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Messages - Future Canadian

Discover Seattle! / Re: Coffee
Nov 15 06 07:13
I use a single drip cone and brew one or two at a time. I drink 3 or 4 cups in the morning and steady caffiene intake throughout the day.
Percolators always make me think of being little at my grandparents and watching the bubbling. But I think the toddy method makes the best coffee (brewing a big jar of concentrated coffee then adding hot water to your portion - makes it creamy and yummy).
I'm all about the fair trade and shade grown. Millstone just came out with some for a decent price.
Slightly off topic but has anyone else seen Viso in their area, yet? Best energy drink ever! It comes with 300 milligrams of caffiene, as well as 100% of your vitamins (all of 'em - C, all the B's, etc) and lots of other good stuff like zinc and folic acid. It's a great energy boost without feeling like you're on crystal meth.
Word SD!
I wouldn't be on the Wolfmother bandwagon if I hadn't got a free download off iTunes.
And I've made more fans of them (and plenty others) by playing them at work (also another "unlicensed" activity). By the music industries' argument, I should get a cut of album sales every time I turn someone on to a new band that they then go and buy.
Discover Seattle! / Re: PS3 Crazed
Nov 13 06 10:40
The Gran Turismo series is about as perfect a driving game as one can find. GT5 will prove a pretty big draw for me to wanna score one of these, but 600 clicks just ain't lyin' around here. Moreover, if I had that kinda money to spend would my financial advisor (Mrs FC) let me spend that much on a damn video game?!?
But it's GT5 (w/ Ferrari this time!)
There was this hemaphroditic neoconservative choreographer with gigantic member who ate pudding with a fork with predictable consequences.  To my surprise and secret delight it liked to make giant bubbles that blew Sportsdude out of Missouri to the Kentucky where his horse decided it was[strong style="font-weight: normal;"] a better dancer than Sportsdude.  Then the horse gobbled [strong style="font-weight: normal;"]the farmer's underwear faster than a(n)[/b][/b]
Can you say "outdated, broken business model"? or how about "greedy industry that's getting screwed back like they deserve"?
If I was to actually pay them what they think they should get for every song on my iPod, it would cost as much as a car. That's stupid and they know it. Music should be for as many people as possible not just rich bastards like them.
I actually do pay for songs on iTunes. I love shopping for music in my own home and having a good copy right then and there. And getting a single song that I actually want instead of the whole crappy album is handy. But some clueless labels still aren't with the program and don't make their stuff available there (still waiting for AC/DC, old Gary Numan, old De La Soul). So I just download it off the net or buy a used CD if it's not there. So they miss out on making the sale! Don't they get it? Welcome to 1998 dumbasses!
Today is a good day to mock our "president"

Time to face the music, George.
I can't wait for all the congressional investigations of all his shenanigans.
Should make for some great political theater for the next few years.
Discover Seattle! / Re: Life
Nov 08 06 07:49
Great poll! I wanted to pick all the choices for different reasons. Full of Surprises fits best.
I always imagined I'd have a wife and kids someday. Now that I do, I'm surprised at how wonderful and fulfilling it actually is. And at how much bloody work it is!
I'm surprised at how much I resent having to have a job and what a grind it is working for someone else's dream.
Unfortunately I'm not the famous artist and world traveller I'd hoped to be by now. But life is so full of surprises and wonder that every day is a gift.
I started posting on DV after finding it while researching a possible move to Canada, so FC reflects my state at the time. Then I found a bumper sticker of it so it stuck for me (ignore pun, please).
I'm so over the United Snakes