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Messages - Devil

Helluva hockey team in Ottawa!

  Just had a beef lunch. Panties are much healthier!  
This thread is like

Bong Hits anyone?

(this is supposed to be like me in high school right??)
All ready to go. Just got to get a few things out the door at work, then we are taking off later in the afternoon.

  Lunch??? too early? I am going for our neighbor office for beef on a bun. They are having a stampede lunch. Free food is good.
That is good news, unless you are in a manufacturing plant and just got a "closing soon" notice.

  Happy FrrrIDAY!!

Fridays are like a cake, with smooth vanilla cream in the middle and ice cream.  
All this talk about panties is making me hungry. I think I will go warm up my food.


Hey, I am a dirty Devil, not an evil Devil...I was just kidding about the whole bringing you to eternal burning and eyes gashed out by revelation demons tenk...

here, *passes ice tea to tenk* enjoy!

Although I don't like sharing Isis, it is worth it to keep our friendship.  
Yeah, umm...guess what? Those gates are shut to you! Come with me my amigo...hence my handle name..

*grabs tenk by the ankle*
The bread was made at my dear sweet Aunts house. the soup too, she rocks!

  Isis, it is hard to see through your panties, when they are curled up in a ball in my mouth!
Isis, we can finally be together in peace with that California dude out of the picture...*dances around dead tenkani's body laughing hysterically*......
Not too early here for lunch, its just after 11. Vegetable barley soup and homemade whole grain bread for me today.
Isis wrote:
....that's really out of my league with dirtiness![/DIV]
 No point fibbing to us, we know you too well!  
Most mokeys will not sit still...always looking for a banana...or flinging poo...could be a fun Friday night!
Not sure if I would bring kids to Vegas. You would be pretty restricted for a lot of things. Even if they are trying to make it family friendly.  The town is the root of all evil too. Good place for a Goddess to get down with her nasty self!  
I seen on the news this morning, Vegas is breaking temperature records. See, Vegas is getting HAWT just thinking about Isis!!
I usually go dark red burn, back to white again. This year, somehow I got tanned. It is a new thing for me?