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Messages - pitbullca.bc

I am very much enjoying the sun...and expecting my native ancestory to help the sun darken my skin
OMG is soooooo gorgeous outside.  I work a change into a little something..lighter...and just soaking up the rays is now my plan...screw the yard work!!!!!!!!!!
true...but then the guilt sets in
PBM burns easily in the sun
I am kanoodling with my puter...till the sun warms up the
waiting for the sun to come around the house.  Enjoying the sun..and not much else is on my list today.  Yeah..ok..maybe hauling out the lawnmower...and moving the bbq...and cleaning up the deck...too!
Goodmorning sawdust!
true...oh to be carefree again..with endless energy
PBM has plans for this monday stat holiday.
animal abuse
I am in love with my this early hour
goodmorning peeps!  Day at work...made me miss out on a wonderfully sinful day of sun.  Invited to a bbq after I got a total of two hrs of sun I would say yesterday.  Just enough to get my vitamin count filled..haha.  Day off today...and the deck will be calling my is too cold right now...brrrrrr...
you as well PC...and a wishful bless back...just can' my hour isn't up! haha
false...but I do know about the panda licorice...isn't that black licorice though?  I love the red kind
PBM was a regular at a corner store as a kid
well at least we are thanking the heavens...that she ISN'T wearing spandex!
I cooked up chicken/turkey strips in bbq sauce...and caesar salad...yum yum yum!