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Messages - Good Times

Down with DV! Welcome Patricia... Your first blessing will be from me!
This sounds like the person who placed the viruses.  It sounds like a female and I'm wondering if she/he is kitten2006/fashion girl or?  *sigh*[/DIV] [TABLE id=Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0][TBODY][TR bgColor=gainsboro][TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=left]help
[/TD][TD colSpan=2]


I feel like a refugee.  Now I know what it feels like to be different and alone.  

With so many familiar names and faces, I feel more at home here than I do in the land of trolls and retarded mods.  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Forecast
Feb 22 06 12:27
 Don't expect any sympathy from Vancouverites... a few years ago I think there was some sort of a stat proving that in general it rains more up here.
I'm guessing at Tijuana, or any other border town?  
LOL. I didn't understand that one either.

I thought maybe if you're stuck behind someone taller than you, you can use those cat paws to wave at someone who wouldn't have otherwise seen you because of the taller person blocking you.  Just a theory anyway.
Looks like a creative, humorous idea!  
Discover Seattle! / Re: Skype
Feb 21 06 07:36
Ha ha! Anyone who can point out a bug or similar mishaps ought to be automatically awarded 30 good karma points!  
"This stunt ought to get me at least 20 good karma points - provided there's no sign of the witch around to jinx my chances".
Discover Seattle! / Re: Skype
Feb 21 06 07:06
[DIV align=center]Hmm. This is odd: Why isn't Borken's DS based emoticon not showing? [/DIV][DIV align=center] [/DIV][DIV align=center][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0][/DIV]
Those pics look more like from late 50s, rather than the 70s.

 But that chick in white sweater looks hawt!
Discover Seattle! / Re: Skype
Feb 21 06 06:47

I have a 57Kb program that allows me to do exactly the same. (yes, that is fifty seven KILObytes)
One missing illustration in that collection is a guy gently scratching his balls...
I wanna see how many of you will continue treating me like a kid when I finally establish communication with the mother ship...
^ Good point. Made me laugh. Got a blessing.