vny!:// (//vny!://
Cool, Gopher!
I'm approximately the 2,953,654,980th person to have lived since history began.
You were the 4,236,734,443rd person
Your country's (USA) population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 80.5 years
341 people, the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site.
My life expectancy is only 77.4 - I'd better get a move on.
You were the 4,385,017,378th person born in Canada Your country's population is 34,016,593 Average life expectancy is 82.8 years
This is a great way of telling people your age - if you don't want them to know how old you are.
You are 24 ;) , male and living in Canada You were the 3,281,184,923rd person Canada
Your country's population is 34,016,593 Average life expectancy is 78.2 years What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime and beyond, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Little of the current growth is happening in developed countries like yours.
Longer lives: Working-age people like you will be supporting increasing numbers of older people during the next decades. By 2050, there will be just 2.2 people of working age supporting every person aged 65 or older in the developed world. In Europe, this will drop to just two.
Battle for resources: It is estimated that your group of the richest countries consumes double the resources used by the rest of the world. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.
Did you know? The average family size globally has declined by half since 1950 - from five children to the current 2.5. 201 people
the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site
What is age, anyway?
I think the BBC is lying to me. I am not a young person. The BBC would know this to be true if they ever took a class with me in university.
Classes make you old ?
I'm the oldest person in my classes by 5-6yrs.
Quote from: Sportsdude on Oct 31 11 10:36
I'm the oldest person in my classes by 5-6yrs.
That doesn't make you old. That shows you're ambitious.
Quote from: Natasha on Nov 02 11 10:24
That doesn't make you old. That shows you're ambitious.
LOL............thats cause your going back to school :-*
^ umm ok :-\
I had your number ^^^^