CNet reports that some surveillance of your email has been permitted by U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan in Washington, D.C., without first requiring any evidence of wrongdoing. Curiously: 'instead of asking to eavesdrop on the contents of the e-mail messages, which would require some evidence of wrongdoing, prosecutors [of the US Justice Dept.] instead requested the identities of the correspondents. Also included in the request was header information like date and time and Internet address--but not subject lines.'
[a href="vny!://"]Link to full story[/a]
The Bush junta seems to have absolutely no shame whatsoever.[/DIV]If this were Al Gore, John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton doing this we would never hear the end of it. I mean, weren't conservatives supposed to be anti-big government?We MUST elect a democratic congress so someone can at least start to put the brakes on and investigate. And OMG, if we elect another Republican for pres I will never stop throwing up.
The Bush Crime Family has completely subverted the US Government.