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Messages - Good Times

One interesting scenario to employ with the DV feature is to create "tunnels" - so one hidden message leads to another which leads to another and so on, that way they become very hard to trace and in the end you end up with a whole network of underground messages totally invisible to the outside world.

When I come to think of it, sometime in early 2005 I had created a mini network of such messages, consisting of 4-6 interconnected threads.

But later I lost the entry point. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_shy.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]  
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 03:41
Imsayin wrote:
Yeah, thanks I can see them now. I dunno why, but they just weren't showing up earlier.[/DIV] Whatever...problem solved.

[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img] Great. Now it doesn't mean you should immediately start smiting me just because you figured out how to do it. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]

48 hrs. after the news broke out I did a Google search for "Cheney jokes".

I was in stitches for the next ½ hr!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 02:24
Imsayin wrote:
hmmm....not seeing these buttonsThey're clickable links next to person's name, not buttons.

academe wrote:

i always said if you can't take the heat don't stick around in the kitchen...

I'm good in the kitchen but for me, the question became one of How many days can I have troll stew before I want to try something else?

it isn't so much i miss the trolls at DV that i least there's people like Real Woman, YVRGuy, TBayGuy, chris, nolongerminnie, and yes, EED/Pizza/whatever his name is now...the person that always calls me acadummy...familarity...that sort of stuff... [/DIV] I know what you mean by familiarity especially after seeing over 60 names I used to see on DV already registered here. The names you mentioned should be migrating here shortly as well. (Actually I think some of them already posted under the anonymous mode.) Soon we might have one happy troll family...    
Ha ha! These two are already bickering - one of them just registered, the other isn't even registered yet!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Meh... look who's adding fuel to the fire:  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Iran: U.S., Israel Destroyed Iraqi Shrine By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer
4 minutes ago

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed the United States and     Israel on Thursday for the destruction of a Shiite shrine's golden dome in     Iraq, saying it was the work of "defeated Zionists and occupiers."
[/DIV][DIV id=ynmain][DIV id=storybody]see [A href=";_ylt=AmqILFAAEMqFgWHoEMm.8vOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ"];_ylt=AmqILFAAEMqFgWHoEMm.8vOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ[/A]-- for full copy

academe wrote:
in the thread "I am Back Losers"....i did a "search" for academe and found all the posts that had my name in reputation preceeded me...rather than come here under a different name i might as well go back to dv... [/DIV]
Isn't gonna be awfully lonely there?  Or do you have some bizarre troll fetish that you can't get yourself away from their company?
That place is almost as bad as DV!    [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Discover Seattle! / Re: DS Karma?
Feb 23 06 12:57
I think I know who this Lisa Maree is...
academe wrote:
how come people are talking here about me behind my back, and i've already been name-jacked here!  i might as well go back to the trolls at dv...

Ha! Even YOU made it here!

I thought you were too scared of the witch to show up...   And where did you see your handle being jacked?
P.C. wrote:
> No matter how many times, and how many ways it's been expressed, that the MODS on DV are extremely limited in what they can do.

Agreed. However they also have a wide range of options in terms of the attitude they project: Why do you think in halfway houses, drug rehab centres, and sometimes even in prisons residents are addressed by their last names? (ie. "Mr. Jones")

Because when you treat someone with respect (or even with the pretense of it), you force the other person, albeit momentarily, to pause and think before they act out in an irrational manner.  

Whereas on DV what you have is total lack of accountability, and with that comes total lack of respect.

The mods and other inept f*cktards that run that place don't think that they have an obligation to treat members with a modicum of professionalism and respect.

Yes, they're limited in what they can do. As a matter of fact, the only privilege they have is their access to the "delete" button. And do they ever abuse that...

As you can tell I'm not the least bit convinced by your sympathetic words for those asswipes. Because you know why? Because I've been observing the social phenomena on DV for a long, long time...  I've witnessed with my own eyes; it's always the same charade and the same game that they play:

Once they're overwhelmed by the so called trolls they fall into the familiar whining routine:

"We're only volunteers here..." or

"Poor poor mods... they're doing the best they can in face of those terrible, horrible trolls..."

None of those dipshits have the brains to question how they got to where they are, and what they did to cause that situation. It's always someone else's fault. And it never dawns on them that it takes 2 to tango.

> They can 'flag' something and submit it, but they're not responsible for the havoc there.

I've always held that they ARE responsible for causing more than 90% of the dysfunctional behaviour in that cesspool. (I'm not saying 100%, but 90% yes!)

> It makes me sad that they have to continue to take so much flack over this.  

Aww, poor poor mods...

> How different would this be, if in YOUR job, you saw things running amuck, but your boss only gave you a very short rope to correct it.  And yet you were STILL were held responsible for the mess.  Would you feel you were being treated fairly ????

[/DIV][/DIV]This is not a "job".  If they don't like it, they don't need to put up with what their "boss" gave them. They can always quit.

We both know that they've volunteered for this. And no one is paying them a dime for what they do (and yes do they ever make sure that they abuse and milk that fact the best they can in their attempts to justify their arrogance and powertripping...)

Whether you want to admit it or not PC, powertripping is where it's at. It's at the foundation of all the crap that goes on in that place.  If the conditions were so abusive, why would anyone continue doing this for no pay? I'll tell you why: This is the best ego trip they've ever had in their lives.  Plain and simple. Don't tell me otherwise.
someonesmart wrote: come i can post without having to register?  

You don't need to register to post. The board is set up for both registered as well as anonymous posting.
TehBorken wrote:

> I know you're joking, but I always liked DV and thought it was a fun place.

I'm glad you can see that it's a joke.

> I've got nothing against DV and I don't wish 'em any harm. There's probably enough room on teh intarweb for both of us.

I believe you. One of the advantages you have on this site is that it's not set up to oppose DV. You're not in competition with DV, and you didn't set this up to harm DV. (Whereas you probably know about the Montreal Guy episode... )

So I agree, there's definitely room for both sites on the Net. However, with the way DV has been going lately, I'm beginning to think that unless there's a major overhaul there, its days are coming to an end.

> Personally I hope like hell that they catch the f*cktard who's been messing with their site.

Let's be honest: We both know that there isn't an easy way of catching the culprit. So in all likelihood it won't happen. And even if they did, without a major investment of time, money, and energy, it'll be extremely difficult to bring any charges against him/her.

So I'm not holding my breath on this. I've seen this happen before: The same trick, multiple windows and porn popping up all over the place until they crash the machine... I think it was even the same site.  In the end they just deleted the thread and moved on.

Thankfully my reflexes were quick enough to hit ALT-F4 as soon as I saw the unwanted pop up and got away without suffering a major trauma. So personally I'm not even annoyed at whomever did this, let alone be mad about it.

> I don't doubt whoever it is will take a stab at this place too. I think this board is considerably more secure from that kind of stuff but you never know. We'll see.

I wouldn't expect these sorts of tricks popping up here yet. For one thing, the user base is still relatively small. And for another, you have not been instigating such behavior.

The fact is with their dictatorial style and inept mods, DV has a major PR problem. They are the cause of 90% of their problems. It's my firm conviction that so long as they don't straighten out their act, they'll continue experiencing such outbursts.

Ha - you brought this thread over here!

   But forgot the 'n' in tenkani...