True PC.

As far as I am concerned, every politician has a member of a party that spews of things that are publicly apologized for later that year. This happened with Chrteeiten and Co. over and over too.

  Seen Layton on Mansbridge One on One too. Bumbling idiot couldn't even answer a question.

  They all suck! God help us!!
A lot of stuff at MEC is actually made in Canada too. Not all, but a lot. Such a rare thing nowadays.
purelife wrote:
Wow, that is a good quality back pack.  Do they still make them?  I find that good quality anything isn't around much nowadays.  It doesn't last for long because they want you to keep on buying.[/DIV]
 Yep, MEC has tons to choose from too.

[A href=""][/A]
G'morn purelife, Lil Me, PC, and everyone else.

  I did go to my 10 year. Fantastic party!
G'morn Michel.

Carbohydrates. I would say they are not bad for you. Important part of a balanced diet. Atkins carbo free diet is a joke if you ask me. Carbs are good if you live a busy lifestyle.

  just the plate I had at Opa had rice, bread, sauce, salad, and a small piece of chicken. The Tzasiki(sp?) sauce was ok.  
I have a backpack from MEC that has been my one and only bag that usually goes with me everywhere. 10 years and going strong now. Enough room for water bottles, lunch, books, laptop, water gun, and still has room leftover. Good quality stuff at MEC.  Not trendy sh*t either, just practical.
Disturbed - Indestructible
Ah, Opa is one of the fast food places that I don't mind. I only tried it once (or twice), and it was decent. Lots o carbs in the platter, but yumm..

  Late night for me. Hung with an 'ol High school friend that is back visiting from living in Massachusettes (sp?) In town for a quick drive through to see his family and have a brew with me. Cool.

  g'night...or g'morn..depends on when you read this.
It also seems the world, not just the USA, but the entire world is on some kind of downward path at such a fast rate, there isn't much one president will be able to do. Even if they were genuine.
Capitol Hill has a pretty cool counterculture feel to it.  I know Portland much more in depth and drove through Seattle a no, not an expert...
Looks like a coloured Superstore recycle shopping bag.

  Lots of suckers paying big money for this crap too I bet. Punks!! *shakes cane at young punks*
He was kind of like the forgotten member of Floyd. Although there from the beginning. He wasn't much of a songwriter, but just as important as a performer as Barret, Waters, and Gilmour.

  Shine on you Crazy Diamond
Sportsdude wrote:
Well it was the major news story for the week back a few months ago. Some NDP member got all offended and Layton had to apologize or whatever. Silly Canada and apologizing all the time. It's an epidemic I swear, I say "I'm sorry" all the time now. Riding a bike down the street somebody wants to pass me "oh I'm sorry didn't see you". lol

ahhhh I'm becoming Canadian. lol
Although it's weird I've learned to immediately shut off the Canadianism the instant I go back Missouri. I don't think they'd get the sorry's, the hey's or the eh's, and the pardon's. lol
People are so nice here to a fault, it's crazy. lol
 I am from BC. I am better than you, so F*** OFF!! hahahahhahahaaaa!!!
Not to slam obbamea, but will he do any different if Israel/Iran/Russia/Iceland/Fiji/Haiti start trying to flex muscles?

  Weekend was busy. Shampoo'd my carpets Saturday, then went to my sisters for beers and spag. Sunday, I went for coffee with a sweetie. Second date and so far, she seems ok.