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Messages - Future Canadian

Help us Obi-Wan Tenkani. You're our only hope.*bzzzt*crackle*  
US claims to love democracy. But if a majority of Canadians believe it should be legalized it wouldn't mean a thing to them. Mexico already folded on the issue faster than Superman on laundry day. I hope Canada one day exerts its sovereignity and does the right thing to force the issue. I'm geussing it's not gonna happen with the conservative trio we have running the continent, though.
Once they get a whiff of all that extra tax and tourist revenue though...
I was way too old for them the first time around, but that trailer has promise. I always loves me some ninjas.  
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] soapbox wrote:[/span][br style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"][div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]it's time for decrim or even legalization and taxation.[/div] [div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]over 60% of canadians feel our laws regarding cannabis are out of touch.[/div] [div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]besides it would help thousands of americans who arrive in vancouver and walk east hastings for decent grass.[/div] [div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"] [/div] [span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]DO NOT BUY ON EAST HASTINGS EAST OF CAMBIE.DO NOT SUPPORT CRACK HEADS.[/span]

 I spent a long time thinking aboot this wandering teh streets looking for someone non-sketch I could talk to. While I appreciate the gentlemen's agreement that keeps the cops from shutting down teh herb smoking at the cafes, it sets us American tourists up into a bit of a pickle. It's a bit unsettling to try to buy drugs in a foreign country (especially a country you love and don't want to get thrown out of). And with East Hastings right there next to Blunt Bros. one could get themselves in trouble if they didn't know what they were doing (and even if they did).
So, City of Vancouver, you've had semi-legal marijuana for a few years now and the world hasn't crumbled at your feet, anarchy has failed to erupt, no real difference at all, eh? Maybe now it is time to take the next step and legalize and tax the sale. Start reaping the financial benefit and watch city life go on largely as it has for years. Except with much more American tourists putting their Yankee dollars into your coffers.

Discover Seattle! / Re: Puke Time
Aug 21 06 11:43
I'd cry if I had to listen to it.  
I've always liked "Spud". We had a cat named that growing up. My Dad had a knack for naming cats (my other favorite was "Flue Brush" for at all black cat).  
Poltergeist was the first movie that really scared the crap outta me. Looking at the sparse and rudimentary special effects in that movie now, compared to what kids could see today, things were really quite simple then.  
Am currently re-reading some old favorite graphic novels: Ronin by Frank Miller; League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (ignore the movie, this is the real deal) by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. And if I had a copy of From Hell (also Alan Moore) I'd be reading it too.  
I'm off to somewhere on the internet where the tubes aren't so clogged up.
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"] CK wrote:[/span][br style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"][br style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"][span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]Weird? Its ok to drink Vodka until you puke and passout in public, but weed is frowned upon (by some).[/span][br style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]
Word! Alcohol brings out the worst in people. And tobacco kills 400,000 people every year. Teh magic herb from Jah is simply not toxic enough to kill anyone unless is was ingested in superhuman amounts. And it makes people be mellow. And friendly. And careful (usually).

I wonder when the drinkers, smokers and gamblers are going to start demanding that potheads pay their fair share in taxes. Alcohol, tobacco, and gambling are vices that are heavily taxed while pot smokers aren't taxed at all. Isn't anyone pissed off about this?

 This site has mollasses-in-January problems for me once in a while. And tonights a doozy. It figures, since everyone's asleep, I don't have to work tomorrow, and the iPod is rocking a solid shuffle mix.
Oh well, I'll stop in 'n oot tonight.
Hiya PC! Long time no typey-typey. Congrats on teh 4K post!'s...soooooooo...slooooooow...tonight
Cheers to that!
But they really need to legalize the sale of the herb. So that clueless tourists can stop wandering around East Hastings (until they find the Art Museum) getting themselves into sketchy stituations trying to score a harmless flower. I got lucky once, but the second time I scored it was kinda freaky. Plus, sitting in the cafe and having American tourists come up to you looking for weed got pretty old for me, I'm sure it must be doubly so for teh locals.
I'm going in to town for a cheeseburger Mr Lahey.

lol! What a little twerp. He just had his manliness quotient cut in half.
Shot it in it's pen?!? That's almost as weak as those losers who "hunt" over the internet.