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Messages - Van

Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 20 08 06:05
Lise wrote:
Whoa! PC, you were modelling? TELL ME MORE![/DIV]
 You know, I never seen a pic of PC. But I can tell she is a model of what the world needs more of. A sweet soul!!
Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 18 08 06:11
Sportsdude wrote:
I don't blame you at all. Hopefully with my career, I can take a job in a rural mountainous area, would make the job seem less boring going to work. lol

 Sounds like a cream dream! go 4 it!
Sportsdude wrote:
Yeah the law is Canadian citizen, but apparently Elections Canada doesn't have stringent rules or they don't really follow up on who is Canadian or not or something. They just go house to house? (again its what people have told me, I'm not used to this concept)

I bet you could if you wanted to.  It wouldn't be too surprising.

toasted sandy. Cooked peppers, onions, cheese, chicken, mushrooms w/bbq sauce and ranch. Toasted a sub bun and voila! Instant supper!
Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 18 08 05:55
HA! I love that movie!!

  I turned into Peter, but not 100%. Instead of gutting fish on important papers, I became my own boss and started charging out the rate the company used to charge me out to clients, before paying me only a fraction.

  It wasn't just that. I just hated the whole office politics.  
Lise wrote:
Kreesha Turner's [A href=""]Don't Call Me Baby[/A][/DIV]
 I think I need to be a 13 year old girl to get this.
Sportsdude wrote:

Everybody keeps telling me I could vote. I don't think you have to be a Canadian citizen to vote, I've heard this from a number of people. lol
  You better look into that.

  believe me, I know well enough who I am voting for. I just get sick at the thought of it. The lesser of the sh*theadedness.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 18 08 05:47
welder helper at a warehouse - walked around with firehose to make sure welders sparks were put out. This was my high school job. Paid great and not a ton of hours.

  After uni, I was an office robot slave...sucked!

  Those were my past jobs.
I can't believe there is still almost a month of this campaigning garbage too.  Sucky!

Who do you vote for when you hate them all equally?
The thing I am saying is, you could pick apart any party for things they say.

The Fiberals did it for over a decade. There isn't enough time in the day to write down all the crap that spewed from their mouths.
See ya PC. I got lots to do too.  
Nothing budding too fast. More of a weekend adventure for now. lol.
for sure. I like my 5 minutes of news updates a day, and I am good. Anything more than that, and I want to tear my eyes out.

  Shows like Robot Chicken and Simpsons have more realistic and credible news than what is called the News by the major networks.
My 10 year was so much fun. It wasn't much different from the actual high school grad. Only more spouses around and fellow grads had better jobs than 10 years before.

  Any plans for the weekend?

  I am off for a hike Saturday morn with a cute gal. Saturday evening we are off to a buddy's B-day party. She gets to meet the whole gang...*sigh*.

  Machine Head - Halo is a pretty cool metal song....