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Messages - Van

Sportsdude wrote:
    I cannot physically live in the Midwest without throwing up. It's not a health place, I don't need to live in fear and state has a tendency to be vicious toward the minority. It's a very mob ruled state.
  Not live, but you would still go back to visit no? Isn't your mom there?
From what I understand, there was no guarantee that it would work anyways Lise. That is a lot of taxpayers $$ to gamble with. A lot of analysts figure it would have only helped the players on Wall Street too, and not regular Joe American.

It never made sense to me anyways, the world has been in too much debt, getting in way over their heads. Then using one type of credit to pay off another, then asking the government for another massive debt to bail out another debt? It has to end somewhere.

Let the free market reign, or fall.  

I think the safest place to keep your money these days is in recreational property, and the rest in a vault in your own house.  
Sportsdude wrote:
I go back to missouri, or I move to California or Washington and claim residence after a few months, thus avoiding never having to go back to Missouri.  
  confused?? If you are American, why would you need to claim residence in Cali or Washington? Why would you totally avoid Missouri? Don't you have family there? Family is more important than state boundaries (to me anyways).
I like social drinks Christmas Eve and Boxing Day and right up to and including New Years. But Christmas Day, I only have a bit of coffee and some Baileys. Something about Baileys and coffee.
Not sure Lil Me? When I go to an Italian restaurant, they speak english to me too??! Weird?

  Pizza was amazing today. What a beautiful day. sunshine and pizza!  
Lil Me wrote:
Van and you mean that none of them ae attractive?
   Correct, I find them all equally unattractive.
I am usually just hoping for good ski conditions around that time.
purelife wrote: my mouth is watering...share?[/DIV]
 No prob! I ordered a pizza late last night, and by the time it got to my home, I was ready for bed. I don't like eating heavy before bed.

So I have tons leftover.
Sportsdude wrote:
mobile phone company.

 uses the summer of 69 song?

Nothing against Bryan Adams, but MEHHH!!  
pizza for lunch. Most likely pizza for supper too.
Boxing Day is cool too. It is like Christmas, but with the gifts already opened, leftover turkey buns for lunch, and plenty of rum still to enjoy!
cool. I think I seen a Ramen noodle vending machine somewhere recently???
There should be a None of the Above choice.
Russ wrote:

 I wish they would come up with a way to pay more and have all the tv and radio commercials removed.

 That is the main thing I love about Sirius Radio. It is worth the $500 +/- for a lifetime subscription to NOT have any commercials. I even wish they would ditch the DJs and just play straight music.  

 Also, you don't have to listen to Bryan Adams Summer of 69 over and over...and over...and over....

Sounds like a bad accident! You should have another coffee PC!

  I think the nice weather is getting people driving a bit more than normal for this time of year. Traffic was insane yesterday on the highways.