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Messages - pitbullca.bc

no big plans...been workin my duff my dads..and at work..and with the is... a nothing day...what ever comes up...then..we will see.  Just slurping back my first cup of coffee from LM at the moment though
haha...yes please LM!  I am always high strung...till I get home..put my feet up...and die!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="" border=0]

OMG!!!!!!!!!!  Too cute!  This is labeled as....Military budget cuts...
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="" border=0]

can we say....eeewww? would have to overcome the...can't pee with an audience eh?
true...a video one...little one doesn't hold long enough clips for my liking
PBM likes taking pics
haha...goodmorning peeps!!!!!!! *waves emtpy mug* got coffee?  Was up way too early.  Bf is back home...and is taking the kids out in the rig this morning for work.  Got up...cooked them breakfast and lunch.  I am now I drink a couple of coffee's...and start my day?  or do I gamble..and crawl back into bed...for an hour more of shut eye.  
Me thinks...taking a nap in the afternoon is the way to go....oh...and raining here...blech
wishful thinking PC...I don't think the sun is going to shine too much here.   I hear the lower getting alot warmer weather than us northerners.  Oh well...could dream of better times.  Good luck PC...with your doctoring of your yard...couldn't possibly be fun at all..nothing is fun when you are hanging out with a septic tank!
darn *snaps fingers*  oh well...we had roof workers...that we could see from our coffee room at work.  that was last summer.  I genuinely felt it was smokin hot...and they looked like lobsters...
Got a real kick out of we could see them...but peeps on the street couldn't...and they were whistling at the girls...and the girls had no idea where it was coming from...but..we did...and we busted them!  Have you ever seen an embarrassed lobster?  It was awesome!  
and yes LM...could ask for more...could ask to be joining you...watching the construction workers!
haha PC...couldn't login...was sleeeeping!  
Goodmorning LM!  
Goodmorning alllllll!
and just about lights out for me tired...what is that? a the dark...walk towards it?  um...away from it........which should I choose?..hmm...much like the light of my glow in the dark remote...walking towards it............
*bless* to you Dr. PC...for your troubles...crappy deal with things you can't control eh? and pardon the pun!
good evening was painful...body wise...and slow work wise...absolutely zero entertainment...and my f.udging feet are killing me