Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Orik on May 07 11 11:07

Title: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Orik on May 07 11 11:07
Do you Feel Lucky?

[a href="vny!://"]Did you ever think God was trying to tell you something ? [/a]

Holy Cow Mother Mary Jumping Jesus & all the saints above Get me to the nearest hospital and a ticket for all the local lotteries from the nearest lottery retailer for today's draw

Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Orik on May 07 11 11:44
 You may have to check the video link later. It Seems like some Son Of A Bitch has gone and crashed the Totally Crap server and the database seems like it is Fubar. It looks like one little a$$hole turned the whole setup over at TC into a Snafu position

It is all Royally F*cked up

And speaking of royalty has any one seen the colour of her panties =)
(//forums/richedit/upload/2k6a36df6a7e.jpg%22%20border=%220%22%5D%20%20insert%20big%20evil%20grin%20here.%20%5Ba%20href=%22vny!:// Image Can Be Found here. Probably not for long though [/a]

Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Gopher on May 07 11 02:55
Are they fishnet?
Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Orik on May 07 11 08:39
  Not that I can tell. For me they look like they are white in colour & covered in little black polka dots. As far as I can tell she is not wearing any nylons. A bad show by the people who posted it but I thought it a rather revealing showing of colours and worthy of a chuckle... I am  fairly sure the Princess is not going to be amused at this photo though.

I have also heard rumors there is a couple of photos of her sister Pippa, being caught by some photographer with some rather revealing shots of her neither regions Sans panty's but they have yet to see the light of day. Until I see those photo's for myself  they will remain as they have this past week as only rumor and scuttlebutt. If they are real photos they will sooner or later make their way to the surface it always does.

Mind you these photo's could  have also been doctored by some one that has some Photoshop skills and thus may have been manipulated to show whatever they want the photo to show..  then again it could be the same thing with the Video I posted above. Which is finaly working again. it poses a rather interesting question ...

Is it the real thing or just some internet hocus pocus and another fake that will possibly go viral ?

[font size="1"][a href="vny!://"]LabTanner Forum[/a][/font]
Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Natasha on May 16 11 03:49
How did this go from God telling us something to someones fricken panties?

*rolls eyes*

...and this is the second thread I've seen that same pic in. Thank God I'm not as enthralled with Pipas under attire as some people seem to be   :P
Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Orik on May 16 11 05:30
Have you seen her Topless bikini Pictures from 2006?  I did, terrible shot taken at a bad angle but she is Topless..

The rumors of her bearded clam being on preview are just that rumor only, so far no known photos of her with out panties on have come to the surface.

Well for being the sister of the next possible Queen makes her a very talked about celebrity and she is one mighty fine looking woman..Mind you that is only if you like women and if you like them skinny...

From being struck by lightning sent by God, to someones Panties ..

Talk about talk for the water cooler meetings...

Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: Natasha on May 16 11 07:56
Orik wrote:
Have you seen her Topless bikini Pictures from 2006?  I did, terrible shot taken at a bad angle but she is Topless.. I haven't seen them.

The rumors of her bearded clam being on preview are just that rumor only, so far no known photos of her with out panties on have come to the surface.

Well for being the sister of the next possible Queen makes her a very talked about celebrity and she is one mighty fine looking woman..Mind you that is only if you like women and if you like them skinny...

 I dont really like skinny women but I agree, she is a mighty fine looking woman. I think even prettier than Kate.

From being struck by lightning sent by God, to someones Panties ..

Talk about talk for the water cooler meetings...

lol.. at least there's a little something for all of us to enjoy  :)


Title: Re: Do You Feel Lucky?
Post by: DDD on May 31 11 11:42
From being struck by lightning sent by God, to someones Panties ..

Well seeing as I am an atheist I will have to stick with the panties          [img style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #3169c6 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c6d3ef; BORDER-TOP: #3169c6 1px solid; CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-RIGHT: #3169c6 1px solid" onmouseover="'#C6D3EF';'1px solid #3169C6'; " onmouseout="'';''" onclick="InsertImage('/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/9.gif');" align=absMiddle src="vny!://"]