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Messages - Lisa Maree

It's true that no good deed goes unpunished.
I'd just like them to make one version that is worth more than the disk it's burned on in respect to security and stability.
I think the vote should go to the people and see if they really support him in parliament.  It's the democratic thing to do.
That guy is lucky to be alive.

I just hope they get that little girl away from those people (aka her parents).  I mean the mother had to have known her ex had a drinking problem.  Poor girl.
Well hurry up and get your buns over here academe!  I keep reading you threaten to :)
Thanks for coming out. :)
Hey pythrr, nice to see you over here!  


Sorry, the clip art novelty hasn't worn off yet.  haha
I totally understand the point about hurt feelings.  I had a quickie wedding (I was pregnant and we wanted to be married before the kids came) so I let B-T-B (Susan) be in my wedding party because she insisted on being my Maid of Honour - it was important to her.  We didn't have any other people in our wedding party.  I didn't think it was a big issue until I found out from Mandy and Sherry last week that they were really hurt that they weren't in my wedding party.  Sherry had a baby a week before I might add.  Anyway, they all sat at the head table with my husband and I and were in all the wedding photos, but I guess it doesn't count because they didn't get fancy dresses to wear.  

I think part of the issue could be Sherry's wedding too.  I was Sherry's Maid of Honour but rather than having Mandy and Susan as her bride's maids, she picked someone she knew from school that wasn't a long time friend.  Mandy and Susan are still harbouring feelings of resentment about it.  I know Susan is for sure because she mentioned it when asking me if Sherry should be in her wedding party. "Well, I wasn't in hers!"  Such pettiness I tell you.

I will have a heart to heart with Bride-to-Be because I am the idiot who HAS to say something when I feel things aren't right.  Gets me into a lot of hot water.  Communication is a good thing :)
I know that it isn't such a big deal to have an unbalanced bridal party but my Bride friend puts that high on the importance list.  Even if she doesn't include Sherry in her bridal party, she should at least tell her so!  It would be terrible if she heard it from someone else or was just left to figure it out on her own.   This whole thing makes me not want to even be apart of it, and I am the Matron of Honour.  I just don't know.

Thanks you guys for your advice and opinions.  You have been very helpful!  [P align=center]

Good Times!  I guess Discover Seattle has made me drop my gaurd.  I usually stay away from set-ups like that hahaha

Prime, thank you so much!  This is such great advice. How just figuring out how to tell Bride about it hehe
*sigh* Who would have though planning my own wedding would have been easier than working with my friend!

I need a little advice. In our group there are four of us who are tight - myself, the Bride-to-be, Mandy, and Sherry.  So Bride-to-Be decides she isn't going to include Sherry in the bridal party.  She decided she wanted her sister in the party, which is fair enough, so that leaves Sherry out.  The only thing is, she hasn't told Sherry she isn't in the bridal party.  She figures that because she just hadn't invited her to be in the wedding party that she doesn't have to tell her she's out.  I mean, Bride-to-be asked her what she thought of dresses and colours, etc.  

Now my dilema is, I think the Bride should tell Sherry that she won't be in the wedding party.  Bride thinks she should just avoid it.  I can't be the one to tell Sherry she's out.  She just had a misscarriage and I hate seeing her cry.  So what should I do about it?  Nothing?  Say something to Bride?  I just don't know!
One of the larger purposes of punishment is to act as a deterrent.  Some people don't commit horrific crimes because they don't want to be killed by legal injection, or any other means sought to bring forth death.  Some do without any regard for the punishment.  A person who commits crimes to the degree of warranting the death penalty already have no regard for the consequences.

I don't agree that we should kill another human being as a form of amendment.  I think life in prison is punishment enough.  Having to live with what you've done, while breathing the stagnant air of rock walls and knowing that your family and friends are on the outside living on without you is torture itself.   What lesson do we teach about how wrong it is to kill when we kill the wrong?
That is so much fun! I once busted my husband with one of those.  It was the one with the topless woman holding up a sign between her boobs where you could write stuff in so I wrote "I love 'his name'" on it.  I called him into my office and asked him what the hell that was.  He didn't know what to say.  It was priceless!
hahah too funny!
kingy wrote:
it is almost as good as the vacuum that cuts hair...

The Flowbee!  It sucks while it cuts![/DIV]