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Messages - Devil

Were there any good performers? I haven't had my TV on since last Thursday.

  It seems like one of those things where the cause may cancel out the intentions?


People buying fake Christmas trees because they think it is better for the environment. The trees cut for Christmas are harvested for that reason, also, they are spacing for bigger trees. Also, is there not a factory out their pumping out death into the atmosphere so a fake tree can be made? This is just an example of how people jump on the bandwagon for a cause, without really thinking it through first.

  Like recycling much water does it use for the recycling process? Is that much water usage to recycle tin, cardboard, paper, glass, etc., really worth it? Not to dismay the recycling issue, but water is the most important thing on the planet.

  Just a thought, really think about these environmental causes, before jumpiung on the bandwagon. Look in your soul, and you will see what the right thing to do is.
Sportsdude wrote:
well I don't need to in this comparison. The homeless of San Fransico stay in the city of San Fransico. The population has dropped to 6k but homeless are showing up in the burbs.

Population of San Fran (city): 744,041
Vancouver: 587,891

Homeless per to people ratio
for every 1 homeless person there are 86 non homeless people in the city of SF alone (based on '02 figures) or based on the new figures (the population just went to the suburbs) of 6,248 comes out as
I'm using the official GVRD numbers for the whole area which is 2,174 homeless people
that comes out to a 1:270 ratio for 1 homeless person per non homeless.

 I never said Vancouver is the worst. I said it is up there with the rest of them. I compared the Greater city areas too, not the proper areas. I thought this conversation ended 14 posts ago?  
LOL! I hate to massage and run...but I am off to the mountains as soon as I get this last bit of work I better get it done...(damn work, always interupts panty time!).

  Cheers! have a great weekend.  
YES, Shoulder! My 8th favorite place to massage!!  
That made me think of the 40 year old virgin with his "Asia" poster.
True, Vancouver is a beauty!

    Isis, I am sick of massaging toes...can I move on?  
Isis wrote:
 Wow! I think my mom liked that one?? Wayyy before Isis was born!    
Yes, you can lay right here *pats chest*
Yes, and New York City has more buildings than Regina?!!
Sportsdude wrote:
In 2002 San Fransico had
[SPAN class="georgia md" id=bodytext]8,640 homeless people.
Now they've got 6k but still that's double Vancouver.

 Fair enough, but compare the population of Greater Vancouver to the Bay Area.

  *pours tropical bellini for post monkee...puts umbrella in it with sun cartoon on it*  
*opens bar*

OK, what'll it be?
Michel, if you register, I will bless you...a blessing from a Devil ROCKS! Ask anyone!
Incubus - Megalomaniac
Michel wrote:
 I keep hearing that "Toronto wants to be like New York"? Most Toronto folks I know, and meet, and while I was there are pretty much content with them just being 'Toronto'. I don't know where people get that from?

That's conformist crap. People repeat cliché read on the net.

SD, no offence, but in your uninformed tourist comparison of Montréal and Québec with Boston and Europe (nothing more nothing less lol), you forget about 400 years of disitnct history, culture, and language evolution far away from Europe, and in opposition (and even war) against UK and USA.

Sorry but you sound like a character from the US parody of US culture in the movie "If this is Tuesday this must be Belgium"...

I agree too. Quebec reminds me of....Quebec. One of the most beautiful places I have been through, although it was a brief tour.

Toronto is just plain, Toronto. Like it or hate it, TO is itself.

I am pretty sure it is one of the worst drug problem areas in North America. It, along with the homelessness is supposed to triple within 3 years.

[A href=""][/A]

 I am not saying other places are better, or worse, but Vancouver is up there with anywhere as far as this issue goes.