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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Vivek Golikeri on Nov 10 13 06:03

Title: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Vivek Golikeri on Nov 10 13 06:03
Everyone compares us negatively to Canadians, portraying them as paragons of considerate and polite behavior whereas the United States is supposed to be Canada's bad boy twin. In real life there is some truth to that. But in the blogosphere, guess what?

On Canadian forums poster malign, spew vulgarity, attack other posters personally and racially, and do all kinds of shameless things. On US forums, by comparison, conduct is generally more mature even if not always more friendly.

What gives? Is it because the mods on US forums are generally not so laissez-faire?
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: TehBorken on Nov 11 13 01:55
Quote from: Vivek Golikeri on Nov 10 13 06:03What gives? Is it because the mods on US forums are generally not so laissez-faire?

I don't know...there are plenty of US sites that are overflowing with racism so it's definitely not just a Canadian thing. The Yahoo news comment sections are predominantly American as far as I can tell, and it's off the scale with  blatant racism. Same with It's like the Klan and the Nazis having a meet-n-greet.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: DDD on Nov 19 13 06:58
I'm Canadian


Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: nhl367 on Nov 20 13 06:20
Im Canadian as well
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: DDD on Nov 21 13 05:32
u are a
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Vivek Golikeri on Dec 02 13 04:12
The funny thing is that over the last four decades the two countries have become more like each other used to be. America has become more tolerant and multicultural whereas Canada has developed racial problems and violent crime problems once unthinkable north of our border.

Canada has many good qualities. I am not knocking Canada. However, differences between the two countries are more blurred and less cut-and-dry than they were in the 1960's or early 1970's.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: DDD on Dec 02 13 04:30
Quote from: Vivek Golikeri on Dec 02 13 04:12
The funny thing is that over the last four decades the two countries have become more like each other used to be. America has become more tolerant and multicultural whereas Canada has developed racial problems and violent crime problems once unthinkable north of our border.

Canada has many good qualities. I am not knocking Canada. However, differences between the two countries are more blurred and less cut-and-dry than they were in the 1960's or early 1970's.

I agree with you......our stupid government in Canada has seen all the BS the USA has gone through and you would think we would learn from that..... nope they just proceed forward with there heads shoved firmly up there asses and don't give a @%^* about anything except how much they can keep for themselves

Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Russ on Dec 10 13 11:46
Quote from: Vivek Golikeri on Dec 02 13 04:12
The funny thing is that over the last four decades the two countries have become more like each other used to be. America has become more tolerant and multicultural whereas Canada has developed racial problems and violent crime problems once unthinkable north of our border.

Canada has many good qualities. I am not knocking Canada. However, differences between the two countries are more blurred and less cut-and-dry than they were in the 1960's or early 1970's.

Im a Canadian as well.
But I agree with you. A lot of the stereotyping is of America and Canada from a generation ago. Canada and the US are intertwined with our cultures now. But you can pick and choose examples.
When I am in the Northern US states, its a lot different than when I am in the Southern US states. I currently work with a number of Americans from the US Gulf states. You would be appalled with the racism I see with some of them, not all of them. That's not saying there's none in Canada, there is lots in the smaller Northern communities in our provinces.
Im thinking there's more notice of it now than before due to media and freedom of the sharing of ideas on the internet.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Gopher on Dec 11 13 06:39
More or less what I thought, but good to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: DDD on Dec 11 13 10:16
Quote from: Gopher on Dec 11 13 06:39
More or less what I thought, but good to hear it from the horse's mouth.

more like the ASS   LOL  j/k
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Russ on Dec 12 13 01:59
LOL, hm, I think Im missing something here.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: TehBorken on Dec 25 13 08:23
There's NO doubt at all that the southern states in the US are very racist.

Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, and both Carolinas are chock full of racist f*ckheads. And they're not bashful about it, they're proud of it. They fly the Confederate flag and talk about how it was better back when slavery was the norm. A lot of the people in those states still think interracial marriage should be illegal:


"...29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal."

"...21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal."

Really, it's mind-bending.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Gopher on Dec 26 13 03:01
Not only mind bending, also puke-making.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: TehBorken on Dec 26 13 01:31
For what it's worth, Montana and North and South Dakota aren't exactly bastions of free thought and tolerance. In general the coasts are okay, but most of the flyover country is still living in the 1800's.

Virginia is mixed, about half-and-half normal and whacko. Virginia is home to Ken Cuccinelli, the current Attorney General of Virginia who was the Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia in the 2013 Virginia gubernatorial election.

He ran on a ticket to "outlaw sodomy", I shit you not. THAT was his main concern during the campaign, outlawing sodomy. Sodomy, sodomy, sodomy! He wanted to make it illegal, with serious penalties including jail time.

Apparently Ken didn't realize that sodomy includes things like oral sex, which most people tend to like. (I know it will be a huge surprise for you to find out he's a Republican.)

He lost the election because no one wants to make blowjobs illegal. No one, except Ken Cuccinelli. But yeah, that's Virginia for you.

Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Gopher on Dec 27 13 06:51
And he's never had one?
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: TehBorken on Dec 27 13 08:57
Quote from: Gopher on Dec 27 13 06:51And he's never had one?

I'm guessing his dog wouldn't cooperate.
Title: Re: American forums generally better behaved than Canadian ones
Post by: Gopher on Jan 03 14 03:53
Dogs prefer meat.