Been a long time... was just stopping in to see if this place was still up and running. I actually can't believe I remembered my password.
Lot's of the same names still around, anyways... Hi all you oldies.
Geez, they'll let anybody in here. lol (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Wow, it really HAS been a long time!
they let me in............. [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
[SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"] I remember this name from DV[/SPAN][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"][?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]
And what a mess he's made of it - obsessed with having the last word.
it belongs to me LAST WORD that is
If you look at the appropriate thread, you'll see that it doesn't.
Gopher wrote:
If you look at the appropriate thread, you'll see that it doesn't.[/DIV]
no need as i knows it does............too much booooze
They say nostalgia is like a grammar lesson. We find the present tense but the past perfect.
Damn, I think my head just asploded!
How ya doing?
Great to see you again, Tenkani - it's been too long.
Booze :)
Tb, Goph. Hi guys!
I don't know. I just woke up.
Hope you had some good dreams along the way.
I had to check that these posts were 2011!
Hi to Aboozer and Tenkani! :) It has definitely been a long time.
[img border=0 src="vny!://"] [FONT size=7]Tenkani !!!!!!!!!!![/FONT]
Hi Gophie, how's the cold, and everything else too. [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
The cold continues, and everything else continues to continue too. And what have YOU been doing of late?
Hello Miss PC! So nice to see you around again. Hope all is well with you. :)
Aboozer, I see you've just logged in again!
And yet again...
It's new and improved, with 50% more nonsense! :)
And there's now a guest forum for the klonks who are too chicken to sign up, lol.
Quote from: Aboozer on Nov 14 11 02:40
And yet again...
Ya I noticed that... looks good... Now there is a section for my old troll like behaviour.
Trolls what is that ::)
Never heard of them. Are they nice?
Quote from: Gopher on Nov 23 11 10:23
Never heard of them. Are they nice?
Oh, they're delicious.
Grilled, roast or toasted?
Here you are, TB
I usually prefer to cook trolls with something like this:
The invention of the flamethrower means that at some point, some person said to himself, "Gee, I sure would like to set those people on fire over there. But I'm just too far away to do it..."
Names from the past who have since passed on to other internet sites. I wonder where they are today and what they did.