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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Gopher on Feb 18 11 07:35

Title: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: Gopher on Feb 18 11 07:35
Someone just asked me what I thought, but as yet I haven't decided which. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 18 11 08:08
Someone just asked me what I thought, but as yet I haven't decided which. Any ideas?

Texting, Lady GaGa, and the Patriot Act.

Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: Natasha on Feb 18 11 08:27
Omg, I love texting and Lady Gaga    :-D

  Worst innovations... I can't think of any. Usually I think there's good and bad to everything. Its all in how you look at it and what you do with it.
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: Gopher on Feb 18 11 10:55
So far I can only think of Reality TV.
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: DDD on Feb 23 11 12:04
State of Israel


Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: Gopher on Feb 23 11 02:21
I'll agree with all three, DDD. Well chosen.
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 24 11 05:48
DDD wrote: [div style="font-style: italic;"]Plastic[/div]
Really? Without plastic, many of us wouldn't be alive right now. I think plastic is likely one of the greatest inventions of all time. Its availability and usefulness has improved countless lives all over the world in more ways than you can imagine.
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: DDD on Feb 24 11 10:08
TehBorken wrote:
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]DDD wrote: [/SPAN]  [DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]Plastic[/DIV]
Really? Without plastic, many of us wouldn't be alive right now. I think plastic is likely one of the greatest inventions of all time. Its availability and usefulness has improved countless lives all over the world in more ways than you can imagine.

  [P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]True but look at the masses amount now floating in the Oceans of the world and our land fills are full of it. Also the proven leaching off of chemicals into our foods from plastics. I would remove it from my list if we as keepers of this plant would recycle all plastics and treat it as toxic waste as I believe most is made with an oil base and we all know oil is a major pollutant.

Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 25 11 02:17
   DDD wrote:[p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"]True but look at the masses amount now floating in the Oceans of the world and our land fills are full of it. Also the proven leaching off of chemicals into our foods from plastics. I would remove it from my list if we as keepers of this plant would recycle all plastics and treat it as toxic waste as I believe most is made with an oil base and we all know oil is a major pollutant.
[/p][p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"]
[/p][p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNormal"]Yes, almost all plastic is made from or with oil, but oil is nothing compared to substances like Dihydrogen Monoxide: vny!://  For example, [/p][blockquote class="toccolours" style="float: none; padding: 10px 15px; display: table;"]Dihydrogen monoxide:[/p] [ul][li]is called "[a href="vny!://"]hydroxyl[/a] [a href="vny!://"]acid[/a]", the substance is the major component of [a href="vny!://"]acid rain[/a].[/li][li]contributes to the "[a href="vny!://"]greenhouse effect[/a]".[/li][li]may cause severe burns.[/li][li]is fatal if inhaled.[/li][li]contributes to the [a href="vny!://"]erosion[/a] of our natural landscape.[/li][li]accelerates [a href="vny!://"]corrosion[/a] and rusting of many metals.[/li][li]may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.[/li][li]has been found in excised [a href="vny!://" title="Tumor"]tumors[/a] of terminal [a href="vny!://"]cancer[/a] patients.[/li][/ul] Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used: [ul][li]as an industrial solvent and coolant.[/li][li]in nuclear power plants.[/li][li]in the production of Styrofoam.[/li][li]as a fire retardant.[/li][li]in many forms of cruel animal research.[/li][li]in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.[/li][li]as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.[/li][/ul] [/blockquote]Based on that, would you rather ban plastics or dihydrogen monoxide?  
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: DDD on Feb 26 11 07:54
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: Sportsdude on Feb 26 11 10:02
Terror colour coded alert system/the stupid voice that comes on every 5mins at the airport warning about the apocalypse
Pontiac Aztek
Fox News (yes, the channel has been around since 1996, but the channel didn't grow until 2000.)

Honourable mentions: "The War on Terror," Glenn Beck, and the Segway.

Side note: It would have been interesting to see what Seattle's Monorail would have looked like.

Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 27 11 12:05
 DDD wrote:

Okay, but if you had to ban one or the other, which would you pick? Plastic or dihydrogen monoxide?

Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: DDD on Feb 28 11 04:13
 State of Israel stays and the rest goes[/DIV]
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: TehBorken on Mar 01 11 07:52
  DDD wrote:
 [div]State of Israel stays and the rest goes

You do realize that dihydrogen monoxide is the chemical name for water, right? You've just called for outlawing or getting rid of water.
Title: Re: Worst three innovations of the last decade?
Post by: DDD on Mar 01 11 08:56
TehBorken wrote:
  DDD wrote:
  [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]State of Israel stays and the rest goes[/SPAN]

You do realize that [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]dihydrogen monoxide[/SPAN] is the chemical name for water, right? You've just called for outlawing or getting rid of [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]water[/SPAN].
 nope and did not look at that link...............thanks