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Messages - Van

Lil Me makes a good point. I think it is fine if one of the people involved are planning on leaving soon anyways.

I don't know, maybe it is just me. I crave my own space. Working with someone all day, then seeing them all evening would drive me bonkers!
I seen 2 cases of this.

  One where a guy and girl hooked up, but the guy left for another job right away.

  Another where a guy showed interest in a girl and the girl threatened him with a lawsuit for sexual harrassment.

  I have no problem with people hooking up at work.  I just couldn't imagine hooking up with a girl at work. It would be all sunshine and smiles the first little while. But my work is my space, my thing, my life. I am not sure if I would want to date a girl in the evening after I shared office politics with all day? It is good to have that space apart. If your space apart becomes the after hours, and your time together is while you are at work, that is kind of sad. I am glad I don't have to deal with office bs anymore anyways.
Oh man sports! How could you let a political asstard ruin your evening? If I let a politicans actions ruin my evenings, I would have killed myself by now. Life is a flash here on Earth, why waste your time?

   I hope Layton comes by my house. I have a bag of dog crap just waiting for him.  (dion and that other guy too)...
Sure, my sis gave me a ton and I will have to freeze a bunch. The mailman might smell it and claim it was 'lost' though.
Crazy hey? That is ok, the NDP give weed a bad name! Ha!
Lil Me wrote:
Leftover cold salmon, salad.  
  Is this what PC had in your dream? Or is this lunch?


  Lasagna and garlic bread for lunch. Sister's homemade lasagna. KICK A*S!!!
^don't crawl away. It was a good suggestion.

I don't really go out of my way to try and impress anyone anyways. Take me or leave me as I am.
Lil Me wrote:
lol.  Exactly, Van.
However....I really think that a guy should wake up early and SHOWER befire going on a hiking date.  You wouldn't shower before hiking with a guy, but if it's a's nice to smell good.
Maybe chew some gum in the truck, too?
 G'morn Lil Me.

haha! Well, if it means anything, we did go to our own places to get showered and cleaned up for the party.  

  lol, gum, doesn't go well with coffee.    
Lise wrote:
Wow. I wouldn't make a good date for Van. Hiking on a date? Are you insane? How do you stay looking fresh and awesome on a hike? Where will I put my heels?? lol! It was her idea. I love that! What is wrong with sweating and exercise? She is super fit. Loves hiking and also is a yoga freak too. I just need to get her on a mountain bike and we are good to go.

 High heels have their time and place. But I could never take a girl seriously if all she wanted to do was sit around town worrying about malls, clothes, watching TV in a shoebox sized condo, and worrying about what Britney Spears will do next.


Lil Me wrote:
Afternoon everyone!

So...How was the date, Van?

 It was a good hike and she is a fit gal. She practically ran up the mountain.  Of course after a good day of hiking, we had to put the calories back on with some booze. The B-Day party was good. Lots of people. All of my buddy's neighbours came over so there was a good crowd. Lots of food too. Good night was had by all.  Today I made a nice breakfast...almost lunch breakfast. Then relaxed the rest of the day by myself. It was sweet. Now I have some kitchen mess to clean up, then maybe some couch time.


I didn't mean to offend anyone.

  It just sounded like the usual 'Pre Packaged - Made from a boardroom, not from the heart', kind of pre-teen bubble gum tune. Not to slam pre-teens, or if there is any 13 year olds on DS, I apologize. It is just not for me.

  The 'ol Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, and for some reason the boy or girl needs to whine about it in a song is something I never got into. But hey, if you dig the beat, just Give'er!!
That cake looks good.

  A little hungover here. Lots of coffee today, after a few drinks last night. Fantastic Saturday. I am ready for a long hot shower and some more coffee.

  I wish everyone a great weekend.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 21 08 03:12
P.C. wrote:
Van......[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img] *bless you, bless you, bless you*  Oh....and bless you again.[/DIV]

Happy Saturday. Going for a hike, then a B-day party.

  Got a big bowl of oatmeal w/raisins, and a couple of eggs. Music is on. Coffee in hand.


  have a great Saturday.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Past Jobs
Sep 20 08 06:15
Russ wrote:
Van.. you weld?
Metal or aluminum?

 No no. I was a water boy for the welders. Made sure all sparks were out. Just a Saturday job for weekend maintenance at a little planer mill in the Lower Mainland. I didn't need to work more than just Saturday with that job. It paid really good. 12 hours and I was good for another week. Life was so simple in high school!!