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Messages - Future Canadian

OMFG it has been dumping buckets here in Oregon, too. And warm, too. Ran late this morning so I had to take the scooter out in to the wind and rain and piles of wet leaves and bleh.
I finally gave up on being salty about the rain tonight while I walked the dog. It was fun to just stomp in puddles and see how wet we could get.
A sweet Irish brogue and I'm anybodys.
French, Canadian, and British accents are sexy, too.  
Any Kabuki fans here? If not I highly recommend it. David Mack is the artist/writer.

They have frozen turducken at my local Fred Meyer. It's about 40 bucks.
I am sooo looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. I really need my turkey and mashed potato and gravy overload.
ahh...tenkani you are speaking my language this mornin'.
Too rainy to ride the scooter today, so I'll burn one for the bus ride to work.
I loves me some dank nug.
Useless (but cute) cat

Discover Seattle! / Re: BOO !!!
Oct 31 06 09:03
Well, that went pretty well. 5 pounds of candy! My kid was quite the hit, which is a relief because I was feeling kind of insecure about how his costume turned out. Fortunately the dark of night hides many flaws.  
Looks like he got what he was asking for. At least inside his head for a few seconds before the lights went out for good.  
Discover Seattle! / Re: BOO !!!
Oct 31 06 08:36
Happy Halloween!
What's everyone's costume? My son wanted to be a newspaper box. And so he is, I just finished the cardboard box wonder last night.
Am I to understand that Halloween is a big night for fireworks in Canada? I remember hearing that somewhere.

I used to love this thread on DV. Let's do it again here. I'll start.
[img style="width: 611px; height: 391px;" src=""]
Hey PC! Things are alright, you know, living the dream and all that. Since the kids are back in school life has become much busier, which gives me only about a half an hour of computer time a day.
I love your yard pics btw. Gorgeous! One of the things occupying my time has been The Great Yard Assault '06. A season of apathy and neglect has left me with a stupidly huge amount of work to do. Funny, I love a garden but I hate gardening (unless I'm feeling rastafarian, that makes it kinda fun, but I can't do that with teh kids around). We also now have to remove a GIANT old oak tree from our front yard. So I think the whole front is going to get a yard makeover to go along with it so it doesn't look so awful.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Rednecks
Oct 27 06 07:48
Back on the topic of rednecks: I would estimate that the percentage of rednecks in the US is actually frighteningly high. Outside the big cities (and the big cities have plenty of 'em too) almost everyone you see is a 'neck in one capacity or another.
It seems the same in Canada too, from what I've observed. But I do get the sense that Canadian 'necks are more tolerant of others - I don't know if that's true or not. I know that if I moved back to the little logging community in northern Idaho that I grew up in, I would be viewed as a wacky eccentric wierdo.
I would think that the actual percentage of people who voted for bush in the last election is a fairly accurate number of  'necks in the United Snakes. Those are people who are easily swayed with flag waving and bible thumping.
...and it's off to bed so, Hi/Bye everyone!  
PC your cat stalking a deer pic reminded me of this from our local paper many years back. A copy of this was on our fridge for a long time.