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Messages - pitbullca.bc

arms length
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="" border=0]

what ever happened to the lay back on the bed..with a pair of plyers..and suck your stomach in?  haha...I guess it is so seventies and eighties...
fairly true....depends on if I have been drinking or not..haha
PBM attempts to retain route info..after drinking.
I am deciding that this weekend has been wasted..due to service to the peeps that ARE making use of this maylong weekend
false...not lost..yet...
PBM hates reading maps...
cmon peeps...back on task!
good evening all...a quick stop say a quick hello!  Have fun at the bbq LM!
Off to sleep the darn alarm clock scared the doo outta me this morning for work..and don't want the same thing happening again.
Happy Saturday all!
work hon.  No rest for the wicked..haha.  It rained last everything is sooooo fresh here!  Quite beautiful if it wasn't cold.  It was +4 yesterday morning
goodmorning peeps!  Fri for y'all..and tuesday for to work!
SD..the shindig on tuesday night..carried on into wednesday morning...god..that was hell!
PBM pays fine attention to clothing detail
scuse me...gonna step out now..and go work out at my dads dog kennel.  Bye peeps!
tonsil hockey