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Messages - pitbullca.bc

thank you pc...much appreciated.  I had many plans...but I only got a few done..while waiting for the sun to come around the house to my deck.  As soon as it hit...I was done
I am yet again..winding down...for another day at them taking my whole entire weekend wasn't enough!
right on PC!!!!!!!  at least you got alot more accomplished than I did!  Color?  Oh you bet I got color!  Like...RED!
oh trust me hon...on my would be wearing alot less than that! haha
false...haven't tried it...but...I like the six pin bowling
PBM prefers outdoor sports to indoor sports
and around 80 degrees somethingheight on my deck
weather channel says 16
NEVER too hot!  Me thinks the uv rays are a little high.  Cooling off a little..and right  back out on the deck....gotta be rid of the pastie white coloring..haha!  
It would still be cool by your standards SD...but it is fantabulous by our standards!
I am enjoying it quite nicely SD...haha..just came thinks that I am getting a wee burn
even got the thumbs up from the bf.  Haha..he said...don't worry about mowing the lawn...I will do it on the weekend...I said....OK!!!!!!!!
PBM has played bocci
loch ness monster