On someones advice here is a thread dedicated to funny, weird, etc pics:
what else would you like to post?
[img alt="" src="vny!://home.no.net/webfast/Lucifer/Hungry.jpg"]
borrowed from the DV archives
"what else would you like to post?"[/DIV] [/DIV]No no no, silly goose. I LIKE the pictures idea. I mean if I just put up a picture, and hit post it tells me my message screen is empty. I have to put text on the page before it will post. (//vny!://www.catpictures.us/funny/kittenhat1.jpg)
you can also just hit 'enter' twice.. and it will post for you.
Still can't post pics, but I love this thread. Thanks for starting it, kits.
the easiest way is to cut and paste pictures to the reply.
Some times it doesn't work, butmostof the time it does. There is a propper way of doing it, but I am far too lazy to go through all that!
I always find this funny for some reason.
Its Catzilla!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/5.gif)
See, now there's the problem. I don't know how to cut and paste. Sounds stupid, I know, but no matter how I tried, I just couldn't get the hang of it. So I'll just have to sit back and admire all you clever people.[/DIV](//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/18.gif)
(//vny!://www.thealchemist.info/Funny%20Picture.JPG) my bad for the planned parenthood thing.
(//vny!://www.funnypracticaljokes.com/images/funny-stuff/funny-pictures/gross.jpg)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/27.gif) lol[A href="vny!://www.funnypracticaljokes.com/images/funny-stuff/funny-pictures/gross.jpg[/img][/A]
you can right click and drag your cursor over the pic until it hi-lights, then left click, and it will give you the option to cut or copy. Click on one of the options.
Go to where you want to paste, left click again, and select paste. (i am teaching bad picture posting habbits, but it is the only way I know)
Safe Sex (this pic is also stolen)
This guy is amazing.
I believe this guy has got his 3-D drawing skills down pat.
Ummmm......that's beautiful kits.
What is it ?
hmmm...when i post a pic without and text, i get this error msg??
"The message body was left empty." does anyone else get this.
I just tried to post a ha ha photo but Paste wouldn't highlight on my computer.
Yes kingy.....I mentioned that somewhere earlier in this thread. I just put a little period beside the picture.....it seems to require text.
I just tried to post a ha ha photo but Paste wouldn't highlight on my computer
You can't do it that way, you need to highlight and copy whatever it is, then Control-V or Shift-Insert to paste it (that's what I do anyway).
how is everyone this morning?
OMG.....I love Calvin and Hobbs
Good morning kits.
I don't have picture this morn, but this is hilarious. [A href="vny!://www.songtapper.com/s/tappingmain.bin?dotap=1"]vny!://www.songtapper.com/s/tappingmain.bin?dotap=1[/A] If you can't think of a song title, you can actually tap the tune with your space bar, and it'll tell you the name of the song. Amazing.
getting... sucked.... back.... into.... DS!..
[A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://animenfo.com/image/anime_584.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://animenfo.com/animetitle,584,kkmcru,gravitation_tv.html&h=140&w=120&sz=8&tbnid=Gv2u4zAfSvnN-M:&tbnh=88&tbnw=75&hl=en&start=169&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2BGravitation%26start%3D160%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=88 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:Gv2u4zAfSvnN-M:animenfo.com/image/anime_584.jpg" width=75]vny!://[/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://anime.mikomi.org/images/sized/64/64/410.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://anime.mikomi.org/by-key/Shounen%2BAi&h=64&w=64&sz=14&tbnid=FOT3ZupaTH9GpM:&tbnh=64&tbnw=64&hl=en&start=192&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2BGravitation%26start%3D180%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=64 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:FOT3ZupaTH9GpM:anime.mikomi.org/images/sized/64/64/410.jpg" width=64][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://photobucket.com/albums/v133/Dizzygummybear/Anime/th_gravitation15.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://photobucket.com/albums/v133/Dizzygummybear/Anime/&h=84&w=119&sz=5&tbnid=hHLriDxoEyhDuM:&tbnh=58&tbnw=83&hl=en&start=198&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2BGravitation%26start%3D180%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=58 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:hHLriDxoEyhDuM:photobucket.com/albums/v133/Dizzygummybear/Anime/th_gravitation15.jpg" width=83][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://purpleriho.tripod.com/anime/thumbnails/100x100/3.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://purpleriho.tripod.com/anime/&h=70&w=100&sz=3&tbnid=ygHY-qZDjfs6QM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=77&hl=en&start=228&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2BGravitation%26start%3D220%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=53 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:ygHY-qZDjfs6QM:purpleriho.tripod.com/anime/thumbnails/100x100/3.jpg" width=77][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://penthouse.no-ip.org/anime2/Fushigi_Yuugi_12_1024.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.gamespot.com/unions/home.html%3Funion_id%3DFGUnion&h=768&w=1024&sz=134&tbnid=XFQQiI6afja_cM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=150&hl=en&start=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bguy%26start%3D120%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=112 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:XFQQiI6afja_cM:penthouse.no-ip.org/anime2/Fushigi_Yuugi_12_1024.jpg" width=150][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://lokosebas.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/angel-sanctuary-angel-anime-angel-picture.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://lokosebas.tripod.com/id2.html&h=232&w=250&sz=25&tbnid=3FH0Dv8Nryx7fM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=106&hl=en&start=10&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bangel%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D"][img height=98 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:3FH0Dv8Nryx7fM:lokosebas.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/angel-sanctuary-angel-anime-angel-picture.jpg" width=106][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://happy-aspirations.net/portfolio/portlay4.gif&imgrefurl=vny!://happy-aspirations.net/portfolio/pastportlays.php&h=450&w=369&sz=121&tbnid=Azsd3DXjBf8t-M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=101&hl=en&start=33&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bangel%26start%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=124 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:Azsd3DXjBf8t-M:happy-aspirations.net/portfolio/portlay4.gif" width=101][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://www.angelskully.com/FALLEN%2520ANGEL%2520GIRL.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.angelskully.com/gallery.htm&h=1012&w=772&sz=59&tbnid=BmVbK1PdoBathM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=113&hl=en&start=18&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2Bfallen%2Bangel%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D"][img height=149 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:BmVbK1PdoBathM:www.angelskully.com/FALLEN%2520ANGEL%2520GIRL.jpg" width=113][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://www.anime-extreme.net/imagegallery/albums/anime/angels/sad.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.xanga.com/xXhope_catcherXx&h=569&w=773&sz=148&tbnid=Vzr_d7PUTDZUrM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=141&hl=en&start=3&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bsad%2Bangel%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"](//vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:Vzr_d7PUTDZUrM:www.anime-extreme.net/imagegallery/albums/anime/angels/sad.jpg)[/A]
I love these pictures.!=D Don't know if they will all show.......hopefully.
They worked perfectly (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif)
[FONT color=#ff4040]Anyone remember this dashing fellow?[/FONT] (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/harwheel.jpg)
help us out....
Thanks, Tenkani.!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
how bout this one?
I've seen that one before Kits........I don't remember where........
Astro Boy!!
oh! I knew that. It was on the tip of my tounge.lol.
Very Lucky.!^-^
Astro Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/Final-Fantasy-X-2----Paine-.jpg)[/DIV][FONT size=1].[/FONT]
"yo yo whassup bitches! "
Pretty Rose.^-^
"yo yo whassup bitches! " [FONT color=#bf5f00]Hay big boy...[/FONT]
That dog is soooo cute!
It actually brings a tear to my eye everytime I see it!
Other then Benji, or perhaps scooby-doo, that has to be one of the most famous dogs on earth.. (may she rest in peace)
(//vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/111005DoNotDirectLinkGhettoBabyDotNetCandaceDixon/afraid3.gif) OMG....tenkani.....that is without a doubt the ugliest animal I have ever seen
"yo yo whassup bitches! "
I knew you would catch the signifigance of the wording! * heres a Karma~
ummm whats the difference between jr member and full member.? how do you become a full member.?
My poor dog is cone bound right now...[/DIV](//vny!://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/seanfleckenstein/Miserablecone.jpg)Wow, hope that's not too big.
50 posts + = junior member
Give kits $100 = Full member (just kidding 100 posts = full member)
keep climbing Yuki!
Thank You Kits.! Well I talk alot anyway, so I'll be a full member very soon.! hehhe. How are you today Kits.?
You're almost there Yuki !!!
having a great day today Yuki!
busy morning... but not so much now.... Waiting for my Patio Beer!! you?
My day is good.^-^ I know P.C, oh the tension.! Glad your day is okay Kits.!=D
[FONT color=#4040ff]How about a tropical drink, kits?[/FONT]
[FONT color=#ff0000]Teh Discover Seattle[/FONT] INGREDIENTS:
2 shots Crown Royal Canadian whiskey
2 shots Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
1 shot Red Rum
Lemon slice
Lime slice
Pour shots into large glass. Fill with Hawaiian Punch. Garnish with lemon, lime, tiny paper umbrella, plastic palm tree and Discover Seattle logo swizzle stick.
I love the American, Canadian Mix...
Have a blue one "on me".... (//vny!://www.oipeasyupdate.com/microsites/icgp/sdf/images/blue%20drinks.jpg) and that doesn't mean I'm buying!
"coincidence?" Lord Hubbard (praise his name) teaches us that there is no such thing.
Mmmmmmm...[FONT color=#0080ff size=4]blue[/FONT] *guzzle*
I have a cartoon about L. Ron, but I am worried if i post it, i will start a religeous war! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/12.gif)
Plato said that only the dead have seen the end of war. And by that he meant, of course, "bring it" [/DIV](//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/7.gif)
OH [FONT color=#00bf60]IT'S ON NOW!!!![/FONT]
[img height=585 src="vny!://www.moviepoopshoot.com/comics101/images/2005/apr13/lordmanga.jpg" width=394]
[TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%"][TBODY][TR][TD style="OVERFLOW: hidden" vAlign=top width="16%" rowSpan=2][A title="View the profile of tenkani" href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2"][FONT color=#323232]tenkani[/FONT][/A] [DIV class=smalltext]Full Member
[img alt=* src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/Themes/default/images/star.gif" border=0][img alt=* src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/Themes/default/images/star.gif" border=0][img alt=* src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/Themes/default/images/star.gif" border=0]
[/DIV][DIV class=smalltext] [/DIV][DIV class=smalltext] [/DIV][DIV class=smalltext] [/DIV][DIV class=smalltext]Sounds similar to:[/DIV][DIV class=smalltext] [/DIV][DIV class=smalltext][SPAN class=body][FONT face=Verdana size=2]The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.[/FONT][/SPAN]
[SPAN class=bodybold][A href="vny!://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/huntersth109599.html"][FONT face=Verdana color=#0011ff size=2]Hunter S. Thompson[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Verdana size=2] [/FONT][/SPAN]
[/DIV][/TD][TD vAlign=top width="85%" height="100%"][TABLE width="100%" border=0][TBODY][TR][TD vAlign=center align=left][A href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php/topic,73.msg1292.html#msg1292"][img alt="" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/Themes/default/images/post/xx.gif" border=0][/A][/TD][TD vAlign=center align=left][A href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php/topic,73.msg1292.html#msg1292"][FONT color=#000000]Re: Pictures Only Please! [/FONT][/A][DIV class=smalltext]« Reply #68 on: Feb 10 06 »[/DIV][/TD][TD style="FONT-SIZE: smaller" vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right height=20][A href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php?action=post;quote=1292;topic=73.60;num_replies=73;sesc=6a86884d9ae88d3b48d2758efc9772cb"][FONT color=#000000]Reply with quote[/FONT][/A] [/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][HR class=hrcolor width="100%" SIZE=1][DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"]Plato said that only the dead have seen the end of war.[/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
*single tear*[/DIV]Oh lover, you had me at "sounds". (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/tenderly4ym.jpg)
Drunks are funny! More: [A href="vny!://media.skoopy.com/misc/drunks/"]vny!://media.skoopy.com/misc/drunks/[/A]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/12ds.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
[img height=450 src="vny!://www.fresh99.com/images/comicbooks/goldenshowers.jpg" width=350][/DIV].. [A href="vny!://www.fresh99.com/images/comicbooks/goldenshowers.jpg"][/A]
ROFL! You are a sick man...
[img height=400 src="vny!://www.jimhoward.info/images/been3mon.jpg" width=486 border=0]
[img alt="vny!://boingboing.net/images/12cheney4xx.jpg" src="vny!://boingboing.net/images/12cheney4xx.jpg"]
[A href="vny!://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=kKGxaol4qws&eurl=&iurl=vny!%3A//st"]vny!://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=kKGxaol4qws&eurl=&iurl=vny!%3A//st[/A]
HA! That Cheney is a vicious bastard!
Hey tenkani.[/DIV]How much does Photoshop cost?[/DIV]I'd like to get it. (//vny!://www.45acp.org/Funny%20Vancouver.jpg)Is this really a sign? If so, LMAO!!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
Photoshop is free.
IT IS? SWEET. Where do I download?
[img height=391 src="vny!://wwwpp.uwrf.edu/~w1083002/kidsmenu.jpg" width=419]
[img height=277 src="vny!://wwwpp.uwrf.edu/~w1083002/hell-freezes.jpg" width=500] [img height=349 src="vny!://wwwpp.uwrf.edu/~w1083002/donutland.jpg" width=578]
I can't give you advice on where to download illegal software, but Limewire is a wonderful P2P app if you want to download pictures of Brad Pitt, or something...
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/2page03.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
Doesn't Adobe Photoshop do this?
[img height=310 src="vny!://wwwpp.uwrf.edu/~w1083002/gasprice1.jpg" width=240]
eMule is also very handy for umm, evaluating software and ummm music and ummm apps and stuff. Or so I've heard.
[a href="vny!://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1"]eMule Home Page[/a]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/2page04.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
Anybody watch WebJunk 20 in Vh1.[/DIV]They had a internet clip of wolf blitzer discribing New Orleans as qoute "SOoo Poor....SOoo Black."(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/16.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/20.gif)
No more Pictures???? [A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img alt=Sobbing src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_9.gif[/img][/A]
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb062_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb062&pp=ZNxdm824DFCA" border=0][/A]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/2page05.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img alt="Bow Down Before You" src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_17_4.gif[/img][/A] Thank you, tenkani. I needed that!
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb062_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb062&pp=ZNxdm824DFCA" border=0][/A]
Tenkani rocks[/DIV](//vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/kevlar69/sign.jpg)
I like to keep my kevlar close.[/DIV]Can a brutha get an amen? (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/covertvestkevlar4wz.jpg)
Amen Brother.. Have a seat, I've gotcha covered..[/DIV][img] vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/kevlar69/tenky.bmp"]
OMG....this little guy is TOO cute...
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/112126babyweaseljpg.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
OMGOMGOMG.....is that a KITTEN ???????
I believe it's a ferret...or something.
[A title=Boo! href="vny!://www.flickr.com/photos/sbmontana/8379762/"][img height=180 alt="grey tabby" src="vny!://photos4.flickr.com/8379762_7234e7f6b5_m.jpg" width=240][/A].
Awwwwwwww!!! Thanks, P.C.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/2page07.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
Ahhh....um...you ever see something and just get unexplainably disturbed on a deep subconscious level?
Like right now?
Every time I look at this guy.
\/ \/ \/
[DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"][img style="WIDTH: 70px; HEIGHT: 65px" height=65 alt="" src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/Avatar_2_76.jpg" width=65 border=0]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/Bobby_DV.gif)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/whatis2.gif)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/whatis2.gif)[font color="#ffffff"].[/font]
There's one like this with Cheney heads but damn if I can find it anywhere.
that was one of the funniest skits ever. First time where a guest out shines the regulars.
This one's for Panhof.......kitty in pantyhose.
Kitteh does not look amused (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/13.gif)
[font color="#ffffff" face="Skia" size="+4"][img]vny!://www.bonsaikitten.com/bklogo.gif" x-claris-useimagewidth="" x-claris-useimageheight="" align="bottom" height="135" width="147"] [/font][img]vny!://www.bonsaikitten.com/facebw.jpg" x-claris-useimagewidth="" x-claris-useimageheight="" align="bottom" border="0" height="108" width="144"]
[a href="vny!://www.bonsaikitten.com/bkgallery.html"]Bonsai Kittens[/a]
[img height=315 src="vny!://www.stuffonmycat.com/media/2/20051111-RUDI.jpg" width=420].
Sorry everyone, thats a little hard to read..[/DIV]translation:Dick Cheney asking Bill Clinton if he wants to go hunting and " Please bring your wife "
Hi Kevlar [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/c025.gif[/img]
"Fridays After Five" (//vny!://www.galleryone.com/images/bullas/bullas_-_fridays_after_five.JPG)
Hey P.C.[/DIV]We're almost there dude.. I'm outta here in 10...[/DIV]Wow, those ducks have huge peckers....Have a great weekend Y'all [img alt=cheers1.gif src="vny!://jm.g.free.fr/smileys/cute_smileys/cheers1.gif" border=0]
You too kevlar........(love Will Bulla s's work)[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a063.gif[/img]
"The Hare Club" (//vny!://www.galleryone.com/images/bullas/bullas-hare-club.jpg)
Hey P.C. I like his work too.
[CITE][FONT size=5]Sitting Duck [FONT size=3]by [/FONT][/FONT][A href="vny!://www.sitting-ducks.com/"]Michael Bedard[/A] [/CITE]
[/DIV][img]vny!://www.stanford.edu/~riepel/sitduck.jpg" align=bottom]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/ratzushka_WEB.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
"Lab Dance"
I think I got this off DV at some point...[/DIV](//vny!://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/seanfleckenstein/loup.jpg)
Amazing pic FC. How's it going ?......(too lazy to look for a pic)
Hiya PC. It's going just ducky. (sorry, couldn't resist)
Some cute pics on here today. (I hope this thread never dies).
(I probably shouldn't post tonight, I had a couple glasses of wine)[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a143.gif" border=0]
Right on. Just puffed after work herb. Trying to find pictures that I didn't get from here or DV.
Well THAT and a couple glasses of wine, may not lend itself well to quality posts.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/e058.gif" border=0]
Hey we're supposed to be posting pictures[/DIV](//vny!://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/seanfleckenstein/shazam-captain-marvel.jpg)
Oh all right !!!
I love stuffonmycat!That looks exactly like our cockatiel
Hahahahaha....so do I. Which is bizarre, considering I have such a distaste for people who dress up there pets.
Oh lawwwwd. I'd be in the E.R. if I tried to do that to my cat.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
Awww! [p align="center"][img]vny!://www.crazydoodle.com/images/wp-311.jpg" height="337" width="252"][/p]
[FONT face=Verdana size=2]"On someones advice here is a thread dedicated to funny, weird, etc pics:"[/FONT][/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2][/FONT] [img style="WIDTH: 224px; HEIGHT: 306px" height=341 src="vny!://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000068QPU.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg" width=258]
[a href="vny!://www.worth1000.com/view.asp?entry=261786&display=photoshop"][img]vny!://www.worth1000.com/entries/217500/217534CHJG_w.jpg" alt="Bunny Blocks" border="0"][/a]
[img alt="vny!://www.elcipresenelpatio.com.ar/blog/archives/v5/beedog.jpg" src="vny!://www.elcipresenelpatio.com.ar/blog/archives/v5/beedog.jpg"]
Is this what ya wanted?
The basis of all internet commerce:
[a href="vny!://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs69&d=06081&f=iwantyou.jpg" target="_blank"][img]vny!://xs69.xs.to/pics/06081/iwantyou.jpg.xs.jpg" title="Freeimage hosting powered by xs.to"][/a]
Dick Cheney and Harry Whittington imortalized in Legos ©
[FONT color=#ffffff](//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/crack_baby_sale.jpg)[/FONT][/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
[font color="#ffffff"](//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/crack_baby_sale.jpg)[/font][/div][div][font color="#ffffff"].[/font]
You can say that again...
[img style="width: 514px; height: 449px;" alt="vny!://www.markstivers.com/Cartoons/Cartoons%202005/Stivers-1-21-05-Big-dumb-gu.gif" src="vny!://www.markstivers.com/Cartoons/Cartoons%202005/Stivers-1-21-05-Big-dumb-gu.gif"]
some may-jane???
Yes, thank you. Don't mind if I do...
[img height=451 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/tim-bong-seq.-2-10-07-01.jpg" width=612]
(//vny!://i1.tinypic.com/ofw0ap.gif) just wanted to say hello to the former DVers!
Hanging out at DV is painful and exhausting.[/DIV](//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/1097373306760.gif) You've got some nasty cuts there, academe. Take a load off.
Hanging out at DV always gives me that special feeling
ROFL. Oh kev, I've missed you so...
OMG! I love that picture!!!!! Two guys kissing.^^
It's actually a fake. Somebody has SKILLZ! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)[/DIV]Either that or Johnny Depp has a very interesting secret life...
I know it's fake. But I still like it.^^
4 Yuki...
[FONT color=#00007f]ROFLROFL![/FONT]
lol @ tenkani...true that about hanging out at DV...but hey...it is making for a very interesting book...paper...whatever...(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif) [P align=center](//vny!://i1.tinypic.com/ohpxll.jpg)
Ah! I would love to read a detailed written analysis of the hoopdidoopal family that is DV. It makes the Jackson clan look like Leave it to Beaver...
OMG....this lil guy is adorable. He's so homely he's cute.
Top Top Top Top Top Yaaaaayyyyy !
Hi, P.C. He's beautiful! I can just imagine giving my beastie a bath. I'd be shredded! Here's a bless for making me smile .(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif)
Hi kitten......[img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/kishug.gif[/img] I think sometimes I find homely kitties MORE adorable....the homelier the better. It seems to emphasize their character. Glad to make you smile. (they make me smile too).
Scuba Kitty !!!!!!
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/sign_kittywut.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Hay, I'm on TV! *waving at DV-cam*
P.C., if you like homely kittys then you'll like this:
[a href="vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/kitten/" target="ss"]The Random Kitten Generator[/a]
"[span class="attribute-value"]Awwww! How cute! Show me another!"[/span]
Good evening tenkani......there's some awfully pretty kitties there.....THANKS.
Wave to the camera.....lol [img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/111005DoNotDirectLinkGhettoBabyDotNetCandaceDixon/hell.gif"]
Hiya buddy (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif) [/DIV]Careful what you say, you never know who might be watching...
Oh lawwwdy, that was a long way back. I typed in my clever and witty response ([img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/0705emotes/crossfingers.gif"]), pasted in an amusing pic, hit post, and apparrently I had 'timed out'. So of course I don't remember what I wrote the first time.....and I KNOW it was VERY entertaining. ([img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/0705emotes/crossfingers.gif"] [img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/0705emotes/crossfingers.gif"] )
cat on a hot tin roof
[img height=174 src="vny!://www.thecattherapist.com/images/cat_pix/roof%20snooze.jpg" width=279 border=0] (darned CRAFT disease)
Great pics and captions! And thank you, TehBorken, for that hilarious link. I've added it to my links to study at leisure.
Well, I'm in fine form tonight. I thanked tenkani for the link TehBorken posted. (and I may have never noticed had kitten not gotten it straight. [img style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px" src="vny!://ghettobaby.net/Emoticons/0705emotes/anon.gif"]
Thanks TehBorken[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/c025.gif" border=0]
"and apparrently I had 'timed out'."
*cringe* Yeah, had that happen a couple times and then set it to keep me logged in.
That kitten pile is so cute. *squeal with joy*
Ohhhh....ditto squeal !!!
Do you know that a littler of kittens is also called a 'cuddle' ? That picture clearly shows why.
[img height=41 alt="black_cat_runs.gif - (4K)" src="vny!://www.gifs.net/Animation11/Animals/Cats/black_cat_runs.gif" width=85]
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img alt="Kitty 5" src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_22_18.gif[/img][/A] No, I didn't know. But how appropriate! Never met a kittie I didn't like, even the rough ones.
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb063_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb063&pp=ZNxdm824DFCA" border=0][/A]
G'nite everyone!
[font color="#808080" face="Arial" size="2"][span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"]genuine "Depenz" moment. the piilot survived.[/span]
[img]vny!://www.blaineaustin.com/images/3-D%20Photo%20of%20the%20month/Sukhoi%20crash.jpg" border="0" height="523" width="511"][/font]
[img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"]
[img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"]
[img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"]
[img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"][img]vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" height="80" width="80"]
I just had to see what that looked like. :)
Looks very cool, in a mesmerizing kind of way.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/3.gif)
[img height=360 src="vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/4381037dm13e7b4c3/a95a/__sr_/c7d6re2.jpg?phAjdCEBEvV8xLrE" width=480][/DIV]Yes! Don't feed babies to polar bears! Got it? WRONG AND DANGER
[img height=393 src="vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/4381037dm13e7b4c3/a95a/__sr_/1fdbre2.jpg?phAjdCEBNZYm6_wI" width=375][/DIV]Missing just one letter can change everything...
[img height=389 src="vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/4381037dm13e7b4c3/a95a/__sr_/319dre2.jpg?phAjdCEBHSc21d7v" width=480][/DIV]Guess what it's for? Wiping uranus.
[img height=319 src="vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/4381037dm13e7b4c3/a95a/__sr_/d443re2.jpg?phAjdCEBoBjWJMAz" width=425][/DIV]That's not very nice... what about the skinny old hos?
chica wrote: [div style="font-style: italic;"]Yes! Don't feed babies to ploar bears! Got it? WRONG AND DANGER[/div]
[img height=80 src="vny!://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-012.gif" width=80] Makes a great desktop background! (about a hundred of the little buggers)
[img height=480 src="vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/4381037dm13e7b4c3/a95a/__sr_/76fe.jpg?phAjdCEBivzjYRyF" width=360][/DIV]Two masters in one family... what are the chances, really.
This picture makes me laugh every time... check out the son.
[DIV align=center][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0][/DIV][DIV align=center] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0][/DIV][DIV align=center] [/DIV][DIV align=center] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/konfus/a086.gif" border=0][/DIV]
Mother of god...
Since I am newb, I thought this would be fun to share. (since it was used to mock me!!)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/1.gif)
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=ops5tw"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/ops5tv.jpg[/img][/A]
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Word_Greetings/2.gif) [P align=center](//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/opslky.jpg)
[img height=593 src="vny!://www.funnypracticaljokes.com/images/funny-stuff/funny-pictures/areyoumydaddy.jpg" width=426].
Very SSSSSSSSSexy CK[/DIV] [/DIV]Yes, Yes you are P.C.!
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=opsr3a"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/opsr39.jpg" border=0][/A][/DIV][/DIV]
I guess we've gone from kitties to babies...always a funny thing....erm...now it is road signs?? Make up your mind people!
[img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="self.parent.InsertSymbol('[img border=0 src=/forums/richedit/upload/2k9d385578d0.jpg] ');self.parent.close_insert_pop();" src="richedit/upload/2k9d385578d0.jpg" alt="image file name: 2k9d385578d0.jpg" border="0"]
Visitor Parking
sorry I just couldn't.
Did I make a mistake downloading or what ? I wonder why my pic didn't come up ?
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2k4df6b040a6.jpg" border="0"] visitor parking
Make the pie higher....
A photographer's life flashes before his eyes...
buurrrppp.....excuse me...(//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/opxxc5.jpg)
oh gross...that guy got inked by the squid...lol...serves him right...
my favourite kind of kitty...traditional siamese...playing cards of course...
LOL!!!!! Made me laugh!
I dig DS as my drug of choice.
Careful, I hear she likes to chew...
Mission Impossible Mouse
[img alt="vny!://www.funnyhub.com/pictures/img/mission-impossible-mouse.jpg" src="vny!://www.funnyhub.com/pictures/img/mission-impossible-mouse.jpg"]
Teh Panhoff has arrived...
This photo appeared in the Bryan-College Station Eagle newspaper on Thursday. Look closely. Apparently the newspaper [a href="vny!://www.theeagle.com/stories/030306/columnists_2006030304y.php"]claims[/a] it's an "unfortunate optical illusion."
[img style="cursor: mozzoom-out;" alt="vny!://www.boingboing.net/images/_sports_ooopstexas.jpg" src="vny!://www.boingboing.net/images/_sports_ooopstexas.jpg"]
You tell me, man. I only work here...
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/_sports_ooopstexas_ZOOM.jpg) (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/_sports_ooopstexas_ZOOM2.jpg)
tenkani wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]You tell me, man. I only work here...[/div] [/div][div]Is that a baby's arm holding an apple?
Nope. I'm just glad to see you.
tenkani that is hilarious...!
I don't think that is really the basketball player's flopping part in the picture... I think what the article said about it is correct - optical illusion! Come on, look at that thing!!
who says cats don't smile...[/DIV](//vny!://img110.imageshack.us/img110/3281/diamond4yc.jpg)
OMG! My eyes are burning!!! Good work, ppl!!! THIS THREAD ROCKS!!!
The Ann Coulter doll. When you pull the string, she spouts right-wing whackiness. The speaker is of course located in her ass, since that's where she usually talks out of.
[span style="text-decoration: underline;"](//vny!://photos3.flickr.com/4007991_8aaf5e237a.jpg)[/span]
Ann Coulter in her original packaging
(//vny!://www.dudehisattva.com/underradar2.jpg)[/p]Dubithy:[/p]Somewhere under the radar, way down low.
There's a land that I heard of once, where the oil still flows.
Somewhere under the radar, folks are screwed.
And the schemes that you dare to scheme really do come through.
One day I wrecked the family car, and daddy and my mummy Bar remind me,
Of my troubles taking acid drops, the night they had to call the cops,
And then they fined me.
Somewhere under the radar, I'll get high. Drink Rye under the radar,
Try, oh yes I'll still try
Why, why must I be dry?[/p]
Great stuff! Dubithy rocks! Looks kinda like Nellie Wilson.
.Remember this venerable classic? The original poster took a lot of flack for this, but I think it was all in good fun.(//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/qs8brk.jpg)
Nice one, weird al. Thanks.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/21.gif)
There's a good sampling of his madness here:
[A href="vny!://www.coldbacon.com/kliban2.html"]vny!://www.coldbacon.com/kliban2.html[/A]
Those ARE great weird al.....LOVE 'em !!!!!!
This one's great:
[A href="vny!://www.eatmousies.com/intro.html"]vny!://www.eatmousies.com/intro.html[/A]
After-Oscar partying taken too far....(//vny!://img141.imageshack.us/img141/3729/drunkcat5yl.jpg)
[A class=APCAnchor href="vny!://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?item=976349&AID=1245209864&PSTID=1&LTID=2" target=_new][img height=425 alt="Lund-Coffee Buzz" src="vny!://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/PORCARD/BAN4063.jpg" width=303 border=0][/A]One of my favourites.
The original pic was removed for your pleasure.
True dat...
I am a wee bit offended by tenkani's "everyone is special" picture.....I happened to have had a great-aunt with Down's Syndrome not to mention my involvement with disability rights...
Good thing its only a "wee bit"!
It's Ok. I'm a wee bit offended by my picture as well.[/DIV]My apologies for your ruffled feathers.[/DIV]As Jesus would have me do, I will answer your smite with a bless.[/DIV]Sloppy kisses.
My fave....M C Escher
[img height=572 src="vny!://www.focusing.org/apm_papers/images/IMAGE2.JPG" width=364]
Cheers to that PC
I made a quilt once for my son out of one of his tessellations. It was lizards....made with black grey and white. The construction of this thing was amazing. It was a double size bed....made up of MANY more 'lizards' than what's pictured. It was all put together in triangles....each triangle made up of three trapezoids. Then three larger trapezoids of the LARGER triangles.....etc etc....Whoever figured that one out was a saddist....lol
[img height=572 src="vny!://www.themousehole.org/lizards.gif" width=506]
OMG PC thatissof*ckingcool!
It WAS FC....it was the assembly that was more fascintaing than the quilt itself. You didn't assemble it by 'lizard'. Some of the pieces were only a quarter inch wide. It was a labour of love I tell ya. Son love MC too. The guy was a mathematical genious.
[img height=378 src="vny!://run-down.com/images/galleries/ENCOUNTER.GIF" width=514]
And of course the simplest enigma...the impossible cube.[/DIV](//vny!://www.unm.edu/~cwootton/mcesch.jpg)
That's a cool Escher that I haven't seen before. Thanks! My Aunt is a quilter so I know how labor intensive they can be.
Wow, you're full of 'em. I take it you must've gotten it sorted out how to post teh personal pics.
There is an actual BOOK of his works, RE-worked into quilting blocks. I'll check on it's title in the morn. (I only made ONE) Phewww....that was enough for me....but I was glad to see it through. VERY labour intensive. I don't do it anymore....too much work. ...LOL
Oh no, FC....that's not MY work. That's just a picture of the quilt I made. (Still working on that little problem) I tried photobucket, but I wasn't crazy about their 'privacy policy'. Can you tell me more ???? I tried to set up an account, but after 17 duplicate 'pins'....I gave up.
What didn't you like about their privacy policy? I know I should pay more attention to that stuff but I just kinda click past it and go blah blah blah. I didn't get any trouble signing up. I'm going to go there now in fact cuz I wanted to try a new avatar idea I had.
Can't remember exactly, all I know is it sent up enough red flags to have hubby take a look. I'm ashamed to admit, that sometimes I don't know what I'm reading and need a more informed opinion. (apparently I interpret things from a simpletons point of view when it comes to these issues). Hubby hadsn't gotten back to me on this one.....LOL
Seems like photobucket wants your full name and address, credit card #, etc. I stopped reading right there and got the hell outa there, but I think they even want to know how you brush your teeth, up & down or sideways? wtf?
Wow, I don't remember that. I'd better take a second look. Foamy the Squirrel's new cartoon was about this very subject and it's hilarious!
vny!://www.illwillpress.com/vault.html (hey that didn't make the little link thingy). Anyways the cartoon is called User Agreement.
Exactly weird al. Request for TOO much info, in my opinion. And their policy of whom they wanted 'permission' to pass on this info to, didn't sit right with me.
And since this is a pictures thread, here's a picture of my beloved Foamy.
Well if there's a better, less nosy service y'all know of I'd like to take a look.
I've been using tinypic, which doesn't require any sort of registration, but turns out to be owned by photobucket, so what gives?
I keep slugging away at tinypic. It works, but I can't seem to find any options for resizing the pics.[/DIV]I think you have to resize them BEFORE you send them to tinypic.
I resize them in the post. But then it gets distorted.
Now what about copyrights? I yanked those couple of Klibans I posted yesterday after I read their copyright advisory. Seemed a tad militant.
Jeez now I feel kinda dirty for using those guys, but I thought the picture thread neede a picture:
OMG.....now if that were me, I'd put the kid in the basket, and be hanging on for dear life with both hands !!!!!!!
Yeah, I don't suffer from a fear of heights...usually, but looking at that pic always gives me the shakes. Reminds me of the photos of people building the golden gate bridge without any safety gear (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/icon_smile_shock.gif)
[h3]Chair tattoos - I don't get it. (??) [img]vny!://www.boingboing.net/images/_history_tattoo_5.jpg" alt=" History Tattoo 5" align="left" border="1" height="250" hspace="4" vspace="4" width="358"][br clear="all"][/h3]Tattoo artist [a href="vny!://www.nickbaxter.com/"]Nick Baxter[/a] has done some beautiful needle-and-ink renderings of designer chairs, but the real question is, why the hell would you want a picture of a chair on your arm? So you could say "Look at my arm-chair?" Arr arr arr!
Oddly enough, I have this *exact* chair in my living room and I do mean "exact". It's the same exact thing right down to the buttons and color.
""Look at my arm-chair?" Arr arr arr!"
I'd like to complain about this pic...
I am a wee bit offended by that picture tenkani....I am concered about inanimate human-like objects being used in a sexual manner against their will because they are unable to fend for themselves....(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
Gah!!! I just can't win with you!!
Ummmmmm....I KNOW!!!
See? It's a kitty! Nothing controversial there! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/1.gif)
I am a wee bit offended by that picture tenkani....the photographer has frightened that poor defenseless feline[/DIV]just for a picture. This borders on animal abuse. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif) [/DIV]
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/sign_sob.jpg)[/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Oh tenkani! I was joking with my previous post, thus the wink...but newshound took it further! That was a good "complaint "newshound!
Now how can I make you feel better tenkypoo?
How about this?
[A href="vny!://www.funny-games.biz/dirty-dancing.html"]vny!://www.funny-games.biz/dirty-dancing.html[/A]
[img]vny!://www.crazypiglet.com/files/picture/68449530.jpg" border="0"]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"](//vny!://www.walocaust.com/site/files/iheart.jpg).
the guy who starte walocaust is getting sued by walmart. Trademark infringements apparently. I didn't know walmart had a copyright on mr. pac man and smilies.
Um...is Walocaust a real store? I figured it was just a parody pic.
no its a guy selling t-shirts off the internet.
[A href="vny!://www.walocaust.com/site/"]vny!://www.walocaust.com/site/[/A]
Shit, if he's stupid enough to start a business using a visual theme that close to Walmart's the dumb ass deserves to be sued. Sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but what did he expect??
[!-- Begin Summary --]Among the most discreditable practices is "Astroturfing" - a process where a group pays people to create a fake grass-roots movement for or against something. The good folk at Wal-Mart are currently trying to reinvent blogging, transforming it from a free method of information exchange into more advertising. [/p][!-- End Summary --][!-- Begin Body --]What ever happened to honesty? Wasn't it the case, not very long ago, that most people were pretty honest? Of course the meaning of being honest has changed subtly in the past few decades, too, so it's pretty hard to tell. It use to be that if an ordinary person went into a store and was lied to (and found out about it), they'd avoid that store and tell all their friends to avoid that store. Honest people didn't tell lies and didn't put up with people who did. They certainly did not favor them with their custom.[/p]You tell some friend these days that XYZ store lied to you and they're apt to say, "so what?" or "yea, everybody does that" or "but they've got the lowest prices." People have gotten conditioned to being treated like criminals - being scanned at every exit and watched by a thousand cameras. If all the customers are crooks, why should you be surprised when all the store employees are dishonest, too?[/p]The most recent example of systematic dishonesty I've come across is the brainchild of the people who do PR for Wal-Mart. They've discovered the Internet and they've figured out that many people go online and look up other people's opinions about products, stores, and social issues. Some of these opinions are available on consumer assistance sites, while most of the rest appear on an ever increasing landscape of blogs. Most blogs are web sites that contain some person or some group's views, together with public responses to those views. Some are very specifically directed toward something specific, while others pride themselves in ranging all over the cosmos. The PR folks at Wal-Mart are paying people, lots of people, to voice opinions on these blog sites - not their own opinions, naturally, but the corporate opinions of the Wal-Mart leadership.[/p]Go out to any public blog and post something bad about Wal-Mart. True or not, in a few hours or days, you'll find that this opinion has been found and that many people, apparently, disagree. Some people might honestly disagree, but it is impossible to distinguish these actual people from the fakes from Wal-Mart. There is a term for this: astroturfing, which is the attempt to make a fake grass-roots movement for or against something.[/p]Paying people to pretend to support an idea or cause and to argue on its behalf is dishonest. Paying them to also keep the fact that they were paid advocates a secret is also dishonest and ought to be illegal.[/p]Previous to this, there have been other PR shell games, where people were paid to engage other shoppers (or other PR shills) in apparently spontaneous and genuine conversations about products or politics in an effort to influence everyone who heard the conversation. This was proven to be an effective selling technique, when done properly, but it was expensive and tended to read only very small groups. It was also dangerous for the PR folk, who would be attacked by their intended victims whenever they were unmasked.[/p]But through blogspace on the Internet, one clever liar can reach millions of potential shoppers. We've gotten so used to being lied to in advertising. Now companies like Wal-Mart are threatening to pollute a global resource that is of tremendous value to billions of people all over the earth and turn it into another liars carnival.[/p]I don't shop at Wal-Mart for many reasons. This is just one more in a long line of dishonest, depraved, and indecent things Wal-Mart is doing in my world. I wouldn't go in a Wal-Mart for free beer. No honest person should confer their blessings on Wal-Mart's atrocious behavior by spending their money there.[/p][!-- End Body --]
tenkani wrote:
Shit, if he's stupid enough to start a business using a visual theme that close to Walmart's the dumb ass deserves to be sued. Sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but what did he expect??
I don't know...satire and parody are protected forms of speech, so I believe that technically he is within his rights to do this.
That's why I asked whether it was just a parody or whether it's a business. Satire and parody are fine, except when it comes to branding your business. Legally he's going to be screwed.
A woman opened a coffee shop called SamBucks (her name is Samantha). She thought it was a funny play on Starbucks. Starbucks, and the courts, didn't agree.
I don't think he's got a legal leg to stand on. Free speech laws don't apply in the same way when it comes to picking the name and logo of your business.
Free speach is very different from copyright and tradmark laws. This guy has nothing legaly backing him.
A friend of our family had a company callled "Blue Jay Systems" and the logo was the head of a Blue Jay. Even though the logo beared no real esemblance to the Toronto Blue Jay's logo, he was eventually forcedto not only change the logo, but to also change the name.
tenkani wrote: A woman opened a coffee shop called SamBucks (her name is Samantha). She thought it was a funny play on Starbucks. Starbucks, and the courts, didn't agree.
Yep, I heard about that. Or, just try and start a business with the word "Olympic" in it. The good ol' Olympic marketing group will shut you down in a heartbeat.
[/div][div] [/div][div style="font-style: italic;"]I don't think he's got a legal leg to stand on. Free speech laws don't apply in the same way when it comes to picking the name and logo of your business.
I know. That's why I said "technically", lol. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif) I doubt he'll be able to withstand the army of lawyers from Wal-ocaust, err, I mean Walmart.
[SPAN class=smalltext]When given notice of a trademark-infringement lawsuit from Starbucks, the owners of HaidaBucks café refused to back down. Instead, they launched a massive Web campaign, enlisted high-profile legal help and argued successfully that 'bucks' is a term akin to 'dude' that young native men use among themselves. (photo by John Lehmann/The Globe and Mail)[/SPAN][/DIV][SPAN class=smalltext](//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/r10dhz.jpg)[/SPAN]
I've often wondered how that Chrisco comapany managed to use that name. It's that company where you send a monthly payment, and they send you a food hamper at Christmas. Well I thought it would be a neat gift for someone in need, and went online to find out how to arrange that. I COULDN'T find it, which I thought was weird, because their commercials are all over the place.
I was looking under Crisco, thinking it was affiliated with them.....wrong. So how do they get away with that?
Weird Al, good counter example.
I think the difference is that Haida Bucks is two seperate words. Also, their logo looks nothing like Starbuck's, whereas the Sambucks logo did look similar, as does the Walorcaust logo.
So, with Haida Bucks, I think they were able to make the argument that it really isn't that similar, and it wasn't intended to be similar. With Sambucks and Walorcaust, they are obvious parodies.
For tenkypoo....
OMFG, you're violating my copyright!!!11
(//vny!://img161.imageshack.us/img161/4898/dogcat6ze.jpg)[/DIV]cheer up emo dog!
ROFL! That's a keeper (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif)
That IS far TOO cute......a definite keeper.
Hope I get one for Christmas!
ROFL>>>>weird al
This is a test...I've been trying this forever....hope I don't warp out the tread.
My kitty.
[A class=link href="jvascript:window.DOH!('/view/?pic=r8y3b7','FullView','width=800,height=600,resizable,scrollbars,location'); void('');"][/A] [/DIV][A class=link href="jvascript:window.DOH!('/view/?pic=r8y3b7','FullView','width=800,height=600,resizable,scrollbars,location'); void('');"](//vny!://www.tinypic.com/r8y3b7_th.jpg)[/A] Hmmmm...not so good[/DIV]
Kittens are good but I prefer a good rabbit anytime. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Love/12.gif)
LOL, Lise.
I'm experimenting.....my content is lacking your pizzazzzzz, but I'm working on it.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
Keep working on it, P.C. This picture somehow reminds me of you in a strange way......
Hahahahaha.....that is ADORABLE. OMG
It really is all about how WE see ourselves, isn't it ?
Did you go the the get together last night.....(thought I'd slide that in on the pic thread....heeheeee)
Ah, no... PC. I didn't go to the DV Party. I had to work the following day. I'm not really the type that meets other ppl on the net unless I'm really comfortable around them. Meeting the type of ppl that frequent DV is.... scary, especially now.
Did you go?
Anyways, I gotta hit the sack soon. Been fun chatting. G'nite to you PC and weird al.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a130.gif" border=0] Now THAT is hilarious....ROFL
G'nite, Lise.
Sweet dreams Lise.
That duck pic is excellent. I wonder what's going on when someone does these things to pictures.[/DIV]LOL....never mind, I think I know.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
I think there's a pillow with my name on it too. Good night weird al. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/e044.gif" border=0]
Good night P.C.
Booyah baby! I just laid myself an egg!
[A href="vny!://www.katkam.ca"]www.katkam.ca[/A]
The new Department Of Homeland Security "Faith-Based Police" to root out heathens and unbelivers:
[div class="photo" style="text-align: center;"] [img style="width: 608px; height: 475px;" src="vny!://www.23hq.com/schade/photo/73555/large?signature=376+1142276056+5B01701B1200C4624A6452FBA5565C6CD883D29B" border="0"] [/div]
[img height=550 src="vny!://www.nelliecashman.freeservers.com/images/tumbleweed.jpg" width=564]
"But I grabbed the Power-up and made it to level 5!!"
cat looks like it can barely breathe.
Okay, enough pussy! Anyone remember Mr. Winkle?
(//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/ri5bur.jpg) (//vny!://i2.tinypic.com/ri5bwl.jpg)
I don't know...
OMG OMG....*melt* sportsdude, that is the cutesttttttttt
LOL. Pwned by cat barf!
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=580 border=0][TBODY][TR][TD colSpan=5][/TD][/TR][TR][TD vAlign=top align=middle width=419 rowSpan=2][!-- Photo here --][!-- Max 400px hi, 400px wi --][!-- $ article_body --][img hspace=0 src="vny!://www.sfgate.com/n/pictures/2005/01/19/toilet12.jpg" align=middle border=0][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Cats and dogs and toilets...oh my...
[img style="WIDTH: 595px; HEIGHT: 393px" height=525 src="vny!://i2.tinypic.com/rkt3yt.jpg" width=595]
needs more cow...[/DIV](//vny!://img49.imageshack.us/img49/5892/194564cheese7zj.jpg).
Oooooooh, that made me HONGRY...
Kinda makes one a little damp in the basement, hey?[/DIV]Here, have a hot dog...
[img style="WIDTH: 530px; HEIGHT: 592px" height=692 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/1123371642482.jpg" width=530]
[img style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 85px" height=88 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/lodddl.gif" width=214][img style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 85px" height=88 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/lodddl.gif" width=214][/DIV](//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/bb001340.jpg)[/DIV][img style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 85px" height=88 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/lodddl.gif" width=214][img style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 85px" height=88 src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/lodddl.gif" width=214][/DIV][FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Ah, I found it!! What!?? No! Piss off!!!
[font style="background-color: rgb(0, 255, 128); color: rgb(192, 0, 0);" size="7"]LOL @ newshound!!!!![/font]
Newshound, that pic is priceless!!!!
thanks, didn't know you were soo into grown men beating up little girls. I'll be sure to post more of the same.
was bored made this:[/DIV](//vny!://images.picpile.com/uploads/561475424.gif).
It's jut a guess news hound......but I'm thinking it's the sideways glancing kitty, that's tickled kittens' fancy.......mine too. Excellent pic, I love it. Silly goose. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/e021.gif" border=0]
OMG....I'd be wearing the falconry gloves to feed that lil feller.
Ohhhhhhh, weird al. That's a lovely way to start my day, seeing that little face. That is TOO CUTE.[/DIV]That's a blessable post if ever there was one.
Blessings to both of you for such lovely pics. It brightens my day too!
That last pic makes me melt....OMG.....Bless yer buttons news hound. OMG OMG
I found this picture beautiful and disturbing.
Sportsdude wrote:
(//vny!://www.notbored.org/you-are-watching-me.jpg) Can you translate that X for me?
Pwnt (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
[img alt="Optical Illusion" src="vny!://www.c-wilkie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/jokes/images/optical_illusion.jpg"].
That's hilarious Schadenfreude....someone sent that pic to me a while back, but there is no bikini. I wonder which was the original. Me thinks it's easier to paint on a bikini, than to paint on the ....um....well, you know. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/a100.gif" border=0]
[A href="vny!://www.notbored.org/you-are-watching-me.jpg"]vny!://www.notbored.org/you-are-watching-me.jpg[/A]
Good Use for That Old iMac.
ahh an iCat (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
[img alt="vny!://www.capnwacky.com/rj/images/lj/bush_newlook.jpg" src="vny!://www.capnwacky.com/rj/images/lj/bush_newlook.jpg"] .
[img alt="vny!://www.capnwacky.com/rj/images/lj/kitten_swallowed.jpg" src="vny!://www.capnwacky.com/rj/images/lj/kitten_swallowed.jpg"]
[img alt="The image "vny!://img75.photobucket.com/albums/v228/clichekitty/votebushkitten.jpg" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors." src="vny!://img75.photobucket.com/albums/v228/clichekitty/votebushkitten.jpg"].
Laser Kitty Battle!
Mmmmmm.....thong cookies!
Can't post the pic, but there's a great illusion here:
[A href="vny!://www.youramazingbrain.org.uk/supersenses/hollow.htm"]vny!://www.youramazingbrain.org.uk/supersenses/hollow.htm[/A]
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Motorcyclea and stuff made from balloons.
[img style="width: 447px; height: 623px;" src="vny!://www.lobzik.pri.ee/Galeries/ballon/ballon_032.jpg[/img]
[a href="vny!://www.lobzik.pri.ee/modules/news/article.php?storyid=329"]vny!://www.lobzik.pri.ee/modules/news/article.php?storyid=329[/a]
Real-life Magneto.......
From the 2002 [a href="vny!://cellar.org/iotd.php?threadid=614"]archive[/a] of the Cellar Image of the Day, we find Liew Thow Lin - the famous Malaysian "Magnetic Man". [/p] Liew, a retired contractor, discovered that he could have various metallic objects "stick" to his body. He even managed to pull a car using a chain attached to a metal plate that was then stuck to his abdomen. Furthermore, this super power appared to be genetic as 3 of his sons and 2 of his grandchildren also have it.[/p] Now, scientists at a local university had examined Liew - and discovered that there was no magnetic field around him at all:[/p] [blockquote][em]Professor Dr. Mohamed Amin Alias, from UTM's electrical engineering faculty in Johor, agreed. After seeing Liew perform, the professor did research on the matter, and decided, "His skin has a special suction effect that can help metal stick to it." "These powers are not an illusion," he said, "That is why his two sons and two grandchildren also have the magnetic-like ability. They have his genes."[/em] [/p][/blockquote] Checkout these human magnet articles at: [a href="vny!://www.randi.org/jr/082704gluton.html#7"]Randi[/a] | [a href="vny!://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/pmag.htm"]FarShores ParaNews[/a] | [a href="vny!://homepage.powerup.com.au/%7Etkbnetw/Simon_Harvey-Wilson_12.htm"]Magnetic People[/a] by Simon Harvey-Wilson | [a href="vny!://xo.typepad.com/blog/2004/08/img_alt_srcvny!_120.html"]Tan Kok Thai's ability[/a] at A Welsh View[/p]
Full size Lego Homer.
[img height=569 src="vny!://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/seankenney/Sculpture/Homer/3.jpg" width=427]
That is SO cool!!!!!!!
[img style="width: 267px; height: 355px;" src="vny!://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/seankenney/Sculpture/Homer/3.jpg"]
[img height=268 src="vny!://www.cats.alpha.pl/funny/catumbrella.jpg" width=375 border=0]
Hey, I finally managed to post a pic! Yaaayyyy!!!
Kitten....bless your little buttons.
That is SO like my kitty minus a few pounds...lol. But that's him for sure.
[img height=150 src="vny!://www.allfunpix.com/fun_signs/pics/barkin_dogs.jpg" width=254 border=0]
Are they sure about that?
[img height=480 alt="" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/af/Jacques_Plante%2C_Montreal_Canadiens_goalie.jpg" width=323 border=0]
No. It's art.
[img alt="COOL 'WOODEN' COMPUTER" src="vny!://strangecosmos.com/images/content/112898.jpg" align="middle" border="0" height="394" width="520"]
Oops!! I don't know how that happened. It was supposed to be just one picture of a "wooden" computer. I'm sorry.
kitten wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Oops!! I don't know how that happened. It was supposed to be just one picture of a "wooden" computer. I'm sorry.[/div]
No biggie. It's fixed.
Once again this amateur is in your debt. Thank you very much, TehBorken.
OMG.....I LOVE that computer. That is ever so beautiful. Do you think it works ????
I don't know. I think it was more of a craft project than a working model, but isn't it beautiful? Imagine having one made to suit the decor in your room, like cherrywood or birch.
[A onclick="imgView=window.DOH!('imgview.php?img=images/products/full/rave_19_full.jpg','imgView','toolbar=no, directories=no, location=no, status=no, menubar=no,resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=1, height=1');imgView.focus();" href="vny!://www.woodcontour.com/#"][/A] Wood Contour proudly presents an exquisite line of fully functional, solid wood and stone peripherals, designed for the non-compromising among us. Our company's extensive experience in the demanding field of luxury executive gifts and corporate logo programs ensures that you will receive the highest quality products available. The products offered by Wood Contour display a unique quality in that each item is crafted from one piece of solid wood and is not made from the wood veneer offered by other companies with similar products.
[A onclick=window.close(); href="vny!://www.woodcontour.com/imgview.php?img=images/products/full/rave_19_full.jpg#"][img height=500 alt="Click here to close the window" src="vny!://www.woodcontour.com/images/products/full/rave_19_full.jpg" width=409 border=0][/A]
[img height=396 src="vny!://www.woodcontour.com/images/sale/purple_heart_bg.jpg" width=263]This little feller is only $2795....plus shipping and handling USD....Yipes !!!!
That's amazing! I don't see one in my immediate future or anything, but what a great idea. They didn't mention if they had matching speakers and printers, did they?
[img]vny!://" align=bottom NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"]This is sort of different.
[FONT size=4]Scooter for when nature calls[/FONT]
[img]vny!://www.geocities.com/xing6666/carnut/oddball/scooter.jpg" align=bottom NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"]So is this, but I wouldn't want to be seen on it.
[img height=241 src="vny!://www.moniteausaddleclub.com/images/frog-horse.gif" width=252 border=0]Wierd, eh/
now that's a pic. Cats are scary. why do you guys like them so much? I run the other way when i see one. lol
[img title="" alt="" src="vny!://www.funzor.net/upl/sep/3.29/m/1.jpg"].
Arthur C. Clarke. You can hardly see it, but his T-shirt says, "I invented the satellite and all I got was this lousy t-shirt". LOL! (Yes, he was the first one to speculate about satellites.)
OMG. Now that's a funny ass chimp. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
ROFL ROFL. Nice one, Mr. S. You're cute...
The only cool thing in Stalingrad now Volgograd. I hate Stalingrad due to my grandmother being kept in a concentration camp there but if she wasn't shipped there I would not exist because she was planning to stay over in Europe.
But I cannot dis this statue.
[img height=600 alt="" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6d/Mutter_Heimat.jpg" width=450 border=0]
Woah, I just saw a documentary about the aftereffects of war and they had a section on Stalingrad. Do you know how many bodies were just left to rot out in the fields?? There's this guy who's entire life is devoted to digging up remains and helping veterans groups find their loved ones. So freaking sad...
Yeah my grandma watched people starve to death. Survived by scraping the mold of moldy bread. And this all happend when he was a teenager. She got out after the officals realized that she was an american citzen. Someone wrote an essay or book on her but I've forgot who did.
[A style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="jvascript:popupThumbnail('/HGTV/mmo/EXT-902/big_ext902_1ext.jpg')"][img height=110 alt=Thumb src="vny!://www.ratrun.com/images/ext902_1ext.jpg" width=150 border=0][/A] Nice house!
[FONT color=#007f40]On to more positive things...[/FONT]
Not even cowbell can save this place now...
LOL...whatch what kind of videos??
From Burning Man '03.
Look at the dude's feet and remind yourself that it's flat pavement.
Dude's got skills.
"Grapes Of Wrath"
[img style="width: 589px; height: 453px;" src="vny!://images.dpchallenge.com/images_challenge/461/305506.jpg"]
^^ California raisins gone wild?????
Time for a cat pic.............[img alt="Picture of Mookie" src="vny!://www.mycathatesyou.com/images/cats/2005/10/mookie.jpg"]
[TABLE class=slideandtext cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=top align=middle] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD] [DIV class=slide][img id=image4649896 height=300 src="vny!://images.ibsys.com/2005/0624/4649896.jpg" width=400 border=0] [DIV style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; FONT: 9px verdana,sans-serif" align=right][/DIV][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE].I'd love to have this!
Count the hippos.
[img alt=Megaflyover hspace=0 src="vny!://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/megaflyover/october/images/popups/2004-10-hippos-4.jpg" border=0]
[SPAN class=RedHdr12]Katavi Plains National Park, Tanzania[/SPAN]
[SPAN class=BlackText12]From the air a group of hippos can look like aphids on a plant. These in Katavi National Park congregate in a few pools during the dry season.[/SPAN]
[!-- /EDITABLE 3 --]
When you land at Saint Louis you are greated with the Nuns From Hell
[img height=430 alt="LOBSTER VOLKSWAGEN!" src="vny!://strangecosmos.com/images/content/103069.jpg" width=534 align=center border=0].
[img class=border alt=ROFL src="vny!://dl2.davesdaily.com/pictures11/561-rofl.jpg"].
Love this one.
[P align=center][A href="vny!://politicalhumor.about.com/library/images/blbushpassionofbush.htm"][img height=297 alt="Furious George" src="vny!://z.about.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/b/a/bush_furiousgeorge2.jpg" width=306 border=0][/A]
A different sort of keyboard.
[img height=227 alt=333 src="vny!://f3.yahoofs.com/blog/43700651z50aae759/60/__sr_/fac7.jpg?mgQR_PEBHSiepAzZ" width=333 border=0].
LOL. Tasty!!
Ugh, let's see if I can remember how to post a pic...
Ooof! [FONT color=#c00000]LOL[/FONT]....
[A href="vny!://www.canadianbeauts.faketrix.com/contents/comedy-stuff/pics/large-files/Jean-Chretien-funny-fake-pic.jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.canadianbeauts.faketrix.com/contents/comedy-stuff/pics/large-files/Jean-Chretien-funny-fake-pic.jpg[/FONT][/A]
Just for you, Lise!
Wow. DRAGONS!! Thank you, me darlin'.
(//vny!://www.angelfire.com/mo2/kat1/images/skeletons.gif)[!--EndFreetext--] .
Cool. A butterfly with transparent wings.
[img style="width: 774px; height: 580px;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/image/trans_butterfly2.jpg[/img]
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
[FONT color=#fcfae1 size=1].[/FONT]
geez I'm going to have to come up with something that depressed me as a kid now.
This movie gave me nightmares....... Still to this day.
Big Bird gets kicked out of Sesame Street, becomes a hobo gets kidnapped, turns blue and gets picked up by a trucker Waylon Jennings as they sing sing alongs. This movie was suppose to be funny but it became the scariest movie I have ever seen. EVER.
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Fear the Lemming!!
Aaaaah!!! Go get that dirty rodent, Fido!!!
Useless f*cking mutt!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/2.gif)
gasp, gasp.
The return of the Village People
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Love that pic, news hound!
I don't care.
The new issue of RS?
My idea of pure comfort.
[img height=400 alt=Mesha src="vny!://gradcenter.marlboro.edu/~jperry/images/pets/mesha3.jpg" width=600]
Love that one News Hound !!!!
[img height=240 src="vny!://www.cats.alpha.pl/funny/neo1.jpg" width=320 border=0]
And this one's for YOU Kitten.
[img height=161 src="vny!://www.cats.alpha.pl/funny/kitross.jpg" width=240]
OMG....I usually am not amused to see animals dressed up, but this one's TOO cute.
[img height=264 src="vny!://www.cats.alpha.pl/funny/buckwheat.jpg" width=358]
Thank you, P.C. Those were so cute, especially the kitten in the bowl.
OMG, Sportsdude, those two pics broke me up.
[img alt="Funny Cartoon - Hitching Post" src="vny!://www.goofyhumor.com/ggcartoons/318.gif"].
[a href="vny!://s85424629.oneandoneshop.co.uk/eelus/index.html#"]Cool shirt[/a], but it's sold out. :(
[img alt="IPB Image" src="vny!://my.opera.com/fammcdon/homes/files/old_forum_import/cat-fly.gif" border=0]
[A href="vny!://www.20minutestolessstress.com/cat%20juggling.jpg[/img]vny!://www.20minutestolessstress.com/cat%20juggling.jpg[/A]
Cats are soooo cool at times, you just wanna juggle the furballs.
Crap. Those are dogs, not cats!! * meep *
[A class=APCAnchor title="Tommy - Quitting Hollywood" href="vny!://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?item=1386835&AID=1245209864&PSTID=1&LTID=2&lang=1" target=_new][img height=425 alt="Tommy - Quitting Hollywood" src="vny!://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/PYR/PP30376.jpg" width=284 border=0][/A][FONT face=Arial size=4] .[img height=1 src="vny!://tracking.allposters.com/allposters.gif?AID=1245209864&PSTID=1&LTID=2&lang=1" width=1 border=0] [/FONT]
lol. Damn fine picture, tenkani. * steal *
Hope this picture will come out. Something for you to latch on, comrade.
[img style="WIDTH: 489px; HEIGHT: 462px" height=547 src="vny!://joepekar.com/gallery/albums/album05/furry.sized.jpg" width=529]
OMG! Its P.C. cat style.
OMG I'm all P P P P (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)
[Tears of joy]
BAHAHA. Sorry to destroy all your cute images of cats. Here's another one.
[A href="vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/TheKorovaMilkbar/anime%20pics/JeremyBernal-SexyFur-Technobunny.jpg[/img]vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/TheKorovaMilkbar/anime%20pics/JeremyBernal-SexyFur-Technobunny.jpg[/A]
[fap] [fap] [fap] (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
Oh Lise, you know just how to make me squirm!
Ah, I know and miss my Master Tenkani. Like old times.
Take care, tenkani! Gotta run.
[FONT color=#ff007f]See ya, Goddess! [/FONT] (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
lol. Good one. Hand-pulled noodles. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
what does that mean? Hand pulled noodles?
Hand-made noodles 'pulled' by a chef with his hands. That is how you make noodles. You pull them, then string them...... if you're ever in Vancouver, there's a place that shows you how it's done and you can eat the noodles there. I think the place is called Shaolin Noodle Restaurant on Broadway.
Other than that, you can use your imagination as to why they call it hand-pulled............
Sorry about the giant photo, but I felt this image had to preserved for posterity, if that's the term...
okay I get it now.
al, whereabout did you take that photo?
[H1]Golden Fortune[/H1] 4963 Joyce St., Vancouver
Tel: 604-437-3818
East Vancouver
That's on Joyce Road, between Kingsway and 29th, a little north of the Skytrain station.
Ah............ I'll have to look out for this one.
I can see a reflection of a guy and a camera in the window. Is that you, al?? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
Hey, how did you know that, Sportsdude?
I'm good what can I say. The picture gives the name of the place and I guessed weird al was from vancouver so I googled the name and put vancouver next to it and a website gave me directions.
Here's another one from today's travels. A sign at 45th and Clarendon. It's been there for years. There's another one kittycorner from it, that says, what else, OURS. Obviously the City approves of these signs, but what the hell are they all about? Again, sorry for the inconvenient size.(//vny!://i1.tinypic.com/wve5i8.jpg)
Sportsdude, you're quite the detective. I think al should put up photos and ask you to guess where they're taken from.
weird al, do you like taking pictures? Good one with the last picture.
What can I say. Heck I've never been to Van but I've memorized the city map so I know where the major streets are and I can find local landmarkds on Google Earth.
Weird Al I have no idea why they would have signs like that but considering North Vancouver park signs talk to dogs I'm not suprised.
No that ain't me...it's an interesting approach but it isn't me. Nah, who'm I trying to kid? Yeah, that's me, but remember, the image is reversed.
Ah, I thought so. * trying to squint hard *
Well, nitey nite all. Thanks for the pictures, you two. I'll put some of mine up when I get the chance.
You know, you can resize them if you want by clicking on the corner handles:
[img style="width: 388px; height: 290px;" src="vny!://i1.tinypic.com/wve5i8.jpg"]
Oh, that looks way better, TehBorken.
Here's mine from eons ago.
Image of dragonfly taken at Van Dusen Garden 2005. Did I mention I was scared of bugs??
ARGH. Grammar. Too early in the morning. I AM SCARED of bugs.
[img height=445 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/VanDusenGardens5.jpg" width=592]
Van Dusen Garden.
[img height=444 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/VanDusenGardens8.jpg" width=597]
Van Dusen Garden.
[img height=187 src="vny!://www.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/humor/demon-1126625689_i_6666_full.gif" width=235].
thats just wrong.
[A href="vny!://www.themooseisloose.net/funny_cats.html"]vny!://www.themooseisloose.net/funny_cats.html[/A]
lol Mr. Schadenfreude.
Good kitty video. Ah, catz......................................................
[A href="vny!://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/graphics/2005/12/30/weekpix/050424_cat.jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/graphics/2005/12/30/weekpix/050424_cat.jpg[/FONT][/A]
Hmmmm.....it must be 4:20!
Poor guy, I feel for him!
[A href="vny!://www.funnycoolstuff.com/images/sexy-ubuntu-linux-poster.jpg[/img]vny!://www.funnycoolstuff.com/images/sexy-ubuntu-linux-poster.jpg[/A]
So wrong to put this up in your office?
much as I'd like to...................................
.[img style="WIDTH: 870px; HEIGHT: 460px" height=687 src="vny!://i1.tinypic.com/x5tb2a.jpg" width=972]
Where was that picture taken weird al ??? and do you know the name of that tug. It looks like the Peggy McKenzie or the Dorothy McKenzie ????? Do you know?
Don't know the name of the tug. Pic was taken at Fraser Foreshore park at the north side of the north arm of the Fraser, in Burnaby, looking across to Richmond.
That would probably be it !!!! Used to do some work on that tug many moons ago.
oh that would've been my second guess Weird Al.
i was just about to guess NE of fort langley on McMillan Island.
Zoomed in on it, it's called the Sea Imp I, which doesn't rule anything out, of course. I wonder when we'll see a new bridge across the Fraser. A fixed link to Lulu Island!
"A fixed link to Lulu Island" - I mean other than the Oak and the Dweebsboro of course.
I was 'Yipesing' over that big sea critter.
I've never heard of the Sea Imp....it just had a familiar design. Good zoom, by the way.
.[img height=550 src="vny!://www.bartcop.com/1754-rice-leaked.jpg" width=350]
.[img height=153 src="vny!://www.bartcop.com/1758-dream.jpg" width=175]
weird al wrote:
.[img height=153 src="vny!://www.bartcop.com/1758-dream.jpg" width=175][/DIV]
Aha, the American dream has been redefined at last!
A bit of Star Wars.
[A href="vny!://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b145/TarianPuru/use-the-force-funny-Star-Wars-pictu.jpg[/img]vny!://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b145/TarianPuru/use-the-force-funny-Star-Wars-pictu.jpg[/A]
[img height=416 src="vny!://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/df200412/df20041210.jpg" width=553]
[A href="vny!://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/df200412/df20041210.jpg"]vny!://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/df200412/df20041210.jpg[/A]
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park? lol it was just on the News Hour too.
Yeah, Sun Yat-Sen. Seems to have disappeared though...
[DIV align=left](//vny!://img157.imageshack.us/img157/5954/pigeon9tm.gif)
newshound finds the funniest animate pictures!!! lol.
Here's mine for today.
[A href="vny!://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dbj/Funnies/treadmill.gif[/img]vny!://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dbj/Funnies/treadmill.gif[/A]
Hmmm....if I got a $400 million dollar bonus, I'd love oil too.
[h3] Lee Raymond, Big Oil Fat Cat. [/h3] And the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_cat"]fattest cat[/a] of them all is ... Lee Raymond of ExxonMobile! Lee Raymond, the retiring CEO and Chairman of the world's largest oil company got a retirement package worth $400 million, one of the most generous retirement packages ever.[/p] [blockquote][em]Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes. [/em](via [a href="vny!://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1841989"]ABC News[/a])[/p][/blockquote] [p style="font-weight: bold;"]That just so happened to work out to be $141,000 a day, nearly $6,000 an hour or $100 a minute.[/p] In 2005, amidst rising gas prices at pumps across the world, Exxon made $36 billion, the biggest profit of any company in history. Meanwhile, Raymond, told Congress that gas prices were high because of global supply and demand, claiming that "We're all in this together, everywhere in the world". [/p]
[img alt="" src="vny!://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6530/1367/1600/4.1.gif"]
That poor kid.
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
ROFL!!!! You can always make me laugh, tenkani. Bless you (in a non-religious sort of way)
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD] [DIV align=center](//vny!://freakyanimals.com/pets/1043.jpg)[/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Ain't she sweet?
[img height=593 src="vny!://www.ee.unb.ca/petersen/personal/Yukon/dempster.jpg" width=878]
This is my background on my computer. Its a pic of the Dempster Highway somewhere in Yukon/NWT
Baffin Island
OMG!!! That is hilarious. *and sad, when you think about it*
Is this for real?
Gopher wrote:
Is this for real?
Not yet. Here's teh link to this guy's work. It's great.
[a href="vny!://homepage.mac.com/leperous/PhotoAlbum1.html"]vny!://homepage.mac.com/leperous/PhotoAlbum1.html[/a]
And here's another favorite
Here's another one I like.
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=center align=left] [DIV id=mainImageDiv style="VISIBILITY: visible"] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD width=3][img height=3 alt="" src="vny!://homepage.mac.com/i/hpti/1/wimg/Shared/SlideShow/frame_topleftcorner.gif" width=3 border=0][/TD] [TD background=frame_topbg.gif][img height=3 alt="" src="vny!://homepage.mac.com/i/hpti/1/wimg/Shared/SlideShow/frame_topbg.gif" width=3 border=0][/TD] [TD width=3][img height=3 alt="" src="vny!://homepage.mac.com/i/hpti/1/wimg/Shared/SlideShow/frame_toprightcorner.gif" width=3 border=0][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD width=1 background=frame_leftbg.gif][img height=3 alt="" src="vny!://homepage.mac.com/i/hpti/1/wimg/Shared/SlideShow/frame_leftbg.gif" width=1 border=0][/TD] [TD] [DIV id=mainviewDiv style="POSITION: relative"][A onfocus=this.blur(); href="jvascript:openCurrentImage()"][img height=445 src="vny!://homepage.mac.com/leperous/.Pictures/dissent.jpg" width=330 border=0 name=mainview][/A][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE].
[A href="vny!://www.mentaljokes.com/images/dork.gif[/img]vny!://www.mentaljokes.com/images/dork.gif[/A]
[img style="WIDTH: 211px; HEIGHT: 165px" height=152 src="vny!://www.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/humor/demon-1126625689_i_6666_full.gif" width=200].
[img height=600 src="vny!://www.cloudline.org/Books/GrizzlyHeartjacket.jpg" width=396]
Sad but true....
[A href="vny!://www.t-shirthumor.com/Merchant2/graphics/fullsize/mybs_lg.gif[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.t-shirthumor.com/Merchant2/graphics/fullsize/mybs_lg.gif[/FONT][/A]
[A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://www.radiochick.co.nz/images/david_desrosiers%2520.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.radiochick.co.nz/celeb/david_desrosiers.htm&h=240&w=178&sz=8&tbnid=gS5EkOdhRqNnfM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=77&hl=en&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDavid%2BDesrosiers%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D"][img height=104 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:gS5EkOdhRqNnfM:www.radiochick.co.nz/images/david_desrosiers%2520.jpg" width=77][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y290/baby_gurl3443/SimplePlan18.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm%3Ffuseaction%3Duser.viewprofile%26friendID%3D43187118&h=355&w=229&sz=111&tbnid=dmd7lTapwpT6zM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=75&hl=en&start=23&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDavid%2BDesrosiers%26start%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=117 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:dmd7lTapwpT6zM:i7.photobucket.com/albums/y290/baby_gurl3443/SimplePlan18.jpg" width=75][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://dodotoos.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/daviddesrosiers.jpg.w180h248.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://dodotoos.tripod.com/id17.html&h=248&w=180&sz=7&tbnid=EUfFrB7cuvVzwM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=76&hl=en&start=34&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDavid%2BDesrosiers%26start%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=106 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:EUfFrB7cuvVzwM:dodotoos.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/daviddesrosiers.jpg.w180h248.jpg" width=76][/A] [A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://www.simpleplanrock4eva.com/david113.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.simpleplanrock4eva.com/David.html&h=348&w=250&sz=17&tbnid=-y9bEDSpRSjSvM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=83&hl=en&start=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDavid%2BDesrosiers%26start%3D80%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN"][img height=116 src="vny!://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:-y9bEDSpRSjSvM:www.simpleplanrock4eva.com/david113.jpg" width=83][/A]
OMG This is like the sexyest guy ever.!!!!!!!!!!!!*drool.* ^^^^^^^^
I have to say, as much as I love you, we don't have a remotely similar taste in men.
But maybe that's a good thing. You don't have to worry about me stealing your boyfriend ;)
Lol Thats a good thing I sposse. Not to have to worry about you stealing my guys. I can't belive you don't think he's hot. I think he's the sexiest thing ever, I want a guy like that, his style, and everything. I want mine a bit taller though. lOl.
Priceless, tenkani!!! Heh.
Who's the dude, Yuki??
[A href="vny!://www.idrinkmyself.com/"]vny!://www.idrinkmyself.com/[/A]
What the...?
[A href="vny!://www.geology.neab.net/minerals/cummingt.htm"]vny!://www.geology.neab.net/minerals/cummingt.htm[/A]
A girl may want a diamond, but she will be impressed with one of these gem stones.
f*cking LOL! (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
LOL, do you think the Theatre did this intentionally??
More to the point, did Erin Brockovich do it intentionally?
Lise wrote:
Priceless, tenkani!!! Heh.
Who's the dude, Yuki??
His name is David Desrosiers. He's in the band simple Plan. not that'm I'm that big of a fan for that band,a few songs are alright. I saw a music video lately and just noticed him and he was so sexy!! I had a panic attack and almost passed out.^^^^ Then I decided to find out stuff about him on the internet. H'e s such a hottie.
Amazing orchids......
[img style="WIDTH: 328px; HEIGHT: 471px" height=572 src="vny!://mgonline.com/orchid125_Bulbophyllum_X_Elizabeth_Ann.jpg" width=429]
Beautiful orchids! Here are a couple of anthuriums.
[P align=center][img height=284 src="vny!://home.iprimus.com.au/marleneann/Antheriums.jpg" width=178 border=0]
Those are beautiful Kitten.
[img height=572 src="vny!://www.necps.org/images/20030719-CP-Orgel's%20Orchids-Nepenthes%20shade%20house-N.xCoccinea.jpg" width=342]
[img alt="DAY AFTER - Political 2005" src="vny!://www.freakingnews.com/entries/13500/13841-DAY-AFTER---Political-2005_w.jpg" border=0]
[A href="vny!://www.alohaorchids.com/catalog/tropical_assortments.htm#trop_special"][img height=117 src="vny!://www.alohaorchids.com/flowers/assortments/trop_special_sm.jpg" width=90 vspace=5 border=1][/A]
Sorry, Some Chick, all I'm getting is an [FONT color=#ff0000]X.[/FONT]
Damn. O well.
Here. Have a man.
[A href="vny!://s8.photobucket.com/albums/a46/Demyss/?start=20#imgAnch24"][img class=pic height=588 alt=Cowboybutt.jpg src="vny!://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a46/Demyss/Cowboybutt.jpg" width=420][/A]
Rather have one of these.
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD colSpan=2][FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif" size=2][A href="vny!://www.gotdogsonline.com/pictures/gallery/afghan-hounds"][img alt="Afghan Hound" src="vny!://www.gotdogsonline.com/afghan-hound-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/pictures/afghan-hound-0006.jpg" border=0][/A][/FONT][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]...
Ground cow for me.
[A href="vny!://www.shutterstock.com/subscribe.mhtml"][img class=thumb_image alt="stock photo : Charbroiled のハンバーガー" src="vny!://thumb.shutterstock.com/photos/display_pic_with_logo/808/808,1100590369,4.jpg" align=absMiddle border=0][/A]
[img class=thumbnail src="vny!://www.funnyville.com/fv/pictures/harmonica.jpg"].
A nearby lake near me.
jumping asian carp.
They are taking over the rivers and lakes down here. They are famous for jumping in the air and landing in boats due to the wake the boats make. People get hit by flying carp all the time and they hurt because they can grow over 2ft long.
[font size="1"]From Christophe Gilbert, a very talented Belgian photographer.[/font]
The Hawaiian Happy-face Spider
[img height=400 alt="FRESH 'IDIOT' FISH?" src="vny!://www.strangebusiness.com/images/content/111423.jpg" width=600 align=center border=0].
OMG ....this is truly spectacular ! I could live here !!!!
[img height=334 alt="AMAZING TREE HOUSE" src="vny!://www.strangecosmos.com/images/content/102052.jpg" width=450 align=center border=0]
[img height=281 alt="Funny Picture" src="vny!://www.comedy-zone.net/pictures/images/animals/animal004.jpg" width=374].
Should this be my new avatar?
TehBorken wrote:
Should this be my new avatar?
Absolutely! That thing is teh rocks, and will make me laugh at least once a day!
Y'all find/make the coolest stuff.
Uh-oh, someone is in BIG trouble.....
OMG.....this is hilarious. It's a little long, but needs NO translation.
(I don't know if this link will work, but I'll give it a shot)
[A href="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/"]vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/[/A]
OK....it does work.....scroll down to CAT CARRYING FISH OVERLOAD.
One of these days, I'm going to try this...
[A href="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/sam_max.jpg"][img title=Sam_max height=442 alt=Sam_max src="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/images/sam_max.jpg" width=500 border=0][/A]
Thesaurus definition of relaxation = sleeping cats
I've got pictures I took from atop a 100 ft. grain elevator if anybody wants to see. (yes a 100 feet you get really tired climbing the thing).
I'm scared of heights. I can't stand on a countertop without getting vertigo.
But I love flying and want to skydive.
*shrug* Imawierdo
Scared of heights well then these pics would scare you. I took one that looks all the way down the latter some 100 + feet.
Here's the one looking down:
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z52kr8"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z52kr7.jpg" border=0][/A]
I've got a head for heights of the same variety as Some Chick. The picture (looking down) is reminiscent of my worst nightmares.
Here's a couple more, by the way this is one of my favourite places, its really quiet up there but if you fall you're a goner.
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z53c7m"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z53c7l.jpg" border=0][/A]
Looking out towards the bluffs.
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z53dqt"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z53dqs.jpg" border=0][/A]
Looking out towards the highway
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z53ggl"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z53ggk.jpg" border=0][/A]
Looking out towards the fields and in the distance the Mississippi River. (You can't see it though, sorry)
Gopher wrote:
I've got a head for heights of the same variety as Some Chick. The picture (looking down) is reminiscent of my worst nightmares.
Heights don't bother me, but low places do. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif) I used to skydive but gave it up not long after I met my future ex-wife. Still got all my gear though, altimeter, gloves, helmet and all the other crap.
And the last two.
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z53jo1"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z53jo0.jpg" border=0][/A]
I left the car door open, how silly of me on of the cats looked like it was going to jump in but I was yelling at it from the tower and it didn't know where the voice was coming from. lol.
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=1z53lzr"][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://tinypic.com/1z53lzq.jpg" border=0][/A]
And this one I did for no reason except to show you my giant foot.
Yep, little vertigo thrill from the first photo looking straight down.
took those at 7 in the morning. Loved it, although going up there is a huge workout. You get tired about half way up and eventually out of breath.
[img height=558 src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Coyote_closeup.jpg" width=837]
Stop and smell the roses, lol.
That's priceless TheBorken !
Neat med-tech photo of a transnasal endoscope developed by [a href="vny!://fms.fujifilm.co.jp/"]FUJIFILM Medical Co., Ltd.[/a] and [a href="vny!://www.ft-es.co.jp/"]Fujinon Toshiba ES Systems Co., Ltd.[/a] "Surveys show that 90% of patients who have experienced endoscopy think it is more comfortable to enter through the nose (as opposed to through the mouth or anus)." No kidding.
Future Democrat......
"Despite being closely vetted by both the U.S. secret service and German intelligence agents, the startled infant voiced a noisy protest as it was handed to George Bush. Unable to placate the wailing child - despite all his skills of diplomacy - President Bush was forced to hand it back to its waiting mother."[/p](//vny!://discoverseattle.net/image/bushbabyAP130706_479x600.jpg)
One bed is not enough.
[A href="vny!://www.catnamesonline.com/imgs/cats/sleep03.jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.catnamesonline.com/imgs/cats/sleep03.jpg[/FONT][/A]
[A href="vny!://justblog.blogdns.org/static/images/crimecoffee/engrish.jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://justblog.blogdns.org/static/images/crimecoffee/engrish.jpg[/FONT][/A]
Awwww!!! That is so cute. Thanks, Lise.
Are we supposed to defy gravity and shit up then? How do we do it? Standing on our heads?
Gopher wrote:
Are we supposed to defey gravity and shit up then? How do we do it? Standing on our heads?
Sure, why not? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/13.gif) Either way, it's gotta come out.
[img height=429 alt="" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/85/Sarajevopurple.jpg" width=650 border=0]
I believe this city is coming back, it still has its problems but I believe its on its way back. UN/NATO success story.
Lynn Headwaters trail(//vny!://i1.tinypic.com/207q8h0.jpg)
Lovely images, al. I've done the Lynn Headwater trail. Good hiking trails.
Be sure to stop and smell the flowers!
[A class=APCTitleAnchor title="Cat and Flower" href="vny!://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?item=1369918&AID=1245209864&PSTID=1&LTID=2&lang=1" target=_new][img height=280 alt="Cat and Flower" src="vny!://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/NIM/ARM661.jpg" width=350 border=0][/A].
Where's that trail, I'll put it on my to do list for next year.
I'll probably do the same, just the sort of place I love to be as often as possible.
Yeah, there's a lot of great hikes up there. Here's some Lynn Headwaters info, & lotsa links.
[A href="vny!://www.britishcolumbia.com/parks/?id=488"]vny!://www.britishcolumbia.com/parks/?id=488[/A]
Okay I'm definately going to put that on m to do list. But of course it will most likely just be me doing it since I've got no one to explore BC with except me my camera and my car, oh well.
I'll probably be doing it on my own as well - with luck maybe September next year. However, a lot can happen between now and then.
To the coolest Villian of all time General Zod.
The guy is still creepy/cool can't believe he's Jor-El on Smallville.
I tell yeah if I ever wanted to be an actor I'd always want to be the villian and he's the best villian there ever was in my opinion. Plus he's got that cool look. Terence Stamp would have been a huge star if he didn't pick such crappy movies to be in.
OMG. General Zod is Jor-El in Smallville?!?!?! Wow. The things you learn.
Terrance Stamp is brilliant. I so dig him when he was playing a drag queen in Pricillia, Queen of the Desert.
Never seen that movie but I heard it was hysterical.
Totally. You should check it out. It's Aussie-made, I think. Made big stars out of Guy Pearce and Hugo Weaving.
Hollywood decided to make an American version of the film. Perhaps you may have heard of it... one of the stupiest title on earth..... To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything: Julie Newmar. (Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo).
[A href="vny!://www.stephanelliot.netfirms.com/MGMA4874-still_hires.jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.stephanelliot.netfirms.com/MGMA4874-still_hires.jpg[/FONT][/A]
Heard of that one, actually. Yeah I remember when Vh1 did remember the 90's and some comedian was shocked that the lead character was Stamp, the same guy as he says "made me stay up in the middle of the night because his Zod scared the shit out me".
Here's something we could all use.
[SPAN class=text][A class=catalog id=WC_CachedProductItemDisplay_Link_2_ href="vny!://www.shoprutlandtool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=105469&langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&parent_category_rn="]TPI Industrial 30" Blade 2.5 Amp Motor 6,000 CMF Low 7,800 CFM High Mini-Blower[/A]
[A id=WC_CachedProductItemDisplay_Link_3_ href="vny!://www.shoprutlandtool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=105469&langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&parent_category_rn="][img alt="'TPI" hspace=5 src="vny!://www.shoprutlandtool.com/wcsstore/Rutland/images/catalog/2697-9260_T.jpg" border=0 Mini-Blower' High CFM 7,800 Low CMF 6,000 Motor Amp 2.5 Blade 30? Industrial][/A] .[/SPAN]
[A href="vny!://www.cafebritt.com/images/Articles/49/Image/cappuccino-frio(1).jpg[/img][FONT size=1]vny!://www.cafebritt.com/images/Articles/49/Image/cappuccino-frio(1).jpg[/FONT][/A]
I so so so so so want a glass of ice cappuccino right now.......
It looks fabulous! What is on the bottom of the glass? Creme de menthe?
Not sure. Looks like jello.
Here's the link to their site:
[A href="vny!://www.cafebritt.com/AboutCoffee/index.cfm?view=52&item=60&chkd=yes"]vny!://www.cafebritt.com/AboutCoffee/index.cfm?view=52&item=60&chkd=yes[/A]
The recipe:
Iced Cappuccino
1 ½ oz of prepared Café Britt Espresso.
6 oz of cold frothed milk
Pour the cold frothed milk into a cup.
Add the Café Britt Espresso.
Top with cinnamon.
* For a flavored iced cappuccino, add ½ oz of flavored syrup before adding the Cafe Britt Espresso and top with whipped cream.
Maybe it's a mint syrup. That would probably taste good.
Mhmmmm........ never had mint syrup before.......... but it sure sounds lovely with coffee.
Right after I push this kid out, I'm asking for a Tim Horton's Ice Cap. Pronto.
Have it delivered to the hospital!
St. Helen's
They have a Timmies in the cafetaria so it's no problem for my hubby to run down and grab one for me. Here's hoping I'll deliver before closing time. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Wow. That's an awesome picture, al. Look at that cloud.
Yeah it's a beaut.
That cloud looks like a giant toadstool on top. That's a great photo!
Lise, if it's close to closing, hubby could get it and put it in the fridge at the nursing station.
kitten wrote:
That cloud looks like a giant toadstool on top. That's a great photo!
Lise, if it's close to closing, hubby could get it and put it in the fridge at the nursing station.
Oh, that's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that before! Thanks!!!!
Hey, al...... did you visit St. Helens recently? When was the photo taken?
Lise wrote:
[a href="vny!://www.cafebritt.com/images/Articles/49/Image/cappuccino-frio%281%29.jpg[/img][font size="1"]vny!://www.cafebritt.com/images/Articles/49/Image/cappuccino-frio(1).jpg[/font][/a]
Oh man, I know just what I'd stick in that. (My tongue, of course. What were you perverts thinking??) (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
TehBorken wrote: Oh man, I know just what I'd stick in that. (My tongue, of course. What were you perverts thinking??) (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Sick twisted being. LOL.
I visited a Rainier on my way home from Seattle. Granted it was from the plane. Although the place I was staying at looked right at it.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img450/9983/mountrainiergu7.jpg src="vny!://img450.imageshack.us/img450/9983/mountrainiergu7.jpg"][/A]
I've never visited St. Helen's, but I'm an honorary member of the
Official St. Helen's Inspection Team
A friend in Australia sent me the pic. Where she got it I don't know. It's been forwarded around a bit. Here's a description of what it's supposed to be all about:
[P class=MsoNormal][FONT face=Arial][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Mt. St. Helens[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"] [/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"] [/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Here is something not many of us get to see, unless[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]you live near there - [?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /][ST1:PLACE w:st="on"][ST1:PLACETYPE w:st="on"]Mt.[/ST1:PLACETYPE] [ST1:PLACENAME w:st="on"]St. Helens[/ST1:PLACENAME][/ST1:PLACE] at sunrise.[/SPAN][/FONT]
[ST1:PLACE w:st="on"][ST1:PLACETYPE w:st="on"][FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Mt.[/SPAN][/FONT][/ST1:PLACETYPE][FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"] [ST1:PLACENAME w:st="on"]St. Helens[/ST1:PLACENAME][/SPAN][/FONT][/ST1:PLACE][FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"] continues to spew ash, while it is[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]forming a lava dome in the crater and still having[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]minor tremors.[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]Here in this sunrise shot, she appears to be blowing[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]smoke rings (and anything so benign is welcomed, given[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]recent history).[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]What forms the "smoke rings" is the air flowing over[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]the mountain getting pushed up higher as it goes up[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]and over the top. The moisture content and initial[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]temperature are just right so that the moisture[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]condenses from a vapor to small particles at the[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]higher altitude. When the moving air moves past the[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]peak and comes down again, the particles evaporate[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]back to an invisible vapor.[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]The two "pancakes" describe that there are two layers[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]of air for which this is happening, thus making this[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=Arial size=2][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]awesome picture possible.[/SPAN][/FONT] [?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /][O:P][/O:P]
No kidding?
Bootiful images of St. Helens, al. I will visit the place one of these days.
I'm more interested in Rainier and the old BC volcanoes that are dead. I'd rather spend time in Garibaldi Provincial Park to be honest. Don't have to worry about the threat of volcano erruptions which Helens and Rainier have.
Well, St. Helens is a top tourist spot to visit. At least for awhile. I wouldn't hike there.... not with an active volcano but I would stop by and visit just to say that I did.
A little-known spot in South Burnaby
This pic's starting to look like something from Escher. Maybe I shouldn't have had that third spliff.
Sometimes looking at pictures can remind you why you even live where you do.
[img alt="Gentle waves roll in from the Ocean" src="vny!://www.trailcanada.com/photos/canada-photographs/vancouver-english-bay/03.jpg"]
[A href="vny!://www.trailcanada.com/photos/vancouver-english-bay.asp"]More here.[/A]
Stop it! You're making me depressed!
[DIV align=center][A href="vny!://www.firstpeople.us/FP-Html-Pictures/bears_pg02.html#Polar_Bear_Photographs_1"][img height=450 alt="Polar Bear." src="vny!://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/bear/Polar_Bears/1600x1200/Bear_Hug-1600x1200.jpg" width=600 border=0][/A][/DIV]
[A href="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a7/White_Rock_SM.jpg[/img][/A]
Funny thing is all these pics are either in rural missouri where you wouldn't really want to go. (think banjos) and the forest pics are of a national forest that is being cut down this very moment thanks to a law Bush passed. Mark Twain National Forest is going to be no more most likely thanks to dubya.
That looks very pretty. The river shot makes me want to float down it on a tube or in a canoe. 'Course I'd have to borrow that from our navy, but I'm sure they can get by with their other one for just a day.
They've got float trips in the ozarks. Just watch out for all the drunks on the river and crazy rednecks.
I'd fit right in ;)
really? Didn't know you were the chain smoking, thousand tats, drinks bud and has a giant mullet type. Went on a float trip and thats what I saw. Drunk hillbillies, public urnation, and hill billies gone wild.
[A href="vny!://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2005-08-31/news/feature_full.html"]vny!://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2005-08-31/news/feature_full.html[/A]
Sportsdude wrote:
really? Didn't know you were the chain smoking, thousand tats, drinks bud and has a giant mullet type. Went on a float trip and thats what I saw. Drunk hillbillies, public urnation, and hill billies gone wild.
Well, I don't have a thousand tats or have a mullet, and I only urinate in public when it's dark. I prefer Granville Island Honey Lager to Bud, but when I drink, yes I will chain smoke and often go a bit wild. I watched the best teachers growing up.
My parents. Rednecks got nuttin' on us.
"[img style="font-weight: bold;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/image/868803466_s.gif[/img]"
I think that was a discreet cough of greeting. If not, try some of this with your cough syrup:
Welcome to DS, Arelle. Long time no see the illustrious name in print. Used to see your posts on DV, aeons ago.
It definetly was my form of a greeting, thanks for the welcome! Lise sent me the addy a while ago and I've been meaning to come take a look and see my old friends but I didn't get around to it until today.
So hi! :)[/DIV]
Oh my goodness, IT'S ARELLE! It's been a LONG time since we've crossed paths.
We used to be all over that lunch thread back on DV.
No wonder your name sounded familiar....
hehe hey purelife! Good to see you again :) How are things?
I'm doing good. :)
and yourself? how was your lunch?
I'm doing great, my lunch was good, not very exciting though, what about yours?
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]"I'm doing great, my lunch was good, not very exciting though, what about yours?"[/span]
That good huh? I missed you too!
When I saw your post I nearly jumped out of my pants! (//forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/3.gif)
I love you and missed you so much. What's been going on, CAN YOU FILL ME IN???
hahaha geek (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Love/26.gif) I missed you too :)
I just had my second anniversary! We're also talking about moving next year, we were going to do it last year in December but stuff came up, so next year around summertime is when we're throwing the house back up for sale.
What's new with you? Ever heard of msn? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
Wow, congrats on the anniversary, although moves are always stressful. At least for me, are you one of those strange people that likes change???
I'm moving too. Into an apartment nearby. It's nice enough, and I'm paying an extra $50 a month for a covered and walled patio area in the back for my plants and whatnot.
I don't really do the chat thing anymore. I can't get away with it at work, and at home when I'm on the computer I'm usually playing games where I can't chat simultaneously. Have you been playing any games lately??
Hi, tenkani! I'm sorry you aren't doing the chat thing any more. You were always one of the brightest lights on this board.
You dazzled us!
Dazzled? More like baffled with bullshit ;)
Hey Gopher, did you ever find a way to scare off those birds (starlings?)???
Thanks! And there are times I like change (99% of the time that only applies to my hair style *not color*) but mostly I'm against it. It will be a good change, I know it will be hard leaving everyone behind but I'm hoping to drag a few people with me ;)
Glad to hear your about your move! I know your plants will be much happier there.
What games are you playing? We moved on to Eq2 but I'm not sure how much longer we'll be playing it, although our subscription doesn't end until mid October.
We're looking at Vanguard but it doesn't come out for a while, who knows, people are estimating next year sometime, although I do hope it comes out sooner than that, I can't go back to SWG, they've changed it way too much, you're lucky you got out when you did.
Anyways, if you haven't heard of vanguard, check it out, I'd love to play with you again.. but more so this time. :D
Um, excuse me? Where are the pictures? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/1.gif)
There's one on the side of my post :)
Here's a picture from my recent trip to Spokane;
U2 doing the YMCA
Hi all...
hey Orca.
tenkani wrote:
Dazzled? More like baffled with bullshit ;)
Hey Gopher, did you ever find a way to scare off those birds (starlings?)???
No, and it proved not to be necessary, although I can't think why. Every dusk they fly over in their thousands and don't even give the garden a look: maybe they still remember all the pan-banging of previous years.
Hi Sportsdude ...
Hey Orca...
Orca, welcome back.
Did you bring us souvenirs?
Arelle, I'm playing Battlefield 2 and Hitman at the moment. No MMORPGs, SWG left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not really interested in EQ2 or WoW, so if you start playing something and like it please let me know!!!
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 127, 64);"]Picture:[/span]
Okay, I won't park there.
Well hubby and I started playing this other game yesterday, I have been looking for a while and just kind of stumbled across this game. I had never heard of it before, but I have a friend who knows someone who played beta on it and said it was a good game.
There's a free trial right now so go download it! There is only 3 servers, but only one English speaking one (there is no lack of people on it believe me). My name is Kadira and hubbys is Raseth.
[A href="vny!://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/gameId/36"]vny!://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/gameId/36[/A]
here is where you download it
[A href="vny!s://secure.nevrax.com/payment_subscribe/index.php?step=1"]vny!s://secure.nevrax.com/payment_subscribe/index.php?step=1[/A]
For a game that has been out for 2 years, there is not much patching to be done *finally someone at least gets the download caught up*. The longest part was downloading the game.
I do hope to see you in there. The game is a bit different feeling than SWG, but it's fairly easy to get used to and *oddly enough people are hepful! and there are GMS all over the place just waiting to answer your questions (faint)*.
I better see you there mister!
I've got some souvenir, care to come here to get it? hehehe...
You are still crazy after all these years.
I am surprised no one smite you because of that picture.
BTW, how do you smite someone?
Nevermind, I found it.
i think someone did smite him, he is up to a big 4 now.
Wow! That's a nice picture of exotic fruits. I'm hungry...............................
My picture contribution today:
Being smited by Teh Orca is a mixed blessing.
No...actually it's just a blessing.
Thank you, goddess *glow*
Hi Orca :)
Arelle, yesterday I bought FEAR and it scairt teh crap out of me! :(
Have you seen the movie Silent Hill?? It's a bit like that. I played the stupid thing in a dark room with some good headphones and was literally jumping around in my chair! :O
haha that's hilarious, I haven't actually heard of it,but I'll be sure to check it out now :D
Have you checked out Saga of Ryzom yet? I'm not actually sure what the level cap is, once you reach a certain level it breaks off so you can specialize so I have no idea.
No but I will check it ASAP!!!
Hey, how's that furry cat of yours??
[img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/zzzzchecking_up.gif" - Video and Image Hosting]
[img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/hotbeer.jpg" - Video and Image Hosting]
Anyone for lunch...
In other words, the same sort of stuff you get anywhere but without honesty thrown in.
[font style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"].[/font]
She's doing great! She's gotten a bit 'stockier' but still absolutely adorable. :)
Please don't let your cat get too "stocky". Cats that are overweight can develop all sorts of problems, especially diabetes. It's pretty awful to have to give your cat insulin every day.
At Lynn Peak
Wow. Awesome images there, al. I miss hiking. *sigh*
Have you been up to Lynn Peak Lise? First time for me yesterday. Harsh, intimidating hike (at least for me). Loved it!
I got a digital camera, when there is a sunny day this week I'll go to forest park and take some pictures.
And I also want to take a picture of a road by my house that has a catholic church, a mosque, a hindu temple and the lutheran church I was baptised in. Its religion road. (its not called that just made that up). What else is interesting??? I'm not taking pics of the ghetto I don't want to get shot oh I know the arch.
Okay here's what I'll do
Forest Park
Eads Bridge
Lacledes Landing
Soulard Market
The Hill
Kiener Plaza
okay you guys pick the one for me to visit. I'll take the pics and post them hint: (pick the arch and forest park tons of good stuff is there)
Okay. Soulard Market and Arch. Could you include people, houses, trees and such as well? That'll be cool.
I can just imagine you now taking pictures. I can see you having loads of fun. :)
Oooo...an idea for my porn novel! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
The Market is okay but its not the 'greatest'. Its nothing like Granville. Forest Park has a bunce of monuments from 1904's World Fair. (People still talk about that event like it was yesterday).
I can do the arch today and along with Forest Park. Will take the whole day but I can do it.
okay well I'm off to the Arch. I think I can squeeze in Forest Park as well today. Okay be back around 3 or 4pt time.
Hasta luego, SD. :)
al - I have hiked up Lynn Canyon Peak. I didn't quite like the hike because it was a bit crowded for my taste. I prefer hikes where there's not a lot of ppl so I can totally enjoy myself.
Try Garibaldi Lake. It's punishing but the view is really good, you get to see the Black Horn from the top. I failed to see the lake because the trails were snowed in (IN SUMMER OF ALL TIMES) but my husband has made it there and the pictures he brought back were breathtaking.
I'm back! I got a ton of pics. Sorry I meant 3ct not pacific, oops!
Would have taken more but it was getting hot out and I was starting to sweat through my tshirt (very common if you stay outside here for more then 2mins) and I thought the meter was running low. (Which it wasn't had 30mins left, oh well).
Would have liked to take a picture of city hall. Its a gothic building from the 1800's, looks really cool. And Union Station's clock tower looks like Ottawa's Peace Tower. Didn't get to that one either. Many did the old capital building, the arch, eads bridge and laclede's landing oh and kiener plaza. Didn't get to Forest Park too hot. But when I do I think everyone will like those lots of reflecting pools, King Louis the XIV over art hill, the muny, history museum, jute box, oh and of course the Zoo. Can't forget that one! (its one of the best Zoo's in the country and its free)
Here's the first one. Its a picture of Kiener Plaza looking at the old courthouse (famous for the dred scott case) which looks at the Arch.
You can put any of these pics as your background I think they're quite good. (I'm giving weird al a run for his money) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
They were soooooo good tinypic couldn't use them.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img330/8158/thecamera014du6.jpg src="vny!://img330.imageshack.us/img330/8158/thecamera014du6.jpg[/img][/A]
The next one is of the fountain closer up. I like this one because the dark blue water really comes out well. The fountain is a dedication to the 1904 World's Fair which was in Saint Louis. It also was the site of the olympics back then. The runner symbolizes the olympics.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img330/2994/thecamera036rv4.jpg src="vny!://img330.imageshack.us/img330/2994/thecamera036rv4.jpg"][/A]
That's a beautiful picture. I have already saved it to My Photos and is part of my screensaver photos.
Thanks for taking them.
Your camera takes excellent photos. Great quality!
oh not to brag but I took better ones......
They're coming....
Here's an sort of up close shot of the retunda of the court house.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img330/3426/thecamera018gy2.jpg src="vny!://img330.imageshack.us/img330/3426/thecamera018gy2.jpg"][/A]
The good ones are up next aka the arch.
Okay the Jefferson Memorial was built in the 1960's it symbolizes Lewis and Clark's journey into the unknown since it the journey started in Saint Louis the town has been known as the "Gateway to the West". The Gateway Arch or just St. Louis Arch or the Arch as the locals call it is the tallest monument in the world. (taller then the effel tower) its almost 700ft tall. You can take an elevator up to the top.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img162/8465/thecamera020df2.jpg src="vny!://img162.imageshack.us/img162/8465/thecamera020df2.jpg"][/A]
The next two are 'post card' material. I got really lucky today.
Really proud of this one.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img348/8766/thecamera023by2.jpg src="vny!://img348.imageshack.us/img348/8766/thecamera023by2.jpg"][/A]
Wanted to get the sun coming off the silver. Oh was it a good day. (This only works best with a clear sky)
I've had dreams of pictures like this one, always, always, always wanted to do this. There's a pic someone did of the CN Tower in Toronto like this looking up. Ever since I saw that pic I knew I must do the arch.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img131/3985/thecamera024dg2.jpg src="vny!://img131.imageshack.us/img131/3985/thecamera024dg2.jpg"][/A]
Alright, the next two are a fun fact/scary fact. Its a photo of the steps leading up to the arch. (Probly thinking right now why did I take a picture of steps?). Well, during the flood of 1993 the mississippi river got so high it went just below where those people are standing. (About where the steps get darker). How high is that? Well that point is 40 feet above flood stage. The next picture will be of the river and it was taken were those people are standing. To show you just how high the river got that year.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img49/6001/thecamera028xx9.jpg src="vny!://img49.imageshack.us/img49/6001/thecamera028xx9.jpg"][/A]
This picture is kind of misleading because the river is 15 to 20 ft lower then it looks here.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img167/6863/thecamera027ry4.jpg src="vny!://img167.imageshack.us/img167/6863/thecamera027ry4.jpg"][/A]
They need to clean up the river front in my opinion. Its horrid. The Admiral a silver looking casino boat (which you will see later I think) was hit by a barge and almost sunk. They moved it up river a km or so and now this stupid helicopter tours thing is in its place. Then you've got the Casino Queen across the river and if you look out on the park towards Illinois all you see is a giant grain elevator that they need to blow up because it uglifies the area. Then there is a Tom Sawyer cruise boat also. At least the floating mcdonalds sunk in '93. (Yes it sunk, went off its morings and ran into a bridge sinking it, classic)
Here's the Eads bridge. Its famous because its was the longest bridge in the world when it was built in 1874. It was considered daring because its basically made out of steel and steel trusses. Its one of the deepest dug bridges on the planet. So when the big one (8.0 earthquake) happens this bridge isn't going anywhere (unlike the arch which will crumble in about a billion pieces).
Sorry for the construction, idiots never clean up after themselves got better one of the bridge coming up.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img320/1285/thecamera031vc1.jpg src="vny!://img320.imageshack.us/img320/1285/thecamera031vc1.jpg"][/A]
I did this one because I wanted to one up weird al's bird pic. I even said out loud this ones for you weird al. (of course no one is around) Could have gotten much closer but damn pigeons pooped so I stayed pretty far away (I've got 10x zoom on the thing) it was very windy obviously since it was by the river so I'm shocked the picture didn't end up blurry. (my camera's got this stabilizing thing in it apparently and it sure worked during this photo.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img70/5291/thecamera032bd9.jpg src="vny!://img70.imageshack.us/img70/5291/thecamera032bd9.jpg"][/A]
Here's the better eads bridge photo:
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img326/8918/thecamera033sm2.jpg src="vny!://img326.imageshack.us/img326/8918/thecamera033sm2.jpg"][/A]
The last two I have are from Laclede's Landing. The first one is from that building I showed a while back that collapsed when the tornadoes came through. The second and final picture in my little slideshow today is from laclede's landing looking down the cobblestone street.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img326/8894/thecamera034zj8.jpg src="vny!://img326.imageshack.us/img326/8894/thecamera034zj8.jpg"][/A]
And Last one:
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img107/765/thecamera035es2.jpg src="vny!://img107.imageshack.us/img107/765/thecamera035es2.jpg"][/A]
My cat is good and healthy, but thank you for your concern.
Lise wrote:
al - I have hiked up Lynn Canyon Peak. I didn't quite like the hike because it was a bit crowded for my taste. I prefer hikes where there's not a lot of ppl so I can totally enjoy myself.
Try Garibaldi Lake. It's punishing but the view is really good, you get to see the Black Horn from the top. I failed to see the lake because the trails were snowed in (IN SUMMER OF ALL TIMES) but my husband has made it there and the pictures he brought back were breathtaking.
Lise- thanks for the recommendation on Garibaldi Lake. I'll definitely be checking it out. Something about these punishing hikes really appeals to me. Maybe it's the absurdity of trying to march up thru some of these trails.Part of the Lynn Peak Route involves slogging uphill through a boulder-filled chute that winds its way up thru some twists and turns such that when you get to the top of a stretch, you find - the same damn thing! Definitely no crowds there like Lynn Canyon. Not a walk in the park by any means, but damn well worth it. Like I said, I found it harsh and intimidating. And weirdly likable! Here'a little blurb on it from a local site. When you're back into hiking mode, I think you'll get a kick out of it:
A third strenuous hike in this wilderness park climbs Lynn Peak. Although the hiking time is shorter than that required for either the Lynn Lake or the Hanes Valley routes, the 4.5-mile (7.2-km) round-trip journey to the peak (elevation 3,021 feet/921 m) is equally demanding. Your rewards are two splendid viewpoints and a visit to one of the last stands of ancient forest in the park. The approach begins from the park kiosk via Lynn Loop Trail. Watch for the well-marked turn away from this main trail onto the rougher Lynn Crest Trail (also referred to as the Lynn Peak Trail). The trail begins to climb sharply uphill, following the course of a small streambed in places. Depending on the season, this route may be wet or bone-dry. Bring plenty of drinking water, as the effort required to ascend this trail will dehydrate you at any time of the year. The first viewpoint appears after 1.2 miles (2 km). Catch your breath as you gaze east across the Seymour River Valley. The sound of the river rises from below, reminding you that Lynn Creek's familiar voice faded away as you climbed. Farther along, you pass through the Enchanted Forest, where the high sound of wind in the boughs will have you guessing whether it's created by the breeze or the creek. You can tell when you've reached the ancient grove, as the understorey begins to thin out. Far less nourishing sunlight reaches the forest floor here; the towering trees don't even begin to put out branches until 100 feet (30 m) or more above the ground. As the final viewpoint of Lynn Peak is only 0.3 mile (0.5 km) farther along, you have plenty of time to linger here and appreciate the majesty of the location. Allow two to three hours to complete this challenging hike. (Note: The clearing in which the highest viewpoint is located was the site of a blimp logging operation carried out here in the early 1970s.)
Lise wrote:
I failed to see the lake because the trails were snowed in (IN SUMMER OF ALL TIMES) but my husband has made it there and the pictures he brought back were breathtaking.
Got pix?
I wonder if this is real or photoshopped?
Here's the email content that came with this picture:
Subject: Hell Hath No Fury
[FONT size=2]>>> Don't mess with Emily!
>>> May need to go to the Big Apple to check this out...LOL!
>>> This billboard is on 54th and 7th in Manhattan right now.[/FONT]
[FONT size=2][/FONT]
[FONT size=2](//vny!://i8.tinypic.com/24vo3dg.jpg)
I wouldn't be suprised if it was real. New Yorkers have to much money. I've also heard of break up stories where the husband is some CEO type and he's at a meeting and the wife comes in with just an overcoat on and says "You can't have this" sort of thing (showing her body) you gave it up.
weird al wrote:
Lise wrote:
I failed to see the lake because the trails were snowed in (IN SUMMER OF ALL TIMES) but my husband has made it there and the pictures he brought back were breathtaking.
Got pix?
No unfortunately. That was back in the days when digital camera was just a concept. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
I'll scoot around and see what I can find.
Been browsing through my library - I can't believe I don't have many images of our hike. I guess we didn't have a digital camera back then.
Then after having Lise Jr. we haven't had the chance nor energy to go back to hiking. Will most likely do it again once the kids are older.
al - also recommend Elfin Lake if you get the chance. Long hours though..... I think total hiking time was about 6 hours to and fro. Longest hike I've done but the view is fantastic. Bring mosquitoe repellent. (do the same for Garibaldi --- you won't believe the size of these buggers)
[img height=503 src="vny!://i7.tinypic.com/24ypqfo.jpg" width=509]
Taken top of Dog Mountain, Seymour Prov. Park. Easiest hike to date and easily done within the hour.
SD - lovely images. You could do photography. Damn, I miss Analog Andy's works.
[img height=479 src="vny!://i8.tinypic.com/24yptv9.jpg" width=568]
En route to the top of Dog Mountain.
Image taken from Harrison Hot Springs Sandcastle competition.
The above is my favorite. Tells the story of Icarus and what happened when he flew too close to the sun.
[img style="WIDTH: 566px; HEIGHT: 417px" height=418 src="vny!://i7.tinypic.com/24ypxc4.jpg" width=489]
Can't remember this one but it was about a princess and a castle.
Thanks Lise. Yeah I've been told I've got the eye for great pictures by a professional.
Went to the Zoo just got back. Couple pictures are good. The Bears were hot so they moved around a lot making three pictures bad. Wanted to go into the penguin cove area where its 45F. But the line was too long so I took pictures of the penguins that were outside. Then I went to the seals. Again too hot to be sunning so they were mostly swimming. Then I went to the Prairie Dogs. There easy when its hot because that means there up out of the ground. Then I went to the turtoises they were mating again really easy. Didn't do the elephants because it was just too hot to go into that area so no lions, giraffes or elephants today sorry maybe next time. Oh and the first picture is of King Louis the XIV of which the city is named after.
Here's the King:
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=2502sl4"][/A]
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img243/1522/thezoo008dp4.jpg src="vny!://img243.imageshack.us/img243/1522/thezoo008dp4.jpg"][/A]
dang I didn't know they'd be bigger then last weeks pics oh well
Here's the first penguin:
Switched to Image Shack so they aren't going to be as big as King Louie, hopefully.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img126/8536/thezoo012rg2.jpg src="vny!://img126.imageshack.us/img126/8536/thezoo012rg2.jpg"][/A]
Thats better.
Just Chillin'.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img93/5039/thezoo013rl6.jpg src="vny!://img93.imageshack.us/img93/5039/thezoo013rl6.jpg"][/A]
I think they realize they aren't in Antartica anymore.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img93/3281/thezoo014ha5.jpg src="vny!://img93.imageshack.us/img93/3281/thezoo014ha5.jpg"][/A]
*Pant* *Pant* Give me WATER!!! *Pant* *Pant*
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img93/6448/thezoo017mj1.jpg src="vny!://img93.imageshack.us/img93/6448/thezoo017mj1.jpg[/img][/A]
Lise needs to clean that bear's teeth! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Polar bear: "This isn't Churchill, Manitoba?"
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img95/4280/thezoo018ic8.jpg src="vny!://img95.imageshack.us/img95/4280/thezoo018ic8.jpg"][/A]
This picture is awesome. Right on cue it looks like the little critter is smiling and looking at the camera.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img247/9558/thezoo019br4.jpg src="vny!://img247.imageshack.us/img247/9558/thezoo019br4.jpg"][/A]
Shade. Best place to be today and it wasn't even that hot St. Louis wise.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img99/6678/thezoo020kp1.jpg src="vny!://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6678/thezoo020kp1.jpg"][/A]
Someone's getting sleepy.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img99/2106/thezoo021ad3.jpg src="vny!://img99.imageshack.us/img99/2106/thezoo021ad3.jpg"][/A]
This shot would have ruled, but alas I wasn't in the right spot.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://load.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img99/7871/thezoo024fd9.jpg src="vny!://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7871/thezoo024fd9.jpg"][/A]
Wanting food....
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img224/7554/thezoo025ed1.jpg src="vny!://img224.imageshack.us/img224/7554/thezoo025ed1.jpg"][/A]
and finally.
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img86/2922/thezoo026mx4.jpg src="vny!://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2922/thezoo026mx4.jpg"][/A]
And the final one...
[A onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&myref=vny!://www.imageshack.us/"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img86/9526/thezoo027ia2.jpg src="vny!://img86.imageshack.us/img86/9526/thezoo027ia2.jpg"][/A]
Some excellent shots of the animals. Like the bear ones!!!
Hubby encountered a bear on one of his hike. He and friend just started to shout and make noise.... wonder if that was a good idea at the time. The bear took one uninterested look then walked away. Damn lucky if you ask me.
Thats what your suppose to do. You've got to sound louder then them yell grunt etc.
Great photos, SD
Thanks but for some reason the pictures are not showing up as well like they do on my lap top. On there you can see King Louies face but on my regular monitor I can't see him.
When it is pointless to smile...
Clever advertising...
Clever ads...
Clever ads
LOL Hysterical. Where did you find these?
Yeah, that pic was ironic.
Ahh...thank you for teh pictures, tenkani. Those last two entries are exactly what I'm looking for when I turn on my innernet box.
I see that my threads are alive and well after all this time....
Kits where have you been
Future Canadian, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the Net ;)
Take a hint, punk.
OIC (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/icon_smile_blackeye.gif)
That pumpkin is going to get put away for a long time. The photo alone is enough to ensure his conviction.
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
[img style="width: 183px; height: 478px;" src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/spaddm.jpg"]
tenkani wrote:
Future Canadian, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the Net ;)
Oops. I wasn't being sarcastic at all (my lack of eloquence is due to puffin' n' postin'). I really do look for pictures like that online and those two had me in stitches! You are teh master picture gatherer.
Global Warming ...
There was a girl in my spanish class on the first day who sat behind me wearing the 2006 thong.
How the heck you know that?
Thong lines? or lack of it?
... and one wonders why the guys can't concentrate on their classes... (*grin*)
how did I know that? Whenever she would bend over her entire backside was visibile.
There was a girl in my spanish class on the first day who sat behind me wearing the 2006 thong.
I shudder to think what would have been visible had she sat in front of you.[/DIV]
who knows. She's gone back to the trashy look tonight. She must be new to college. aka a teen. Because most of the people in my class are my age. Teen girls usually get the message that "say hello to these puppies" pointing to her boobs tshirts and stuff is soo not college even if its community college. Like in the Wizard of Oz "we aren't in Kansas anymore".
[div style="text-align: left;"](//vny!://pictureserver.funnyjunk.com/pics2/manguard.jpg)
What if you lose the key
Hah! Nice...
I've heard that it's not the fall that'll kill you, it's the sudden stop at the end.
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
Sportsdude wrote:
There was a girl in my spanish class on the first day who sat behind me wearing the 2006 thong.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]oooo...sounds kinky...[insert upside down question mark] hablas espanol en "panty language?" (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
correa de tanga - g-string thong. According to free translation.
Very nice, weird al. Where is it?
kitten wrote:
Very nice, weird al. Where is it?
Stanley Park Seawall, between 2nd Beach and English Bay
I thought I recognized it, but it's been years since I've gone to the park and I had forgotten it. Must go again soon.
ive seen some guy balancing rocks on the north side of 2nd beach. alot of tourist likes to take pics of him doing his work. it is quite amazing.
Couple more...
Must take a seriously steady hand. Hell, this guy could make lattes for Artigiano!
He's really good. I'm glad you posted these pics.
I should have said you take great pictures, weird al. Anyway, I'm saying it now. WOW!
Hey thanks! But I just point and shoot. It's the stuff I point at that's sometimes really great.
Finding the right things to shoot is part of the art of photography.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/18.gif)
I don't think I could one up that at the moment. Not much to photograph around here except for the stuff I've already done. Unless you want to see depressing stuff, got tons of urban decay and crumbling buildings around town.
Favourite poor street is Grand you go down it at night you gonna get shot. Gangs run the streets.
Seems like there are gangs and guns in most cities now. Shame, isn't it.
Yeah but when you live in the deadliest city in america it puts things in perspective. Kinda always laughed at people calling Downtown eastside a ghetto. Trust me thats not a ghetto. In saint louis downtown eastside would be considered the safe areas in some parts of my region.
I always thought Miami was the deadliest city in the U.S., followed by Los Angeles. I didn't know St. Louis was that bad.
Nope. Its always been a race between Saint Louis, Detroit and Philidelphia. Some years the gangs don't kill enough people around here and we drop to like 5th, then they realize that they've been lazy and start killing people again.
When 12 year olds steal cars by the thousands every month you know you've got problems.
Sick society. What can you do?
Its not there fault that there bad. They're just reacting to how society around here treats them. Saint Louis since the begining of time has had racial problems. Blacks, lived in the north of the city whites lived in the south. It still is like that. Segregation still exists don't believe what the history books tell you.
This is a typical house in North Saint Louis, there's a couple on every street. Some places entire blocks:
Sounds (and looks) gruesome, glad I don't live there.
Oh its a lovely place Gopher. Come and visit some time. I'll take you down Grand Blvd, where you can talk to the gang bangers, 12 year old car jackers, 13 year old hookers and the 11 year old drug dealer. They start them young here in Saint Louis. (sarcasm)
This pictures only thread needs more pictures, hay? ;)
tenkani wrote:
This pictures only thread needs more pictures, hay? ;)
Red X's don't qualify as pictures, Sportsdude.
Indeed not, but they give wonderdful scope for the imagination.
I don't know, seems you've seen one red X, you've seen them all.
Madam, not all of us have had such vast experience as your good self.
Learn, grasshopper.
Care to teach me, sylph?
I would fail as an educator. Knowing and imparting are two different matters. And these aren't pictures, you realize.
No I don't realise, but I do try to picture what you imply.
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxdm824DFCA" target=_blank][img alt=Meditate src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_5_144.gif[/img][/A]
[A href="vny!://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb096_ZNxdm824DFCA&utm_id=7924" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb096&pp=ZNxdm824DFCA" border=0][/A]
Strangest looking church I've ever seen.
Yeah, that's the Powerhouse Church of the Presumptuous Assumption of the Blinding Light
("O blinding Light...
O Light that blinds...
I cannot see;
Look out for me!")
Renowned for the 50 - voice St. Louis Aquarium Choraleers, whose hymn, "Marching to Shibboleth", gladdened many a heart.
That broke me up, weird al. I must attend sometime just to hear the choraleers.
Here's the Choraleers with what I think is their best work. (You'll just have to fill in the voices and musical accompaniment.)
@ALBUM: Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers
@SONG: The Rough-As-A-Cob March
(source: From "Big Book of Plays", page 62-63)
Choir: We're marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the Sword!
We're praising Zion 'til her death,
Until we meet our last reward!
Men: Our Lord's reward!
Women: Zion! Oh happy Zion!
O'er wrapp'd, but not detained!
Men: Lion, f'rocious Lion!
His beard our mighty mane!
Women: At First and Main!
Men: Oh, we;ll go marching, marching to Omaha,
With the Buckram and the Cord!
Women: You'll hear us "boom" our State!
Men: Ha, ha! As we cross the final ford!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh mighty Zion!
Your bison now are dust!
As your cornflakes rise
"Gainst the rust-red skies,
Then our blood requires us must
Go ...
Men: Marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the ...
Women: The Buckram and the Cord!
Men: Sword! Praising Zion 'til her death!
Women: Ha, ha!
Men: Until we eat our last reward!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh righteous Zion!
There is no one to blame!
For the homespun pies
'Neath the cracking skies
Shall release the fulsome rain!
Tenor: Shall release!
Men: Shall release!
Soprano: Shall release!
Women: Shall release!
Choir: Shall release the vinyl rein!
OMG!!! That is absolutely insane! Thank you for that. I can visualize it clearly. In a way it makes a lot more sense than some of the "hymns" that I've heard.
It's on this album, probably long out of print, but worth looking for. They do actually sound great on this song.
[A href="vny!://www.firesigntheatre.com/albums/album.php?album=dctd"]vny!://www.firesigntheatre.com/albums/album.php?album=dctd[/A]
That is very strange indeed. The more I read, the odder it got. I think I'll have to re-read it a couple of times.
I don't understand.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/k055.gif" border=0]
I don't either, but I'm going to try to.
So, have you got it figured out Kitten?
It made my head hurt [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/a080.gif" border=0]. I think it's too deep for me....lol
Not yet. It sneaked into one of my dreams last night, and I thought I understood completely, and then I woke and the dream faded, so I'm still clueless.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/1.gif)
LOL Kitten !!!!!
Rochester, England
[img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/rochester_sweeps_festival_2006_0004.jpg" hosting="" image="" and="" video="" -=""][img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/rochester_sweeps_festival_2006_0003.jpg" hosting="" image="" and="" video="" -=""]
May Day Chimney Sweeps Festival dates back as early as 1650s /\
[img style="WIDTH: 593px; HEIGHT: 407px" height=910 alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/rochdickens040061.jpg" width=985 hosting="" image="" and="" video="" -=""]
Dickens Festival was first established in 1978 to celebrate Charles dickens /\
[img style="WIDTH: 699px; HEIGHT: 469px" height=469 alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/ChoirTourRochester2005015a.jpg" width=832 hosting="" image="" and="" video="" -=""]
Cathedral dates back to around 604AD /\
Nice town, I stayed there for a couple of days a few years ago.
Beautiful pictures, Brit Guy. Makes me want to go there and look around for a couple of months.
Wow. Looks like fun, Brit Guy. Thanks for the images. I miss England at times, the countryside was absolutely breathtaking.
Cool ad........
Rofl, Schadenfreude!
I got an email with a bunch of little graphics like that.
Can anyone translate this prayer wheel thingy?
I have no idea.
tenkani wrote:
Can anyone translate this prayer wheel thingy?
This looks like the Tibetan version of Om Mani Padme Hum , last two characters. Here's the whole enchilada, from wiki: Forget wiki, frickin' red x. Now then, another frickin' red x. Shit! f*ck! Serenity now!
[img height=108 src="vny!://www.dharma-haven.org/tibetan/manihum3.jpg" width=190 border=2] There it is!
[A href="vny!://www.fourgates.com/music/om-mani-padme-hung.wav"]Listen to a Tibetan Monk chant the Om, Ma-Ni, Pad-Me, Hum[/A] in Sanskrit, or "Om, Ma-ni, Pe-me, Hung," in Tibetan. Om Mani Padme Hum cannot be accurately translated into English. All such attempts at translation are very misleading. Think of it as a phrase which awakens compassion and loving-kindness for welfare of all beings.
...but it's generally understood as, y'know, "Hail, the Jewel in the Lotus..."
Thanks so much Weird Al!
For the translation and especially for the invisible bike.
I laughed so hard that I shit myself :(
That reminds me of Eddy Murphy on 'THE GOLDEN CHILD'
where he move the prayer wheel like he move the turn table (DJ's scratching).
Here are some pics:
Hope it is not on your kid's tummy...
Why the ice cream man, got fired...
[FONT size=6]ORCA!! OMG. [/FONT]
what is the barcode still on the guys jeans??
[font style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"].[/font]
tenkani wrote:
[img style="width: 170px; height: 64px;" src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/pbf039bcspacelove3bq.jpg"][font style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"]
[font style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" size="7"]LOL, Tenkani is Teh Man!!!!![/font]
[FONT size=5]HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/15.gif) [/FONT]
Yipes! When you put it THAT way, I feel kinda bad.
"Oooh, thtop it, you big thavage!
[img style="width: 561px; height: 423px;" src="/image/never_answer.jpg[/img]
Actual clothing tag:
Avast ye!
I be boardin' this thread an' anyone makes a move gets strung up by 'is codlings!!!!
MY STARS!!!! OMG. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/6.gif)
I don't thinks this has much to do with yer stars, Lise. *giggle*
You're right, PC... though I must say, that's a very well built plank.
....and a mighty fine flank.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a077.gif" border=0]
LOL!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
And speaking of sexy men.....................
More: [A href="vny!://www.justthefunny.com/characters.html"]vny!://www.justthefunny.com/characters.html[/A]
I'm not ashamed to admit that the above pic gave me a partial chub-on.
But that's probably because it's 7:50 in the morning. I'm sure later in the day the shame will kick in.
Ah tenk....... *giggle*
Ha! Love it :)
[img style="WIDTH: 605px; HEIGHT: 409px" height=407 src="vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2q2n8yc.jpg" width=505]
LOL funny al!!!! Need more sexy underwear!
what is the special pouch for?
There's a pouch for everything, my dear boyo.
Lise wrote:
There's a pouch for everything, my dear boyo.
Lise, you haven't lost your Aussie accent :)
Never knew you were a Sheila, Lise.
Cheers, mate. I'll start the barbie, you bring the Fosters. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/19.gif)
i would love to see lise down under.
kingy wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]i would love to see lise down under.[/div]
Lol, roger that.
tenkani wrote:
[img style="width: 286px; height: 334px;" src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/N001_2_WEB.jpg"]
I don't get it....what are we supposed to see (besides her feet) What am I missing?
TehBorken wrote:
tenkani wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 286px; HEIGHT: 334px" src="vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/N001_2_WEB.jpg"]
I don't get it....what are we supposed to see (besides her feet) What am I missing?
I think this is meant to be a view of somebody from "down under" maybe?
kingy wrote:
i would love to see lise down under.
LOL. Good one but I think you get a better view from behind. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
Wow, I guess all those sheep jokes are true.(//forums/richedit/smileys/Love/5.gif)
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
Two sheep herders are flying the herd to a new farm.
Suddenly, the engine fails and the plane begins to fall quickly to the ground.
SH1: Quick! Grab a parachute and jump!
SH2: What about the sheep?!?
SH1: f*ck the sheep!!!!
SH2: (pause) Do you think we have time?
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
[img height=447 src="vny!://i11.tinypic.com/487sj8w.jpg" width=550]
OMG. I think we're nuts about the sheep today. Don't be shy, amigoes.......
Aww, that's sweet! Anyhow:
Q: Why do Scotsmen like to f*ck sheep on the edge of a cliff?
A: The sheep push harder.
Damn. I laughed so hard I spilled my milk. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif)
A young man moves to a village and gets talking to an old man from the village.
He asks the old man what his name is; the old man gets very irate at this point and says: "See that line of houses over there? I built them all, but do they call me Jones the house builder? Do they hell!
See those railway lines over there? I laid them all, but do they call me Jones the engineer? Do they hell!
See those bridges over that river? I built them all, but do they call me Jones the bridge builder? Do they hell!
But, a long long time ago, I f*cked *one* sheep..."
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
More sheep please!!!!
Oh embraceable ewe!
[div style="text-align: left;"] [/div]
[FONT face=Courier]____________________
( look, a dragonfly! )
o @..@
( )--( )
Oh, there it is.
OMG........rented head ???
[img alt="" src="vny!://www.flickr.com/photos/109372.jpg"]
That cat does seem to have a huge head! And I wonder where I can get an exercise bike for Kaycee.
[A href="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2006/10/post_1.html"]vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2006/10/post_1.html[/A]
(this is my 3rd try)
My message gets shorter every time.....lol
Kitten.....MUST SEE
PC, it's wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.
You're quite welcome, Gopher. Something that good HAS to be shared.
One of the best collection of kitty antics EVER. (like the one of the little guy pulling himself around under the chairs....LOL And the one sitting under the tap looking like he's in heaven)
I wonder if it will ever be considered politically incorrect to derive amusement from the behaviour of animals. If it ever does, then I suggest that that's the time we should all give up.
What a strange notion, Gophie. What tweaked that thought?
Cute link, PC. Thanks.
OMG! It's the invasion of cats these days.
[FONT size=1]Source: [/FONT][A href="vny!://www.animationplayhouse.com/new/cats1.html"][FONT size=1]vny!://www.animationplayhouse.com/new/cats1.html[/FONT][/A]
[A href="vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2myt9ns.gif"]vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2myt9ns.gif[/A]
Ooh nice!!!!!
Stonely Park Sleazewall, Sunday night
Ahhhhh.......................nice, al. Is there a lady love that share your romantic view with you?(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
Lise wrote:
Ahhhhh.......................nice, al. Is there a lady love that share your romantic view with you?(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
But of course! I'm not gonna walk that spooky ol' seawall alone!
Useless (but cute) cat
I've had my daily dose of cuteness......I can officially begin the day. (love the cookie kitty)
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/th_thth168960540_l.gif) (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/SisterMaryJaneToker.jpg) (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/th_thth168960540_l.gif)
ahh...tenkani you are speaking my language this mornin'.
Too rainy to ride the scooter today, so I'll burn one for the bus ride to work.(//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/20.gif)
I loves me some dank nug.
Bless you my son.
May you be showered with dank nug from heaven.
May you walk forever wrapped in the warm fuzzy blanket of Teh Herb.
Hook me up. I could use a little sum sum.....
I saw this over at DV. OMG OMG! way too funny and clever
purelife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOCKER.
that vibrates?? i bet more women would be into video games if that was the case.
Oh yes. Not just for gaming pleasure alone.
I knew you'd like it Lise. kee hee.... ;)
btw, did you know that when "they" make those male dildos that they actually make a moulded imprint of the man's penis when it's erected! Gosh, I didn't know that until I came across this one episode on tv. Thank goodness for those sex channels. ;) tee hee...
[HR align=left SIZE=1] [FONT size=3]
[A href="vny!://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/g/a/2006/11/09/violetblue.DTL"]Violet and the Dildo Factory[/A] [/FONT][FONT size=2][/FONT]
[FONT face=geneva,arial size=1]- [A href="mailto:
[email protected]"]Violet Blue, Special to SF Gate[/A]
[/FONT][FONT face=geneva,arial size=-2]Thursday, November 9, 2006
[/FONT] We have a dildo factory hidden in plain sight here in San Francisco, and in one sense I did get a [A href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Ticket" target=_blank]Golden Ticket[/A] in that I got a tour -- a tour with benefits. But then doesn't every girl want to see where her toys come from? On the afternoon I toured the Vixen Creations dildo plant I got much more than I bargained for. Sure I got to see acres and acres of erect, happy and proud colorful phalli waiting patiently in rows before being plucked, packed and sent to their final orgasmic destinations. I also got to see the goop being poured into almost whimsically inverse molded penis holes -- and I immensely enjoyed the champagne-like "Pop!" each faux penis made upon extraction from its mold. Somewhere, most certainly, every time this particular cork pops, an angel gets her wings. Yet of course, because it's San Francisco we do things delightfully differently here. We don't have just any dildo factory -- we have one driven by a message of sexual pleasure and health, in a drop-dead gorgeous aluminum and curved wall warehouse in Dogpatch, staffed by people with more than a spring in their step and the best working conditions and employee benefits this side of the dot-com boom. We are also at the epicenter for the mad science behind the most realistic and hygienic dildos available: Vixen's incredible, top-secret formula for VixSkin. Vixen Creations was started in 1992 by Marily Bishara, who was a Bay Area IT consultant who literally saw a hole in the sex toy market that needed to be, ahem, filled. The sex toy market was (and still is) full of poor-quality toys. It's a "novelty" market saturated with [A href="vny!://www.boingboing.net/2006/03/04/guide_to_unsafe_sex_.html" target=_blank]unhygienic crap made of seriously sketchy mystery materials[/A]. More and more, consumers are concerned about the safety and hygiene of dildos and vibrators churned out on [A href="vny!://www.economist.com/printedition/displayStory.cfm?story_id=5323679&fsrc=RSS&no_na_tran=1" target=_blank]assembly lines in China[/A] (with no thought to the safety or pleasure of the consumers). Out of fire in the loins and passion for the satisfying strap-on, Vixen was founded in Bishara's kitchen. Slaving over what could only be a hot stove, she cranked out high-quality dick for a couple years before her business challenged the Mafia-like stranglehold of "novelty" sex toy distribution and moved into its current open, airy and modern loftish "Charlie and the Chocolate (Dildo) Factory" location. Even today, staff members take the newest products off the assembly line right to the doorsteps of our local sex toy stores, sometimes selling their expensive creations door-to-door and offering a lifetime warranty on each silicone product sold. Hey, it's just our hometown dildo factory. But here employees work in virtually every aspect of the business from shipping to product design, and that's what gave Vixen its biggest breakthrough in over a decade. The ultra-realistic, extremely hygienic VixSkin started as an employee's two-years-in-the-making formula for a shockingly realistic, skinlike material -- a material that, unlike all other "realistic" toy materials, is nonporous and can be easily sterilized for absolute cleanliness. VixSkin was launched last summer, and now there are many Vixen dildos made from the insanely popular stuff. So many that this small business has grown in both production volume and staff, and is revving up to launch an incredibly realistic line of men's toys (I know -- I got to stick my fingers in a prototype!) and a new "objet de sex" every month starting in 2007. As my whirlwind tour drew to a close, I was happy I didn't get swept away in the purple silicone river or gorge myself on the employee "free bin." OK, maybe I did walk out with a fat bag of fun -- you can make all the "you're turning violet, Violet" jokes you want. [HR color=#ccc noShade SIZE=1] [img height=120 hspace=4 src="vny!://www.sfgate.com/templates/columnists/violetblue/biophoto2.jpg" width=100 align=right border=1] [FONT size=1]Violet Blue is author and editor of over a dozen sexual health books and erotica collections. She is a professional sex educator, lecturer, podcaster, video blogger, porn/erotica reviewer and machine artist. Violet is also a fetish model, a member of Survival Research Labs, an author at Metroblogging San Francisco; girl friday contributor at Fleshbot, a San Francisco native, and a pro blogger. For more information and links to Web sites discussed in Open Source Sex, go to Violet Blue's Web site, tinynibbles.com. [/FONT]
[FONT size=3]URL: vny!://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/g/a/2006/11/09/violetblue.DTL [/FONT]
So, ummm, was that story kinda like Charlie and his Chocolate Factory? It was too too long for me. You lost me at "Factory"
Holy crap. A dildo factory. I would NEVER step foot in that department........ ok, I might just for the hell of it. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/13.gif)
Cool avatar, purelife. Who's that?
Holy Moly
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRZv6NGjdc"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRZv6NGjdc[/A]
Cool avatar, purelife. Who's that?
[/DIV]Ummm..no clue Lisey. thx.
P.C. wrote:
Holy Moly
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRZv6NGjdc"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRZv6NGjdc[/A][/DIV]
Go grandma, go go go!!!!! You rock, gal! I wish I can be that bendable and flexible when I'm your age.
Good song, Coldplay.
thats a tv show from the 80's never got past the pilot episode, bizarre indeed.
gorey pics[img height=283 src="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/NSC/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/5434.jpg" width=470]
[img height=283 src="vny!://us.altermedia.info/images/wtc_911.jpg" width=180] 911 was an inside job infowars .com
OH CRAP. What's this loser doing here??
OMG.....this is too cute. I've see the kitty in the hammock before, but I've never seen the double before.
Meeeeowwwww........................ carrot?
I immediately copied your picture to my photo gallery/screen saver, P.C. That is so CUTE!
Lise, where did you find that pic? Are there any more similar ones?
Not sure, kitten. I just googled the image.
When back, found this:
EDIT: [A href="vny!://www.worth1000.com/cache/contest/contestcache.asp?contest_id=7194"]vny!://www.worth1000.com/cache/contest/contestcache.asp?contest_id=7194[/A]
I checked the link, and there is the cutest dog there. It's a bobble dog with a graduation cap and diploma. NICE!!
Thank you.
And speaking of cute.......................
I'm thinking someone peed on the rug.
[FONT size=6][/FONT]
[A href="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/beeeeeagull_1.jpg"][img title=Beeeeeagull_1 height=427 alt=Beeeeeagull_1 src="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/images/beeeeeagull_1.jpg" width=450 border=0][/A]
[FONT size=6][/FONT]
Those dogs are so adorable. Thanks so much for posting them.
More cuteness delivered!
Sleep. Eat. Sleep. A pup's life is oh so good.
Sweet! I love the way his little tongue is sticking out.
This cracked me up.......
[img height=394 src="vny!://www.brianchalfin.com/weblog/images/dibs.jpg" width=303]
[FONT face="Comic Sans MS"] "Dibs"[/FONT]
Heheh. Good one. Survival of the fittest.
survival of the fattest
coolest building on the planet.
Its a great place to study but the coffee and pizza is far too expensive. 6 bucks for a slice of pizza and four bucks for a coffee there.
oh well looks like a cool place to hang out.
Oh it is. Its easy to sit just outside the library entrance in the breezeway and suck back coffee staring at all the pretty girls that walk by.
Around teh corner on the back of the building the library is in there a sushi bar, mc donalds, and a bar. I go to the bar after studying usually.
I love the place though, I go there 2-3 times a week now to study.
I'd hang out there as well. Cool people and smart people going places hang out at library.
on the roof, there is a garden but that isnt open to the public.
Anyone watch Ballistic versus Ecks (or however you spell the movie's name) with Antonio Banderas and Lucy Lui. They "blew" up the whole building.
In Sixth Day with Arnie Swaz, it was a medical/science centre.
Don't you just love Hollywood when it comes here to Vancouver? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/10.gif)
I watch Vancouver based TV shows just for the landmarks.
Me likey duck!
Beeeeeee my friend?
Cup a cat, anyone?
And the grand finale!!! This one is just adorable. Look at the cat's expression. Simply classic!!
OH LISE !!! Those are just too adorable. The face of the kitty in the shower breaks my heart. I practically turn inside out, every time I see it.
AWWW!!! Those are gorgeous pictures, Lise. What absolute sweethearts!
[img style="WIDTH: 459px; HEIGHT: 324px" height=432 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2r5uwt0.jpg" width=488].
I know where you got those from, purelife!!!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
Absolutely precious....where ever they came from.....lol
Ah geez..................................... we gals sure love cute stuff, don't we?
Doesn't this little guy just begs to be pick up and kissed all over the place?
Simply too cute for words. I love babies anything.
*sigh* Don't you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside, now?
OK. These images are simply bizzare. Babies were created by Carmille Allen. Realistic and downright adorable.
Camille Allen sculpts these miniature babies with tiny tools in polymer clay. They look very realistic and are for sale for auction in eBay with prices ranging from 300 to $3000+. Here are some pictures of the babies. 1 link and 4 more pics after the jump.
See more: [A href="vny!://www.hemmy.net/2006/04/08/miniature-babies/"]vny!://www.hemmy.net/2006/04/08/miniature-babies/[/A]
Lise wrote:
I know where you got those from, purelife!!!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]hee hee...I know you know....(//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/13.gif) Ssssshhhhh.......
Incredible work.
The next Toyota Corolla has been spied: looks like a baby Camry
Baaaaaad wabbit
HAAA! Thats great Lise, I had that as my desktop when I was working in the office for a while. I got in trouble when one of the head guys came by for an inspection <meet and greets they call it> and he saw that on my computer lol!
He made me change it to a ship or the company logo.
The Queen should go!
As Rick Mercer says lets turn Rideau Hall into a park!
[a href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5GZIDnMzZQ"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5GZIDnMzZQ[/a]
[A href="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/slurpage_aftermath.jpg" target=_blank][img title=Slurpage_aftermath style="WIDTH: 350px; HEIGHT: 459px" height=666 alt=Slurpage_aftermath src="vny!://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/images/slurpage_aftermath.jpg" width=500 border=0][/A].
Awwww! That perks up my day for sure.
I got this through an e-mail once. I love cats but it's sort of funny.
LOL. Cat carrier!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-family: Arial Black;"]Post the cat carrier pic again. I dare you >:([/span]
[FONT size=6]DONE![/FONT]
Tenkani doesn't like the cat carrier? Perhaps he will like the shaved pussy then!
I mean.... pussy cat
Aaah. That's just too precious!!
Look at all the cute kitties!
I like yours Ally!
Goodnight everyone
Time to make dinner!!!(//vny!://www.ioffer.com/img/1128668400/_p/optikal_illuzion/optikal_illuzion-waving-kitty.gif)
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/11.gif) See you Ally, have a good one!
Good morning! Ah...wish I was still sleeping. My cup of timmy's is still
brewing. Need to get it into me!
Well have a good day everyone. I'm driving up to Vancouver today.
Hooray hooray. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
I wish I could just beam up.
Why you coming up so much? Work?
And why you be leaving at almost 11? Are you closer than I think?
LOL, so many questions... morning to you too and hope your day goes well.
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(191, 95, 0);"]Thetan.[/span]
Wow. Too close for comfort. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I love this thread
Nice one Ally, who's it by? And incidentally, when are you going to show us a picture of your elephant?
I got it off of google!
uhh...my elephant...I need to take a picture of it.....I'll get right on that!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Do you want to see a picture of my monkey too?
another pretty picture. looks pretty canadian!
Ally wrote:
I got it off of google!
uhh...my elephant...I need to take a picture of it.....I'll get right on that!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Do you want to see a picture of my monkey too?
Yes please, anything you've got (as far as fauna is concerned, the rest I'll leave to your discretion).
Here's a picture of my elephant(//vny!://www.ancientbattles.com/elephants/african_elephant_wild_animal_park.jpg)
Wow....beautiful. They are amazing !!!!!![img height=32 src="vny!://www.funfilesandsmiles.com/smilies/920.gif" width=32 border=0]
[img style="WIDTH: 570px; HEIGHT: 442px" height=442 src="vny!://i10.tinypic.com/4976gew.jpg" width=547]
The captain sezs......................................
Now...WTF would a shaved tribble look like?
You are all under my spell! Mmmmawwwwwaaaahahhahahahaha.... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
[img style="width: 549px; height: 257px;" src="vny!://www.nlpsuccesssystems.com/images/spell.gif[/img]
Gorgeous, purelife! I love it. And your message is lovely too.
You loved that picture, kitten? Boy oh boy, did I get you or what? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
[img alt="2000 xmas lights" src="vny!://www.komar.org/christmas/2000/final9-small-sharp.jpg" width=652].
It's mesmerizing! I love staring at these things until my eyes spin! Here's some Christmas lights for you.
hee hee... I'm glad that you liked it. And thank you for your lovely house picture. Bootiful!
Ok, here's a laugh for all.
Oh and another cutie.
And this one is a shocker! OMG!
[TABLE cols=1 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle] [H3][FONT color=#dd0000]Crazy Christmas Pics[/FONT][/H3][A href="vny!://tafmaster.com/taf/343/109142/" target=_blank][img alt="Xmas Party" src="vny!://www.crazy-jokes.com/Christmas-Cartoons/pics/cheers.jpg" border=0][/A][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE].
No really? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
[H2]Doughnut Puppy Coupon[/H2] [H6 class=content]December 13, 2005[/H6]
You're there at the pet store/animal shelter/Bob's Discount Pups and Waffles looking at all of the cute little puppies all clamoring for you to pick them. You bend down and stick a finger out and one of the little mounds of joy runs up and licks your hand. You decide right then and there that puppy is the one for you.
It doesn't get much better then a new puppy. Now it can. With this coupon you get one of most perfect combinations known to man: a new puppy and a free doughnut. With one hand you'll be scratching Lady Deathstrike on the belly and with the other you'll be ramming a fresh glazed into your mouth.
[A href="vny!://www.hodgedup.com/doughnut-puppy-coupon"]vny!://www.hodgedup.com/doughnut-puppy-coupon[/A]
This one is so cute I'd pass on the doughnut!
[P align=center][img height=295 src="vny!://www.iantd.com/Shogun/Shogun%20solo/2week.jpg" width=259 border=0]
Mmmmm........................donuts. *drool*
Granville Street today:
...same location, more ironic angle:
Thats great weird al!!
I have saved them, thats hilarious.
Thanks for the laugh (i hope thats not you?)
Russ wrote:
thanks for the laugh (i hope thats not you?)
Thanks Russ, nope it ain't me. Glad you liked these pics, I'll put up more whenever I get 'em. I like these little reminders that the curb is not actually a barrier.
Yikes! Talk about close call. Wow. Thanks for the pictures, al.
Accident a year ago on Granville and W. Broadway. Someone totally smashed into the corner of Blenz coffee, almost killing the people who were drinking coffee outside. What stopped the vehicles were a bunch of newspaper stands. Talk about extreme luck!
[img style="width: 460px; height: 254px;" src="vny!://www.dribbleglass.com/images/billboards/vaseline.jpg"].
OMG......this is so extremely cool.
I couldn't work in that office my ADD would kick in and I'd look at the fish all day. lol
This one is for Russ:
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img153/1789/n50483287061245903ol2.jpg src="vny!://img153.imageshack.us/img153/1789/n50483287061245903ol2.jpg"][/A]
lol hehehe
you like goats right? Took that picture at the pumpkin patch back in October.
I dont know why everyone has this fascination with goats, and how I keep getting dragged into this. :)
Asking if the answer is goats is an honest question. Dont know why everyone keeps laughing.
I wasn't laughing. Maa-a-a-a-ay-be they're just having a little fun. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/tiere/k030.gif" border=0]
Wow, PC. Now that's a cool place to work!! I would be a bit hesistant about it though... I mean what if the aquarium sprung a leak. Can you imagine the damage it'll cost to the computers??
I would imagine that to bring some tranquility and serenity to the workplace. I think it's fabulous.
I've been trying for eons to get my dentist to put a fish tank in the office. I said it might calm the patients. She said, it won't calm her because then she'll have to take care of the fishes and the tank. Dead fishes floating is not a good idea................... ah well.
Fish in the office is a great idea! Especially for the kids if they're scared of the dentist. Instead of thinking of drills they'll be thinking of fish.
Lise wrote:
I've been trying for eons to get my dentist to put a fish tank in the office. I said it might calm the patients. She said, it won't calm her because then she'll have to take care of the fishes and the tank. Dead fishes floating is not a good idea................... ah well.[/DIV]
Fishtanks are pretty easy if you get a big enough one and have a flow through side filter and an undergravel filter. I havent had any floating fish in almost two years now.
Don't you find this picture inspiring? I'm looking for some inspiration to unload the dishwasher.(//vny!://www.wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper/landscapes/Grand%20Waterfall%201%20-%201024x768.jpg)
That's beautiful Ally......kinda magical and mystical. Definitely inspiring, yet I don't know if it would inspire me into the kitchen.
More running water....that's what you need, more running water.
[DIV align=center][FONT size=4][img style="WIDTH: 332px; HEIGHT: 564px" height=600 alt="Beautiful waterfalls in paradise " src="vny!://beautiful-island.50webs.com/beautiful-island/beautiful-waterfalls-paradise.jpg" width=398][/FONT]
OMG.....this road is unbelievable. I have seen these before, but this link doesn't show the one where two trucks are trying to get by each other. Amazing.
[A href="vny!://javimoya.com/blog/pics/200607/bolivia.htm"]Link[/A]
[img style="WIDTH: 572px; HEIGHT: 411px" height=456 src="vny!://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29/javimoya/pics/bolivia/47_doroga_47234.jpg" width=618]
to get here.........
you do this..............
OMG....don't see it happening. You could have all the riches in the world up there and it wouldn't inspire me to go there. The views on the other hand may be worth all the riches in the world. Spectacular.
here is another view on the way up......
Ughhhh. Gives me vertigo just looking at it.
I would be paying for a helicoptor. I have a healthy dislike of heights.. and my trying rock climbing to conquer my fears.. worked. Im even MORE respectful of heights now. LOL
Just picture yourself after you gotten to the top and it was time to go down!
Wow. Terrific images, 49er. Kinda scary but I'd climb it just for the fun of it!!
Erhm.................... check out the dude.
Dang! How did this happen?
Ah, things to do when you're drunk.........................
Don isn't going to have a good day.
[img style="width: 623px; height: 465px;" src="vny!://grad.econ.ubc.ca/haifang/Garibaldi_Lake_View.JPG[/img]
This place is on my going visit places in the near future list.
This looks kinda familiar.. is this on a hike through one of the parks? Around squamish?
Garibaldi Lake at Garibaldi Provincial Park, I take it you've been there? Whats it like?
I came close to Garibaldi Lake but had to turned away because snow covered the entire trail. I was soooooo disappointed because it was such a tough hike and then to get to the top only to be told we couldn't go see the lake. Should have posted warnings down at the mountain!!
This was in the middle of summer too! My husband raved about this place. Said it was his favorite. I am determined to go back with everyone in tow.
Ah that sucks Lise. Yeah your Provincial parks are frecking huge a lot to explore there.
Take a look at this photo.
[A href="vny!://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/01/19/37178.aspx"]vny!://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/01/19/37178.aspx[/A]
As the caption says, photographically, it is a beautiful image of a devastating event.
As is this one. I think TehBorken posted about this in another thread.
Amazing.....I wish we could get a view of it like this.
The McNaught comet as seen early morning Jan. 19 from Pucon, Calafquen Lake sector, almost 500 miles south of Santiago, Chile. (David Lillo/AFP - Getty Images)
[A href="vny!://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/01/19/37143.aspx"]vny!://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/01/19/37143.aspx[/A]
* I can't paste these pics
Those are beautiful pictures. The first one was so sad, but the second was striking.
I had a hard time telling if the first one was an actual photo. It has such a surreal look.
I think it all comes down to the lighting. Amazing photography.
cool find P.C.
I wish I had a poster of that. Absolutely hilarious!
I'd like it printed on a t-shirt.
I'd like to have Gopher printed on my t-shirt.
That can be arranged.
[FONT id=role_document face=Arial color=black size=2][SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 10pt: "][/SPAN][/FONT] [FONT face="Times New Roman" color=black size=3][SPAN style="COLOR: black; 12pt: "] EDIT.......[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face="Times New Roman" color=black size=3][SPAN style="COLOR: black; 12pt: "][/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face="Times New Roman" color=black size=3][SPAN style="COLOR: black; 12pt: "]content deleted[/SPAN][/FONT][/DIV][/DIV]
[SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: navy; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; 12pt: "][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: navy; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; 12pt: "][FONT face="Times New Roman"]Bummer......4 red X's[/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN]
yeah, im getting that too
49er, that's hilarious. Thanks for sharing. :)
So, (//forums/richedit/smileys/Word_Other/4.gif)
PL I'm doing fine .......... how are you doing?
If you are able to view pics I don't know why PC and Russ are getting x's
(//vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/schilder/n094.gif) Not just them, 49er.... I don't see them as well.
Hey 49er. I was talking about the Cat in the Hat poem. I only saw red x's as well. :(
sorry pics weren't in format to be hosted ......... so I went back and deleted contents
OMG. That is soooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! Made my day. Thanks!!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/10.gif)
[img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/013.jpg" hosting="" image="" and="" video="" -=""]
[FONT size=2] How's this for an anti-drugs campaign.
Effective [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
Yup... it would make me think twice about taking drugs.
Wonderful! Very convincing too!!
I think that this might have been posted here...don't remember....
Nice one, purelife. Not so far-fetched at that.
Too right, purelife, too right.
(//vny!://www.biarms.com/funny/WhatEveryManWants.jpg) Every Man's Dream!
ROTFL. Good one.
Burnaby Mountain today
Nice photo, weird al. I was driving at the bottom of the fog. It didn't look nearly as nice from that perspective.
Glad you liked it kitten. Took a few more, some too big for here, but I could put 'em up if anybody wanted 'em for wallpaper. Gonna head up there again tomorrow, before too much fog burns off, try to get some better shots...
Woot. Nice. Thanks for sharing, al.
Hey, thanks for liking it and sayin so!
Again, very nice picture. I love the old downtown buildings. A lot of history in them.
thats downtown? really? Where?
Nice Pictures WA.
Out of focus, unforch... got to take more care. Took this during a walk yesterday through the Downtown Eastside & then Chinatown on our way to the Art Gallery to look at some seriously good photos of old Vancouver.
Pender Street, South side, just East of....Carall, I think.
I saw those photos on a website but I can't remember where. They brought back some memories of when I first arrived here.
Here's a not-very-good example of 'old building' photos:
But hey, it's definitely an old building at least!
cool pics weird al, reminds me of saint louis (the old brick buildings)
It certainly is old. I assumed it had been taken down ages ago.
they don't rehab the buildings in Vancouver kitten? Don't they know once they're gone they're gone? how sad.
Some aren't worth keeping. No aesthetic value.
A sampling of Herzog's stuff that's at the V.A.G. now:
[A href="vny!://www.nonstopdesign.com/lost-vancouver.html"]vny!://www.nonstopdesign.com/lost-vancouver.html[/A]
ah nice site there weird al those looked like cool houses but I like the way Vancouver is now.
Here's Saint Louis' "forgotten" website
[a href="vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/"]vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/[/a]
That site sums up my city in a nutshell. There are really cool places like Laclede's Landing (went to the Old Spaghetti Factory there last night Awesome building!) and then there's the ugly side of the city and its under belly of problems.
Yes, those were some of the pictures I saw on that website. I have a hunch I was looking for Vancouver photos and one of the references led me to his work. Great photographer!
Arcade Building Rocks!
Where is the Arcade building, weird al?
found a pic on that website that I think everyone would like....
I thought you'd like it (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/13.gif)
Vancouver looks like a great walking city.
Lots of places to stop and mediate and just think about nothing looking at the scenery.
[img style="width: 610px; height: 457px;" src="vny!://www.nonstopdesign.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=9652&g2_serialNumber=2"]
I wouldn't care about the temperature outside but boy, I think I found a place to spend my saturday afternoons in peace. Especially in the summer. get a beach chair and read a book and watch the ships. Awesome!
The only reason the beach would be empty is that it would be too cold out for sitting on the beach reading a book. Note how the man is dressed.
Thats what I said about the cold not worrying. I'm a midwest boy I can take a 'cold' snap. I got hypothermia at a football game once lol I turned blue. (coach made us roll around in the mud and water before the game it was below zero (Celsius) outside. I didn't play nor move that entire game I froze.) Ever since then cold doesn't bother me.
kitten wrote:
Where is the Arcade building, weird al?
At this site that sd posted:
[A href="vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/"][FONT color=#565656]vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/[/FONT][/A]
Thank you. Looks interesting.
Yeah thats across from the old post office. The owners tried to have that gem torn down dozens of times in the '90's. But now they're renovating it or going to try to.
[a href="vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/arcade5.html"]vny!://www.builtstlouis.net/arcade5.html[/a]
OY...I'm so behind. (darned job) Beautiful pictures weird al. You've captured more than just an image. (to me)
Well thankya kindly, P.C., for those good words
I cried for days when they unfairly tore down the Old Arena. (Its where the Blues used to play). Dumb mayor wanted to tear it down. Everyone else objected it was going to be a national landmark. Mayor say screw national landmark lets blow the thing. It happened. Mayor lost his re-election bid. Serves him right!
[img style="WIDTH: 572px; HEIGHT: 410px" height=412 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/43yoy68.jpg" width=541]
Meow. Don't hate me cause I'm so cute............................
Oh doesn't he look happy.... lol
Wow I think I can see Vancouver from here....... awesome I see mountains in the distance through the clouds.
Wow, that looks like it was taken from the top of Burnaby Mountain.
nope not burnaby mountain its over looking Nanamio mt. benson
Oh, I knew that it wasn't Bby Mtn. That's why I said "it looked like....." (//forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
But thanks for clarifying.
oh my mistake was talking with my friend from Malaspina last night on MSN and I was looking at a skyline of Nanamio and I wanted to know what the mountain in the back ground was.
Here's a good link for Vancouver photos.
I've been trying to remember that link! had this awesome pic as my background for months. thanks pl! *bless point*
Gene Simmons' long lost cousin?
[img style="WIDTH: 613px; HEIGHT: 461px" height=465 src="vny!://i5.tinypic.com/2je43gk.jpg" width=620]
I took these photographs from the Bloedal Conservatory.
[img style="WIDTH: 613px; HEIGHT: 464px" height=468 src="vny!://i5.tinypic.com/2d8hsvl.jpg" width=619]
[img style="WIDTH: 611px; HEIGHT: 477px" height=479 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/2jep5d4.jpg" width=616]
oh wow lise what kind of camera do you have?
It's not a fancy one, SD. A wee little Nikkon Coolpix. I just like taking close-ups of stuff.
oh wow I'm impressed.
[img style="WIDTH: 606px; HEIGHT: 460px" height=466 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2zgus12.jpg" width=617]
I also played around with a few experimental objects.
You take some nice photos as well, SD.
Good job Lise !
Thanks Lise, I try, a professional told me I have the 'eye' or whatever that means. Wish I could expirement more but I just don't have time or places aren't that interesting around here.
Ah, thanks PC. I have to get back into more photo taking opportunities when I'm not holding onto the kids next time.
Here's more from Van Dusen garden.
[img height=477 src="vny!://i15.tinypic.com/2ezmi9s.jpg" width=614]
[img style="WIDTH: 610px; HEIGHT: 476px" height=477 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2ivzcle.jpg" width=615]
[FONT color=#ff0000]Not very good at "distance" range. Any pointers would be much appreciated.[/FONT]
[img style="WIDTH: 607px; HEIGHT: 474px" height=477 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/2dtx3rk.jpg" width=617]
The lilly pads close up would have been a great shot.
SD....you don't need to take pictures of beautiful things to take beautiful photographs. When you have 'the eye', you can find beauty in the mundane.
P.C. wrote:
SD....you don't need to take pictures of beautiful things to take beautiful photographs. When you have 'the eye', you can find beauty in the mundane.[/DIV]
True words. I would love to take black and white photos of people's faces but I could never get the courage to approach them.
Yeah when the weather gets better and I finish my work I'll take the dog to Queeny Park and I'll take pictures of the ducks in the pond and other dogs running around.
This is one of the most hauntingly beautiful photographs, and yet it is certainly not a photo of anything beautiful.
I dunno P.C. there's a billion Vietnam pics I can think of right now....
the children running after being napalmed
And of course the soldier being executed
I've been googling like mad, looking for a photographer whose work I have always loved......and for the life of me, her name won't come to me. How annoying is that. So I'm just searching by images, and I know I'd recognize her style in a heartbeat.
I like iconic pictures I can only remember those for some reason.
[img style="WIDTH: 607px; HEIGHT: 387px" height=520 src="vny!://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r241/pantalonius/S3600100.jpg" width=712]
There's an option in the tool bar that lets you insert your images. I'll start you off here.
Love the pink skyline. Where is this place?
[img style="WIDTH: 578px; HEIGHT: 416px" height=716 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/4cjmzqr.jpg" width=921]
It's a bit of a stretched here since I have to format it to fit the box but this was taken in 2004 at Victoria Butterfly Farm.
[img style="WIDTH: 578px; HEIGHT: 461px" height=456 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/2dvo2rs.jpg" width=548]
Cherry blossoms taken at Butchart Garden.
More beautiful flowers taken from Butchart Gardens.
Wow....those hyacinth are beautiful, Lise.
I LOVE the pink sky pic....awesome pic. (I'd like to know where that is too.)
Thanks. I was racking my brains trying to think what they were called and I have these sprinkle in my backyard. Too bad they're not as numerous as these ones.
This was down is San Diego. I'd never seen these seed growing on palm type trees. They looked like strings of rubies and pearls.
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][/A][A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img147/3848/sandiegozoosept1940qx8.jpg src="vny!://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3848/sandiegozoosept1940qx8.jpg"][/A]
P.C. wrote:
<DIV>Wow....those hyacinth are beautiful, Lise.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I LOVE the pink sky pic....awesome pic. (I'd like to know where that is too.)</DIV>
I was standing on the pier in Nanaimo harbor around this time last year, when I turned around & saw that sky over the downtown skyline. I knew it was something special & I was fortunate to have mein camera with me, so >click!<
Here's another one from around the same time.
S'funny...for such a sh**hole, Nanaimo has some of the most beautiful skies! - lol
Again, with the Island theme, I took this shot on the 6:30 A.M. ( I know, NUTS!) sailing from Nanaimo to Horshoebay & again, when I saw that sunrise (I'm a sucker for sun rise/sets) I just had to take a snap! I try to take my camera with me wherever I go, cause you never know when you're gonna see something special.
I know its an old one, haven't been able to take pics lately. I usually find better things to photograph down on the farm. You're looking at a levee which is next to the Mississippi River of course.
Those are absolutely beautiful RRR. The colour in the BLUE sky is sensational.
Island boy ?
Geez, you'd think I was working for the Tourism sector, the way I'm plugging Nanaimo here, but what can I say? All these pics I just happen to take during my stay there.
This one was a weird one, I pointed my camera directly into the sun to see what would happen & this was the result.
Kind of reminds you of those felt psychadelic posters your older brother had in his room in the 70's
(//vny!://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r241/pantalonius/Everybody_poops.jpg)WHOOPS! - Wrong one!
Boy, is my face red!
Sorry, HERE is the pic I was referring to:
Next time I'm down on the farm I'll bring the camera. I'll take pictures of the giant tractors, the river beach (the river is very low), a barge going by (I'll try), and the long trains that go by the farm house every hour, oh and the coal dock.
Wow, excellent shots, everyone!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Ok. Time to give Vancouver equal time.
This pic I took the very 1st day I moved back here.
Nowhere on earth has sunsets like English Bay!
That 'into the sun' pic is breathtaking. I love it RRR. Another budding photographer !
*Why don't you register RRR....then we can give you some good karma 'blessings'. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif" border=0]
Plus it gives you the option of modifying or editing your posts if you make an error.
Ahhhh.... English Bay. That brings back memories. NICE !
Agreed. Register so we can start karmatizing you.
P.C. wrote:
That 'into the sun' pic is breathtaking. I love it RRR. Another budding photographer !
*Why don't you register RRR....then we can give you some good karma 'blessings'. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif[/img]
Plus it gives you the option of modifying or editing your posts if you make an error.
Awww, you're such sweethearts! Thank you so much for such positive feedback!
I'm glad I can share something that people can enjoy.
As far as registering, I am so commitment-phobic (That's prolly why I never married!)
I just can't bring myself to do it. Plus, I'm not sure if I LIKE the idea of being Caramelized. I like my taste as it is & don't really think I need artificial topping - not to mention the mess it would make.
*Why don't you register RRR....then we can give you some good karma 'blessings'. [img style="pointer: " src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif" border=0 ="url(this.src);"]
Plus it gives you the option of modifying or editing your posts if you make an error.
Awww, you're such sweethearts! Thank you so much for such positive feedback!
I'm glad I can share something that people can enjoy.
As far as registering, I am so commitment-phobic (That's prolly why I never married!)
I just can't bring myself to do it. Plus, I'm not sure if I LIKE the idea of being Caramelized. I like my taste as it is & don't really think I need artificial topping - not to mention the mess it would make.
LOL, RRR. Good enough.
I hope you will at least continue sharing your beautiful photos.
Caramel is pretty yummy.....but you're right....it's pretty messy and might make you feel like you're in a sticky situation. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif" border=0]
*not that I'm trying to push....just so you know, there is no commitment in registering....just a few extra features and goodies.
BONUS PIC - cause I can't sleep.
This is actually a pic of a picture hanging on a wall in a room I rented in Nanaimo.
I had never tried the Infinite Regression thing before (Picture of a picture) so I thought
this might make a nice one.
Robble robble robble.
Here's one I call: Cold Moon. Again, taken from Nanaimo - Robble robble robble.
Another Moon shot from the same location.
The last time I saw a Moon this big, me & my g/f were getting it on & she...Well, you can see where I'm going with this! - Robble robble robble.
I know it's a little late for Halloween, but one night in Nanaimo my friend put his hands around this Harbour Light, creating a Jackolantern effect. - Robble robble robble.
And of course, as any good Fashion Designer would tell you, you can't have RED without GREEN!
Robble robble robble.
Fall in Nanaimo. I just had to get a shot with all these colors around.
Robble robble robble.
Early morning shot of Nanaimo Suburbia.- Robble robble robble.
And that rare time between when the leaves fall to the ground, before they are blown away...
Robble robble robble.
Photo titled: "Into The Mystic" - With acknowledgements to Van Morrison
Robble robble robble.
Titled: "Lonely Pier"
Robble robble robble.
Here I was, all along thinking it was just ME, walking around in a fog in Nanaimo.
Turns out, EVERYBODY was sometimes!
Robble robble robble.
Wow, nice pics. I'd frame some of these, especially this one.
[img style="width: 390px; height: 292px;" src="vny!://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r241/pantalonius/sfgdgdfg25.jpg"]
Also very nice, great colors. Are those Japanese maples?
[img style="width: 315px; height: 236px;" src="vny!://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r241/pantalonius/sun-nov6-20057.jpg"]
Those are amazing. Have you considered approaching the Nanaimo tourist bureau to see if they'd be interested in any of these pics? You certainly have a way of bringing out the best of Nanaimo. (and that's not easy...lol)
....oh yeah....good title on 'In to the Mystic'. Van Morrison......WOOT
(anybody got tickets?) [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]....oh yeah....good title on 'In to the Mystic'. Van Morrison......WOOT[/div]
Van is da Man. He's waaaaay underated in my opinion. He's cranked out a ton of great music over the years but he hasn't gotten the recognition he should have.
Well he's DEFINITELY NOT under-rated by me. Our friends just went to see him at Mandalay Bay and brought back his new CD. (I'm so jealous) Said he put on the most memorable show ever. His concert here was cancelled but is on again....but try and get tickets...oy.
Now for some funny stuff.
I photoshopped this one night, when I was bored.
If nothing else, it offers a glimpse into my deep-rooted Mysoginy! - lol
Robble robble robble.
Ok, back to Scenic.
Taken from my friends 16th flr suite on Coal Harbour.
Robble robble robble.
The way the Canucks played against Calgary last night, they should have been wearing jerseys with THIS logo,
because they sure played like they were STONED!
Robble robble robble.
How 'bout a trip down Memory Lane?
Does anybody remember the 70's T.V. show: "EMERGENCY!" -?
Robble robble robble.
Or SPACE: 1999 - ?
Robble robble robble.
Ok now. Back to some original Photography.
Here's another Pink Sky I snapped one night at Horshoebay in 2004.
Robble robble robble (God, why all of a sudden do I feel like a McDonalds Hamburger? - lol)
Sunsets & Ferries, a perfect mix!
Robble robble robble
Sunset at Swartz Bay.
Robble robble robble.
"Outside of my window, I could see them...2 sillhouettes..." - The Kinks - Come Dancing, 1983
Robble robble robble
Is there anything more majestic, than a ship lit up at night?
Robble robble robble.
"It's kind of a special feeling. When you're out on the sea alone.
Staring at the full moon, like a lover" - Little River Band, Cool Change - 1979
Robble robble robble
'nother sky pic!
Robble robble robble.
Sailing off into the Sunset.
Robble robble robble.
I took this pic strictly for mood & effect.
You get cold just looking at it & you can't wait for the darn thing to arrive,
so you can quickly scramble on board & get a hot coffee!
Robble robble robble.
Ahhh....the Queen of Much Needed Repair....lol
Awesome photos RRR. You've done Nanaimo proud......it's NEVER looked as good as you've made it look. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c011.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
Ahhh....the Queen of Much Needed Repair....lol
Daryl? Daryl S. - Is that you?
Nope, RRR....this isn't Daryl S. Did he refer to the Queen of Oak Bay as the Queen of Much Needed Repair also ? LOL
What gorgeous pictures, Robble x 3.!! It makes me want to go back on te ferry again, and I haven't done that in years. Thank you for posting them.
never been on a ferry. Ugh I haven't experienced anything lol. Only been on a metro bus a couple times and that was at a Colorado resort town so that doesn't count. Never been on a train. Only been on a metro a few times. I'll be freaking giddy when I go on the skytrain for the first time people will look at me like I'm on something. lol.
Agh, another ship..
not a fan of ships Russ? ;)
Not right now, lol. Ask me tomorrow. Ill be better then either way. LOL.
...another one of my 'seen one tree you've seen 'em all' pics...
[A href="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2qiafk9.jpg[/img][/A]
Evening Weird Al, is that lower seymoure?
my friend thinks I'm nuts for wanting to move to the Pacific Northwest and Canada. I guess I should show him why I would even think of such a move. (the scenery)
It's beautiful weird al.
My goal is to see as many as I can.
That is so gorgeous, weird al. Thank you for showing why this part of the world is so wonderful.
[DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"] Evening Weird Al, is that lower seymoure?[/DIV]
Nope, south Burnaby
Now, is it uphill or down? Reminds me of M.C. Escher :)
It IS Escheresque......how very cool.
The QMII came into SF Bay yesterday.........
wow thats one big ship.
Im just looking at all those nutballs in the small craft all around that ship. They must have no lives, and I guarantee you they are being absolutely cursed by the QMII's navigation crew.
Russ wrote:
Im just looking at all those nutballs in the small craft all around that ship. They must have no lives, and I guarantee you they are being absolutely cursed by the QMII's navigation crew.[/DIV]
The bar pilot who brought the ship into the Bay is used to this........plus they had the Coast Guards out there too
Russ wrote:
Im just looking at all those nutballs in the small craft all around that ship. They must have no lives, and I guarantee you they are being absolutely cursed by the QMII's navigation crew.[/DIV]49er wrote:
The bar pilot who brought the ship into the Bay is used to this........plus they had the Coast Guards out there too [/DIV]
True, but the coast guard can only do so much.. the bar pilot suggests only as well. If theres any problems and the ship hits something or goes aground, the captain and the Officer of the Watch is liable, not the harbour pilot whom told them what to do.
Whoa! Cool pictures!!!! Excellent, bring more please!! This thread totally rocks!!!
Well, OK.... not the sexiest photo I've taken.
[img style="WIDTH: 576px; HEIGHT: 909px" height=952 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2cqh2qp.jpg" width=636]
Viva la Canadia!! Maple Syrup bottles at a tourist store in Gastown.
[img style="WIDTH: 608px; HEIGHT: 424px" height=705 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/4dfpqph.jpg" width=875]
This one was taken on top of Seymour Mountain as we were just finishing our hike. We got back into our car and started to drive away when this majestic deer walked right in front of us. After struggling to get our camera, we took one quick shot of the young deer (buck?) before he vanished into the forest.
yup thats a male whitetail the most common deer specie.
I know this movie!! That's The Labyrinth with David Bowie, isn't it? Awesome movie but am not so sure about seeing David in thighs.
Lise wrote:
(//vny!://www.tinypic.us/images/73787labrynth.jpg)[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
I know this movie!! That's The Labyrinth with David Bowie, isn't it? Awesome movie but am not so sure about seeing David in thighs.
Y not?? Yeah, I loved those Bowie songs in the Labrynth.
Well, David in itty bitty tight pants is..... a turn off. I mean, you can literally see some things that are wayyyy too bulgy for me. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I like his China Doll song.
How about 'The Cure'? :)
Ack! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. I draw the line at his hairdo. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif)
Supes was Canadian
is it just me or are my pics not showing up anymore? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
Hey.....you're right. They WERE there.
wha.. what happend to them:(
I'm lost everything is showing up that I see.
Melt me at thy heart! Puuuuurrr!
This little gal goes by the name "Amelie".
OMG.....that's definitely melt material.
Cats are soooo cute. I don't know... they've got this expression on their faces that's so sweet.
Presenting....... Duffy.
Peekaboo! Can you see me in my bucket?
Oh lawwwd, I can hardly take any more. I'm almost inside out.
[img style="WIDTH: 609px; HEIGHT: 467px" height=475 src="vny!://i13.tinypic.com/29kw4dy.jpg" width=617]
No dice! I have one more cutie up my sleeves.
I don't wanna a bath, plez!!!!
Ohhhhhh, poor little sweetie. *MELT
Just for you Valentine Luvers out there. The little guy is holding a heart that says "Why Me?"
Woof! Rover would like to water your plants.
That must have been one honking rose.....[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c028.gif" border=0]
Hehe. Yeah. I thought so. Most of the photographs from the site (worth1000.com) are mostly photoshop stuff.
That looks mighty chilly.
.....bleak even.
I saw something like that in downtown Monterey.
Love it! :)
Robble robble robble!
Nice cat, al. Gosh, I couldn't imagine walking around with a cat hanging around my neck like that. I guess you get your ears warm though.
*sn***er* Robble
Yeah, great cat. The guy said it's half Siamese half tabby.
Here's another in my "seen one tree..." series.
Where did you take that picture, al? Were you camping that night? Lovely. No clouds in the sky and you can really make out the moon.
Lise, that's in South Burnaby, south slope.
Ah. I see. Can I ask what kind of lens or camera do you use to take a snapshot of the moon? Wonder if I'll be able to take it with a normal digital camera....?
Just a run-of-the-mill sony cyber-shot 4.1 megapixel.
Wow. That is so cool, 49er!! Did you take those photos yourself?
of course not.......I be too busy trying not to wet myself if I was in fuselage
Ah, 49er.... for one moment I had to stop my heart from beating so fast. I thought you were an airforce pilot. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
So what happened ????????
Lise dumped me when she found out I wasn't an airforce pilot
Lise likes men in uni's. omg!
Woah, me too!
Unitards are teh sexay!!
49er wrote:
Lise dumped me when she found out I wasn't an airforce pilot
49er! I'd never do something like that! A flyboy couldn't stand up to the great 49er with all his hawtness. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/20.gif)
An exam answer:
x = 7cm
another funny exam answer:
another funny exam answer:
Here's another funny one:
LOL I'd write something like that on a test.
Hahahahhahaa.....THOSE are EXCELLENT purelife
My fav one is the "expand" answer. LOL LOL LOL! heee hee... I'm glad you guys enjoyed those.
That was pretty clever. I like the 'Find X'........Here it is!!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/c040.gif" border=0]
This is for anyone who needs a kitten fix.
And of course Excalipurrrrr
[A href="vny!://www.excalipurrs.com/indexmainnon.htm"][img height=390 src="vny!://www.excalipurrs.com/swordandthecat.jpg" width=563 border=0][/A]
BWahaha1!!!! :))))))
Thanks I needed that.
Some of those kitties are BEAUTIFUL! :O
LOL purelife and PC. Love 'em!!!!
[img id=RightColumn1_Image3 alt="" src="vny!://www.thepetcard.net/petcard/images/H-jan%2030%202005_mini_panel.jpg" border=0]
Now I'm not a fan of animals in clothes, but OMG......this lil guy is so cute.
How about a cat in a hat?
omg cute cute cute!
I love ALL Rachel Hales animal photos.
they look AWESOME.
[img class=galleryimage id=mainImage style="WIDTH: 280px" alt="" src="vny!://www.rachaelhale.com/_images/_gallery/Gal_891.jpg" border=0].
awe melt melt melt
[img class=galleryimage id=mainImage style="WIDTH: 280px" alt="" src="vny!://www.rachaelhale.com/_images/_gallery/Gal_1048.jpg" border=0].OMG....THAT FACE
[img style="width: 634px; height: 420px;" src="vny!://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/451160/lake_clouds.jpg"]
[img style="width: 639px; height: 705px;" src="vny!://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/70140/chinook-salmon-spawning-stamp.jpg"]
cool eh.
Could be. They take forever to load.
Ahhhh....I see them now. Very nice !
sorry about the load time. Yeah I was fooling around with google earth and they have an option where people's picture's of the landscape can be shown and I was looking around Nanaimo and the top one is of Wellington Lake , and the bottom one is of a giant Chinook Salmon spawning on the Stamp River near Port Alberni.
i like kittens!
Awww. Cute.
Nice images, SD. I like the one with the fish.
[A href="vny!://tinypic.com/view/?pic=330zcbt"][img class=imgsize id=img style="WIDTH: 542px; HEIGHT: 335px" height=422 alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/330zcbs.jpg" width=639 border=0][/A].
It's been 3 days and her song is still stuck in my head.
Can you see the baby in the picture?
Don't give up, you have to have an open mind.
Don't look for a baby, once you see it you won't see anything else.
It came up after about five seconds.
What a lovely picture, 49er! :)
Oh yes! I see the baby after a few secs. Tricky but nice.
Oh my gosh I finally see the baby! cool!
[img height=466 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/2z812ti.jpg" width=591]
Alright. As promised, these are pictures of food from CNY celebration dinner. The above is a picture of a dungress crab in chilli tomato sauce.
[img style="WIDTH: 606px; HEIGHT: 448px" height=459 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/2igk96t.jpg" width=616]
Chicken and mushroom noodles.
[img style="WIDTH: 574px; HEIGHT: 445px" height=460 src="vny!://i15.tinypic.com/29bhrpg.jpg" width=587]
Spicy prawns in galangal, lemongrass and chilli sauce. PRAWNS. Not itty bitty shrimps. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
That's about it. I'm supposed to make many dishes but three was my limit.
yum yum yum you're making me hungry! excellent Lise.
Good job Lise. Those look spectacular. I have a little tiny drool trying to escape......yipes.
I bet it tasted fantastic.
I give it a 3 thumbs up (I think that's the highest)[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c014.gif" border=0][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c014.gif" border=0][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c014.gif" border=0]
What SD said!!!
Haven't had dinner yet...
You're KILLING ME LIIISE!!!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)
Aaah. Thanks guys! *blush*
An upside-down rainbow
EDIT: here is link
[A href="vny!://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/02/23/MNGD7O9UNL1.DTL"]vny!://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/02/23/MNGD7O9UNL1.DTL[/A]
That's for real ??? Wow.....I've never heard of such a thing.
A few years back, there was a big to do not far from my home, when there was a night rainbow.
That's interesting. I've never heard of an upside-down rainbow before.
Somewhere under the rainbow?
Mom, these bandaids are soooo huge...
Ah......er..... hum. *speechless*
One over your mouth, Lise?
[img style="WIDTH: 208px; HEIGHT: 150px" height=100 src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/29lbujn.gif" width=208]
I love dragons...
Pretty pic, pitbull. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c014.gif" border=0]
[img style="WIDTH: 354px; HEIGHT: 344px" height=1097 src="vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2r5g8yh.jpg" width=1162]
Phew...took me like 3 times to finally get this right...I hope!
Ach!! Dragons!!!
Oh, wait...dogs. Phew!
Very cute puppies ;)
And great dragon pic as well W00h00!!!
49er wrote:
Can you see the baby in the picture?[/div][img style="width: 217px; height: 154px;" src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/2dw71wg.jpg"] [div]
Is that it floating way out in the bay, face down? [img style="font-weight: bold;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/13.gif[/img]
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
I C the baby...very interesting capture!
Baby's facing upwards. If you stare at the left side of the picture, you can see the head, nose, eyes looking up. There are two hands close to the baby's face. On the right side where the trunk is located are the babies feet tucked together.
It's such a sweet picture not unlike an ultrasonic picture.
TehBorken wrote:
49er wrote:
Can you see the baby in the picture?[img style="WIDTH: 217px; HEIGHT: 154px" src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/2dw71wg.jpg"] [BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"]Is that it floating way out in the bay, face down? [/SPAN][img style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/13.gif" border=0][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"] [/SPAN]
can you find the seven horses?
I can find five... I think
Haida Gwaii
weird al wrote:
Haida Gwaii
what kind of devil?
a flower for you!
49er wrote:
weird al wrote:
Haida Gwaii
what kind of devil?
That's Bill Reid's Spirit of Haida Gwaii. I happened to be out at the Airport and took a few pics of it. You can also see it on Canadian $20 bills. Brief article here:
[A href="vny!://www.billreidfoundation.org/banknote/spirit.htm"]vny!://www.billreidfoundation.org/banknote/spirit.htm[/A]
interesting coincidence......."gwaii" means devil in chinese.
Is that in vancouver Wierd Al? Around teh Airport maybe?
Unless my memory is incorrect which it seems to be lately :(, the haida are from teh island. Mid Island I believe.
My favourite Bill Reid is 'The Raven and the First Men' - in the rotunda in the Anthropology Musem - Van.
^^ if I am correct...that statue is made out of wood. It has a number of men inside of a clam shell...which...standing over top is the raven. I saw that when I was a child.
You are correct Miss Pit !
I don't even remember how old I was...I think that I still have a postcard of that statue somewhere...I was like 9 or 10 I think.
[img style="WIDTH: 155px; HEIGHT: 116px" height=75 src="vny!://i13.tinypic.com/4bemybb.jpg" width=202]
Was that you and your dog when you were younger, pitbul?
Isn't it funny how some things stick with us ?
*You and puppy?
no...not me...only wish I was that cute..LOL
anyways...pics of me with any dogs were usually german shepherds or weimaraners because my parents had a kennel. I like seeing cute pics of kids with pits...and like sharing them
Weinmaraners.....one of my favourite pups. When I was a teenager, there was this university student that came to stay with the elderly couple next door while he was going to school. He had a Weinmaraner name Mortikye (sp?). He had the most incredible personality EVER. (the dog)
LOL...dad has one that is a show stopper. One show and the dog almost has it's championship. I can't stand the dog! LOL..it has ADHD! I swear...beautiful to look at but can be a pain in the arse.
Hahahahaaa....a weinmarner with ADHD.....PERFECT.
Thery really are beautiful doggies though.
[img alt="" hspace=0 src="vny!://www.weimaraner.de/images/photos/Emilio8.jpg" align=baseline border=0]
I like them when they are even smaller than that. There is a person here that has a pic of one...smaller...They look so soft...their ears are too cute..and their blue eyes are just beautiful. Their nickname is Ghost Dog. When they move...you can see why.
Yes....I think I can. They move like liquid. Soft movement. They sure are a pretty pup.
I used to have a big ol' dufus Doby. An 'oversize Doby' (36 inches at the shoulder) Huge. I think he would have probably been considered an embarrassment to his species. What a goof.
He used to SMILE. (more a sheepish grin) Full visual of his dentures....LOL.
LOL....dobies are beautiful and fluid in movement too. LOL...got bit by a toothless dobie...too funny...he was lookin at me...then jumped...and gummed me...then stopped...and looked at me...I laughed...so he gummed me again...what a dork! LOL
LOL Miss Pit. Yes....you've got to be careful.....they can give you a nasty suck. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
LOL...I could say that pits are the same...but I have yet to meet a toothless pit. I do have to say that weimaraners top pits in the cuteness category though at about the 6-8 wk margin. LOL.
What puppy isn't cute ????
[img style="WIDTH: 246px; HEIGHT: 316px" height=567 src="vny!://www.esetter.com/images/10owmalereba072406.jpg" width=436][img]vny!://artfiles.art.com/images/-/Carmen-Northen/Golden-Retriever-Puppy-Photographic-Print-C12195920.jpeg"]
LOL...the type that pee on you! LOL
THAT'S the ones Miss Pit. LOL [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/c040.gif" border=0]
LOL..well...goodnight to you...will leave you with one of my more favorite pics...who says that cats and dogs don't get along...tell it to these two!(//vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2w2ey49.jpg)
LOL....one of my faves too.
Good night Miss Pit......sweet dreams.
U 2!
Hmm we are a crazy bunch, we bite.
LOL...do you leave marks though?
depends. hehe part of Hungary is Transylvania. lol
A Cat Named Lucky
lucky cat.
What cat?
Another way to cheat.
Wonder how does a male teacher confisicate the evidence if he caught her cheating
I guess take the shirt or just report the girl to the office and say 'check the shirt she's cheating'.
and get accused for peeking down her blouse
I'd just congratulate her on having made a couple of good points.
I think those that are in the position of assessing a potential cheater must keep abreast of all the possiblities.
holy crap! LOL..why didn't I think of that!
Garden of Gods in Southern Illinois
my area[img style="WIDTH: 548px; HEIGHT: 647px" height=1033 src="vny!://i12.tinypic.com/2v2axll.jpg" width=1068]
When I go down to the farm in a week or two I'll take my camera, the river is super low so I can walk on the beach. I'll climb the 100 metre grain tower, walk in the wheat fields. Maybe even if my cousin is out with the tractors I'll take a pic or two. (but its a little early for that).
[img style="WIDTH: 599px; HEIGHT: 600px" height=1050 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/2qkqdug.jpg" width=1104]
Same mountains at night
Beautiful, Pitbull.
Hey Gophie......is it really late for you.....or really early?
See my comment elsewhere about sleeplessness.
thanks gopher!
wow pitt, that's awesome.
Way beats my cliff overlooking a highway and a bunch of houses for about 10 miles.
that pic was taken only five minute drive from my house. I am nestled in the center of mountains..with a nice river running through....I Love my area. I wouldn't trade it in for the world.
wow you're lucky to be around mountains. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I've got a 4,000 acre farm as an oasis from the city. I get to play Clark Kent when I go down there which is always cool.
no doubt!!!! Great getaway!!!!!!
yup its a nice place to get away and reflect.
well...this thread has been quiet way too long...
(//vny!://i17.tinypic.com/2e65wz7.gif)snap to it and git sommore pics going!
[A href="vny!://www.terracetourism.bc.ca/tripplanner/image_galleries/gallery_kermode"][SPAN class="image thumbnail"][img title="Kermode Bear" style="WIDTH: 153px; HEIGHT: 209px" height=100 alt="Kermode Bear" src="vny!://www.terracetourism.bc.ca/files/images/kERMODE%20BEAR.thumbnail.jpg" width=63][/SPAN][/A] a blurry pic of one of our local attractions here! This pic made the front cover of our phone book
ah cool polar bear!
Makes me want to get my diet coke in the kitchen.
that isn't a polar bear SD. It is called a kermodei bear. Or a white black bear, or spirit bear. Check it out on Google!
[A href="vny!://www.wildweb.org/c.russell/"][img height=216 src="vny!://users.aristotle.net/~swarmack/hodgraph/kermode1.JPG" width=138 align=right border=0 NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"][/A]another pic
Oh those Bears! Yeah I've heard about them, only place in the world you can find them is in BC and their forest was being logged or something.
yessirreee! They are protected here though. There was a cub that was intown raiding garbages. It was captured and moved way out of town. The other black bears and grizzlies that came into town last year didn't fare so well though. It was a horrible massacre of bears.
[A href="vny!://www.vws.org/project/spiritbear/about_bear/index.html"]vny!://www.vws.org/project/spiritbear/about_bear/index.html[/A] is a link for you SD
yeah I watched this National Geographic thing. The bears are hanging out at garbage dumps. This isn't good because then they'll become the next generation raccoon. Who forgets about what they're suppose to eat and just goes dumpster diving.
well...I wouldn't say it is that bad here. Both of our garbage dumps are fenced with bear fences. Alot of people here have fruit trees though...and the bears all like that!
What's in a name?
*enter naughty joke*
That which we call a turd, by any other name would smell as rank.
(//vny!://i18.tinypic.com/2iu3hxj.jpg) (//vny!://i15.tinypic.com/2j4t5kx.jpg)
Confucious says: Do research before coming to a brand name.
[img style="WIDTH: 608px; HEIGHT: 433px" height=433 src="vny!://i15.tinypic.com/2zi9fzd" width=588]
I kid you not. Every household should have a JesusPan.
This kid should get a medal.
to go with the JussiPussi
LMFAO @ kids pic...too funny!
Good work Lise !!!!! Gave me a good chuckle !!!!!
SOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^ *Spaz*
[img class=reflect height=500 alt="" src="vny!://farm1.static.flickr.com/131/416988502_71f9b3d01a.jpg?v=0" width=495 test="show_notes_initially();"]
All in
[img style="WIDTH: 189px; HEIGHT: 233px" height=136 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/2dgktx0.gif" width=189]HERE KITTY KITTY!
Nice hairdo?
ahahahaha...LOL..what a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my hair basically looks like that now. Haven't had a hair cut in months.
Just a test!
Will it work?
apparently not!
Welcome, Soma!!
I like you already :)
are cat pictures allowed here? :P
Pretty. :)
tenkani wrote:
Welcome, Soma!!
I like you already :)
Thank you Tenkani!
Make a wish...
I'm just resting...
I'm open!
Hi! (wave)
A Mother's Love
Where's my Mommy?
[img style="width: 394px; height: 297px;" src="vny!://www.babyanimalz.com/images/calf.jpg"]
Asleep in the snow!
Gone Swimmin'!
More pictures please, Soma.
Sure. :)
I'm dreaming!
I'm just here, don't mind me.
Love the baby lion! :)
Fuzzy pics make teh Monday go faster!!
modern day vampire
Yeah, with wings outspread!
he wants male blood only
For the benefit of non-canadians present who da hell is dat?
Andre Boisclair Parti Quebecios leader separatist/soverigntist (however you see it)
he's a gay ex-coke user. (hence the male blood only)
Election in Quebec is today and if he wins and gets a majority (not likely) he'll have another referendum and if he won the referendum (which won't happen if it was held) he'd be Prime Minister of Quebec. Think of the first meeting between Bush and Boisclair. Classic. A Gay, ex cocaine binger, stuck up french guy who speaks better english then Bush, to Bush the gay fearing Republican who couldn't find Quebec on a map. lol lol
Oh THAT Andre Boisclair!
Ah, the french (Canadians) have such a joie de vivre!
Looks like he's about to eat a baby.
not this baby...
As my good buddy would say... *spaz*
Was that a leopard cub????
(//vny!://i11.tinypic.com/2qdo5na.jpg)kid and dog..don't seperate...they are inseperable
That reminds me, I went to an anti-war march and a guy had a couple of pits marching with him.
LOL. I decided to put some distance between us. Not sure how a pit would react to tear gas ;)
it would probably cry and just take it, I doubt the dog would know to run away from it.
Yeah, probably.
Personally I wouldn't bring an animal to a potentially dangerous political rally.
Especially not an animal that can bite your head clean off (it's true! Dirty Harry said so!!)
please don't slam what you don't know tenk...mine would run in fear of all those people..and biting isn't something that they know...haven't even played tug of war...and one of my dogs has had the same squeeky toy for the last two years..most dogs I know actually rip the squeekers outta those things
we have dangerous political rallies still? Usually a rally is a bunch of college kids who are just doing it to be seen not heard. Couch potatoes don't know that mississippi is a state, type student.
Sorry Miss Pit. I was just teasing, didn't mean to offend.
I would feel the same about bringing any dog to a rally where the cops are standing around 5 deep in riot gear.
You can smite me if you want. Actually, please do.
my dog has had the same squeaky toy the most of his life, its his god, he worships it.
Awesome pictures there, Soma.
And just when you thought you've seen everything......................
Thanks Lise.
*lol @ the ham*
[font size="1"][span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"].[/span][/font]
OMG tenkani....that poor little guy is mighty homely. I hope the other cats don't make fun of him.
That's the last time I post my photo on DS.
^^^^ Proof that teh kittenz R beter than teh puppiez.
Case clozed.
dogs rule..cats...lick themselves and choke on it LOL
Booooo[font size="1"]ooo[/font]....
Damn you...I can't boo such a cute dog :(
OMG....now there's a little camera ham if I ever saw one. What a pose !!!!!!!
no doubt...that baby woulda had me at hello!!!
ok...for some neutral pics
Who wouldn't wanna rough this cutie up?
He sure looks happy. :)
I think that is a great pic!
another sweet face
[img style="WIDTH: 312px; HEIGHT: 197px" height=325 src="vny!://i10.tinypic.com/2rzdiwy.jpg" width=411]
Ms. Pit... for you
"I swear it works!"
All is not lost in the world of advertising.
oooo..she's pretty cute.. so, we can post some nice female pics in here!??? :)))
Ok, not asking permission anymore...
K, how about this one? And she's a school kid.
North America Addicted to oil:
[img style="WIDTH: 535px; HEIGHT: 462px" height=432 src="vny!://i5.tinypic.com/35086d2.jpg" width=559]
It says Magnetic Field Bowl Canned?
No Saliva!!
K, how about this one? And she's a school kid.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]OMG, is that in Japan? That's disgusting! bleh!
Finally, the TNA craze has reached the land of the rising sun, wh000t!!
are you sure that's a student? She doesn't have a book bag, it could be just a dumb girl walking by a school.
Yes. When I acquired the photo, it was from a blog that said she was a schoolgirl. Dunno if that's true or not.
Great pics, Raor. I'm building up my cat gallery/screensaver and these are great additions.
[img]vny!://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/43d94707zfc8879f7/149fre2/__sr_/2efdscd.jpg?ph4Y9DGBs8mVQNfy" height="320" width="480"]
I see nothing. (//vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/schilder/n094.gif)
sorry .. guess im not too good at DS yet .. ill try and fix it ..
Hmmm...I saw it earlier....so it WAS working. It was a kitten with a German Shepard ?
It was a kitten with a German Shepard << YES !! .. don't know whats wrong .. i set yahoo to share it .. always works on DV !! .. hmmm .. ??
Be nice GORDY.....LOL [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/d038.gif" border=0]
I have no idea what this furry light bulb is supposed to be.
I'm not sure I want to even hazzard a guess. But I believe it's an ad for furniture?
Oh ah.... someone doesn't like Aboozer?
LOL...sounds like EED anyways..LOL
Dildo Museum
[img height=100 src="vny!://www.baccalieutourism.com/photos/dildomuseumsm.jpg" width=190].
*That's Dildo, Nfld., naturally. What did you think it was?*
lol kitten!
or refugees from DV.
That's convenient!
There's a lake nearby to wash off the fecal residue!!!
It will probably prove to be as ineffective as all the perfumes of Arabia on Lady Macbeth's hands.
Out!! Out damn poo stain!!!!
Quit stealing my wheels or ELSE!
hahahahaha Russ....too funny!
These are some great pictures!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/photoshopbush.jpg" border=0]
hmmm...what do the rest of you think?
We Americans don't "think".
We shoot from the gut (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/22.gif)
[img height=447 src="file:///E:/Sunny/3700.jpg" width=596]
Farm Pics!
Sorry about the brightness, it was very dark out, and freezing cold!
First up turkey's on the levee overlooking the mississippi river
full image:
[a href="vny!://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3z85f5s"]vny!://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3z85f5s[/a]
safe car.
[img height=447 src="file:///E:/Sunny/3755.jpg" width=596]
LOL Lil Me.....I wonder if this order comes in small or large.
ummm. Supersize me?
[img height=447 src="file:///E:/Sunny/3707.jpg" width=596]
Wowee, Newbie. I'm glad to see you bring us the wonderful world of blank images. Just kidding there.
Have you consider loading up your images onto another site that host free images? Check out [A href="vny!://www.tinypic.com/"]vny!://www.tinypic.com/[/A] and upload your images there. Then copy link (minus the tags) and viola.
[img id=photo height=336 alt=photo src="vny!://images.kodakgallery.com/photos1333/6/90/78/97/65/0/65977890607_0_ALB.jpg" width=448 border=0 name=photo]
is this showing?
is this working?
not yet :(
is this working?
Some images do not allow you to hotlink them. It is best that you save them to your computer then upload them using [A href="vny!://www.tinypic.com/"]vny!://www.tinypic.com/[/A] or [A href="vny!://photobucket.com/"]vny!://photobucket.com/[/A]
Once you've uploaded your images, copy and paste the link onto the (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/buttons/insertimage.gif) icon, deleting the [ img ] tags. (//vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/frech/d005.gif)
Should work
teehee...borrowed from DV
[img alt="" src="vny!://img517.imageshack.us/img517/4858/lifeexplained1jv1.jpg"]
proves that men are efficient....(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif)
or simple dear scottie!
thats true.
we are a swtich on off on off on off.
LOL...I like to keep my bf turned on...teehee...no shorting out in the switch.
LOL SWEET picture Ms Pit! I guess that's saying that there are many buttons to push for a women and if I were a guy, I'd be careful of pushing the wrong buttons. ;)
There was this book titled "Everything Men Know About Women" (something like that) and when you opened the book, the pages were blank. :)
wow...that is one yellow rear!!!!!!!!
and the book...should get one for the bf...maybe he can fill it full of notes...and I could sell it once he passes on...teehee...but I would be too old to savor the fruits of those labors...teehee!
*hands over a tissue* here tenk...clean yourself up boy!
LOL..holy crap! Pardon the pun! teehee!
Yeah! Who needs monkeys?
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/sexisfun.jpg" border=0]
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/stupid_isn't_handicap.jpg" border=0].
ROFL. I want one of those!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/shoppingmalefemale.jpg" border=0].
and they say women are the better shoppers.... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
pitbullca.bc wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 157px; HEIGHT: 134px" height=296 alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/sexisfun.jpg" width=122 border=0]
Ohahahaha! That's so funny!
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/aftermath.gif)[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Awww Purelife, thats just too damn cute!
( Unless he's trying to eat him?)
Wow! That thing went back for seconds ( or thirds) on the ugly line.
Here it is: The Poutine picture of the day.
gotta git me some BBQin!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/HotDogCooker.jpg" border=0]
pitbullca.bc wrote:
gotta git me some BBQin!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/HotDogCooker.jpg" border=0][/DIV]
I LOVE these miss pitt! I could make them in about 5 minutes too... hmm. should I or shouldnt i?
[FONT size=6]OMG!!!!!!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif) [/FONT]
Lil Me wrote:
Waah!! What goodness did i miss here?
I'll PM you.
Please tell me too!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/rapist_search.jpg" border=0]
Please tell me too!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/rapist_search.jpg" border=0]
finally got the rest of my farm pics working correctly.
[img style="width: 442px; height: 330px;" src="vny!://i15.tinypic.com/4061gtd.jpg"]
Mississippi River, high, couple more feet and the river will be up to the levee.
Guess one won't be driving their Chevy to the levee anytime soon.
The other river pic, river was as rough as an ocean that day.
[img style="width: 524px; height: 392px;" src="vny!://i13.tinypic.com/2wqa8v9.jpg"]
The barn that the Amish (they live up in the hills) built for us:
[img style="width: 493px; height: 369px;" src="vny!://i14.tinypic.com/4i48e40.jpg"]
[img style="width: 470px; height: 352px;" src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/4gqbptf.jpg"]
Farmland looking out from the road, from that big shed.
[img style="width: 522px; height: 335px;" src="vny!://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i479852_bushkatrina.jpg"]
scottie311 wrote:
hahahahahah....this is a good one!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/0249.jpg" border=0].
What's that Russ? It looks like something out of our 'story'. It's not the giant sea-cucumber (clothed) is it?
too much information, gentlemen.
One of my friends sent it to me a while ago... I HAD to put it up here when i found it, it gave me a huge laugh.
We talk about it as :tigerpic:
LOL...too funny russ! So ugly...it doesn't even make the cute category!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/fn.4403[1].jpg" border=0]
ummm....what is a mom to do in this picture? I hope the ass that took the pic helped out.
I used to raise ducks.
wow, this pic is pretty....
removed pic - apparently not working now
I'm suspicious...she has man hands and a bulge...
she's got man hands.
i noticed that too but thought that it was part of the costume?
I couldn't even date a girl long term if she had ugly hands...
Rej knows what town this is. Beautiful by the way. :)
[img style="width: 539px; height: 246px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Tuzla_View_of_Tuzla.jpg"]
Sportsdude wrote:
Rej knows what town this is. Beautiful by the way. :)
[img style="WIDTH: 539px; HEIGHT: 246px" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Tuzla_View_of_Tuzla.jpg"]
hahahahahahahaa..........yea dude, you're right..this is my town! great pic. I live in those buildings behind.
[img style="width: 467px; height: 350px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Tuzlaci.jpg"]
That's the biggest chess board ever.
I've seen a chessboard like that in Vancouver. Uh, can't remember where though. I think that it was near the old Woodwards or something. I dunno if it's still there but the pieces were freaking huge!
i think those things are cool.
Sportsdude wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 467px; HEIGHT: 350px" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Tuzlaci.jpg"]
That's the biggest chess board ever.
we got more two like this one on the photo. actually three! teh retired people are mostly playing it in the afternoon...
cool Rej.
I found another pic:
what part of the town is this?
ROFL! Those are FUNNY Lil Me!
Sportsdude wrote:
cool Rej.
I found another pic:
what part of the town is this?
this is an old part of Tuzla and also the center; pedestrian zone. Those buildings are from the period of Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the architecture is like from those times. before the WWII. Although the buildings are mainly damaged because of sinking of the ground! YEa, Tuzla is slowly sinking every year. Every year we go down for couple of centimeters, because there's a huge hole beneath the town. They're suckin out the salt water from the undergound and producing the kitchen salt. The best quality on this region. But the city suffers because of that. many old buildings are ruined, simply ruined down by itself. do you see those umbrellaa behind on the left? there you can buy CDs for just 1.5 $. And that sign BUREK and SIRNICA means a meatpie and cheespie....
cool, very cool.
I'm surprised your town isn't a big tourist town. According to wiki, its not for some reason.
Sportsdude wrote:
cool, very cool.
I'm surprised your town isn't a big tourist town. According to wiki, its not for some reason.
no it's not 'tourist' town. two years ago we got the first artificial salt lake in this region. we used the salt water beneath the town and mixed it with a regular water and made an artificial lake, right in the center of city!!!! that's amazing, I mean this entire region is known by the coal mines and salt mines, in general industrial zone, but now we got people, walking in swimming suits through the city....hahahahaha.....
And this year the city government has plans to build some water falls near to that lake.
haha nice!
very beautiful country.
Sportsdude wrote:
haha nice!
very beautiful country.
yeah...I call bosnia "relaxed" country. Just drinking and eating and making celebrations and festives in every possible occasion. barbecues are our 'custom' here, coffee, pies and we even have a local Tuzla brewery here. But honestly, tuzla beer sucks dude! maybe only the draught one.
this just looks so comfortable...
How's the EU talks going? I know Serbia is having issues. Haven't heard anything about Bosnia and Herzegovina though.
this used to be flat area and flat zone 20-30 years ago, but now, due to sinking of the city, those buildings are lowered. You see that passage on the left? there's one good club in one of those buildings and it's called "Underground", live rock music.
Sportsdude wrote:
How's the EU talks going? I know Serbia is having issues. Haven't heard anything about Bosnia and Herzegovina though.
have no idea dude! really! I just know that they try to get us in the european community, but this country won't have EU standards in couple of millions of years!!!!!!!!!! yea, Serbia has issues about one of their part called Kosovo where the majority of people are Albanians and now they want to separate from Serbia. It's east of Bosnia. And Bosnia, well... ...a lot people went to live in US, Australia, western european countries, especially after the war which ended in 1995. the living standards are poor and people are simply searching for a better life. I don't complaint. I got my job, doin' pretty well, a lot of people are working for US troops, actually for KBR-Halliburtoon company in Iraq, and everyone who knows at least some of english went down there in the sand-land!!! hahahah....
There's one band from UK called "Napalm Death" and they have a song which is called "Harmony Corruption". This title describes the best the current situation right now here....
haha love your optimism.
We've got a huge Bosian population here in St. Louis.
Sportsdude wrote:
haha love your optimism.
We've got a huge Bosian population here in St. Louis.
yea I know one young marriage couple who went to live in S.Louis, they're from Tuzla. I haven't heard from them lately...I just know that she was working in some bakery or som..and he...dunno! We were friends while they were here, and last year when I saw her mother she told me that they lost almost everything in that damn Katrina that you had over there...
Katrina? They'd live in New Orleans then. Saint Louis wasn't affected by that. Although we did have a giant 500 year flood 14 years ago.
Sportsdude wrote:
Katrina? They'd live in New Orleans then. Saint Louis wasn't affected by that. Although we did have a giant 500 year flood 14 years ago.
yea Orleans, you're right...sorry...
woohoo..me like that can o' wup ass! lmao!
Don't make me open it up!
bring it baby!!!!!!!! LOL
this is me...on a fitbull day...LO[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/2-6.jpg" border=0]L j/k
scottie311 wrote:
This one is great! lol.. I had to take a double take at it.
^^^^^^ I love this one!!!
Ye Gods!!!!!
I've never seen anyone who could benefit from a scarf lift.
Perhaps a shorter scarf would look more.....umm......attractive.
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/funny-04.jpg" border=0]
LOL!!!!! That's priceless. (I REALLY LOL'd)
I had actually gotten an email with a story to go with the pic. Unfortunately....I no longer have the story...but...was able to share the pic. This pic is for all that have anally retentive neighbours!
me thinks this poor dude...has suffered a sever head trauma...a stroke...or had the cord wrapped around his neck at birth. Ladies...would you date this guy?
[A href="vny!://funnyjunk.com/movies/702/Single+Hot+Stud/"]vny!://funnyjunk.com/movies/702/Single+Hot+Stud/[/A]
So true though, awesome.
lol wtf and omg are the best
pitbullca.bc wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]me thinks this poor dude...has suffered a sever head trauma...a stroke...or had the cord wrapped around his neck at birth. Ladies...would you date this guy?[/div] [a href="vny!://funnyjunk.com/movies/702/Single+Hot+Stud/"]vny!://funnyjunk.com/movies/702/Single+Hot+Stud/[/a]--
NO! Reminds me of Karl in Sling Blade. I couldn't watch the whole clip- he speaks too slowly.
teehee...I agree...but...I was waiting to see if anything intelligent came out...LOL..and I was sadly dissapointed..teehee...or waiting for the fool to do a backflip.
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/funnycatsink.jpg" border=0].
Bra Size Alphabet Song
[a href="vny!://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/162607/jokeid/6047"]vny!://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/162607/jokeid/6047[/a]
Why Men Use Post-its...
Want to get high at work?
Heres a few
[A href="vny!://www.uniquepeek.com/images/news/190407_dirtyfinger.jpg[/img]vny!://www.uniquepeek.com/images/news/190407_dirtyfinger.jpg[/A]
Good Morning!
[img alt="" src="vny!://www.funny-city.com/photos/0451.jpg"]
lol the polar bear alarm clock!
hee hee! cute puppy!
teehee...bout time the canid got tired of being dragged around...in a basket and stuff
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=351 alt="Santa Paint Job" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-santa-paint-job-1zX.jpg" width=468 align=center border=0].[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=314 alt="The Female Brain" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-the-female-brain-1vl.jpg" width=439 align=center border=0].[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=399 alt="Stupid Toilet" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-stupid-toilet-1Sb.jpg" width=366 align=center border=0].[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=301 alt=Eearios src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-eearios-r77.jpg" width=200 align=center border=0].[/DIV]
Jees.....this could sure set some people back in the toilet training process. Clownaphobia is no laughing matter.
[img style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 576px" height=640 alt='STRANGE "CLOWN FACE" URINAL' src="vny!://www.strangefunkidz.com/images/content/124656.jpg" width=480 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=397 alt="Your MAMA" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-your-mama-iAY.jpg" width=404 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
.....and LIKE it.
heehee...of course!!!!!!! He may need someone to hold onto his hair though...when he starts to drink out of the toilet....but...someone else can do that...I am scared he may bite.
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=320 alt=Asswipes src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-asswipes-1aM.jpg" width=400 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]This pic is for Sheryl Crow..and her movement to use only one square of tp...[/DIV]
[DIV style="PADDING-RIGHT: 3px; PADDING-LEFT: 3px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; PADDING-TOP: 3px"][img class=attach alt="" src="vny!://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=300949&stc=1&d=1177569245" border=0] [/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=394 alt="Head Up Your Ass" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-head-up-your-ass-Afq.jpg" width=350 align=center border=0],[/DIV]
are we going to gophers house? what are we gonna do when we get there? are we there yet poppa smurf?
We're going to visit Gophie.
*opens bus door*
Hop in everyone!
*trips over shoelace* wait for meee wait for meeee!
well..here is a soul that makes the best of his situation!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/bellyflop.jpg" border=0]
WOW....LOOK at those FACES. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade !!!! That makes me smile !
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=319 alt="No Trespassing" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-no-trespassing-1hL.jpg" width=350 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]This sign...is so for me....get rid of the solicitors...once and for all...then feed them to the pitbulls...haha...cut back on possibly dangerous dogfood...that is for sure![/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=373 alt="Monica's Famous Shirt" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-monicas-famous-shirt-1wZ.jpg" width=242 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]And this guy...what a true advocate for the male species...NOT...frickin hickey on his neck...piss in a cup....and a missing poster of a lady that has already been found..on his hsirt...and the person in the bottom the pic? what the hell is he doin down there?[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=240 alt="Kick Me" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-kick-me-UCf.jpg" width=320 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]If only......[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=490 alt="Kilts and Wind" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-kilts-and-wind-hpk.jpg" width=350 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]I have a friend that is scottish...and i have had the pleasure of finding out if he is true scots..and what he really wears under that kilt of his.......so...thought that I would share...teehee...though...I must say...I had the pleasure of frontal view..haha[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=480 alt="Pikachu Mouse" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-pikachu-mouse-T2k.jpg" width=396 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]PIKACHUUU!!![/DIV]
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! *nods head*
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/brainteasers.jpg" border=0]
Brain Teaser!!!!!!
The only one I can't get is the Mary + Mary.
P.C. wrote:
The only one I can't get is the Mary + Mary.[/DIV]
I would like to know too.
The sum of two virgins equals nothing?
I wish that I had the answers...pulled it off of a site.
double wedding maybe?
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/pantheroutide.jpg" border=0]
this kitty wants ta know too!
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=187 alt="The Santa Hunt" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-the-santa-hunt-rbN.jpg" width=389 align=center border=0]
[DIV align=center]SAAAANTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *sob*[/DIV]
[DIV align=center][img style="MARGIN: 0px" height=441 alt="Do the Twist" src="vny!://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-do-the-twist-0G6.jpg" width=400 align=center border=0].[/DIV]
At least he's headed in the right direction!
Hmmm....nice legs.
I absolutely find that pic...to be wrong...just wrong...how does his bowels..not become entangled with his esophogus..like that? lmao!
Maybe they are and he can't straighten up.
[img id=fullSizedImage alt=50ftwoman.jpg src="vny!://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d149/lookslikecrap/50ftwoman.jpg?t=1178042559" _extended="true"].
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/tenpointseach.jpg" border=0]
yeah yeah..photo shopped...but still cute
[img height=432 src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/4mt94j4.jpg" width=565]
[img style="WIDTH: 570px; HEIGHT: 466px" height=474 src="vny!://i13.tinypic.com/4vmzqzc.jpg" width=622]
[img style="WIDTH: 576px; HEIGHT: 476px" height=477 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/6ge883p.jpg" width=581]
Greetings all! Just thought I'd share some of my photos with y'all.
So pretty, Lise. Makes me forget it's raining out.
the sun has started to shine this afternoon..yay!
Dog with a Death Wish
[img height=571 alt="Dog has a death wish" src="vny!://www.ahajokes.com/cartoon/deathwis.gif" width=397]
ah poor doggy.
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/seperatedatbirth.jpg" border=0]
seperated from birth?
Hahaha....birds of a feather........ ?
flock together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/likefatherlikeson.jpg" border=0]
how many of us have pics like this hiding away!?
That is far too precious.....LOL
hopefully the little one..will cherish that pic...I think it is fantabulous!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/hedgehogsextinction.jpg" border=0].
I clicked on this link below and now I can not get the stupid melody out of my head.
If you have your speakers turned on, try it.
[A href="vny!://www.grineflip.dk/funstuff/hamster/hamster.html"]vny!://www.grineflip.dk/funstuff/hamster/hamster.html[/A]
aah...but the whole song is fun!
So here is the whole video of the annoying clip posted above.
It actually played on Much Music. I guess they're trying to ride on Alvin and the Chipmunk's coat tails.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76HcLEunsws"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76HcLEunsws[/A]
I guess that Hamster Dance isn't far off of ....
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddgyg_5FF_0"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddgyg_5FF_0[/A][A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdQKZje930A"][/A]
Alright....truth. Can anyone listen to that Cotton Eye Joe song and NOT tap their foot ?
Oh gawd...love cotton eyed joe song...but...as soon as it was mentioned here...I just had to hunt this pic down! Everyone knows...if someone yells...HO DOWN...and your girlfriend hits the floor....you might be a redneck!!!!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/redneck[1].jpg" border=0]
Now there's a handsome lad......LOL (please don't tell me he's yer bf)
You don't even have to like country music to get that tune in your blood !!!
holy shit...give me some credit!!!!!!!!! lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I like country though...all good!
LOL Miss Pit. I give you a lot of credit. But hey....you never know. I would have hated to have said anything disparaging if it turned out to be kin.
That's a catchy little tune for sure.
kin...haha...the type to laugh at...that is for sure!!!!!!!!!!or shore..whichever..lmao!
my cousin's wedding a few years back was in Gatlinburg Tennessee. We all went to Dollywood (dolly parton's theme park) and I saw people like that. I also saw a store selling 55 waist leather belts at the belt shop.
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/fartoopublictoilets.jpg" border=0]
can we say....eeewww? Guess...you would have to overcome the...can't pee with an audience eh?
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/militarybudgetcuts.jpg" border=0]
OMG!!!!!!!!!! Too cute! This is labeled as....Military budget cuts...
OMG....That's a peepee place RIGHT ON THE STREET ??? That'd be the day.
no doubt eh? Gawd..peeps are so uncivilized..haha
Tony Blair in each year of office as Prime Minister.
Top row, left to right: 1997-2001 Bottom row, left to right: 2002-2006
I'd hit it t'twice!
Tony Blair????
[A href="jvascript: window.close()"][img class=image title="old-lady-hitit.jpg Click image to close this window" height=602 alt="" src="vny!://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/hitit_1_05/old-lady-hitit.jpg" width=410 border=0][/A]
[img class=image height=269 src="vny!://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10451/hit12.jpg" width=216 border=0].
[img class=image height=249 src="vny!://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10451/wouldnthitit.jpg" width=194 border=0].
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
[img id=fullSizedImage alt=noseinass.jpg src="vny!://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d149/lookslikecrap/noseinass.jpg?t=1178925253" _extended="true"].
95% of my pics I stole from you, brother.
Mad props.
tenkani wrote:
95% of my pics I stole from you, brother.
Mad props.
I knew I was missing a few. You've been in my bank account too, haven't you?
tenkani wrote:
95% of my pics I stole from you, brother.
Mad props.
That's OK bud. When the original owner comes asking for them, it's every man for himself.
If he catches you first, leave me out of it.
This is amazing. I've heard of tweaking a picture here and there with photo shop, but this guy's a genius.
[A href="vny!://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=23314"]vny!://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=23314[/A]
yeah...wow...wonder how long that process actually took!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/ymca.jpg" border=0]
It's fun to stay....at the why...em...cee...ay!
[img id=fullSizedImage alt=YMCA.gif src="vny!://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d149/lookslikecrap/YMCA.gif?t=1179155414" _extended="true"]
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/judgementday.jpg" border=0].
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/ninjakid.gif" border=0]
now that is shazzam SD!
attack of the chicken!
[FONT color=#8000ff size=6]Shazam![/FONT]
[img id=fullSizedImage alt=Christina20Model.gif src="vny!://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d149/lookslikecrap/Christina20Model.gif?t=1179267419" _extended="true"]
haha...watch the bouncing mammary glands.haha! did you get that one offa DV? Cause I have seen that one excite many a male on DV!
I think I was the original poster of it on DV. The site I borrowed it from is no longer on line.
haha...cool...the ladies really hate it...hey...you wanna pop that pic back into the LAST WORD thread for me?
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYYYCA" target=_blank][img height=44 alt=ROTFL src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_6.gif" width=60 border=0][/A] [A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYYYCA" target=_blank][img height=88 alt=Chainsaw src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_4_132.gif" width=83 border=0][/A] good work!
[A href="vny!://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZSYYYYYYYYCA&utm_id=7926" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZSYYYYYYYYCA" border=0][/A]
that's hilarious pl. Of course, it's because the wife is dreaming about Trevor Linden.
nah they're dreaming of Fin.
Name: FIN
DOB: June 4, 2001
Home: Georgia Strait
Home Away from Home: GM Place
Weight: Light for an orca
Height: 6'3
Shoots: Left
Years Pro: Five
Fave Food: B.C. Salmon
Fave Book: Moby Dick
Fave Movie: Orca, Free Willy
Least Favorite Team Nickname: Hartford Whalers
Fave Hangouts: General Motors Place, Canuck Place, Aquarium, Sea Wall, The Fish House
Special Skills: Shooting mist from his blowhole, playing goal ("Flops Like a Whale" style)
[a href="vny!://www.canucks.com/subpage.asp?sectionID=330"]vny!://www.canucks.com/subpage.asp?sectionID=330[/a]
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/FatWomenTryingtogetpantson.jpg" border=0]
what ever happened to the lay back on the bed..with a pair of plyers..and suck your stomach in? haha...I guess it is so seventies and eighties...
Awww....that's sad. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable that must be. I guess that beats wearing spandex.
well at least we are thanking the heavens...that she ISN'T wearing spandex!
Allo! Allo! Some pictures to share with all!
[img height=399 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/DSCN0176.jpg" width=515]
Check out the whiskers on this dude. He (well, at least I think it's a he) swam so close to us that I swear we could almost touch his head. We had tons of fun feeding him and two others at the Oak Bay Marina, Victoria. Couldn't get rid of the fish smell from my fingers for the longest time. Note to self: frozen fish stink no matter what they tell ya.
Stunning blue/purple/white orchid at the Butterfly Garden, Victoria. I have never seen one this color before and took a snapshot of this before my lens blurred. The humidity was stiffling in the garden but well worth the visit.
Ah, the majestic peacock. Nobody told us they SQUAWK like there's no tommorrow. One peacock making a loud squawk was deafening, imagine being in the midst of 10 others like him. Petting Zoo at Beacon Hill, Victoria.
Close up... of.... something.... stinky.....at the beach, on Tofino. OK. I think it's part of a seaweed-thingee... who knows. I didn't get too close in case it burst out into wee little aliens and start incubating my stomach.
[img height=467 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/DSCN0076.jpg" width=593]
Tofino is an amazing place with so many creatures. Here's a starfish caught in one of the many tidal pools around our cabin.
We love our cabin at Tofino. My husband's only complain was "WHAT NO CABLE?!?! What the hell are we gonna do?" Other than that, we love the cabin and its super easy access to the beach. I only wish the fleas on our bed share our sentiments. Note to self: dog-friendly place means flea-loving friends.
[img height=473 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/DSCN0074.jpg" width=603]
It's amazing when you wake up to this type of view. I took a walk with Lise Jr. at 8am on this morning, just as the tide was about to go out. You can see the Wickinmish.... wickenmish... wicken...nashi.... OK, whatever.... I can't spell but half the places in Tofino had native American names on almost every street and place.
Love Tofino. Am hoping to return again one of these days. If you ever get the chance, do go up there. It's sooooooooo worth it!
Hope you enjoy the pics as I do sharing them. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Beautiful pics and excellent photography Lise. That orchid is amazing.....never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing.
awesome pictures Lise!
Gorgeous pictures, Lise. *Hint: For removing stinky fish smells from hands, rub them with lemons.*
thanks for the tip Kitten.
It worked for me. Just thought I'd pass it on.
Ok. Time for a dose of cute.
[SPAN class=text][FONT face=Arial size=2]A dog feeds tiger triplets and her own puppy, right, at the Paomaling Zoo in Jinan, China, on May 16. The baby tigers' mother rejected them shortly after giving birth. [/FONT][/SPAN][A href="vny!://www.cnn.com/offbeat/gallery/frameset.exclude.html"][/A]
Oh gawd... .that one hit too close to home. NO PICTURES OF BREAST FEEDING!!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
That's one of those "Awwww!" pictures. So very sweet.
Lise wrote:
Oh gawd... .that one hit too close to home. NO PICTURES OF BREAST FEEDING!!! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif) [/DIV]
My nipples says.......................... *bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep*
Umm...were these supposed to be kid friendly?
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/Pic1172.jpg" border=0]
[img height=282 src="vny!://liquidpaper.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/peekaboo.JPG" width=334]
I would love to play peek-a-boo with SpongeBob.
Peek-a-boo SpongeBob.
[img id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/4zm5ggi.jpg" border=0]
Mickey is so cute I just want to tweak his nose.
Eeeow.... I'm hoping it's not the OLDER MICKEY that you're after....
this pic was titled...redneck prom. Thing that I have noticed though..is...that there are 6 girls..and seven guys...who is sharing who? who's bed...have your boots been under?
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/redneck_prom.jpg" border=0]
Brail porn
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/brailleporn.jpg" border=0]
oh my that's one big pig.
[h1] Boy bags hog said bigger than 'Hogzilla'[/h1][a href="vny!://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070525/ap_on_fe_st/monster_pig"]vny!://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070525/ap_on_fe_st/monster_pig[/a]
Stare at the green fuzzy picture below.. An amazing optical illusion occurs. You will see a giraffe. It is uncanny. Really. Don't give up.
[img height=113 src="vny!://www.kordellnorton.com/images/AnotherO.gif" width=140 border=0]
[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Autres&last=maiteanim.gif','tree','')" href="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/dirsys/showpict.php?0=Autres&last=maiteanim.gif"][img onmouseover=show(); title=lessive.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=lessive.gif src="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/Autres/lessive.gif" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
I want Paris to do my laundry.
Hahahahaaaa.....I think it would be VERY clean. Look at how much detergent she's using.....lol
Y'know, I've always wondered about that boy who shot the overweight piggy. I think it's all a hoax if you ask me.
If it smells like bacon, it probably is.
Are people really this dumb?
[A href="vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/11064/"]vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/11064/[/A]
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
His parents must be so proud of their college student.
Once you say "final answer", it's too late.
[A href="vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/6219/"]vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/6219/[/A]
Has anyone heard the saying, "The apple does not fall far from the tree"?
[A href="vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/21349"]vny!://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/21349[/A]
A first grader cries while sitting at her desk on the first day of school in Manila.
I like beer, but c'mon.
[img height=385 src="vny!://www.grineflip.dk/fun-pics/068/018.jpg" width=524]
you'd think they'd do the woman one first.
They must be drinking Miller lite.
ugh I hate that brand.
[A onclick="jvascript:fullSize('6g0rbwm', '632', '420'); return false;" href="jvascript:void(0);"][img class=imgsize id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i15.tinypic.com/6g0rbwm.jpg" border=0][/A]
[FONT color=#ff007f]He's cool. He wears Von Dutch.[/FONT]
This photo was taken this evening at the PetroCan station.
This has nothing to do with rowing, does it?
Here's a great place to visit, in Austria:
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/hummersrule.jpg" border=0]
this is the style... a little more from where I am from...only add mud! haha
If only this would happen to all Hummers:
LOL, cute, Lil Me. :)
Hmmm, speaking of Hummers, let's start with Arnold's k?
How's this:
Looks good. Except, let's leave the yellow bus out of it. Kids and children could be in danger! Let's not repeat Arnold's mistake of running over his family pet.
Kids are no more important than any other humans, really. Besides, looks like the yellow bus is okay, no?
lol....that's good Lil Me. I guess that's one way to get them to go straight.
[A href="vny!://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk788YYCA" target=_blank][img height=45 alt="Laughing 1" src="vny!://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_19.gif" width=50 border=0][/A] SO funny!!!
[A href="vny!://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb095_ZNxmk788YYCA&utm_id=7923" target=_blank][img]vny!://discoverseattle.net/source/spacer.gif?pc=ZSzeb095&pp=ZNxmk788YYCA" border=0][/A]
It is more sad than funny. The whole concept of celebrity is damaging to all. If only humans could get over this need to worship idols. Myself, I appreciate, rather than worship, great songwriters like Pete Townsend, great singers like Paul Rogers, great guitarists like Jimmy Page, and great B-3 players like Jimmy Smith. But American culture is so obsessed with celebrity it is sickening.
I couldn't agree with you more, stretchedout. The whole world of celebrity-ism (?) is so warped. Gaining celebrity status over ones ability to party, for example, is more than just a little sick.
The concept of 'instant everything' makes me crazy. Instant Idols makes no sense. Stardom and fame used to be earned.....by hard work, by withstanding the test of time, by actually having a talent or craft, a more natural course of events that made a person's 'celebrity' stand out from the rest. Now you can buy it. (end of rant)
(sorry 'bout the lack of pic) [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/n020.gif" border=0]
Who buys into this shite, children of feeble parents?
Say good-bye to the American dream:
[img id=pd_foreclosure_070612_ms.jpg height=310 alt=foreclosure src="vny!://a.abcnews.com/images/US/pd_foreclosure_070612_ms.jpg" width=413]
[img height=633 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/53rcz11.jpg" width=480]
ugh I hate those things. Alligator gar
Is that you, 49er?
purelife wrote:
Is that you, 49er?
hope I am not that ugly
Send a photo and we'll judge.
Exactly 49er. I don't think that you're that "ugly" either, but please, do send a pic. Upload here and we promise to be nice.
Give the example Purelife, post your pic !!! Let our bored eyes see some beauty on this grey day... (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/21.gif)
isn't she curvy? hmmm, me getting thirsty
oh yeah she's just like I imagined her in my wildest dream lol (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/9.gif)
mine too. ;)
have you ever held that bottle close to your heart and wish that you had curves in all the right places? i have.
My dream arresting officer.
she can arrest me at teh canadian border anytime! YEAH BABY...I LIKEY LIKE THAT! ;)
I definitely will resist arrest.........she can then wrestle me to the ground
She needs to remove that red outfit of hers before she can do any kind of wrestling. I mean, I wouldn't want her clothes snagging or anything like that, right? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
they would be restrictive in a match that's for sure.
......and it's downright antagonistic if you're a bull.
I think the bull would say "I'd hit it"
hehehe (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Would that make it a pigbull? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
I dunno you'd have to ask the bull i guess. hehe
But I'm with the bull on that one. ;) haha
Looking more closely at the pic she is no longer my dream arresting officer - her legs look unworked, has narrow hips and no... well, men notice this first.
stretchedout wrote:
Looking more closely at the pic she is no longer my dream arresting officer - her legs look unworked, has narrow hips and no... well, men notice this first.
So who told you this?
So now you drink up the block since the city tore down your watering "hole"?
stretchedout wrote:
So now you drink up the block since the city tore down your watering "hole"?[/DIV]
Auntie Mimi missed her medication this morning? You are not making a whole lot of sense.
they are the crazy type at least from the ones I've been around.
You've only just been "around?" Oh, that's a shame.... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/5.gif)
[img title=zmgwzyzyleekzgmnyt3j.gif alt=zmgwzyzyleekzgmnyt3j.gif src="vny!://www.tinypic.ca/files/zmgwzyzyleekzgmnyt3j.gif"] You are being a bit sassy tonight PureLife.
[img class=border alt="Cool Pet" src="vny!://cdn.davesdaily.com/pictures/348-coolpet.jpg"].
A baby elephant with full grown tusks ?
good thing they are really small:
Weird. What is that?
I have no idea, but you can bet your life there's another of the same species which is absolutely lusting after it.
It is a [A href="vny!://www.seaslugforum.net/find.cfm?id=glaumarg"]Glaucilla marginata[/A] and they are cannibals! They are about 2 cm long.
They're quite pretty.
Speaking of pretty??
[FONT size=6]The world's ugliest dog [/FONT]
You should see its owner
Tough life that little fella he had to be rescued from a home I believe in NJ.
Jolie, this art's for you babe. ;)
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(//vny!://z.about.com/d/gocanada/1/0/2/1/-/-/Vancouver_Aerial_2.jpg) break on...
haha...welcome to the real world..where office work takes it's toll...and gravity wreaks havoc on the bod!
re arnold
i wonder if there is anyone out there that is living under the delusion that they are going to look the same at sixty as they do at thirty>
depends on the genes I guess.
Even the finest of gene pools aren't going to keep you looking 30 when your 60. Which isn't to say that some definitely age more gracefully than others
I wasn't talking about looks more of weight issues etc.
Arnold doesn't look like that - he works out. That was after a period of inactivity or is it photoshopped? hmm...
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/snakemanfj.jpg" border=0]
this picture..makes me want to vomit
Eww. Thankyou for sharing MissPit. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/thatsgottahurt.jpg" border=0]
pucker up baby!!!!! hahaha...hiya PC!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/attentionrightturn.jpg" border=0]
uh oh...sumbodeez in twobble!!!!!
Hey Pitbull, you'd need a gallon of paint for these nails.
This woman is less productive than Paris Hilton.
Exactly how does one attend to the...umm....daily 'details' with fingernails like that? I mean....think about it !!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c025.gif" border=0]...........Ouch.
surely those ladies...aren't getting any *wink* with those monstrosities!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/itsafacehugger.jpg" border=0]
what the hell is that thing? that isn't even a cute stuffie toy!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/lettuceanyone.jpg" border=0]
that is for schady...cause he luvs da ladies!
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/superpowerfj.jpg" border=0].
pitbullca.bc wrote:
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/lettuceanyone.jpg" border=0]
that is for schady...cause he luvs da ladies!
And da hotdogs! If she was serving beer with that dog, I would ask her to marry me.
Schadenfreude wrote:
pitbullca.bc wrote:
[img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/lettuceanyone.jpg" border=0]
that is for schady...cause he luvs da ladies!
And da hotdogs! If she was serving beer with that dog, I would ask her to marry me.
If this girl showed up without the hotdog, I would just eat the salad bra, I mean bar.
Askai, a 10-week-old Snow Leopard, hisses at photographers during his first public appearance at Berlin Zoo, Germany.
houhou I like kittens
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Longcat is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!
PostMonkee @(^_^)@ wrote:
4 U
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]I feel like that kitten a lot. lol
You wear a golden ribbon in your hair?
yes the ribbon. lol
That's hawt.
So...you seeing anybody?
nope I'm a free agent.
Awwww.......they are so cute, SD!
I got it off the BBC website for pictures of the week or day.
"Three tiger cubs make their public debut at Leipzig Zoo in eastern Germany. The tiger triplets were born on June 30, 2007."
[a href="vny!://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/6897365.stm"]
There were some casualties along the way - this French soldier fainted during the parade.
oh dear, I can see the chauvanist males in the line saying something stupid after this.
oh dear, how are they going to claim that one?
Gorilla Shiny holds her baby at the Artis zoo in Amsterdam.
OMG....*melt* [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif" border=0]
yeah that's a great one. One of the best I've seen.
German children soar high above the city of Wiesbaden as they enjoy a swimming pool's water slide during a heat wave.
"This stranded trawler looks beautiful in its surroundings - Ettrick Bay, Bute."
"Taken at the top of the Les Autannes chairlift at Le Tour in the Chamonix valley. The piste sign looks like the only landmark in a wilderness of snow."
A Persian cat is prepared for a four-day pet show in Taipei, Taiwan.
A member of the African Union mission in Sudan gazes out of a helicopter window as it flies over southern Darfur.
Lion cubs Sonya and Tara at a 'christening' ceremony at the Serengeti Safari park in Germany.
They are SO beautiful!!!
yup cat pics are always cute.
OMG....that little guy on the right has the most perfect kitty face.
They look so cute and cuddly. I know they grow up to be fierce but as cubs they are so adorable.
[img height=437 src="vny!://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a363/liseliselise/DSCN0151.jpg" width=357]
Snapshot of the new jellyfish gallery at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Love the stuff in this exhibition. Well worth the wait.
lohan's mug shot.
Elmo, an abandoned four-day-old baby Orangutan, is held by his keeper at an animal nursery in Cisarua, West j-ava.
OMG.....how adorable !!! (could you send him to me too?)
yup elmo's a cutie
EEK! I didn't need to see that porn.
theres no nudity so its not porn.
ruff n hard = [b style="font-weight: bold;"]bridge jumper pusher[/b]
[A onclick="jvascript:fullSize('4pv0tnr', '770', '1026'); return false;" href="jvascript:void(0);"][img class=imgsize id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i11.tinypic.com/4pv0tnr.jpg" border=0][/A]
The goatse totem of the Caplilano Suspension Bridge.
bridge jumper pusher wrote:
theres no nudity so its not porn.
That was you, please don't post that kind of stuff here.
Thanks for removing that TB. *bless*
Yaaay!!! No more porn unless it's TehBorken or a goat. Whichever one comes first as I'm not too picky.
Back to cuteness!
[FONT color=#c00000]To the Devil with cuteness. This place needs more patriotic fervor![/FONT]
[img style="WIDTH: 482px; HEIGHT: 271px" height=155 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/68jjr74.jpg" width=425]
Right, I'll up the ante and draw a picture of a beautiful PREGNANT woman, gawddamnit!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/21.gif)
[FONT size=5]Academe says that's porn!!![/FONT]
I say
Damn. Maybe I shouldn't have shown her this one. SW fetish?
Ach!! Nude and unclothed flesh inspires carnal thoughts!!!
Actually, even clothed flesh is questionable.
Away with flesh!!
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=4%20%E8me%20dimension&last=killerdexlapin.gif','tree','')" href="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/dirsys/showpict.php?0=4%20%E8me%20dimension&last=killerdexlapin.gif"][img onmouseover=show(); title=KillBouffiBouffon.gif onmouseout=hide(); height=195 alt=KillBouffiBouffon.gif src="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/4%20%E8me%20dimension/KillBouffiBouffon.gif" width=208 border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A].
Chunk is awesome.
Impressive, but can he do...THIS!?!?
No match Fatboy with nunchakus.
[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Manga&last=narutochoji.gif','tree','')" href="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/dirsys/showpict.php?0=Manga&last=narutochoji.gif"][img onmouseover=show(); title=naruto.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=naruto.gif src="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/Manga/naruto.gif" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
Ah!! Well, even Naruto can't stand up against a rabid monkey riding on the back of a mutant polar bear!!!
Have at you!!!!!!!!!1111
[FONT size=6]^ Now that is art. ^[/FONT]
It hurts me inside but I can't look away 0_0
Use the force, young Obiwan
[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=TheForce&last=TheForce%20-%20Harriet.gif','tree','')" href="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/dirsys/showpict.php?0=TheForce&last=TheForce%20-%20Harriet.gif"][img onmouseover=show(); title="TheForce - fight club.gif" onmouseout=hide(); alt="TheForce - fight club.gif" src="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/TheForce/TheForce%20-%20fight%20club.gif" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
Join the dark side, young padawan!
We get all the chicks!!
That's hawt.
Hawtness censored for DS's pleasure.
Bottles of kosher beer Simcha speed through the production process at a German brewery, under the watchful eye of master brewer Michael Huschens.
That's dedication.
Sydney Wildlife World is experiencing something of a baby boom, with three koalas giving birth in recent weeks.
How would you like to be the rabbi who has to bless beer on an assembly line.
I don't know whether that's the bottom rung of the profession or the top.
Guess it depends on how much you like beer.
Is this person hiding a penis? That's kind of a boyish figure.[/DIV]
Gah!! You mean I've been fapping off to a boy for the last 10 minutes???
cycling path Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Fap away, PostMonkee.
[A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Animaux&last=bull.gif','tree','')" href="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/dirsys/showpict.php?0=Animaux&last=bull.gif"][img onmouseover=show(); title=watching_you.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=watching_you.gif src="vny!://otaconryu2.free.fr/Gif/Animaux/watching_you.gif" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
[img title=xdnodzggmeitmn45yeu2.jpg alt=xdnodzggmeitmn45yeu2.jpg src="vny!://www.tinypic.ca/files/xdnodzggmeitmn45yeu2.jpg"]
[FONT color=#ff007f size=6]Tunnel of Love[/FONT]
Ah! I forgot to ask! Who's that girl (?) at the gift shop??
Olive Oyl always gave me the creeps. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/n020.gif" border=0]
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
PostMonkee @(^_^)@ wrote:
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
[img id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/67356pz.gif" border=0]
Thoroughly creeped out now.
Thanks Schadey =)
[DIV align=left][img height=328 src="vny!://www.dialbforblog.com/archives/136/boner_2.gif" width=454]
[DIV align=left]
[DIV align=left][img height=357 src="vny!://www.dialbforblog.com/archives/136/boner_3.gif" width=302].
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width=736 bgColor=white border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD] [DIV align=left][img height=308 src="vny!://www.dialbforblog.com/archives/136/boner_4.gif" width=372][/DIV][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD] [DIV align=left][img height=310 src="vny!://www.dialbforblog.com/archives/136/boner_5.gif" width=396][/DIV][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD] [DIV align=left][img height=330 src="vny!://www.dialbforblog.com/archives/136/boner_6.gif" width=396].[/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
[DIV align=left]
I luv cartoonz 0_0
(//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/n3420375_34776780_3332.jpg) (//vny!://www.motleycrow.com/ImageHost/hyena.jpg)
need help maintaining that boner? This might heilp.......
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
It's in the shape of a quesion mark =(
No, you need a........
I forgive you, brother.
aaaaw....I'm so sorry. Here have some........
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]ti[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]coo[/TD] [TD]e[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden value=afc18f6df6c47242f2da7034f2fb6301 name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 value=cootie name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
[FONT color=#7f007f size=5]PERFECT!!!![/FONT]
Let the mongling begin...
A hippopotamus yawns as he lies in his enclosure at a zoo in New Delhi, India.
Yikes! That would make Little Red Riding Hood less scared of that Fox!
[FONT face=Verdana]Toothless guy yawns as he lies outside a deli in Louisiana.[/FONT]
[img id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i16.tinypic.com/5y2z2fm.gif" border=0]
Back on track.
OMG. That's so funny!!! Keep em coming!
[img id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i13.tinypic.com/4vdrp54.gif" border=0].
Oh Yeah Baby!
Guess who!! =))))
runs for hills!
Here's a hint...
[FONT color=#7f3f00]Well what we need is a big melting pot
Big enough to take
The world and all its got
And keep it stirring for
A hundred years or more
And turn out coffee coloured people by the score[/FONT]
yeah that would work. Still wouldn't end racism though.
No...then the green eyed coffee people would go to war to exterminate the brown eyed coffee people =(
Anyway, it was Boy George. Isn't she lovely?
not really.
David Bowie though is cool.
[FONT color=#7f007f]Bowie's in space
Bowie's in space
Whatcha doin' out there man?
That's pretty freaky, Bowie.
What's a rock musician doing out in space man?
Isn't it cold, quite cold out there Bowie?
Do you need my jumper Bowie?
Does the space cold do funny things to your nipples, making them all pointy?
Do you use your pointy nipples as telescopic antennae transmitting data back to Earth?
Data back to Earth d-d-do, d-d-do, do do
I bet you do you freaky old bastard you [/FONT]
Here's a funny trivia tid bit
You know Bowie's Space Oddity?
Well that song was used for the BBC's coverage of the moon landing. Yes the moon landing. A song about being an astronaut lost in space saying goodbye to his family was used for the moon landing. lol!
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Keith Moon of the Who forgot you shoot yourself up with horse tranquilizers AFTER the concert and not before. lol So the Who bandmates said to the crowd "anybody know how to play the drums?" they ended up getting a fan in the front row to play all of the Who songs on the drums. What a memorable moment for that guy.
Was that as random as it seemed?
I believe so
[a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Halpin"]vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Halpin[/a]
The guy has a wiki page though. lol
How does
He know?
Every time I see a pic of Boy George, I snicker to myself as I am reminded of a song of his: "Do you really want to hurt me?"
Uh yeah!
And you know you would too, Schadey.
Oh ya? Hit this \/ \/ \/
[img height=405 alt="" src="vny!://shutter01.pictures.aol.com/data/pictures/12/006/5F/F5/29/81/ZbISbv4b8UDJRYRIpEU1uun507QFHD-W01F4.jpg" width=500]
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
I'd sooner do that than look at Rosie.
I despise her more than I have any reason to. She rubs me the wrong way bigtime.
So does Star Jones and Oprah. I'm noticing a pattern.
[FONT size=5]"You have a problem with women in power, Monkee?"[/FONT]
I'd hit this, and then end it with a golden shower.
I don't know.
And yes, me too.
I would hit it t'twice and then I'd have to kill myself.
If she didn't kill you first.
What is it about her that is so damn hot?? I've seen her in revealing clothes, and that bony, hateful body has nothing to do with her allure.
It's like...she is literally fueled by Satan 0_0
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]il[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]dev[/TD] [TD]s[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
That is creepy.
[img height=347 src="vny!://michigancarcrash.com/sitebuilder/images/dad_car_photo_2-670x473.jpg" width=468]
She's like this. You don't want to look but you can't turn away.
Now I'm gone.
I've never been tempted to f*ck a car crash, but to each their own ;)
[p class="blurb"][cite]Photo: Shin Young-geun/Yonhap/ REUTERS[/cite][/p] [p class="blurb"]A polar bear swims with a block of ice containing watermelon during hot weather at South Korea's largest amusement park Everland in Yongin.[/p]
[p class="blurb"](//vny!://images.theglobeandmail.com/archives/RTGAM/images/20070803/wdip0804/panda.jpg)[/p][p class="blurb"][cite]Photo: AP PHOTO[/cite][/p] [p class="blurb"]Giant panda Su Lin holds onto her cake on her second birthday. She is the third panda born at the San Diego Zoo.[/p][p class="blurb"]
the drunk monk beer
Visualize whirled peas.
[img height=201 src="vny!://www.tinypic.ca/files/m3t3yxtutmayayzom3dm.jpg" width=626]
.[A href="vny!://www.tinypic.ca/files/m3t3yxtutmayayzom3dm.jpg"][/A]
lol.....love Calvin and Hobbs !
Nice! =)
PostMonkee @(^_^)@ wrote:
Nice! =)
As soon as you get a dark room!
[img id=img style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" alt="TinyPic image" src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/4r2aof7.jpg" border=0]
The only thing wrong in this pic is she is making the beer warm.
Look at the size of those beauties.
Wow, Schady, I never knew fishing could be that sexy!!
[img style="WIDTH: 418px; HEIGHT: 238px" height=426 src="vny!://i17.tinypic.com/4zx5h4w.jpg" width=507]
Check this out. We went to Stanley Park and found this sign. How would like to say, "I graduated from the Moron.... I mean, Morong High School." We couldn't help laughing about this.
lol Lise. Yea....not exactly an Alma Mater to make you proud.
Wow, Schady, I never knew fishing could be that sexy!!
Are you kidding me? Rubber hip waders !!!! It doesn't get any sexier.
I've never come across a high school like that but I know of a huge rich subdivision here that's Pomme de Terre. I lol every time I see it. Rich rich neighbourhood million dollar homes. Think they're all high and mighty with a french name, yet they probably don't know what it means in french. lol
Is this the mayor of the estate?
who knows? I doubt the people here have any clue. They're clueless. 95% of this town doesn't know that this town is french. They all go what's that corn thingy shown everywhere. (cour de lis) or the town next to me Des Peres (Our Fathers) yet most people say Dez Perez. You'd think they'd know better all the major roads are french names.
What is cour de lis?
oh crap forget to edit meant Fleur de lis.
They're everywhere.
People always say 'what's with the corn thingy'
[a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleur-de-lis"]
No need to explain....I KNOW what a fleur de lis is....just had never heard of a cour de lis.
Yeah blame the other french town next to me creve coeur. which means broken heart. Doubt most of the residents know the name.
But for some reason instead of saying fluer, coeur comes in my head first. So I'm saying heart of the lily. lol
A monkey holds on tight as its keeper wades through flood waters in the Munshigonj district of Bangladesh.
Is that the guy who was on the plane ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0] It must have been a VERY inconspicuous hat !
lol! I forgot about the monkey story. lol
"Excuse me sir....did you realize there's a monkey on your head?"
monkey? Oh so that's where the smell is coming from!
who knows? I doubt the people here have any clue. They're clueless. 95% of this town doesn't know that this town is french. They all go what's that corn thingy shown everywhere. (cour de lis) or the town next to me Des Peres (Our Fathers) yet most people say Dez Perez. You'd think they'd know better all the major roads are french names.
As a follow up to the couguar thread that you finish with St-Pierre et Miquelon SD, I must say that as a French Canadian there's nohing more amazing to see all those French names everywhere in North America where nobody ever speak French Anymore. All those guys were amazing explorers. It's also very funny to hear the pronounciations of some names, one among others being Boise (wooded land) or the name of the native nation Nez Percés (pierced nose), Baton Rouge and so on. On a personnal note, I must say that for those last 3, I couldn't figure out what it was when I first heard those pronounced by locals, especially the "nezperce" one that sounds like "nay pair say" in French but that the Natives themselves pronounced "naze purse"!!! I needed to see it written to figure it out !!! How amazing, and how sad at the same time.
Oh yeah most of the towns names and streets here are french sounding. I always loved the names. Its either French or British named towns and streets. The older the town is the more likely it will be french the newer 1700's its a British name due to the British rule.
It makes something exotic. I love it when they keep native names too, as long as I can recognized them of course. Some just sound too weird. I went to 3 villages near Terrace, even with the map and the panel on the road, I had to stop to check the chain of letters composing them and make sure it was the same village !!! doh !
yeah i love those names.
I drank all my Beck's so does that mean I have to go to bottled and not tap?
Sportsdude wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]I drank all my Beck's [/FONT]so does that mean I have to go to bottled and not tap?
Did your Beck make you feel warm and fuzzy like it did for Vic? ;)
of course while else wouldn't it.
Did Prince Phillip just fart?
Look at queen's face in last pic
boring, I cannot see any pic from work in that thread.
more exactly, could not see many of the pics here.
That doesn't make it boring, silly goose....it makes it unviewable.
That's hilarious 49er. Darn that freeze frame huh? lol
LOL....excellent Michel [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a077.gif" border=0]
You, you know my name ! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) (the worst song by the Beatles)
49er wrote:
Did Prince Phillip just fart?
Look at queen's face in last pic
[FONT size=5]Prince Phillip:[/FONT]
[FONT size=5]Chairman of the Hoof-Hearted Club.[/FONT]
Hoof Hearted the horse
[a href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqj2hkbDnyM"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqj2hkbDnyM[/a]
I can relate to this. :))) lol
OMG.....that's hilarious. I can relate to that too. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
I need that tshirt.
Ahah ! I had to check A.D.D. to see what it was, and it worth it ! lol
purelife wrote:
I can relate to this. :))) lol
What part? You have a furry tail like a squirrel?
My vision of PureLife.
Snuggle anyone?
AWW That's so CUTE!
It is indeed. Thanks purelife.
I like cats, but for one reason or another, I like the visions of Schadenfreunde lol
[img height=454 src="vny!://i19.tinypic.com/68clnhj.jpg" width=301]
Check it out! Viola Art!
Kind of a 'hands on' technique.
Here's a little present for you, P.C.
[A href="vny!://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=vny!://webpages.marshall.edu/~mcwhort1/pictures/CUTE_KITTENS020.JPG&imgrefurl=vny!://www.moli.com/p/comments/v2sk2uFiult9MaYbRE06HBdw../fv/&h=553&w=415&sz=121&tbnid=wipqXye_TzbD_M:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcute%2Bkittens%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=2"][img title=vny!://www.moli.com/p/comments/v2sk2uFiult9MaYbRE06HBdw../fv/ height=150 alt=vny!://www.moli.com/p/comments/v2sk2uFiult9MaYbRE06HBdw../fv/ src="vny!://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:wipqXye_TzbD_M:webpages.marshall.edu/~mcwhort1/pictures/CUTE_KITTENS020.JPG" width=113 align=middle vspace=4 border=1][/A].
ROFL.....that's too cute.
He reminds of my friends cat. You won't believe his name.
Stump Face. Yes.....Stump Face.
How did they come up with a name like that???
I think it had something to do with 'a face like that'.
Poor little man.....he didn't stand a chance.
As long as he was well loved, it didn't matter what they called him. He probably answers to "can-opener" in any case.
He was well loved. But it didn't make up for all the other cats laughing at him. He had very low self esteem. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
Poor boy! He probably turned out to be the class clown to get his rightful attention.
DS is scary, indeedy! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
[img style="WIDTH: 555px; HEIGHT: 881px" height=948 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/53saov9.jpg" width=627]
Right!! McD is everywhere!!!!
[FONT size=2]shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview
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I got this kitten here but where's the real girl??
Dinner in the sky...
Street children play by the side of a road in Allahabad, India.
A Palestinian boy holds a sparkler after breaking his fast at the end of the seventh day of Ramadan in the West Bank city of Ramalla.
[p class="blurb"]Giant panda 'Bing Xing' (Star of Ice) stands up in his enclosure at the Madrid zoo.[/p][p class="blurb"]
[p class="blurb"]Two red pandas are seen on show at the a panda breeding research centre in Chengdu, China.[/p]
[p class="blurb"](//vny!://images.theglobeandmail.com/archives/RTGAM/images/20070920/wdip0922/TUSSAUDS_WAX_LINCOLN.jpg)[/p]A wax figure of U.S. president Abraham Lincoln sits in the front row of a Delta Shuttle airplane at La Guardia Airport in New York.
I've just got out of the bath too!
ya but did you have that starlted look on your face. lol
I'm sure I would have done - if I'd dared to look into the mirror.
me too. lol
That's why I always make a point of having the doors and windows firmly closed - the steam acts as a perfect veil to my reflection.
Michel wrote:
lol the little grizzly on the pic looks like he's saying to himself Oh sh**! Cold for the balls !
Or something worse...
purelife wrote:
Snuggle anyone?
Why do I get the feeling these kittens are all dead?
You sound like someone who has difficulty seeing the 'cup half full'.
I saw contentment and blissful kitty serenity in that pic....lol.
P.C. wrote:
You sound like someone who has difficulty seeing the 'cup half full'.
I saw contentment and blissful kitty serenity in that pic....lol.
No, just a realist....you should try it sometime. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/11.gif)
No, just a realist....you should try it sometime.
I have.....it's not nearly as interesting and a ton less fun. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
love this painting.
[span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"]
[/span][a href="vny!://www.google.ca/logos/google_sputnik.gif"][font color="#0000ff" face="Times New Roman"][/font][font color="#0000ff" face="Times New Roman"][/font][/a][/p]
[FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=7]f*ck yeah seaking!!![/FONT]
and not the hawaii punch guy!!!
[img style="width: 632px; height: 841px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/L%C3%BCttich_Montagne.jpg"]
who needs the stair climber when you've got that ^ liège, wallonia [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"] belgium[/span]
[FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=7]AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!![/FONT]
I know that guy.... from somewhere. From a horror movie... can't remember the name.
[img height=478 src="vny!://i22.tinypic.com/20axp4h.jpg" width=510]
[TABLE height="100%" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=top colSpan=3][FONT size=2]we have paid into the wallet of darkness long enough, now it is our time...
know that you are infinity and become the god of youreself
we are the last...the result of all other past lives
in US exists GOD, exists jesus, buhhda, and our ancestors that battled for us to be here...
know who you are, you are important, we are not pawns...
manifest what you want and it will BE.
remember who you are from past lives, we are all billions of years old.
anything in the way of YOU and youre dreams will dematerialize, when YOU choose it to.
this is the 3rd and final earth, know that this is the final TEST and GAME.
"we will not go quietly into the night, we're going to survive" dimension 5-psychic influence...
[A href="vny!://www.facebook.com/" target=_blank][FONT color=#0066ff]www.facebook.com[/FONT][/A] user: ProjectoR SpectrA. for PICTURES!!![!-- google_ad_section_end --][/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=windowbg2 vAlign=bottom align=left bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=3] [TABLE width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=left][FONT size=1][/FONT][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
I'd hate to de-ice that van. lol
watch it wouldn't do anything, just turn everything black.
menshivik if I had to pick.
girls are evil
men are pigs
what's new eh?
Saying 'eh' won't make you more Canadian, silly. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
i dunno eh? I think that's what people say around here eh? to remember that they're still canadian eh?
I've been on a it's "centre" and "center" campaign so far I got the laundry mat to change wordage.
Saying 'eh' only makes one sound uneducated.....not Canadian. I thought everybody there was from somewhere else anyway.
I'm born Canadian and have never said eh. I don't plan on starting anytime soon.
international kids don't know that. lol
yeah everyone I know is from a different country or Alberta and a kid who was so happy to see me from Whitehorse because I was an inch taller then him, finally found somebody taller apparently.
But eh? is a culture trait of Canada, its what people think of.
Only a misinformed notion of some Americans.
misinformed? We've talked about this in class, about country culture traits, every single canadian person said Eh? is a culture trait. Along with the beaver, moose, poutine (a Quebec trait that's now become nation wide), and hockey.
Just like in Austrailia the stereo type is everyone says "mate".
Or for canadians thinking of americans, everyone has an accent.
misinformed? We've talked about this in class, about country culture traits, every single canadian person said Eh? is a culture trait. Along with the beaver, moose, poutine (a Quebec trait that's now become nation wide), and hockey.
Just like in Austrailia the stereo type is everyone says "mate".
I suppose if you consider the eastern provinces as Canada....that may be true. But as a Canadian growing up in BC.....it is extremely uncommon....unless it comes from someone FROM back east.
Every single person says this ? Every single person from where.
Or for canadians thinking of americans, everyone has an accent.
I don't know what that means.
I don't know what that means.
For the first month I was here and it got to where are you from, everyone was shocked that I didn't have an accent. Until one prof said not to worry everyone thinks that anyone from the states has a southern accent. So when people asked why I didn't have an accent and the answer of "I never wanted one" wasn't good enough for them, I explained to them the two missouri's.
Yes, that's Atlantic Canada's trait, The west's trait is the lumberjack. The North the igloo, Quebec the french, Then the newfoundlanders are a trait of themselves.
It's just like the US and apple pies, hot dogs, and brats and phili cheese steaks, and tex mex. All came from somewhere else in the US, but all are "american traits".
For the first month I was here and it got to where are you from, everyone was shocked that I didn't have an accent. Until one prof said not to worry everyone thinks that anyone from the states has a southern accent. So when people asked why I didn't have an accent and the answer of "I never wanted one" wasn't good enough for them, I explained to them the two missouri's.
[/DIV] I think you have quite a strong accent.
A prof said 'everyone thinks that anyone from the states has a southern accent'? Tell him I think he's an imbecile.
[h2][a href="vny!://pranks.com/2007/10/10/newest-toy-recall-from-china/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: Newest toy recall from China"]Newest toy recall from China[/a][/h2]
[FONT color=#ff00ff]i saw that at a swimming pool..... i almost slipped[/FONT]
I think this was posted before, but it's too darn cute and funny!
HAHAHAHAAAAA.....Those are great. I like the little ^^ guy, with they syrup sweet smile.
[img title=ohzzhmg122i6sj1n92h7.jpg alt=ohzzhmg122i6sj1n92h7.jpg src="vny!://www.tinypic.ca/files/ohzzhmg122i6sj1n92h7.jpg"].
yup took it off the globe and mail this morning.
Jonathan Hayward Canadian Press
haha for sure.
I've always wanted to see an erupting volcano.
That is truly breathtaking !!! This is cool too. It's titled A Smile from God
[A href="vny!://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2004801815057072663" target=_blank][img height=437 alt="" src="vny!://aycu17.webshots.com/image/34296/2004801815057072663_rs.jpg" width=587 border=0][/A]
Gimme somma dat sausage.
Yeah, and it's proably pretty lean and long as the place behind sells PHAT. sic
Lol Lil Me......good eyes van guy.
Hey! Yes! Good spotting that, van_guy. I certainly didn't see it.
Now the question remains: is that PHAT PHUC?
Or, it could be phuc phat lai?!
hahahahahah! Good one!
Uh, sudden thought. Are we making racist remarks? Or are we just being silly with words?
I kind of have my doubts that we are being racist ... knowing the racial make up of this city - at least half of the "racist remarkers" are asian.
Lil me ....
I would have to assume you would want to be "hung long" if you were to engage in a "phat phuck" nes pas?
This is a real photo from Balducci's grocery store in NYC. Oooops
Full new story: [a href="vny!://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/food/2007/12/06/2007-12-06_balduccis_offers_ham_for_chanukah.html"]vny!://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/food/2007/12/06/2007-12-06_balduccis_offers_ham_for_chanukah.html[/a]
Oops indeed. That's almost like offering a vegetarian a nice blue rare steak.
[img class=center height=477 alt=lolkitty1.jpg src="vny!://jalopnik.com/assets/resources/2007/12/lolkitty1.jpg" width=478]
Just a catfish
Hahahaha. I wonder what insulting a screwdriver would sound like.
HEY....Flat Head....don't you get tired of screwing everything up ?
Supervision required...
These Contractors are installing the steel pillars in
concrete to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement
outside a Sports Bar downtown. They are now in the process of
cleaning up at the end of the day and anxious to go home.
How long do you think it will be before they realize where
their vehicle is parked?
Does anyone know anyone who has painted themselves into a corner? Just wondering if this actually happens...
HAHAHAAA That's hilarious Michel. What a bunch of dufusses.
Nice photo Michel. Look at those little pin feathers on his wing !!!!
OMG Michel !!! Those are magnificent ! Thank you for sharing them.
Any more?
I'm not a fan of country music, but I love this video.
[A href="vny!://www.break.com/movies_nsfw/rodney-carrington-show-them-to-me.html"]vny!://www.break.com/movies_nsfw/rodney-carrington-show-them-to-me.html[/A]
Logged on for the first time in 5 months and no one's here. Ha!
Schad !!!!!! All I can say is, I MISS YER FACE !!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/a090.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
Schad !!!!!! All I can say is, I MISS YER FACE !!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/a090.gif" border=0]
If you knew what I looked like I think you'd rephrase that.
In the spirit of the video I posted.....
"Oh it seems to me
This whole world's gone crazy
And there's too much hate and killing going on
But when I see the bare chest of a woman
My worries and my problems are all gone
No one thinks of fightin'
When they see a topless girl
Any maybe if you would show yours too
We could save the world"
[TABLE style="WIDTH: 88px; HEIGHT: 80px" cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=0 width=88 border=0] [TBODY] [TR vAlign=center align=middle] [TD][A title="Click to enlarge" onclick="window.DOH!('adult_orient5.htm','pla','height=600,width=600');" href="vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/adult_2.htm#" alt="Click to enlarge"][img height=60 hspace=0 src="vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/orient5.jpg" width=60 border=2][/A][/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
[A href="vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/adult_2.htm"]vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/adult_2.htm[/A]
[img height=400 src="vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/orient5_large.jpg" width=393 border=2] [A href="vny!://www.galumpia.co.uk/adult/adult_2.htm"][/A]
That 'Show them to Me' is hilarious Schad.!!!!
We could save the world!
It's too cold to save the world right now. Can I wait til summer ?
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/a060.gif" border=0]
How DO they DO THAT ????????
LOL!! Very good 49er.
Hi Sawdust (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Michel, I love the creative things Google does like that. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/18.gif)
Brilliant 49er, I've sent it on to four different countries.
[A href="vny!://www.worth1000.com/view.asp?entry=414090&display=photoshop"][img alt="Baby Dragon" src="vny!://www.worth1000.com/entries/351500/351785QVxu_w.jpg" border=0][/A].
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "](//vny!://i31.tinypic.com/2hcough.jpg)The incredible sight you are about to see is in Versoix, a town close to Geneva City , Switzerland. The Leman Lake is in the background.[FONT face=Verdana color=black size=2][SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; 10pt: "] [/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "][/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "](//vny!://i27.tinypic.com/20aqf0m.jpg)[/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "][/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "](//vny!://i31.tinypic.com/10hunv9.jpg)[/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "][/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "](//vny!://i31.tinypic.com/sw4oqp.jpg)[/SPAN]
[SPAN style="COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 12pt: "][/SPAN]
HOLY MOLEY !!!! That's some THICK ice ! That's going to take a while to thaw. I wonder what kind of condition that leaves your car in.
... a condition where the car gets a nasty cold.
- An image of an emotionally and physically spent U.S. soldier in a bunker in Afghanistan by Britain's Tim Hetherington for Vanity Fair magazine won the top World Press Photo prize for news photography on Friday. Judges described the photo as an image that shows "the exhaustion of a man -- and the exhaustion of a nation," adding people everywhere were tiring of the world's numerous conflicts.[/p] "We're all connected to this. It's a picture of a man at the end of a line," said jury chairman Gary Knight, describing it as an "intelligent photograph."[/p] "It represents the exhaustion I have and you may also have with the numerous conflicts in the world."[/p] Prizes for photos in 2007 were awarded to 59 photographers of 23 nationalities.[/p]
GREAT pics Michel. Thank you. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Spent some time on Gabriola Island
[img style="width: 376px; height: 282px;" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2yyziav.jpg"]
[img style="width: 376px; height: 282px;" src="vny!://i32.tinypic.com/2is74nm.jpg"]
[img style="width: 374px; height: 280px;" src="vny!://i27.tinypic.com/25akf36.jpg"]
[img style="width: 370px; height: 277px;" src="vny!://i25.tinypic.com/240xkde.jpg"]
Michel - kept meaning to say but I keep forgetting to say it, thanks for the pictures.
SD - nice photos. Looks serene.
Wow...nice pics, Michel. You can really see the mtns up close. We were at SFU's Burnaby Moutain and couldn't see mountains that close.
[FONT color=#ff0000 size=6]Redneck Tanktop[/FONT]
This is cute..
[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"][A title=vny!://cache.valleywag.com/assets/resources/screenclean.swf href="vny!://cache.valleywag.com/assets/resources/screenclean.swf" target=_blank][FONT color=#0000ff]vny!://cache.valleywag.com/assets/resources/screenclean.swf[/FONT][/A][/SPAN]
[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"][/SPAN]
[span style="" times="" new="" roman="" ;="" lang="EN-CA"]
Hmmm....a Sawdust kitty ???
[img height=567 src="vny!://www.football-media.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/cute-soccer-fan.jpg" width=397]
bwhahaha my old cat used to watch tv. lay on the sofa.
lol only a wildlife show that's interesting.
simply, wow.
[img style="WIDTH: 171px; HEIGHT: 204px" height=390 src="vny!://img115.imageshack.us/img115/5836/dsc0098xuu2.jpg" width=260]
Wow! That's a really good one. How do you take these pictures of animals?
This is so cute! I don't even know if the frog is aware of the mouse.
[FONT size=2]Exerpt from National Geography:[/FONT]
[FONT size=2]It could be the most spirited interspecies escape since The Rescuers. But unlike the 1977 Disney movie, this situation is anything but fun. Photographed Friday in the northern Indian city of Lucknow, a mouse perches on a frog in waist-deep (for a frog, anyway) floodwatersâ€"a small sign of the early arrival of annual summer monsoon rains. [/FONT]
SD wrote : [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"] I'd take a view looking at a parliament or capitol over an ocean view really.[/SPAN]
May I suggest you not take a date for a romantic walk barefoot through the streets to plunk yourselves on a park bench and stare at a building. I'm guessing that a second date might be iffy. Just a thought. [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]
Michel, you must have the patience of a Jedi Knight.
P.C. wrote:
SD wrote : I'd take a view looking at a parliament or capitol over an ocean view really.
May I suggest you not take a date for a romantic walk barefoot through the streets to plunk yourselves on a park bench and stare at a building. I'm guessing that a second date might be iffy. Just a thought.
you wouldn't think a walk around inner bay at night with the legislative building isn't cool?
Depends on whether you're both looking in the same direction. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/e130.gif" border=0]
That's a lake? What's all that icky stuff on top? It looks like they forgot to put water in it. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
Looks surrealistic to me.
What [FONT color=#3b5738][FONT color=#407f00]red stuff[/FONT] [/FONT]in the back ? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
reminds me of a soundgarten video or something, I've seen that before, somewhere.
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img80/7427/balfoursunriselo6.jpg src="vny!://img80.imageshack.us/img80/7427/balfoursunriselo6.jpg"][/A] [SCRIPT type=text/XXXXscript]setImgWidth();[/SCRIPT] .
[DIV class=none id=imgFrame][img id=imgElement alt="" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2q19cnb.jpg"] .[/DIV]
those two pics above were just me trying to post pictures and testing it out.
[img id=imgElement alt="" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2q19cnb.jpg"]
That pic of the sunset is magnificent !!!!! Those colours are SO beautiful.
Now this one.....hmmmm. Is that yer house ?
P.C. wrote:
[img id=imgElement alt="" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2q19cnb.jpg"]
That pic of the sunset is magnificent !!!!! Those colours are SO beautiful.
Now this one.....hmmmm. Is that yer house ?
That first pic is a picture of Balfour, BC.
I would take that house if it was on a lake. Coat of paint, couple trips to the dump, its all good! Geez, that house is worth over $650,000 in Vancouver now!
lol...you're probably right Van. I think they call that your 'Handyman Special'. All it needs is a little TLC.
found this on the onion about urban planners
Oh my !!!!! The poor wee things. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/9.gif) They look like they could die from exhaustion....just trying to move through the snow to even look for food.
sorry to go with the mother nature attacks theme
flooding in my area back home:
[a href="vny!://www.stltoday.com/mds/news/html/1421"]vny!://www.stltoday.com/mds/news/html/1421[/a]
lol the city on the river by my house just but a 50 million dollar levee. wonder if it holds...
^^ a release that's coming out soon. i did a remix, as you can see.
i won't post a link to where you can buy it as i'm not here to advertise...just posted this so ya'll know a little more about me. i'm into music!
lol...on the Yoga.....I think I've done some of those moves.
Michel......you're slacking off.
[A href="vny!://www.google.com/search?q=first+day+of+spring"][img title="First Day of Spring" height=110 alt="First Day of Spring" src="vny!://www.google.com/logos/spring08.gif" width=276 border=0][/A]
HAHAH yeah..i am part irish and lmao when i saw this. currently i am trying to stay sober though so it kind of loses it's punch. heheh
P.C. wrote:
lol...on the Yoga.....I think I've done some of those moves.
Michel......you're slacking off.
[a href="vny!://www.google.com/search?q=first+day+of+spring"][img title="First Day of Spring" alt="First Day of Spring" src="vny!://www.google.com/logos/spring08.gif" border="0" height="110" width="276"][/a]
michaelday77 wrote:
^^ a release that's coming out soon. i did a remix, as you can see.
i won't post a link to where you can buy it as i'm not here to advertise...just posted this so ya'll know a little more about me. i'm into music!
Cool! I am a music lover too. You could always check out the "What are you listening to" thread too. I am more into indie, alt, metal, classic rock though. But it is sweet to share, thanks! (and thank God its not country!), hehehee!
unless it's willie nelson i don't do country music. ever. good to find another music fan!
Van wrote:
[em]michaelday77 wrote:
^^ a release that's coming out soon. i did a remix, as you can see.
i won't post a link to where you can buy it as i'm not here to advertise...just posted this so ya'll know a little more about me. i'm into music!
Cool! I am a music lover too. You could always check out the "What are you listening to" thread too. I am more into indie, alt, metal, classic rock though. But it is sweet to share, thanks! (and thank God its not country!), hehehee!
I guess Willie is ok, not a fan of his music, but he loves blunts so..how bad can he be?!!
LOL agreed. he's a great song writer. but it's not like i can sit around and listen to willie all day or anything...he's just about the only one i can tolerate!
Van wrote:
I guess Willie is ok, not a fan of his music, but he loves blunts so..how bad can he be?!!
michaelday77 wrote:
LOL agreed. he's a great song writer. but it's not like i can sit around and listen to willie all day or anything...he's just about the only one i can tolerate!
Just looking at the guy, he is cool!
unless it's willie nelson [FONT color=#c00000]i don't do country music. ever.[/FONT]
Me neither......but I do like Willie AND Johnny Cash......just because. (except I'd probably never listen to either of them on purpose)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Oh yes, Johhny Cash was a true rock star, somehow his music came out as country???
I think I just like his stories......and his unique voice is perfect for telling them.
Who couldn't love A Boy Named Sue ??????
Well, kudos to whoever it is that's designing them. They are all REALLY good.
oohhh forgot about the man in black!
good call
P.C. wrote:
I think I just like his stories......and his unique voice is perfect for telling them.
Who couldn't love A Boy Named Sue ??????
[FONT size=2]stompin' Tom is pretty cool too...[/FONT]
THAT'S the bunny I want to deliver MY Easter chocolate. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a040.gif" border=0]
Van wrote:
[FONT size=2]stompin' Tom is pretty cool too...[/FONT][/DIV]
Stompin' Tom and my brother used to travel together to find gigs in bars or whatever they could find when they were just starting out. They practiced guitar and wrote a lot of tunes at home before they left Saint John. I know Tom is from P.E.I., but he moved to Saint John,N.B. to look for work in the early fifties. My brother's recording name was Stevedore Steve.
sad, she's crying probably.
she's seen better days..
lol this is scary/hysterical
i use this intersection everyday back home:
I saw a couple of pictures of it on the news. That's awful!
indeed, lol, I did a double take when I saw that picture, since I use that road everyday. Of course the landfill mountain they're creating on the left is dry. There's a lot of gas stations down there. Hopefully gas doesn't get into the river.
gosh I feel helpless being so far away, I usually help out sand bagging in these situations.
LOVE the fancy work on that building SD !!!!
what building?
P.C. wrote:
LOVE the fancy work on that building SD !!!!
OH!! Now I got what you were saying. Yeah that's an old classic from East St. Louis, now run down and falling/collapsing in the ghetto. Its just sitting there crying, waiting to die, which it will but it's a long slow death. (the area is just a disaster looks like berlin after the war). sad.
Yeah! LOL totally safe to be there and all...
Michel wrote:
lol nice smile
Nice smile? He got it at Lise's!
michaelday77 wrote:
[img style="width: 574px; height: 418px;" src="vny!://forum.belmont.edu/cornwall/shark.jpg"]
"Look at my teeth! They're so clean, Lise cleaned them for me, me so happy, makes my figure look good!" *starts singing I feel pretty*
OOOOOOOooooo, Michel....he's lovely ! What else did you see ?
We saw some of the fawn coloured seals. (California sealions?) They are so pretty !!!!!
I think they are Stellar sea lions. We saw some when we went on that wildlife adventure up the inlet. I have a pic somewhere.....but if I remember correctly it was a lousy pic.
Wow! Nice shot!
[img alt="" src="vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v651/tonkdigital/67fmm2a.gif" border=0]
does this work?
a classic!
Russ wrote:
[img alt="" src="vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v651/tonkdigital/67fmm2a.gif[/img]
does this work?
rofl....I guess that'll teach him. Karma at it's best.
hahaha brilliant.
Those are the guys I think Michel. They are beautiful creatures. I looked it up and I think the ones we saw were indeed Stellar Seal lions.
Great shots Michel !!!
THIS is the cause of all my aching muscles. (it's a lousy pic....but you'll get the idea)
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&amp;myref="][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 548px; HEIGHT: 371px" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img213/6551/img0789hy2.jpg src="vny!://img213.imageshack.us/img213/6551/img0789hy2.jpg" width=883][/A]
....and this is what the little vandal did...
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&amp;myref="][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 554px; HEIGHT: 357px" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img213/13/img0794ju2.jpg src="vny!://img213.imageshack.us/img213/13/img0794ju2.jpg" width=883][/A][A href="vny!://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img0794ju2.jpg"][/A]
That's a lot of damage for a 'pecker!
That's a lot of damage for a 'pecker!
lol....no kidding....darn peckers. And that was in less than 10 minutes. (I wished I had taken a pic of the whole retaining wall.....then I could take the 'After' pic.) I never remember to do these things until it's too late.
Now there's a stone wall in place of the retainer?
Yup (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) And every muscle in my body can attest to that. (I lugged all the boulders over from my neighbours place.....so I'm calling it 'imported stone') *rofl
LOL, now there's a whole new meaning to "importing" and....possibly exporting.
Hmm, I wonder what I can import from my neighbors...
Did your neighbor just give them to you?
Yup.....she's trying to get rid of them....and I'm trying to find some. Simpatico.
She BUYS whatever she needs for landscaping...I like to use whatever is natural....but I seem to be short of rocks. (I spent the first several years clearing the land of boulders. Now I need them....lol)
That's very convenient PC. Would it have cost you quite a bit for them otherwise?
Good morning Michel.....
All my sallie pics turned out crappy....there is only one of a little guy that's only semi-crappy
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&amp;myref="][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 562px; HEIGHT: 373px" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img230/3619/img0804ff1.jpg src="vny!://img230.imageshack.us/img230/3619/img0804ff1.jpg" width=883][/A]
Boodles. (is that a number ?) I actually only saw about a dozen, but you could see where they WERE and all the motion of them moving further into the cracks and crevices. Tiny tails disappearing into the rotten logs. The ground was moving with a lot of activity.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif" border=0]
I feel shame.
yeah, well, you had no choice eh ? You must destroy nature to build something.
Well the thing that I'm building is to protect nature. There are two giant trees at the bottom of the path which is on a slope. The rain through the fall and winter washes so much soil away, that the roots become exposed. The erosion there is always a bit of a problem.
Well at least they CAN pack up and move. The trees are pretty much stuck there.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
morgon spurlocks next movie where in the world did p.c's salamanders go?
OK....I'll plead stupid. I don't get it.
It's some kind of eye surgery clinic but a "shortsighted" surgery could be bad...like making a "shortsighted" decision.
Ahhh. How shortsighted of me. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0]
michaelday77 wrote:
This a very funny - pic - I know an irishman who would love this.
What's the difference between an irish wedding and an irish wake - - - one drunk.
[img style="width: 426px; height: 247px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/29/Wirkoennenalles.jpg/800px-Wirkoennenalles.jpg"]
nobody's going to get that, but its making fun of everyone in Germany outside of Baden-Württemberg.
omg family wasn't kidding when they said oma's local village hadn't 'westernized'
sweet. looks awesome.
well that was a shock found my grandmothers church. lol
love the architecture
weak... war criminals aren't suppose to cry, wah wah poor me I'm going to go down as a war criminal murder of almost a million...
He's officially insane. Obviously he's crying because he knows he caused the deaths of over half a million people, yet 5 minutes later he's probably spouting off words of "we'll bomb the high and hard"....
"U.S. President George W. Bush tears up during a ceremony to present the Medal of Honor posthumously to Navy SEAL Petty Officer Michael Monsoor, in the East Room of the White House in Washington." (the guy who jumped on a gernade to save another soldier)
Sportsdude wrote:
weak... war criminals aren't suppose to cry, wah wah poor me I'm going to go down as a war criminal murder of almost a million...
He's officially insane. Obviously he's crying because he knows he caused the deaths of over half a million people, yet 5 minutes later he's probably spouting off words of "we'll bomb the high and hard"....
"U.S. President George W. Bush tears up during a ceremony to present the Medal of Honor posthumously to Navy SEAL Petty Officer Michael Monsoor, in the East Room of the White House in Washington." (the guy who jumped on a gernade to save another soldier)
SD you are too hard on the lying sac of sh#t. Sure he started a war for his own personal reasons - that had nothing to do with national security - costing trillions of dollars - untold suffering. Sure he dropped chemical weapons on Iraq (which is what he supposedly started the war to prevent) but deep down I'm sure deep down he's crying because he's got a painful hemorhhoid (sp?)
he's not 'fly fishing'.
focus on the family ain't going to be happy now. lol
he's staring at a naked woman.
some secret location aka wyoming, where he spends most of his time.
I thought it looked like a cricket.
That's a naked woman ? I hate to be rude....but she's rather ....odd looking. I guess that's why she's fly fishing instead of on a date.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
yahoo major story
[a href="vny!://ca.yahoo.com/s/626619"]vny!://ca.yahoo.com/s/626619[/a]
Looks like an active imagination at work here. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
bored american media. This whole week it was about that cult in texas.
lol the video following that is about maoists about to win elections in nepal. What a segway.
Too cute?
These are some random photos that I took...just experiementing....
Cates Park
Lighthouse Park
Cates Park again...
And....love trees at Lighthouse Park
cool pics. (finally got these up)
[img style="width: 347px; height: 259px;" src="vny!://photos-e.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_446212_3110.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 346px; height: 259px;" src="vny!://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_446216_4340.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 354px; height: 265px;" src="vny!://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_446200_9498.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 388px; height: 291px;" src="vny!://photos-c.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_446226_7549.jpg[/img]
i found this funny for obvious reasons.
[img style="width: 408px; height: 306px;" src="vny!://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_448659_7485.jpg[/img]
The pirate Mayor
[img style="width: 479px; height: 359px;" src="vny!://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_448683_5952.jpg[/img]
At Piper's Lagoon, I had seemed to stumble upon a bunch of starfish, at least 30.
Neck's Point
Colliery Dam Park the reflection
Nice pics, you guys. Keep them coming.
Sportsdude wrote:
he's staring at a naked woman.
That's one ugly woman - looks more like a bug than a naked woman.
lol....that's what I see too. A grasshopper or a cricket.
well that was the major news story apparently for a couple days. Then it was Obama the scary marxist who is elitist in saying down and out people cling to things they value when times are bad... aparently according to Billary that's elitist, yet they're the ones making 100mil... McCain shouldn't talk either, he owns 8 homes.
now its on to the nazi pope coverage. Oh its been a year since VT shootings, media yawns.
A Saharawi woman is seen at a refugee camp near Tindouf in southwestern Algeria.
Chinese paramilitary police practise anti-riot manoeuvres in Beijing.
I posted this one in another thread but having just eaten a banana myself, this seems fitting.
You could probably post that one in the movies thread too....for Fast Times at Ridgemont High.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Hey Michel....you're sleeping.
[A href="vny!://www.google.com/search?q=earth+day"][img title="Earth Day" height=110 alt="Earth Day" src="vny!://www.google.com/logos/earthday08.gif" width=276 border=0][/A]
I love these. Earth Day.
How can you tell it's a she?
After a visit to America, Michel Angelo's David is now back in Europe...
Orca wrote:
After a visit to America, Michel Angelo's David is now back in Europe...
Is that a big mac in dave's hand - or could it be a wendy's burger - wendy's dad name was dave wasn't it - in fact now that i think about it this could be wendy's dad in his younger days.
Eeek. He looks like a cross between John Goodman and John Belushi.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0] Perfect !
[img style="WIDTH: 448px; HEIGHT: 396px" height=453 src="vny!://photos-g.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_466774_9706.jpg" width=570]
[img style="WIDTH: 452px; HEIGHT: 375px" height=406 src="vny!://photos-f.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_466765_6450.jpg" width=508]
[img style="WIDTH: 456px; HEIGHT: 381px" height=403 src="vny!://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v234/79/85/504832870/n504832870_466728_5145.jpg" width=498].
[img height=429 src="vny!://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20080426/450_trudeau_tomb_flq_080426.jpg" width=298]
[img style="WIDTH: 302px; HEIGHT: 432px" height=428 src="vny!://images.ctv.ca/archives/CTVNews/img2/20080426/450_trudeau_tomb_flq2_08042.jpg" width=290]
aren't they special, oh so tough vandalizing a dead guys grave. Girls are going to think you're so brave now. lol
Wherever it's taken from, the scene is somewhere I'd like to be.
.first pic is kennedy lake the lake nobody goes to at all.
second is ucluelet pacific trail
third yes is radar hill
Hey Michel, I forgot to ask you if you checked out the petroglyphs at Sproat Lake when you were in that area ?
[img style="WIDTH: 371px; HEIGHT: 254px" height=316 src="vny!://www.rainbirdexcursions.com/images/gallery/Sproat_Lake_Petroglyphs.jpg" width=434]
15 minutes per day on one of these will change your body, inside and outside:
Huh ? What does that MEAN ! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/k015.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
Huh ? What does that MEAN ! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/k015.gif" border=0][/DIV]
No Ironing... but the Coleslaw one???
I'm guessing it means "clothesline" from the picture.
Hahahahaha. What if something is Made in Hungary?!!
Maybe that's where the expression, "I'll eat my hat" came from ?
I told you the Home Depot is sexyyyyy!!!!!
It was the diagram that perked you up, wasn't it Michel. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
HAHAHHAAAA....some Smurfs just have no shame. Floozy !!!
P.C. wrote:
Huh ? What does that MEAN ! [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/k015.gif[/img]
The picture next to wring - suggests to me that this is translated correctly - i.e. you should not wring out the water after washing
The coleslaw - yikes - I'd have to agree with LM, no close line (coles = close (sounds like clothes)) law = line??
My favorite is the DVD cases that talk about how terrible the movie is and how the plot sucks etc... I'll try to find one and get a pic.
P.C. wrote:
HAHAHHAAAA....some Smurfs just have no shame. Floozy !!!
No kidding who is she really trying to help here - she is the only female of the species.
I guess the question begs to be asked - do male smurfs still have blue balls after sex??
I never understood why some kids in the neighbourhood weren't allowed to watch the Smurfs. Yet the sexist/racist orginal Power Rangers were okay. lol (white ranger was white he was the strongest, black was a black guy and was the weakest, yellow was an asian chick, pink was the typical girly girl valley type white girl fell for white ranger, red was a red neck, etc)
There has always been an undertone of prejudism against blue people.....sad....but true and often hidden. I don't know why...... some things just can't be explained.
hahaha No. I think this had to do with the Smurfs being linked to sotgwpdm, which has to be total bogus because my cousins grew up on the Smurfs and they weren't exactly lefties or centrists. lol
Only you, could find hidden political agenda in the Smurfs. [img onclick="selecte('icon_rolleyes.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0]
Love the kitty.
...Skeptic Cat will tell us the cute kitty is really actually a symbol of communism.
Well....you never know. Sure...he's cute now, but some day, he TOO may require a Kitty Bib.
Sportsdude wrote:
hahaha No. I think this had to do with the Smurfs being linked to sotgwpdm, which has to be total bogus because my cousins grew up on the Smurfs and they weren't exactly lefties or centrists. lol
WTF??? Smurfs sotgwpdts? What part of redneck rightwing america are you from. Does any group of sentient beings that cooperate automatically make them communists? Those damn pinko ants - f'ing bees commies for sure.
Smurfs are little blue guys running away from a lunatic with a cat. Wait a minute ... doesn't Michel have a cat - and Garomayle (sp??) ... was he FRENCH??? ... is Michel ... Gargomayle???????
Nah. Doesn't look like Michel.
van_guy wrote:
WTF??? Smurfs sotgwpdts? What part of redneck rightwing america are you from. Does any group of sentient beings that cooperate automatically make them communists?
Sadly, yes. Middle America is a strange place.
[A href="vny!://www.wadias.in/site/arzan/blog/f*cking_austria.jpg"]vny!://www.wadias.in/site/arzan/blog/f*cking_austria.jpg[/A]
Actually the funnier sign is below if you say the town and then the message below it.
Would you like anything extra with your coffee?
lol. That's funny Lil Me. The 'I'll have what she's having' place.[/DIV]
[img style="WIDTH: 549px; HEIGHT: 820px" height=1726 src="vny!://www.larl.org/images/climax.jpg" width=1799]
No noise, please.
Imagine, Explore, Awaken. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Gives a whole new meaning to the Date Due slips.
....and the possibility of due dates. October ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a207.gif" border=0]
lol. Ask the librarian for a condom.
Her shoes are too big for her.
P.C. wrote:
Her shoes are too big for her.
Wayyyyyy too big - I was thinking the same thing - fat ankles too ...
[span class="smalltext"][/span]
[table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"] [tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/small][/td][/tr] [tr][td align="center"] [table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td]
[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]se[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]mad[/td][td]x[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="25028205979d66aec69d8c908489c9d5" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
so is madsex - the sex you have when you are angry - or crazy?
Lil Me wrote:
there's a whole town in Colorado.
The slogan for tourism is "We're going to Climax!!"
Lil Me wrote:
There is even a mine - wrap your head around that one "A Climax Mine"
Holy Hell's Angel's biker chicks.
Bernier the Foreign Minister dated someone in the Hell's Angels:
Sportsdude wrote:
Holy Hell's Angel's biker chicks.
Bernier the Foreign Minister dated someone in the Hell's Angels:
Biker babes are often extremely hot. Look at the slab of breast meat!
I'll guess that the Biker Babes are attracted to the lifestyle and bad@$$ power?
I've yet to see any really good looking HA.
I've only seen biker chicks in the movies which have always been they're the fugly stereotype.
Dunce Bernier and his biker chick.
Somehow I'm double posting (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Thinking/3.gif)
Lol. The British Tories find the weirdest candidates
Have you had a look at Boris Johnson, SD?
yeah Boris the Bore
[img height=382 src="vny!://i28.tinypic.com/2bruc2.jpg" width=560]
Peter Pan, the Fairy (from somewhere) and Cinderella's Fairy Godmother.
[img style="WIDTH: 568px; HEIGHT: 481px" height=483 src="vny!://i30.tinypic.com/2nisgoj.jpg" width=571]
I think this was my favorite costume.
[img height=468 src="vny!://i27.tinypic.com/1zmeazq.jpg" width=590]
Taken on board the Columbia ship. Well, the sailors were as 'authentic' as can be. I missed Capt. Jack Sparrows. Woulda been nice to take a pic with him.
[img height=476 src="vny!://i27.tinypic.com/1z63xu0.jpg" width=581]
The Simpsons were at hand at Universal Studio. Too bad we missed out on the Krusty Clown Ride because it wasn't open. Set to open end of May 2008. D'oh!
didn't work oops ::)
No, fairly certain that's NOT Tinkerbell. Maggie Simpson was probably busy getting her diaper change.
That costume is beautiful Lise. I wonder if that is Rani....TinkerBell's friend?
When over friendly donkeys attack. Lol.
A long and huge public mural funded by the hispanic community in my uncle's neighbourhood showing the hispanic persons struggles and triumphs in Kansas City over the oppressive white man. There's some parts of the murals which clearly show white owners hitting/ordering the working hispanic. Only in America... lol Revolution! lol
[img style="WIDTH: 207px; HEIGHT: 185px" height=233 src="vny!://photos-c.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v282/79/85/504832870/n504832870_518850_2320.jpg" width=437].
That's........ a bison?
Yeah she's a buffalo.
Sportsdude wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 308px; HEIGHT: 215px" height=327 src="vny!://photos-c.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v282/79/85/504832870/n504832870_518850_2320.jpg" width=318].
what a nice spot - where is this??
Black Hills, South Dakota.
That takes me back.
To when you were Rocky Racoon ?
Sportsdude wrote:
Black Hills, South Dakota.
Very nice ... is this where they think smurfs are commies?
P.C. wrote:
To when you were Rocky Racoon ?
Wait a minute I've heard of sex change operations - are you saying Gopher had a rodent change operation??
I think Gophie is a gophie of many talents.
Speaking of interesting buildings....erm.....
[DIV class=posttitle] [H2] [/H2] [H2][FONT size=3]London architectural firm Future Systems has won the international competition to design the New National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. [/FONT][/H2]
[DIV class=postentry] [DIV class=caption][img alt="New National Library of the Czech Republic" src="vny!://yeinjee.com/discovery/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/prague-library-01.jpg"] [img alt="New National Library of the Czech Republic" src="vny!://yeinjee.com/discovery/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/prague-library-02.jpg"]
The winning design of the New National Library of the Czech Republic
The futuristic looking library will be completed in 2011.
Well that's silly, it doesn't fit with the overall area of the city.
Yes, this is where the smurfs are commies country. The opinion of gays should be thrown in jail shows up there on the radio. South Dakota isn't George McGovern country anymore. lol Although everybody listens to this liberal Rush Limbaugh type talk show host up there, so the battle ground of opinions is popping up there. Anywhere but South Dakota is fine in the Mountain West. Most of the area is run by Democrats surprisingly.
Wyoming- Democrat Gov
Montana- Democrat Gov, both senators are Democrats, Montana House and Senate Democrat
North Dakota- both Senators are democrats
Colorado- has become liberal land
New Mexico- Democratic Govenor
Arizona- Democrat Gov
Kansas- Democrat Gov
In 10 years or so Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado will be considered Blue States. Baby boomers aren't retiring to Florida. They're retiring to Montana, Wyoming etc. (those are the fastest growing states for retired peoples).
P.C. wrote:
[DIV class=posttitle] [H2] [/H2] [H2][FONT size=3]London architectural firm Future Systems has won the international competition to design the New National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. [/FONT][/H2]
[DIV class=postentry] [DIV class=caption][img alt="New National Library of the Czech Republic" src="vny!://yeinjee.com/discovery/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/prague-library-01.jpg"] [img alt="New National Library of the Czech Republic" src="vny!://yeinjee.com/discovery/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/prague-library-02.jpg"]
The winning design of the New National Library of the Czech Republic
The futuristic looking library will be completed in 2011.
[FONT color=#ff0000]..........................[/FONT]
[FONT color=#ff0000]Please delete 'futuristic' and substitute 'hideous'.[/FONT]
Gas Station in St. Louis area.
Weak. It's so freaking cheap.
Most butt-ugly structure I've ever seen and it won the approval to get it done? What an eyesore!
I think it's kinda funky.....but as props for Alice in Wonderland....not the city library. Isn't part of good architecture, in designing to enhance or harmonize with the landscape ? It would be a great addition to Disneyland.
Europe's in a deconstructionist mode these days when it comes to something 'cutting edge'. Although Seattle's Public Library aka the tool box fits into this category/style.
Sportsdude wrote:
Europe's in a deconstructionist mode these days when it comes to something 'cutting edge'. Although Seattle's Public Library aka the tool box fits into this category/style.
[FONT color=#c00000]Are you trying to say that the cutting edge is blunted?[/FONT]
lol maybe...
Deconstructivism is just weird.
Then again, it could just be post-aesthetic.
I don't see how that could be the case, I associate that with brutalism.
Then again it could just be a cartoon.
...or a nightmare.
.....Tell them a hookah smoking caterpillar has given you the call....
Call Alice.....when she was just small.
Nothing wrong with Alice.
This is true.
Great restaurant.
Gopher wrote:
...or a nightmare.
Here's what was the 'competition'
[img style="width: 413px; height: 275px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/125large.jpg"]a
[img style="width: 402px; height: 267px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/161large.jpg"]b
[img style="width: 374px; height: 249px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/237large.jpg"]c
[img style="width: 474px; height: 315px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/240large.jpg"]d
[img style="width: 424px; height: 282px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/262large.jpg"]e
[img style="width: 429px; height: 285px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/297large.jpg"]f
[img style="width: 431px; height: 287px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/199large.jpg"]g
[img style="width: 530px; height: 353px;" src="vny!://www.nkp.cz/competition_library/images/photo/s2hodnoceni/314large.jpg"]h
So they picked the second worst design.
my favs.
You can have them all.
Hmmm its the new library sooo (looks for the old library which I bet P.C. will love)
Ah oh, P.C. is going to cry if I post the old library.
[img style="width: 591px; height: 862px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Prague_clementinum_entrance.jpg[/img]
In Prague, isn't it? I've been there.
Yes. That's Prague and Baroque and Eastern Europe tradition.... My friend is doing a Romania, Hungary, Prague trip in a week. Here I am in North America.
In a week? Far too rushed - a month might just about touch the surface.
No they're gone for a month. They leave in a week. Canadians with money to burn, Americans are poor.
THIS is what's being replaced by the green and purple amoeba ?????? That's so beyond sad, it borders on criminal.
Yes a UNESCO World Heritage that is over 200 years old is being replaced by an amoeba.
[a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clementinum"]vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clementinum[/a]
I went out walking yesterday on a mini look at the problems of my neighbourhood. This is what is classified as side walk on an road of 80kph.
Then the streets don't have a cross walk. Say no to Sprawl!
Now just to make sure you keep yourself well rounded.....go for a mini walk and see what beauty you can find. Be careful to not fall into the downward spiral, of doing nothing but looking for ugliness....because you'll find it. In a warped way, it almost validates that the world is an ugly place....and in turn, it affects the way you live in the world.
lol P.C. well I just got back from 'looking for ugly places but only found nice places'. Went back to my old neighbourhood. Besides the constant memory flashbacks, I miss the fields..
miss the fields and woods.
That's purdy. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif" border=0]
Oh it gets better. That's the only part of the 'common ground' that you can see houses. (15 years ago those houses weren't there) When they built the subdivision back in the late 60s set aside these open spaces that weren't allowed to be touched for 99 years. A couple of the places have sadly been developed but not directly inside the subdivision. My dad misses that neighbourhood since the new place looks out to a highway. :(
This one for P.C.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif" border=0] [FONT color=#ffffff].[/FONT]
Maybe this one not so sad.
psycho kitty. lol
Ah, just the sort of field whose luscious grass beckons the flesh to roll in.
Yup. Although I swear it was a much bigger field 7 years ago. lol
True. The elementary school track is a lot smaller these days. lol
...and everywhere, the ceilings are lower too.
And so are hallways and doors. I have to duck now.
Lil Me wrote:
Hate short hair.
I've always been partial to a lovely mop of curls. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[FONT size=1]Don't tell Sawdust.[/FONT] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a143.gif[/img]
I'm wavy curl. If I used products I could keep it wavy, but usually I just let it dry out and I end up like the tennis player (on a smaller scale) and constantly get the "oh SD I love your hair" and then they want to feel it.
Xmas present for Mr Sawdust.
He can be Captain Morgan for Halloween.
[FONT size=5]LOL[/FONT]
I'm sure he would LOVE that Lil Me.
I know somebody who dresses up as the Captain for Halloween.
or he could be Capn Crunch.
We went down to the new WalMart Supercenter today (first one in BC) It was really really big !
On the way home, we took a little cruise through Ladysmith, because I could see this pink tree from the highway (probably half a mile off). So we went to find it. It was the most giant rhododendron I have ever seen in my life. I took a pic....but haven't looked to see if it turned out. It was incredible....almost solid bloom with very little visible leaf....probably a good 20 to 25 feet high and almost as wide.
(these things impress me [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0] )
Where was this Walmart? I pray for that town, because where it is, the town just died.
It's in Duncan. Now there's a town that needs.......something. I don't think a giant Walmart is it.....but....what can you do?
Hmm yeah, Duncan is a toughy. Either way the instant Super Walmarts come to town, they'll kill anything and everything in the town they moved into. Then 15 years later they'll move across town to build something bigger leaving an empty strip mall to degenerate into decay (I've seen this in 3 towns in Southern Illinois, first they killed the main street which is now decayed then they picked up and moved a few years later).
In my suburb the Walmart has moved 3 places in 15 years within 4 miles of each other. Each time they've moved the shopping area has just collapsed into vacant lots. On the plus side, Walmart's future is written on the wall, higher gas prices, the cost of food goes up, the more we go back to shopping on main street and less driving to some concrete jungle.
But yeah, Duncan. :(
back to hair:
My hair at the moment. That's Coldplay's bassist.
I LIKE that hair.
Anyways....the trip to Duncan wasn't specifically to 'go to Walmart'.....although we were curious to see what a 'Super Walmart' was. Mainly, we were just 'on tour'. Every once in a while, we like to drive down roads that we have passed a million times, but never gone down. It's fun.....and you discover all kinds of things that you never knew were right under your nose.
Here is that magnificent rhodo. (that is a three story house it is in front of !)
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://imageshack.us/?x=my6&amp;myref="][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 563px; CURSOR: pointer; HEIGHT: 405px" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img171/7922/img0885ms3.jpg src="vny!://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7922/img0885ms3.jpg" width=883][/A]
Check out the size of the trunk on this puppy !
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img518/6890/img0889bu9.jpg src="vny!://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6890/img0889bu9.jpg"][/A]
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img187/3064/img0891ie3.jpg src="vny!://img187.imageshack.us/img187/3064/img0891ie3.jpg"][/A]
Of course we didn't realize untill we were driving away, that there was a better angle from the bottom side of the hill.....but I think these still show how incredible it is.
Holy rhodo, Batman!
Isn't that something !? The perspective doesn't do justice to it's actual humongous proportion.
Is the house made of glass bottles still there?
We didn't go quite that far, so I'm not sure. I think that is closer to Whippletree Junction, which is past Duncan. After Duncan, we took the back road through to Chemainus.....such a cute little town. Not much more than a couple blocks long, but some neat places and houses there.
Well, Duncan's got a long ways to go to become a Tourist Haven....lol
holy cow.
Duncan to me is just the centre of the Cowichan area and the Southern Gulf Islands.
But retail has already left the Clocktower area so, Duncan (old part) will become a ghost town of empty buildings eventually. Reminds me of Murphysboro which has an awesome historical core, that's all boarded up now because of the Walmart which is away from the centre. Everything moved around this Walmart (which has now moved even further away leaving an empty strip mall in its wake). Murphy died, it's not coming back. Walmart the assassin.
[img style="width: 289px; height: 216px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Zzyzx_road.jpg"]
Zzyzx, California
Duncan isn't on it's way down....it's never been up. And it isn't the center of anything.....except maybe a doughnut. With or without Walmart.....Duncan will always be Dunkin.
Duncan Hines.
Hmmm Duncan as a name
Make sure you pronounce it the Scottish way...."Doon-kun"
Aye, 'ere coomes Duncan MacKnight, from o'er the glen. The bravest dogcatcher in the Highlands, he is.
LOL......that's 'Hoylands'.
haha no its not for me. Your "Hines" is extremely close to a family surname which you run into everyday out in about life. My cousin is having another baby in 2 weeks. Its a boy they can't think of names.
lol and the names are for?
Boys' names, since y'all couldn't think of any.
Nah, those names are too intelligent for these guys. lol My cousin's wife's name is a hard liqueur type of drink.
Snakebite ?
what do cowboys drink in movies that isn't whisky?
Beans ?
This is pre-Tequila days. lol
Lil Me wrote:
Does it come in bigger sizes?? It's been nearly six weeks! (//forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) So do ya chew it....or apply it to the...umm...y'know
P.C. wrote:
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) So do ya chew it....or apply it to the...umm...y'know
mainline - freebase ... whatever works...
[DIV align=center][FONT color=#ff00ff size=4]LOK AT M3 I WANT AT3NTION[/FONT]
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 255);"]SI TAHT 3XPIRY DAET AT TEH BOTOM RIGHT?!!?? LOL[/span]
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 255);"]IZ IT YY/MM/DD OR MM/DD/YY OR DD/MM/YY????!!!!!![/span]
Morning Wiener.
I wanna say something....but I just can't. [img onclick="selecte('blush.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/blush.gif" border=0]
For a morning wiener it sure is small. hehe
Spill it PC, no matter how small it is. TELL US! :)
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c022.gif" border=0] .
(//vny!://img.photobucket.com/albums/v467/TMB/BluebirdNut/Emoticons/Positive/rofl2.gif) .
Say.....couldn't they use that on the spacecraft ?
Tenzing Norgay!
His son runs the guide company today:
[a href="vny!://www.tenzing-norgay.com/index.html"]vny!://www.tenzing-norgay.com/index.html[/a]
I'm posting this on behalf of Gophie. Poor Goph was having trouble putting this pic up. I hope I have some luck here. :)
Michel wrote:
Google pic of today, the anniversary day of the first ascent of the Everest by a bourgeois white person that was pushed, pulled and photographed by an Asian sherpa that nobody remember the name...
Tenzing Norgay - i even came up with the correct spelling without a google.
I've met his son - he runs a mountaineering guiding company in Nepal. Go figure.
Sir Ed has since done many good things for Nepal.
Tenzing Norgay - i even came up with the correct spelling without a google.
I've met his son - he runs a mountaineering guiding company in Nepal. Go figure.
Sir Ed has since done many good things for Nepal.
Damn - LM beat me. I didn't realize.
Bridal Falls. It was breathtaking. :)
[img style="width: 692px; height: 732px;" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2ziubzr.jpg"]
ooh wow.
I would upload more but I'm not allowed to post anything taken from MrPL. He takes better pics than me with his better [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]toy[/span] camera. He carries his camera EVERYWHERE he goes...even to Costco. LOL
Not allowed? lol
Bummer. Well if you took these, they're great.
Nice pics purelife.......beautiful !
Are you going to Bridal Falls, Michel? If you're going down there, ya gotta go to Hicks Lake, Sasquatch Park...
REALLY beautiful, Purelife.
Thanks guys. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
I love waterfalls to the point where I have 3 of them in my home. (framed art)
So do I, PL, waterfalls and rivers really 'do it' for me.
You have them on your walls too?
No I've got paintings and pictures of all sorts of things, but nothing at all of water. I've only realised it since you asked.
kitty sitter? My cat is practically independent. wants out in the morning, wants in at night fall, then wants out again at midnight but he's not allowed. lol
Totally awesome hair going on here. The middle guy is like my inner 70s child. lol Help me out with Fleetwood Mac here. Who's who...
Ah I see. My cat could it would just need a big bucket of water. lol
Cat also needs attention and don't like to be alone, right? And who's going to clean kitty litter?
haha yeah my cat is a domesticated farm cat.
You tell him, Michel! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
Ok, that pic probably had nothing to do with your conversations but it was funny.
wow pissy cat there.
I had a cat like that once.
hahaha. You guys are always funny.
Michel wrote: My cat is an interior cat, it's a pet, not a farm animal..
[img class=mine_970578 alt=cats src="vny!://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/funny-pictures-orange-cat-poop-outside-window.jpg"][/DIV]
lol your cat would probably just want to hang out in the kitchen then if he doesn't go outside. There's also the garage. The cat sleeps there. King of the jungle cars. I must say though, he's missing a dog. None of us have been the same since the dog left. The cat especially. Sis wants a dog, one parent is strickly against it, the other is torn, and I'm Sweden on the whole thing, but I favour the wanting a dog group, but I say no for some reason.
[A href="vny!://www.google.com/search?q=Diego+Vel%C3%A1zquez"][img title="Diego Velázquez" height=136 alt="Diego Velázquez" src="vny!://www.google.com/logos/velasquez.gif" width=330 border=0][/A]
Cool......as always.
I wonder if those salts form some sort of bubble or foam in the water....
purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I wonder if those salts form some sort of bubble or foam in the water....[/div]--
I was thinking oil.
That lunatic kitty driver needs some kitty mouthwash. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a093.gif[/img]
My initials are RDL so I changed the RDI (Reseau de L'Information) logo into an RDL logo:
[img style="width: 273px; height: 188px;" src="vny!://photos-h.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v258/194/106/19414571516/n19414571516_912839_1350.jpg"]
The deer on Vancouver Island are small too, probably a little bigger then those but still smaller then regular deer.
WOW.....are they ever CUTE ! Thanks for posting that Michel !
How is kitty settling in to her new home ?
With this weather we have been having, the cats have been growing duck feet?
Those deer remind me of the fawns when they're born here. They're so tiny. They look like dogs running around. If the momma deer wasn't around could 'catch' the little guys. lol They don't run very fast.
[img class=mine_1030864 alt=kitty src="vny!://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/funny-pictures-brushed-seal-leg-panic.jpg"].
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
Who's a smart kitty !
Flooding in Iowa:
Luckiest cats in the world.
More lucky flood victims!
Toasting the happy couple!
Michel wrote:
lol just encountered that. funny.
I have zero memory for faces. Colin Powell?
hahahahaa...I like that big mutts pic.
And Michel - what a clear pic of Mount Baker you have there. From your new camera, right? Excellent shot! Mr PL would be so jeolous. I better hide this forum away from him. LOL ;)
Michel wrote:
No it's Uncle Sam, a fictional character representing the USA calling good men to fight for democracy in World War II. The original poster :
His face looks different. Darker and more Colin Powell-ish. Or, am I imagining this?
Nice photos, Michel. But I will be having nightmares about being eaten alive by killer seagulls...
That seagull needs the 'Gull Bib'.
Nice pics Michel. Except for the Phsyco Killer Gull.
Hey Michel, I picked up a really nice book from Costco on birds. (thanks for the tip purelife). It's the Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America. I would prefer one of just Vancouver Island or at least of just BC, but haven't come across one yet. But the one I got is quite good. I'm not fond of books on flowers, trees or wildlife that have drawings or illustrations.....I like photos. This Smithsonian one is FULL of 500 pages of photos. (not bad for $16.99)
It's a good one. I know there is one on Vancouver Island birds....so I'll just bide my time until Costco gets it....lol
[A class=underline onclick="openAndMoveWindow('/booksearch/imageviewer.asp?ean=9780061120404');return(false);" href="vny!://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/imageviewer.asp?ean=9780061120404" target=_blank][img height=253 alt="Cover Image" src="vny!://a1055.g.akamai.net/f/1055/1401/5h/images.barnesandnoble.com/images/27270000/27276352.JPG" width=185 border=0][/A]
add: Actually I have one of Van Island, but they are illustrations.....and a good as they are, they are lacking when it comes to identification.
It's a goody. I looked up those towhees, and there are 3 pages, (5 or 6 pictures per page) of variations of them. THAT I like.
Actually I haven't even plugged it in yet. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0] I will have a peak later on today. That too appeals to me, after the time I had trying to explain the racket I was hearing in the night to the Wildlife place here.....LOL He wanted me to do the sound....I said I'd pass on that thanks. I finally did find a website that had a bird call identification, but it was a long time finding it. You kind of have to know what bird it is FIRST, which defeats the 'identification' thing.
Turns out it was this guy.....a Barred Owl. What a range of noises they make.
[img style="WIDTH: 313px; HEIGHT: 467px" height=567 src="vny!://michigan.sierraclub.org/crossroads/Barred-Owl.jpg" width=405]
They actually have that one at Costco right now as well. It's an ok book, but not what I was looking for.
Anyway.....gotta run. I'll check out the DVD and let you know if it's good.
The Birder's Guide To Vancouver Island
Yea I've seen that one SD. It's ok, but not what I'm looking for. Thanks though.
ok cool. Good luck with the book search.
That deserves a yeeeh haaah
[img style="WIDTH: 541px; HEIGHT: 347px" height=903 src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/w2lij4.jpg" width=1226].
[img style="WIDTH: 540px; HEIGHT: 271px" height=547 src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2akd8w.jpg" width=919]
[img style="WIDTH: 541px; HEIGHT: 318px" height=519 src="vny!://i31.tinypic.com/2j3010p.jpg" width=877]
[img style="WIDTH: 541px; HEIGHT: 285px" height=545 src="vny!://i32.tinypic.com/zlxnk8.jpg" width=908]
[img style="WIDTH: 542px; HEIGHT: 292px" height=465 src="vny!://i31.tinypic.com/51agcl.jpg" width=821]
[img style="WIDTH: 544px; HEIGHT: 402px" height=625 src="vny!://i27.tinypic.com/aai0k5.jpg" width=860]
Pictures taken on the latest mission.......how did "Canada" get onto the Space Station?
It's the CanadArm. We paid for it! :)
wow. She's cross dressing now. lol
This is making 'news'.
You mean she's angry ?
No the dress and well she lost, that's news too.
And now Ana Ivanovic has lost as well.
Oh did she? Well there goes the 18-35 male demographic. Maria and Anna gone, lol no point to them watching.
wow. She's cross dressing now. lol
This is making 'news'.
I still don't get the association with cross-dressing, and that picture.
It was her 'ground breaking' tuxedo. Her jacket is a sport coat.
Kudryavtseva's upset over Sharapova motivated by disliked 'tuxedo look'
[a href="vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080627.WIMBLEDON27/TPStory/Sports"]vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080627.WIMBLEDON27/TPStory/Sports[/a]
Kudryavtseva, who claimed her low ranking was because of "some issues in my personal life and issues with injuries," attributed her ability to beat Sharapova to lessons learned a year ago in the first round when she led Venus Williams 5-3 in the final set before losing 2-6, 6-3, 7-5.[/p] "I played a little too passive at the end," said Kudryavtseva, 20. "So today I was like, 'There's no way I'm going to make the same mistake again.' I went for my shots."[/p] She had everyone laughing when she suggested yesterday that one of her motivations had been, "I don't like her outfit," referring to Sharapova's much-ballyhooed 'tuxedo look.' "[/p]
Ohhhh....I thought the cross-dressing mini-buzz was about Ana Ivanovic's coach and practise partner running around the Arc de Triomphe wearing her adidas dresses.
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif) .
What are you laughing at ?
Ana's Win Inspires Cross-Dressing Trek de Triomphe
By: Tennis Week
Ana Ivanovic's game and glamor gives her cross-over appeal and shortly after the Serbian siren captured her first career major at the French Open Saturday she inspired a cross-dressing spree.
Before the start of the French fortnight Ivanovic's coaching team — coach Sven Groeneveld, conditioning coach Scott Byrnes and hitting partner Marcin Rozpedski — promised they would "do something outrageous" if she won the tournament. The trio vowed to run around the Arc de Triomphe clad in Ana's adidas dresses.
The second-seeded Ivanovic scored a straight sets win over Dinara Safina in Saturday's final and celebrated with her family and team at a dinner. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Ivanovic's team as well as her younger brother Milos, eached donned one of her dresses and made the memorable trip.
Oh I didn't know about this story, haven't really followed tennis this year, been preoccupied with Euro 2008.
I was referring to what Gopher said and that you replied to it.
I didn't respond to Gophie. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
I didn't respond to Gophie. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0] WHY?
Michel wrote:
Went to Burnaby Lake Regional Park yesterday to try my new cam. Nice discovery for the lazy days when you don't feel like going far. A few birds seen there. Ever wonder what health conscious seagulls eat instead of McDonals fries? [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif[/img]
GREAT photos Michel, I am amazed you got a pic of a seagul eating anything other than garbage. I almost forgot they ate birds and fish and things.
Langley speedway(//vny!://i30.tinypic.com/k9dqxk.jpg)
Langley speedway[img style="WIDTH: 604px; HEIGHT: 459px" height=1126 src="vny!://i8.tinypic.com/72pxwes.jpg" width=1238]
Cool pic. It looks like it's an old picture......is it ?
First pic is currant,last one from seventies. This one Chuck Little from Spokane 1975.[img style="WIDTH: 490px; HEIGHT: 349px" height=1096 src="vny!://i3.tinypic.com/6lc5vzr.jpg" width=1170]
Langley speedway, 1976[img style="WIDTH: 526px; HEIGHT: 419px" height=1154 src="vny!://i32.tinypic.com/2h6auf4.jpg" width=1364]
Langley speedway[img style="WIDTH: 590px; HEIGHT: 741px" height=1208 src="vny!://i31.tinypic.com/2wqvbt5.jpg" width=836]
Those are good pics. Are you a racer Monte Carlo ?
My mom had a Monte Carlo- red with a white landau roof, V8, whitewalls. Unfortunately it cratered befire I started driving....I learned to drive in a Volvo wagon...putt...putt...putt....
VP LSHS Langley speedway.(//vny!://i29.tinypic.com/2itpsab.jpg)
Langley speedway[img style="WIDTH: 540px; HEIGHT: 394px" height=1106 src="vny!://i1.tinypic.com/73122j6.jpg" width=1140]
Whoa! Check out the fashion at that time.
Langley speedway 1976(//vny!://i31.tinypic.com/2m68k7n.jpg)
Langley speedway July1 2008.(//vny!://i27.tinypic.com/2qx46cw.jpg)
Langley speedway 1976(//vny!://i28.tinypic.com/2q39fuc.jpg)
Len Janson(//vny!://i31.tinypic.com/dz8bdl.jpg)
Bob Fox(//vny!://i28.tinypic.com/28b60k6.jpg)
A cure for the Hummer fans with Hummers dying off in this new age:
Murray Dyck(//vny!://i37.tinypic.com/15z2w6a.jpg)
Steve Greenway(//vny!://i34.tinypic.com/8vt0sy.jpg)
Langley speedway 1983(//vny!://i33.tinypic.com/25z6q.jpg)
Monte Carlo wrote:
Langley speedway, 1976[img style="width: 526px; height: 419px;" src="vny!://i32.tinypic.com/2h6auf4.jpg" height="1154" width="1364"]
Thats a sturdy looking roll bar!!
Yes[STRIKE] they[/STRIKE] it is.
1976 Langley speedway(//vny!://i38.tinypic.com/10x635e.jpg)
No! Ass meat as stated.
"It tastes like Ass"
Nope, 5th leg.
Tommie Smith and John Carlos won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award last night, it'd be great to see them get an apology from the US and IOC, but I don't think that will happen. I don't think the guys would accept it anyway. lol
Most people don't realize that the Australian is protesting with them in this picture. He's gets forgotten in this 'controversy' as well. Heck, he was the one that told the two guys to give the salute.
Its all rather funny that this happened in Mexico City. Not 10 days before the start of the Olympics there, the government shot and killed somewhere around 300-800 anti-government protesters who gathered for a rally.
I thought the 'brain' is down there not the 'heart' lol.
before after
[FONT size=5]Guess the Nationality...[/FONT]
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[FONT size=5]Give up?[/FONT]
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[FONT size=5]Polish!!!![/FONT]
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[FONT size=5]OK take a look..................[/FONT]
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(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif) hahaha hilarious 49er!
New meaning to the word Polish meat.
[img style="width: 610px; height: 457px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/be/Seward_Highway_Turnagain_Arm.jpg"]
Turnagain Arm, Alaska
ROTFL 49er!!!
Nice pic, SD. My friend works in Alaska in the most isolated part of the country, fixing airplanes. It's so beautiful there but I wouldn't wanna live there. No malls for one thing.
Hmm isolated Alaska... Juneau or Barrow? lol
No malls! hahaha hilarious.
[a href="vny!://www.dimondcenter.com/index2.htm"]vny!://www.dimondcenter.com/index2.htm[/a]
simply wow.
Ces sont des belles photos, M. Michel.
J'aime beaucoup l'ourson. :)
Comment est-ce qu'on dit "buffalo" en francais?
So very nice. I particularly like the little foxes. (or is that foxi ?)
Indeed Western North America is something to behold.
Oh wow...Breathtaking, Michel! I love em!
Discover Seattle all the way! 3 cheers for Discover Seattle!! Hip Hip Horray.... Hip...
I think I've been hypnotized. ;)
Happy you like those PC, despite the watermarks (I remember you once said you just don't care looking at pics with watermarks).
Yes....I believe I did say that. I think it was in a conversation about figuring a way for people to not copy your pics. I had mentioned that I use a lot of pics fromt the internet, but don't bother with ones that have watermarks. Your pictures are STILL beautiful.....and I won't steal them. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Since you have a dirty mind tonight, Michel, here's a pic for you.
Bill Olebar[img style="WIDTH: 596px; HEIGHT: 451px" height=823 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/6x0e5hx.jpg" width=1010]
Woah! I wonder if you could get high from that cloud of smoke!
purelife wrote:
Woah! I wonder if you could get high from that cloud of smoke!
haha duuuuude sweeeet cloud, duuude black lung disease kicks! alllll riiiiighht. giant bong hit mahn!
Terrorists have sunk to a new low.
Roadside bombs, suicide bombers, bombs strapped to women....
But this?......This is just wrong!!
Hmmm an American Service person would never go for Beck's. Its 'un-american'.
and tastes too much like Beer. Not enough like water...
Merritt Speedway[img style="WIDTH: 568px; HEIGHT: 315px" height=857 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/8ayiik3.jpg" width=1022]
Not the best event for ringside seats.
[img height=400 alt="Mongolian grand champion, Hakuho, left, throws Toyonoshima out of the ring to win their bout at the Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya, Japan" src="vny!://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/00779/sumo-wrestler_779388i.jpg" width=510 border=0]
More like ....squishy squishy.
lol I've tackled someone that huge. Its crunch crunch.
Boyoo, I'm slow at this pics thread. Thanks for Michel for hitting me on the head. Qui and qui and qui! BEAUTIFUL pictures there.
.[A href="vny!://www.masalatime.com/jo/pic01.shtml??71"](//vny!://www.masalatime.com/img/crazypics/1070.jpg)[/A]
Michel wrote:
Ah finally, I thought everything was over between us since you saw your kayaker (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Well....... I'm a weakling, what can I say......?
Today's Google.
Agassiz speedway[img style="WIDTH: 592px; HEIGHT: 410px" height=883 src="vny!://i27.tinypic.com/xf3t5l.jpg" width=1170]
Don't worry the famous pier will be back. The owner said so. Wonder if Gopher's been here, bet he has.
Ja, what's up with today's google? What's with the rabbit and farmer?
Cute Peter Rabbit and Mr McGregor.
Happy 50th Birthday NASA!
Did anyone watch the Beatrix Potter movie where Zene Zellwinger(sp?) was Potter?
Sportsdude wrote:
Don't worry the famous pier will be back. The owner said so. Wonder if Gopher's been here, bet he has.
Yes, I was there last year, for the first time in my life. it was a very poignant occasion - the last outing I had with 'the love of my life' before she died in December.
HUGZZZZ for Gophie. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
aww *tear*
Modifieds[img style="WIDTH: 604px; HEIGHT: 443px" height=1030 src="vny!://i4.tinypic.com/89jppae.jpg" width=1166]
So sorry Gophie.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/9.gif)
I was quite surprised at the smog situation in Beijing. I'm also surprised at the measures they are going to, to try and clean this up over the next couple weeks. It makes me wonder, that if this is in fact possible, why wouldn't measures be taken to clean it up for the good of their own citizens on an ongoing basis.
These photos were taken in August 2005 over the course of only a week.
[A href="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Beijing_smog_comparison_August_2005.png[/img][img style="WIDTH: 575px; HEIGHT: 216px" height=300 alt="Image:Beijing smog comparison August 2005.png" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Beijing_smog_comparison_August_2005.png" width=800 border=0][/A]
[A href="vny!://images.google.com/imgres"][/A]
Virtually impossible. It would take weeks if not months for the smog to clear even if they shut down all the cars and factories.
yeah but they're shooting stuff into the sky to make it rain. lol
First olympics I'm not really interested in, in watching. NBC and their billion dollar contract is going to take a hit. Heck, I don't see the enthusiasm out there in the media and public anyway.
Langley speedway[img style="WIDTH: 544px; HEIGHT: 422px" height=1122 src="vny!://i9.tinypic.com/7xaikyb.jpg" width=1296]
Too blurry.
[link href="file:///C:/Users/User1/AppData/Local/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml" rel="File-List"] [style] [!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal (mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; :12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:EN-CA;) a:link, span.MsoHyperlink (color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed (color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) @page Section1 (size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;) div.Section1 (page:Section1;) --] [/style]
Uhm, is it me or in this thread, the links around here turned blue?
VERY blue. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/k055.gif" border=0]
I like blue...but this blue is kinda bright.... but it's interesting that it's only in this thread and not the others I've checked so far.
I'm glad it's not just me.
It IS a little 'IN YER FACE' blue. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0]
Everybody's name is purple.
Names here are blue. Are you using Michel's eyes?
How? Your name, my name, P.C.'s name is in Purple. The Picture's Only is in Blue.
Only on yours.....cuz yer special. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
lol now its back to normal. What happened? Thanks!
Merritt speedway[img style="WIDTH: 572px; HEIGHT: 357px" height=902 src="vny!://i28.tinypic.com/qqeb0h.jpg" width=1204]
Minneapolis Zoo officials worry this cool close up with a bear could turn not cool someday.
Proud mama and papa. So sweet!
Mizzerah's favourite son has a Prince. Prince of the Ozarks lol
Haint dem sum gehd Younguns. He dont gehd fer Mizzerah.
Ozarks? Never heard of them.
Its where Brad Pitt's family orginates. He's an educated Mizzeran (still has his Missouri accent though). The state of Mizzerah (Ozark Mountains) lies between Oklahoma, Arkansas and Southern Illinois with Missouri to the north.
[a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozark_Mountains"]vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozark_Mountains[/a]
Mizzerah vs. Missoreee goes back to the civil war where the state was at war with itself. The Gov. decided to have his own personal army. Jesse James and Bloody Bill types were Confederate (Mizzerah) guerrilla fighters who went to Missoree towns (union) and burned them to the ground killing people. Good times, these people are actually celebrated. Also goes back to the war against the free state of Kansas Bleeding Kansas and the Lawrence Massacre. Then further reading, read the Missouri Compromise which allowed Missouri to become a state of the United States, then the Dred Scott case where a black slave won his freedom. Anyway so the southern part of the state is staunch Confederate leaning and the Northern part is pro-Union and it's split down the middle by the Missoree/Mizzerah river.
If Mizzerah and Missouri were two different states or countries, we'd have nuked each other by now because when things get heated, we want to shoot each other. literally. our blood starts to boil. For example I'm unamerican because my name is funny. A Mizzeran would not trust you because of your last name. This came up during the current Republican nomination for Governor. A couple Mizzerans were 'suspecious' of a guy named 'Hulshof' because in their words 'that name don't sound right'.
Anyway people from Missoree don't recognize the Mizzerans right to exist as they're inbred Arkansas folk. While Mizzerans don't recognize Missoree because its 'where the black people live and liberalism'.
Southern culture vs. Midwestern culture. Brad Pitt grew up to Mizzerah but went to Mizzou (University of Missouri) which is considered the Missoree school (he shunned Mizzerah State).
Another defector is Sheryl Crow. She fled.
Zalmai waits in front of the curtain covering the door to the Kabul prison cell he has shared for four years with his mother, whose crime was running away from home.
Merritt speedway[img style="WIDTH: 572px; HEIGHT: 398px" height=988 src="vny!://i29.tinypic.com/funbj9.jpg" width=1454]
[A href="vny!://www.google.com/search?q=Beijing+2008+Olympic+Games"][img title="Beijing 2008 Olympic Games" height=120 alt="Beijing 2008 Olympic Games" src="vny!://www.google.com/logos/olympics08_cycling.gif" width=305 border=0][/A].
Great pics Michel (as usual)!! Love the Eagle & the Cubs
Beautiful pics Michel !!!!
I like the cubs as well.....and the sea lions. SO cute !
*takes his walking encyclopedia voice" : These are Harbour seals!
Oops. I swear I knew that....I don't know why I said sea lions.
Hey Michel.....there is a GREAT site that you might like. It's called Earth Album. Similar to Google Earth....where you click on a place, and all related (and some non-related) photos come up. Most are spectacular quality. I found myself hooked on it instantly.
[A href="vny!://www.earthalbum.com/"]vny!://www.earthalbum.com/[/A]
Yeah, I read about that last night. :(
Langley speedway(//vny!://i32.tinypic.com/2qs2mpu.jpg)
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a093.gif" border=0] She should keep her hands to herself.
She looks gothy.
Tickle me Elmo?
oh dear. lol
Hahahaaa....even Elmo looks a little shocked.
Michel wrote:
I see nothing (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif)
No worries, you'll be laughing in a few hours.
[img height=260 src="vny!://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4962/dsc4349mg7.jpg" width=177]
Awesome shots, Michel! I like this one best. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/21.gif)
[img style="WIDTH: 599px; HEIGHT: 384px" height=402 src="vny!://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm204/j4jokes/a/a669.jpg" width=619 border=0].
ROTFL. Good pic, PC. Ah, c'mon Michel..... men with big zooms are sexy. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif)
I'm loving the mood of this picture
[img height=500 alt="" src="vny!://lh4.ggpht.com/hydmastipics/SJlxp-S75vI/AAAAAAAAXWk/P50faXx55WM/s800/182306image002.jpg" width=500 border=0]
Prepare to melt.
Lol that looks like a neighbourhood around here. (the deer)
Now this is cool. I'd like me one of those.
[img height=173 src="vny!://lh3.ggpht.com/hydmastipics/SKAFdCmWs7I/AAAAAAAAXuU/7ZpwZQyPIO4/s800/182564image001.jpg" width=400 border=0]
Looks like an easy way to spot fish in clear waters. lol
I saw some huge mounted fish today at Cabela's. HUGE. lol
Langley speedway[img style="WIDTH: 592px; HEIGHT: 923px" height=1393 src="vny!://i18.tinypic.com/85eia14.jpg" width=768]
My warm fuzzy de jour.
Another incredible site from Stumble Upon.......
Some of the most spectacular photography I have ever seen !
[A href="vny!://pixdaus.com/index.php?pageno=1&name=jchip8&sort=userbest"]vny!://pixdaus.com/index.php?pageno=1&name=jchip8&sort=userbest[/A]
LOOK AT THIS LITTLE GUY !!!!!! If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will.
[A href="vny!://pixdaus.com/single.php?id=29474"][img height=451 alt="Cute Puffer Fish" src="vny!://pixdaus.com/pics/zqP9PfsaUz6kty6gx9.jpg" width=608 border=0][/A]
lol. Interesting looking fish.
Uhm.... that fish is scary looking......
You really think so, Lise? I find it friendly and smiling. Incidentally, I love your avatar.
I think he has a little smiley face too. And so does this little guy. Too cute.
[A href="vny!://pixdaus.com/single.php?id=19022"][img style="WIDTH: 606px; HEIGHT: 1013px" height=1149 alt="Just smile" src="vny!://pixdaus.com/pics/AyvxeEciC92Eiu8ERj.jpg" width=689 border=0][/A]
Now that's cute!!!
I dunno. The fish is...... well, let's just say I don't really find fish cute. Any fish for that matter. Oh, maybe Nemo but that's about it.
Thanks! I like my avatar too.
I hear ya Lise. Fish don't spring to mind when I think of cute animals either. But he just looked so whimsical and a little bit shy. (I was going to say coy....heeheeee)
I love smiling animals.
[A href="vny!://pixdaus.com/single.php?id=27473"][img style="WIDTH: 500px; HEIGHT: 401px" height=418 alt="Well look at me!" src="vny!://pixdaus.com/pics/U2M3paeB9Mp3sBqPRn.jpg" width=524 border=0][/A]
A fine example PC, however her smile is quite overshadowed by that of the dolphin.
I think that's a beluga Gophie. They're both very cute.
This is amusing.....(not sure if it will work)
[A href="vny!://pixdaus.com/single.php?id=16163"][img alt="no description" src="vny!://pixdaus.com/pics/3vGWy6V6kFdDvK6DFG.jpg" border=0][/A]
Love it!
I think it's funny, because he walks in there so nonchalant.....then boots it after he grabs the chips. It's like he knows it's wrong to shoplift.
Seagulls are thieves! You know it when you're sitting for lunch, eating a hamburger and one swoops over your head and steals it right out of your hand. Just asked my hubby!
P.C. wrote:
I think he has a little smiley face too. And so does this little guy. Too cute.
where are his hands???? and why does he have such a sily grin??
[a href="vny!://pixdaus.com/single.php?id=19022"][img style="width: 606px; height: 1013px;" alt="Just smile" src="vny!://pixdaus.com/pics/AyvxeEciC92Eiu8ERj.jpg" border="0" height="1149" width="689"][/a]
where are his hands???? and why does he have such a sily grin??
lol........BUSTED !
Here's a photo of my black belt.
I like it... What does it say?
"Be one with the fist foot way"
The long line of writing is the name of the school.
The short line of writing is my name (not my official Firstname Lastname, but my maiden name followed by an ethnic first name....if you get my drift).
I really like the gold on the black... and the characters... so neat!!
And do you wear this on forehead or waist? (sorry, I don't really know and sorry if it's a stupid question)
ADD: Out of all those chinese characters, I only recognize one. :(
No such thing as a silly question, purelife. It's worn around the waist.
WOW Lil Me. Congratulations again. MOST impressive ! I think I would have to take out a billboard if I accomplished such a thing.
Michel wrote:
Ah I can see the pic now. So you wear that with nothing eh ?
[FONT color=#c00000]I can imagine it looking good with a little furbelow.[/FONT]
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0] LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !
Gopher wrote:
[font style="font-style: italic;" color="#c00000"]I can imagine it looking good with a little furbelow.[/font]
Hate to break it to you, Goph...but the furbelow is no longer in fashion. You don't see a lot of them anymore.
For some reason they seem to be covered up. Heaven only knows why.
Why they're covered up ? Or why their coiffe is important. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) Yipes.
Good job on the black belt, LM! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif) I forget.... is this the highest level of achievement?
3 parts to this pictograph at Pitt Lake. Here you go Michel... now cough up the nature cyber gifts...
[img style="width: 562px; height: 396px;" src="vny!://i36.tinypic.com/300dtp3.jpg"]
[img style="width: 565px; height: 339px;" src="vny!://i37.tinypic.com/2hplgr8.jpg"]
[img style="width: 565px; height: 422px;" src="vny!://i33.tinypic.com/1z1dwk6.jpg"]
So you think they are for real?
HOw did they get teh red?
The captain said that these 3 part pictographs lead to the gold that the dead guy buried and cursed it. I dunno if it's true and dunno if anyone ever figured it out. I'll have to post pics of the waterfall and the donkey later on. Captain said these were all linked somewhere to the treasure.
You could check out the cruise, Michel. It's about $100 per person and it includes a lunch. Cruise is 6 hours. It's a lot of fun...
We were the youngest couple on the boat...
nice pics pl!
Spent a lot of time up there years ago when we lived in that area. The legend of the lost gold mine and Slumachs curse, is as old as the hills. It has been said that there are clues to the mines where-abouts in some form.....but I don't think it alluded to these particular pictographs. I have a book somewhere on the legend, which is said to be based on some truth. Slumachs Gold, In Search of a Legend.
Michel wrote:
The entire province is populated by retards. Ouch!...
lol.....Good morning Van.
I chose to ignore that one. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
Michel wrote:
Van you're terrible, you invent post to discredit me. LOL (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
That's PERFECT, Michel! I like the thunder.
They're some of my favorite nature items. :) See, I take the acorn and slip it between the twig for a sling shot. I link the daisies together so that I have a necklace. And the blossoms, I stick in my hair and the red leaf is my bookmarker. And thunder...well, who doesn't want a bit of big bang boom in their life? ;)[/DIV]
Beautiful pics Michel......are they yours ?
Van you're terrible, you invent post to discredit me. LOL (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Who's a cheeky monkey !!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif[/img]
Isn't this cool? [A href="vny!://blog.makezine.com/archive/2007/06/man_builds_a_living_out_o.html"]Source[/A]
way cool!
way way cool. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Heard of towel art? Well, there's such a thing as [A href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towel_animal"]towel art[/A]!
here's one from our last cruise.....
I prefer the art of loin cloth. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
FABULOUS pictures Michel.
[FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]Meeeeeeeechel......how comes you don'ts take my picture. I has a sad.[/FONT] (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
[A href="vny!://lh3.ggpht.com/abramsv/SLz7UYlhYsI/AAAAAAAAcog/BoBYZv0UlAc/s1600-h/354654yrgsdgsdfx.jpg[/img][img style="MARGIN: 10px 10px 0px 0px" src="vny!://lh3.ggpht.com/abramsv/SLz7UYlhYsI/AAAAAAAAcog/BoBYZv0UlAc/s640/354654yrgsdgsdfx.jpg[/img][/A]
That is the most heartbreaking little face.
[img style="WIDTH: 133px; HEIGHT: 195px" height=282 src="vny!://img131.imageshack.us/img131/8661/dsc5015os0.jpg" width=175]
How the hell did you get a close-up of this one? Were you hanging upside down on a branch or something like that?
Can I have this for my screen saver?? Pretty plez!
Those pics are beautiful!
Hope you didn't mind that I used one of the landscape pic as my new desktop. I change my desktop pic from time to time.
The one with the blue lake, trees on the side and mountain in the middle. :)
something is just off here:
he looks like a little person
My new little friend from The Apple Barn in Abbotsford.
I followed him around for awhile, trying to get him to look at me.
Meanwhile, the adult goats and sheep were attempting to eat my phone.
I want to get one! But I doubt I could sneak one into the complex. Grouchy neighbour downstairs (aka the guy who smells good) would probably complain about the clop-clop-clop on the wood floors.
OMG......MELT !!!!!
That is the cutest lil thing I ever saw. I've never heard of pygmy goats.
Oh dear.
I think I may want one too.
no no you guys are on the wrong story.
Oh Lawwdy.....I just googled teh pygmy goats. I am smitten. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g058.gif" border=0]
* next project.....goat chalet.
Here comes another scale model of your house....
I'm sure Sawdust would be thrilled. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
*but wouldn't that be THE CUTEST !!!!!!
Or put them on the roof of your house?
Ah yes....the pitter patter of little hoofies.
More like pitter patter patter patter THUD. A little steep for the wee fellers.
They really are cute though.
Oooooh..... so cute!!!!!!
First day of Fall
Yaaaay for autumn!
lol....Kilroy Kitty.
I think a red [FONT color=#ff0000]X[/FONT] is evil.
LOL......LOVE the new avatar.
*the red X is still in your posts
Your avatar shows.I logged out....brought it up again but the red X in your post is still a red X.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
WHAT AM I MISSING !!(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Those are great ! I like the OPTICAL / illusion one.
[img style="WIDTH: 307px; HEIGHT: 403px" height=576 src="vny!://i28.tinypic.com/wu5amo.jpg" width=315]
[img height=268 src="vny!://i28.tinypic.com/28ums1e.jpg" width=520].
That tree pic is beautiful !
Hey Michel, I just finished one of those photograph books. (Wanted to get it done, as they have a 50% off this week, and it ends tomorrow. So I've been working pretty steady on it) So many of my pics from the wedding turned out crappy....so there was a lot of photoshopping and cropping.....lol
The problem ? All of the above....lol. There are some good ones and even a few great ones......but I discovered you need a lot to make a whole book. (it's a gift, so 20 pages wasn't going to cut it) I found most of the indoor shots poor and most of the outdoor shots were good to great. It's not a bad little camera....but it doesn't have the capacity to do what I'd like it to.
[img height=361 src="vny!://i2.tinypic.com/4liag6u.jpg" width=602].
very pretty Lise. :)
A 30 second exposure of a carnival ride
Boat from the beach - the water here is warm like bath water ahhhhhh
Bummer......can't see them here Van Guy.
helps out van guy...
(don't copy the link, copy the pic location).
[img style="WIDTH: 380px; HEIGHT: 275px" height=376 src="vny!://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff5/WitchyWoman_0000/A%20Starters/Fantasy/fantasy_43_witchyswikkedgraphix.gif" width=412].
Nice pics Lise.
I came across some the other day, and I thought....I bet Lise would like these. So I saved them to My Favourites to post later. (or at least I thought I did) Now I can't find them. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0]
Restoring Langley Speedway(//vny!://i37.tinypic.com/2eyfl2a.jpg)
P.C. wrote:
Nice pics Lise.
I came across some the other day, and I thought....I bet Lise would like these. So I saved them to My Favourites to post later. (or at least I thought I did) Now I can't find them. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif[/img]
Aaww, thank you Ms. PC. Cuteness issued on your behalf - see below. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Melt ! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c017.gif" border=0]
Looks like a tasty snack for a certain feline that i know.
Melt in it's mouth?
[A href="vny!://www.fakeposters.com/view/133"][/A]That reminds of one of those motivational posters.
[A href="vny!://www.fakeposters.com/view/133"][img class=poster style="WIDTH: 464px; HEIGHT: 330px" height=497 alt="Motivational Poster - Cats - Nature's a**holes" src="vny!://www.fakeposters.com/uploads/a13c3c3ec3319bbf6e7e584938529535.jpg" width=636][/A]
LOL on the cat picture.
Grandstand restoration area(//vny!://i37.tinypic.com/2vhzyhw.jpg)
[img style="WIDTH: 460px; HEIGHT: 302px" height=447 src="vny!://i7.tinypic.com/24kxmv4.jpg" width=646]
If only those eyes could talk, what would they say?
Too cute!
[span style="" times="" new="" roman="" ;="" lang="EN-CA"][a href="vny!://www.rogerswildlifeart.com/resources/elk_bugle.html"][/a][/span]
Wow! Breathtaking!
The mountain shots are so beautiful...so upclose and personal. I love the reflection in the water the mountains/rocks/trees were giving off. Thanks for sharing! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif)
Totally amazing, Michel!
Awesome photos Michel. :)
[img style="WIDTH: 285px; HEIGHT: 486px" height=636 src="vny!://i24.tinypic.com/2e37j2q.jpg" width=315].
[DIV align=left][SPAN][FONT size=4]Boo! [/FONT][/SPAN]
[DIV align=left][SPAN][FONT size=4](//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Word_Greetings/2.gif) everyone, how's everybody doing?[/FONT][/SPAN]
[DIV align=left][SPAN][FONT size=4][/FONT][/SPAN]
[DIV align=left][SPAN][FONT size=4][/FONT][/SPAN]
[DIV align=left][SPAN][FONT size=4]Military Humor[/FONT] [/SPAN][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=292 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=430 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=356 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.3&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=393 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.4&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=374 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.5&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=500 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=396 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.6&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=396 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.7&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=400 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.8&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=232 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.9&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=400 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=338 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.10&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=450 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=393 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.11&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=469 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.12&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=448 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.13&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=500 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.14&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=375 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=300 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.15&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=400 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=361 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.16&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=504 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=383 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.17&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=505 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=378 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.18&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=502 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=457 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.19&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=395 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.20&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=450 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.21&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=402 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.22&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=450 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.23&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=250 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.24&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=189 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt"]
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ [/SPAN]
[img title=www.FunAndFunOnly.net height=394 alt=www.FunAndFunOnly.net src="vny!://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f10064%5fAJsxvs4AAF08SOyQgQOhASkJCfU&pid=2.25&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width=600 border=0 name=www.srid.net.tc]
[DIV align=left] [/DIV][/DIV]
Hi Orca! How have you been doing these days?
[FONT size=1]p.s. your links don't work[/FONT]
[FONT size=2]Hi purelife,[/FONT]
[FONT size=2]I'm okay, how about you?[/FONT]
[FONT size=2]what link that didn't work?[/FONT]
Hey Orca - none of your pics show up. I see one big box with a red x.
I can't see anything as well. Hey Orca! Long time no see.
Hi Lise, kits, purelife and Orca!!
Hiya Oui Oui... glad to see that you've joined us here. :)
Who da heck is Oui Oui??
or maybe........Welcome to the board Oui Oui
Michel wrote:
Does he speaks French ?
Isn't "oui oui" your two favorite words in French? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
Who and when and to what!
Bonjour! It's been a while!
Hey Oui Oui
You were on DV before, right? I recognize your name there.
purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Hey Oui Oui [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] You were on DV before, right? I recognize your name there.
Yup. Remember there was someone with the nickname "vc" and I was using "VC" so I went with "Oui Oui". Anyhow, how are you doing?
Oui Oui wrote:
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]purelife wrote:[/SPAN][BR style="FONT-STYLE: italic"] [DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]Hey Oui Oui
[DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]You were on DV before, right? I recognize your name there. [/SPAN] [/DIV]
Yup. Remember there was someone with the nickname "vc" and I was using "VC" so I went with "Oui Oui". Anyhow, how are you doing?
I totally remember that! Good times.. I remember V.C. It was nice of you to change your name for her back then.
purelife wrote:
Oui Oui wrote:
purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Hey Oui Oui [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
You were on DV before, right? I recognize your name there. [/div]
Yup. Remember there was someone with the nickname "vc" and I was using "VC" so I went with "Oui Oui". Anyhow, how are you doing?
I totally remember that! Good times.. I remember V.C. It was nice of you to change your name for her back then.
I remember the name oui oui as well. I was meaning to ask.. lol.
[img style="WIDTH: 389px; HEIGHT: 547px" height=547 src="vny!://i38.tinypic.com/25kkjly.jpg" width=356].
Love it. Will upload my kitty A.S.A.P. Hi from North Van. I'm still alive. Happy Thanksgiving!
p.c.'s cat is great as usual, P.C.'s changed from her bottle-o-water avitar..to a Better one...
...sorry, meant purelife changed her avitar... been so out there writing anti-bush stuff last while....
omg omg omg omg .....
[img height=360 alt="" src="vny!://ajanlo.kapu.hu/csimpanz/01.jpg" width=546]
There are many more of this touching friendship..... [A href="vny!://www.funtim.com/dgb.html"]vny!://www.funtim.com/dgb.html[/A]
OH MICHEL ! I went back to do a little catch up on this thread too, and your pictures are unbelievably gorgeous ! All I can say is WOW !!!!!
Here's a little present for you, for sharing them with us.
[img alt=46fbf7a07a48e7e36807fd24714f5f15.jpg src="vny!://www.collegecandy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/01/46fbf7a07a48e7e36807fd24714f5f15.jpg"]
Sawdust and I were JUST talking about that, and that was the conclusion we came to. It's too teeny for a full term fawn. It's just so precious !
Thanks for the pic comment, weather was gorgeous, so it helped a lot.
You're being too modest. Sunshine and a good camera are only a part of what makes a good pic. You have to have 'The Eye'.
You has it. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Oh dear.
I shouldn't have googled for more pics of the baby deer. I just learned that the little sweetie died.
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)
[FONT size=4]lol[/FONT].
Oh god.....don't let Lise see this. She'll faint.
Then he needs a good owner, who will get him his OWN toothbrush. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
RAts rats rats rats !!!! I can't see it. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/boese/a040.gif" border=0]
ICK ! WOW....ICK ! WOW. Yipes !!!! Amazing footage ! Impressive indeed, (but I couldn't watch the whole thing) [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif[/img] I like the homogenized version of nature. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I'm coming to my happy place. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c015.gif[/img]
Crazy Horse
I think they were just starting that the last time we were there....but you had to pay to just see the site. Pass.
100k in St. Louis.
LOL. Funny bird pic, Michel.
Cool pic Lise.
And don't we all feel like that little bird every now and then ?
I hope more ppl do feel like that from time to time. Makes them special angels in my book.
This is such a cool effect!
Gives new meaning to Michaelangelo's work of art, eh?
I'm laughing, but I'm laughing because I so don't get this.
[FONT color=#d0d0d0][/FONT]
[FONT color=#e6e6e6][FONT color=#d0d0d0]I hate it when I still need someone to translate a joke for me. [/FONT][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0][/FONT]
I don't get it either.
Poor guy is eating Xmas dinner alone, so he needs to find a way to pull his Christmas cracker open....
Ah, that's really sad...maybe he'll have better luck this year.
P.C. wrote:
I'm laughing, but I'm laughing because I so don't get this.
[font color="#d0d0d0"][/font]
[font color="#e6e6e6"][font color="#d0d0d0"]I hate it when I still need someone to translate a joke for me. [/font][img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif[/img]
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"]If it makes you feel any better I didn't get it either.
Uhm..... I got it straight away.
P.C. wrote:
I'm laughing, but I'm laughing because I so don't get this.
[FONT color=#d0d0d0][/FONT]
[FONT color=#e6e6e6][FONT color=#d0d0d0]I hate it when I still need someone to translate a joke for me. [/FONT][img style="pointer: " src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0 ="url(this.src);"]
[SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"]If it makes you feel any better I didn't get it either.[/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT color=#e6e6e6][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT color=#e6e6e6][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT color=#e6e6e6][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[FONT face=1 color=#e6e6e6][SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"]Yes.....it does make me feel better. The confusion was simply a matter of a poor rendering of a Christmas Cracker that threw me off track. Once you know what that is....well....the rest is history. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) [/SPAN][/FONT][/DIV]
Pretty pics Lise...I like the one where she's leaning back dressed in sheets....
This was taken over the weekend. Strathcona has some beautiful leaves.... I just love the colors.
I love that picture, purelife. Awesome. Keep them posted.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); height=101 src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a093.gif" width=108 border=0] OH DEAR !!!!
Faith tones? Does this refer to the colours of their hair?
Holy puffy-ness !!!!
I know styles recycle every decade or two. I hope to never see these styles in real life.
Perfect for Halloween.
I don't know Gophie....it might be a little too scary even for Hallowe'en.
Just imagine them turning up at your door - and singing to you!
I wonder if this is where the seed of creation for Bobble Heads originated.
[img style="WIDTH: 520px; HEIGHT: 349px" height=381 src="vny!://www.frontiershowroom.com/images/bobbleheads/trio.jpg" width=543]
www.electmurrayjones.com (//vny!://i37.tinypic.com/2vhzyhw.jpg)
These floating candles are so pretty and they're giving me some ideas to create my own floating candles. Now that it's getting colder, it's time for the candles to come out. :)
I like the ones on the right too. I don't need it to get cold to bring out the candles. I am candle woman all year.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
This is so beautiful, it makes me want to get into metal work.
[img alt=[ImagTreeRailing.jpg] src="vny!://3.bp.blogspot.com/_opptvFBa4ck/R_JiZikU2-I/AAAAAAAABBI/A_QyTRxQ1ro/s1600/ImagTreeRailing.jpg" border=0]
[A href="vny!://bp2.blogger.com/_opptvFBa4ck/R_JiZikU2-I/AAAAAAAABBI/A_QyTRxQ1ro/s1600-h/ImagTreeRailing.jpg"]vny!://bp2.blogger.com/_opptvFBa4ck/R_JiZikU2-I/AAAAAAAABBI/A_QyTRxQ1ro/s1600-h/ImagTreeRailing.jpg[/A]
This is amazing ! Look at it closely.
[img title="Steinmetz Camel Shadows " height=419 alt="Steinmetz Camel Shadows " src="vny!://s.ngm.com/2008/08/photo-contest/img/steinmetz-camel-shadows-615.jpg" width=593]
P.C. wrote:
This is amazing ! [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]Look at it closely.[/FONT]
[img title="Steinmetz Camel Shadows " height=419 alt="Steinmetz Camel Shadows " src="vny!://s.ngm.com/2008/08/photo-contest/img/steinmetz-camel-shadows-615.jpg" width=593][/DIV]
Am I suppose to see more than camels?
I guess I was projecting my own stupidity....lol When I first looked at it, it took a minute to register that the predominant camel shapes are only shadows.
oh! now I see....I was seeing the shadows as the camels themselves
Pretty cool huh ?
yes it is
I agree. Make mine a double. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/19.gif)
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c028.gif" border=0] It's amazing the stuff that's out there that you didn't know you needed. LOL
stare at the frog for about 5 secs..........it's going to turn into a horse
This pic is for you Russ:
......ummm....where is it ?
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a090.gif" border=0] never mind. It just didn't show up the first time.
Very cute !!!!
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2k73e93c57d4.jpg" border="0"]
Backyard test pic
Good job Russ. So....what's on the Bar-B for tonight ????? (like I said before, I love the sound of rain on any roof.....but I particularly love the sound of rain on a tent or awning. It makes me feel like going like this [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/n050.gif" border=0] to the rain.)
Just wait a moment.. just cause I have one up doesnt mean I have them all done. Im retarded at this sort of stuff. This was a test.. Ill put them in the lunch thread? Or in here?
anyhoo.. tonight is sushi.
Last night I did chicken wings.. then chicken breasts, with roast potato's, salad, and parmesian pasta.
Ooh! i just found pics of my turkey roasting.
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2k1d7aaf0776.jpg" border="0"]
without the rollout tarp, towards fence
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2k081cb20510.jpg" border="0"]
without rollout, towards deck. You can see the aluminum frame and glass that I was talking about.
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2kecff9b6800.jpg" border="0"]
Turkey fryer with stand on teh side for the turkey when it comes out.
We did it on the lawn and on a stainless sheet.
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2k148ed6561f.jpg" border="0"]
Deep fried turkey removed! Was REALLY good. I want to do another one somewhat soon. Either that or do some chickens.. hmmm.
We drank alot while doing this. after pulling it out we realized we had to have other stuff as well as deep fry.
Nice pics, Russ. The turkey looks awesome!
P.C.- I like the sound of rain on the roof, but HAAAAAATE the sound of it on a tent. I crawl further into my sleeping bag and will it to go away.
Really? I dont mind the sound of it. It puts me to sleep.
Michel wrote:
Good trick Russ, hope it will stand in the wind however. Maybe do a few holes into it so that sudden wind can pass through ?
I have to take a few more pics tomorrow. But it rolls up against the side of the house.. halfway up the wooded sitting thing on the side of my deck.
Its a temporary thing for in the rain.
OMG....Russ ! That is one mighty fine looking turkey.
Wow! Thanks for sharing the pics Russ. It looks great! And that looks turkeylicious! YUM
Michel wrote:
So this is what your kittay kat does while you are at work?
Gaston's cat playing at work. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
I'm so hungry.
I wonder why that food is set out like that. Is it specifically FOR the monkeys ? It looks like some kind of wedding buffet that they've gotten in to....yet....who would put out that much food and not protect it.
On the other hand....if it's for the monkeys....then why is it arranged in such a fancy display. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
Russie, I would LOVE to have aluminium frames like yours for my balcony. Where did you get yours done? Can you PM me with the details?
Lise wrote:
Russie, I would LOVE to have aluminium frames like yours for my balcony. Where did you get yours done? Can you PM me with the details?
Ill have to dig about for the info. I cant remember the company off the top of my head.
Beauty pics Michel !
This little guy is so cute.....he looks cold. He needs to come set up house at Chez P.C. for the winter.
[img style="WIDTH: 249px; HEIGHT: 308px" height=526 src="vny!://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9674/dsc7102wo6.jpg" width=303]
Beautiful pics as always.... I like that lil fellow too. :)
Michel wrote:
Thanks, I was thinking about you and your snowshoes expeditions when I was there (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
Ahhh! Good times! :) I fell on my sorry a** so many times..... I'm clumsy with big feet.
[FONT size=1]Costco has the snowshoes on sale with the poles.[/FONT]
snow shoes? how much?
Your built-ins should probably work pretty good. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
I have built ins? Didn't know there was such a thing. lol
Your feet ! Surely someone in your life has referred to your feet as snow shoes ? skis ?
[A href="vny!://www.costco.ca/Browse/ProductSet.aspx?Prodid=10318372&search=snowshoes&Mo=2&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-CA&Nr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Sp=S&N=0&whse=BCCA&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Ne=4000000&D=snowshoes&Ntt=snowshoes&No=2&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1"][img height=119 alt="Faber Mountain Master Aluminium Snowshoes" src="vny!://content.costco.ca/Images/Content/Search/10295504cf.jpg" width=119 border=0][/A]$299.99 [A href="vny!://www.costco.ca/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=10318507&search=snowshoes&Mo=2&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-CA&Nr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Sp=S&N=0&whse=BCCA&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Ne=4000000&D=snowshoes&Ntt=snowshoes&No=0&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1"][img height=119 alt="Faber Mountain Kid Aluminum Snowshoes" src="vny!://content.costco.ca/Images/Content/Search/178832cf.jpg" width=119 border=0][/A]$96.99 [A href="vny!://www.costco.ca/Browse/ProductSet.aspx?Prodid=10318513&search=snowshoes&Mo=2&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-CA&Nr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Sp=S&N=0&whse=BCCA&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&Ne=4000000&D=snowshoes&Ntt=snowshoes&No=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1"][img height=119 alt="Faber Winter Guide Hybrid Snowshoes" src="vny!://content.costco.ca/Images/Content/Search/10318513cf.jpg" width=119 border=0][/A]$176.00
They're all Fabers. Plus these are on-line prices, which isn't always the same as in-store prices.
Could very well have been the $179 pair for $150 Michel....or even the $299 ones. The heavenly sheets we buy at Costco are twice the price on-line as they are in-store.
Nice picture Michel!
I like that one.
I like that picture too!!! I like the little hint of shadow to the right.
Helter Skelter!
Michel wrote:
[link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/Users/User1/AppData/Local/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [w:WordDocument] [w:View]Normal[/w:View] [w:Zoom]0[/w:Zoom] [w:HyphenationZone]21[/w:HyphenationZone] [w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/] [/w:WordDocument] [/xml][![endif]--][style] [!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal (mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; :12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:EN-CA;) a:link, span.MsoHyperlink (color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed (color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) @page Section1 (size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;) div.Section1 (page:Section1;) --] [/style][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [o:shapedefaults v:ext="edit" spidmax="1026"/] [/xml][![endif]--][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [o:shapelayout v:ext="edit"] [o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1"/] [/o:shapelayout][/xml][![endif]--]
[font style="font-weight: bold;" size="5"]Scientists find meteor debris in Canada[/font]
i like that they found part of the meteorite and thought it was way cool the cop cam video that is
lol haven't checked this thread in a while.
I didn't know you were referring to my feet, no, nobody's ever call said that line. Usually it "You know what they say about big feet..." line.
Yeah that meteor is pretty cool.
Black Friday:
test post succeeded u will find it on top of page 212 :D
[img style="width: 365px; height: 517px;" src="vny!://www.ci.monterey-park.ca.us/images/duke3.jpg[/img]
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omg Michel ! Where did you see this ?
That is the owl, that took me 2 years to convince Sawdust that I was hearing. They have an unbelievable vocabulary....especially during mating season. There are a few that have taken up residence in the yard, and you can hear them calling back and forth to each other.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c[/A]
I love owls too Michel. They are SO magnifiscent. I collected owl ornaments and statues since I was in highschool....I gave them all to my friend to give to her mom, who also collected owls, after I was finished going through my 'earthy decor' phase. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) But to see them in real life is such a treat.
That figurine of the owl on the skull sounds very familiar.
I stopped collecting them once I started receiving owls with mortar boards and monocles. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
Barred Owls and hawks rest these days at my old place on these now huge trees we planted in the 80s. Kinda creepy as they're right next to the garage. They stare at you for hours. I don't like being watched. lol
Used to see a lot of Great Horned's in the neighbourhood as a kid, they've moved on to other neighbourhoods apparently as I've seen them while driving around at night. A Barred Owl stayed around my house last year in the trees.
I would like to see them too. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Well all morning I've been thinking about this, and I'm convinced it was a Barn Owl, which in Missouri and the winter is very rare, Barn Owls don't usually like the locals in Missouri during the winter. My first instincts was calling it a Barn Owl.
From what I read this morning on MO Conservation page, I probably should have called the Conservation folks and say there's a Barn Owl in town.
[a href="vny!://mdc.mo.gov/nathis/birds/owls/varowls.htm"]vny!://mdc.mo.gov/nathis/birds/owls/varowls.htm[/a]
took this on Sunday at Wreck Beach. Everybody likes it so far. Although I feel silly, I missed the sun by 5 seconds.
yes. lol
[P align=center]this guy gets pwned
[DIV align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/get-away-from-me.jpg" border=0]
[P align=center]lol
[P align=center]
[P align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/2298806034_4c76d40d25.jpg" border=0]
[DIV align=center] this is pretty funny, read the wholething
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/longbutfunny.jpg" border=0][/DIV]
[DIV align=center]you must be this tall
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/mustbethistall.jpg" border=0][/DIV]
omg......this is far too cute !!!!!
don't know where u found that pic 49er but that says a lot of truth about those shit companies...
[span style="font-family: "Times New Roman";"]
[/span][p class="MsoNormal"][span lang="FR-CA"][!--[endif]--][o:p][/o:p][/span][/p] [span style="" times="" new="" roman="" ;="" lang="FR-CA"][a href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-J6Ap6Zy9w"]
Yipes ! What are they doing.
How embarrassing. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
The first one, with the solitary tree, is a spectacular shot. So beautiful. But....of course this is my favourite.
[img style="WIDTH: 112px; HEIGHT: 144px" height=523 src="vny!://img504.imageshack.us/img504/9007/dsc0239xsw0.jpg" width=303] What a face....melt !
He's so precious. It looks like he's posing for you.
[P align=center]one little perve
[P align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/take_a_picture.jpg" border=0]
Future cell mate to Big Guido.
Wonderful photos Michel.
I agree with everyone.. really really nice photos michel.
Oh I thought it was an ancient dart board, and the shaman was the winner of the dart tournament. I know all this ancient stuff......anything you need to know, just ask me. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Oh I thought it was an ancient dart board, and the shaman was the winner of the dart tournament. I know all this ancient stuff......anything you need to know, just ask me. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) [/div]
When is this snow going to go away.
I think it's going to hang around for a few days....but should be ok to get out and around on Friday. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (and to ensure my accurate prediction, I WILL go out on Friday, just to make it so)
Snow will be around til the end of the month. Its not getting back to normal anytime soon apparently.
OMG !!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/k040.gif" border=0] That is incredible ! What an amazing sight ...and an equally amazing shot !
nice photos michel (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/21.gif)
Beautiful pics Michel. I was puzzled as to how you got a pic of my drive-way.....lol
[img style="WIDTH: 126px; HEIGHT: 156px" height=510 src="vny!://img339.imageshack.us/img339/8059/dsc7321xys6.jpg" width=281]
The picture of the snow and trees would make a lovely 'xmas card or postcard.
some pics of the Aurora Borealis hope you all love them as much as i do
site moved the link had to delete this one.. [span class="attribute-value"][span style="font-family: monospace;"]
[/span][img style="width: 355px; height: 230px;" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/2h71e2c.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 354px; height: 235px;" src="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/5x3ewk.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 341px; height: 227px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/ev9yx2.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 340px; height: 226px;" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/nphpxl.jpg[/img]
make sure you right click and select view the pics to see the full sized image.
yes its damned cold out in yellow knife
[img style="width: 554px; height: 415px;" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/2yvnors.jpg[/img]
[table style="width: 247px; height: 116px;" bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"][tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/small][/td][/tr] [tr][td align="center"] [style type="text/css"] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/style] [table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td]
[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]he[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]das[/td][td]r[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="a2e14fc68ce3fdfb7c0e1a56f7901b8e" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][img style="width: 123px; height: 41px;" src="vny!://i40.tinypic.com/2rpcpd5.gif[/img][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [input name="post" value="Post" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" tabindex="3" type="submit"] [input name="preview" value="Preview" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == " undefined="" !document.postmodify.attachmentpreview.value="" ||="" confirm('you="" will="" have="" to="" reattach="" any="" attachments,="" continue="" with="" preview?'))="" &&="" submitthisonce(this);="" accesskey="p" tabindex="4" type="submit"][img]Themes/default/images/blank.gif" alt="" id="fetchSessionTemp"]
Lol at the spam bot stopper
[P align=center]lol
[P align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/a95_p4.jpg" border=0]
[img class=aligncenter height=338 alt="" src="vny!://www.engrish.com//wp-content/uploads/2009/01/hardware-dope-supermarket.jpg" width=450].
[img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8357" title=curiosity-what-wonderful-relaxing height=481 alt="" src="vny!://www.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads//2008/12/curiosity-what-wonderful-relaxing.jpg" width=400] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c028.gif" border=0] .
I'm ever so patiently waiting for some pics from Michel's trip. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/p015.gif" border=0]
I took a couple of pictures during my walk about in the east side today. 2 pictures of the sunset at Oppenheimer park.. and 4 pictures of one of the local working girls...the working girl is A First Nations woman Approximately 20 to 30 years old. it is hard to say for sure the drug use prematurely ages them.
I am sorry for the poor quality pictures, i hope you all don't mind and enjoy them any ways. I am using a cheap fujifilm digital camera, A finepix model A101 about 10 years old or so.. the camera still works but i think it needs replacing.. the camera is 1.3 mega pixels and sometimes it just doesn't work very good if it works at all, there have been times it hasn't worked at all
these are 4 pictures are taken from a distance off 50 feet with the digital zoom. I can't let the girls pimp see me snapping pictures ( providing she even has a pimp some girls are independents working with out a pimp) I'm in no condition to be fighting just yet...
[img style="width: 521px; height: 410px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/25j8p4o.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 524px; height: 414px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/2sb9ws3.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 523px; height: 451px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/wcoe3p.jpg[/img]
make sure to view the sunset pictures directly to see them in full size they are pretty good well i think they are pretty good...
[a href="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/28003fm.jpg[/img]sunset 1[/a]
[img style="width: 550px; height: 412px;" src="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/28003fm.jpg[/img]
[a href="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/263j4f9.jpg[/img]sunset 2[/a]
[img style="width: 554px; height: 414px;" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/263j4f9.jpg[/img]
Providing tomorrow is just as nice as today, i will venture out again and see what else their is in the east side that might be worth photographing...
Your first of the sunsets is really good. You've got someone walking, there's no activity of any kind around, the sun is setting, its east vancouver, perfect.
thank you sportsdude, it is one of those i was in the right place at the right time... wrong camera... i so wish i had a better one... but the pictures turned out nicely, nonetheless, maybe i need a new job, perhaps to become a digital photographer... instead of working as a lowly security guard... lol...
sportsdude what is causing your late night insomnia... posting this late at night seems odd for you... have you been out partying or what? :D
Personally, it makes me a little squeamish to see these pictures posted of this woman...including her face and resume. It seems to be quite a violation of her privacy....at least in my opinion. I wish that you'd reconsider.
then she should not be standing in a public place.... nor should she be approaching men in cars or asking fat guys on bicycles if they want to have a BJ or other services...
she is pretty enough and young enough that she should be working the high track not the east side low tract or she should be advertising on craigslist or one of the local rags that have those escort / prostitution services on offer ie the west ender the georgia straight to name 2 off the back of my head. i am sure their are many other neumerous papers with rent a add spaces in them...
her face is blurred and taken from such a distance it is difficult to see clearly. but if you think censorship is in order. do as you must. i can paint in a circle to hide her face. if you think it needs to be done... though i hate to censor anything...
[DIV align=center] KID + CHAIR= FUNNY
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center][img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/OnlyinMiddleSchool.jpg" border=0][/DIV]
oppss sorry for the double post guys
it happens nhl ask pc to delete one... she will fix the double post.
loling once more at the kid stuck in the chair... looks like something i would of done... and i've done plenty of stupid stuff including getting stuck in a tree and having to be rescued...
no worse than getting stuck upside down in a tree im sure... not that i would know anything about that sort of thing (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Oh please! You're not going to play the 'censorship' card are you ?
You're not being censored. I was posting my own personal thoughts....that it doesn't seem like the kindest thing to do to someone in my opinion. I just don't see why street people wouldn't be entitled to the same level of consideration for their right to privacy as anyone else. I just don't like seeing someone exploited in that way. I'm sure there are many who would disagree with me...and I'm fine with that.
i mean i will censor her face if you ask me to... it is ur right as a administrator... i personally think that it can not be made out with any accuracy... that gives her a fair bit of privacy because they are not clear photos...
but if you ask me to pc i will do it for you... not as censorship but cause you would feel better... besides the mememebee forum censored it when they deleted the whole thread lol... i had to put it back up with no street girl pictures... its not like u can easily tell the streets or anything either....
i did try to keep some of that info off of it..
[FONT size=2]i mean i will censor her face if you ask me to... it is ur right as a administrator... i personally think that it can not be made out with any accuracy... that gives her a fair bit of privacy because they are not clear photos...
but if you ask me to pc i will do it for you... not as censorship but cause you would feel better... besides the mememebee forum censored it when they deleted the whole thread lol... i had to put it back up with no street girl pictures... its not like u can easily tell the streets or anything either....
i did try to keep some of that info off of it.. [/FONT]
I'm not asking you to...on a personal level nor as a moderator. Like any other thread, just posting my thoughts on it.
i can understand your reasons and other persons reasons also.. i keep thinking if that was a friend of mine would i want their photos posted... or even if it was me... i guess i wouldn't like it much...
such is life though... at least the girl is dressed. some of the girls down here go about inn short skirts and just a tiny bikini top in the summer some of the girls they even flash drivers on occasion. i have seen many near miss accidents cause of driver distractions
Orik wrote:
[a href="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/28003fm.jpg"]sunset 1[/a]
[img style="width: 550px; height: 412px;" src="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/28003fm.jpg"]
this is a great shot orik - i like it,
[a href="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/263j4f9.jpg"]sunset 2[/a]
Providing tomorrow is just as nice as today, i will venture out again and see what else their is in the east side that might be worth photographing...
Orik wrote:
I took a couple of pictures during my walk about in the east side today. 2 pictures of the sunset at Oppenheimer park.. and 4 pictures of one of the local working girls...the working girl is A First Nations woman Approximately 20 to 30 years old. it is hard to say for sure the drug use prematurely ages them.
I am sorry for the poor quality pictures, i hope you all don't mind and enjoy them any ways. I am using a cheap fujifilm digital camera, A finepix model A101 about 10 years old or so.. the camera still works but i think it needs replacing.. the camera is 1.3 mega pixels and sometimes it just doesn't work very good if it works at all, there have been times it hasn't worked at all
these are 4 pictures are taken from a distance off 50 feet with the digital zoom. I can't let the girls pimp see me snapping pictures ( providing she even has a pimp some girls are independents working with out a pimp) I'm in no condition to be fighting just yet...
Providing tomorrow is just as nice as today, i will venture out again and see what else their is in the east side that might be worth photographing...
Wow, there must be two Oriks with the same pics. This Orik posted pics taken on his walk about the DTES. Evidently this Orik is still in pain and agony and unable to work.
Meanwhile, this far more fortunate Orik posted these pics taken during a 9 hour shift at work. Wow, Orik with a cameras in the DTES have become commonplace.
[A href="vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6442"]vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6442[/A]
I don't get what you're saying.
I think he is talking about some photos i took in September but did not get around to posting until December on the thread
[a href="index.php/topic,6672.0.html"]a day at my office[/a]
as for my health it is still not good enough to return to full time or part time duty's. that's what the spetgwpdt is for he tells me whats improved whats happening, & how long until i can return to work.
the rest is just a mater of time and healing. some days are really good and i can get out for an hr sometimes 3 or 4 hrs. ie go to church on sunday and sit for a coffee at Starbucks.
i ride my bike around a little, as long as i rest often, i do okay but i do get fatigued easily so my trips out and about are kept fairly short. I can not rush this. I can only ride it out and accept what happens. one does not bounce back from acute liver failure.
i can only return to work once the spetgwpdts & my doctor concur that i have improved enough physically and that i am not at risk of a relapse or doing further damage to the liver.. then they will sign a release form, which my union and employer will honor.
thus allowing me to return to my normal duties once more. It is a liability issue i don't understand it all my self, so you need to ask the lawyers and the company CEO why it is this way... i just follow orders of management.
if it was up to me i would of returned to work already. but this one is up to my physicians they have the authority. he says no i listen im not gona make myself sicker or risk the health and recovery i have so far just for a paycheck...
he might also be just another one of the many haters and trolls around these days and only worthy of being ignored. on the off chance he is a regular human being that is concerned with my health and welfare i have chosen to answer with a in depth response.
and now for some pictures i took today while feeding the vampires. and pissing into little bottles...
^ sorry no pictures of that stuff yuck
bad enough i took these 2 pictures
bird above
shit below
Fun With the sun and shadows.
took these during the summer
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0239.jpg"]The Marr[/a]
[img style="width: 499px; height: 374px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0239.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0232.jpg"]
Shades of Grey[/a]
[img style="width: 534px; height: 399px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0232.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0255.jpg"]Forest Green [/a]
[img style="width: 542px; height: 405px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0255.jpg"]
That's It for some of the summer ones but you are welcome to [a href="vny!://s234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/"]view my gallery[/a] if you want too ...
These were taken today...
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0023.jpg"]Sun & Shadow 1[/a]
[img style="width: 363px; height: 272px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0023.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0025.jpg"]Sun & Shadow 2[/a]
[img style="width: 372px; height: 495px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0025.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0024.jpg"]Sun & Shadow 3[/a]
[img style="width: 370px; height: 277px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0024.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0022.jpg"]Sun & Shadow 4[/a]
[img style="width: 385px; height: 289px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0022.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0029.jpg"]Downtown eastside neighbourhood house 1[/a]
[img style="width: 402px; height: 301px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0029.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0028.jpg"]Downtown eastside neighbourhood house 2[/a]
[img style="width: 399px; height: 299px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0028.jpg"]
some houses even thought they be apartment buildings can be very beautiful and what they did to make this place look so good was magnificent...
That reminds me of Elaine. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
Did you really take that pic ?
They ? That camel ?
O'h you guys r just so disturbing get a room you two...[img style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif[/img]
[img style="width: 519px; height: 389px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0003.jpg"]
same pic i posted before but taken 15 seconds after the first one. the camera is so screwed up, it looks like the pics were taken in the middle of the night. when it was actually 10 am. Also notice the motion of them camera pictures are blurred & the lighting is bad with tracer effects. kind of cool looking but not what i wanted to capture at all.
[img style="width: 487px; height: 365px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0004.jpg[/img]
michel. i am so jealous. you get to travel to so many amazing places getting to take so many amazing photos and meeting so many different peoples and cultures on the way. makes me sad to know i will probably never get to travel anywhere exotic. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/9.gif)
That last pic is GORGEOUS....[img style="WIDTH: 88px; HEIGHT: 128px" height=392 src="vny!://img398.imageshack.us/img398/4468/mereincacuzco2000bn4.jpg" width=159] So colourful.
And I love the looks on these little girls faces......
[img style="WIDTH: 279px; HEIGHT: 181px" height=363 src="vny!://img102.imageshack.us/img102/453/fillettemouton3aa3.jpg" width=481]
Well, those are all REALLY good. I can't get over how many people are in that tiny boat......LOL
So.....what's 'in town' ?
Now THAT'S remote. Did you go on one of those boats ? They don't look very sea worthy.
What do you mean, no cook. You ate the chickens raw ????
Ick. I don't know if I'd survive if I had to eat 'unidentified things'. I'm sorry, but I want to know what the hell I'm putting in my mouth. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
You sound like you have had some amazing journeys. I'm so envious.
*darned planes (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
soso/suso in tagalog means breasts... and if you say pek pek you are talking about sex or a girls pussy... so a peki peki is boat in Spanish but in tagalog it ids a wet clam (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
Yes, Michel, it sure makes me realize what I'm missing out on. Everything in me wants to travel and see such things.....except.....for......you know (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/9.gif)
Can't I just buy a GI-NORMOUS yatch ?(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
PC perhaps you have a fear of flying or perhaps you just don't want to see the truth of the living conditions of many other cultures & peoples nor compare them to our own. seeing so many poor, people and their family's barely survive eking out an impoverished subsistence.
Maybe you just don't want to be heartbroken. no one ever does PC it is sad to see these people live as they do. and we do need to remember to be more charitable to those other cultures and country. but like me and many others you do want to travel you just do not want to see or be reminded of just how lucky we have life here....
And i will not cal PC pamela michel... now as for calling her a pussy i would not care to dothat until i have a headstart of at least 100 feet and a fast mode for a excit
[FONT size=2]PC perhaps you have a fear of flying or perhaps you just don't want to see the truth of the living conditions of many other cultures & peoples nor compare them to our own. seeing so many poor, people and their family's barely survive eking out an impoverished subsistence.
Maybe you just don't want to be heartbroken. no one ever does PC it is sad to see these people live as they do. and we do need to remember to be more charitable to those other cultures and country. but like me and many others you do want to travel you just do not want to see or be reminded of just how lucky we have life here....[/FONT]
Um....no. It's definitely not any of those reasons. I won't fly to Disneyland either.
He IS kinda creepy. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a090.gif" border=0]
lol....I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said....Why is it that Donald Duck never wears pants.....but if he gets out of a shower, he always has a towel around his waist. HAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAAAA
it's okay michel...
some pics from another office building in a different section of town the west end for a change...
[font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText" id="msg"](//%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-099.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-098.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5Dhere%20we%20are%20heading%20back%20in%20to%20the%20east%20side%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-0920.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-0918.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5Dand%20these%20are%20some%20pictures%20i%20know%20a%20couple%20of%20certain%20lady's%20just%20might%20like%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-0912.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-0913.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5D%5Bimg%20title=%22Click%20the%20image%20to%20enlarge%22%20name=%22img%22%20src=%22vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Tue-01-20-0911.jpg%22%20style=%22cursor:%20pointer;%22%20onclick=%22doimage(this,event)%22%20border=%220%22%20width=%22574%22%5D%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bfont%20color=%22midnightblue%22%20size=%222%22%20face=%22Verdana,%20Arial,%20Helvetica%22%5D%5Bspan%20class=%22spnMessageText%22%20id=%22msg%22%5Dand%20yes%20that%20is%20a%20clubvibes%20truck%20being%20broken%20into%5B/span%5D%5B/font%5D%5Bimg%5D/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif) [font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText" id="msg"] with wheel straps locked on it and soon to be towed away [/span][/font](//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/8.gif)
i will try to zoom in and post the pics of the club vibes truck soon .
[img style="width: 461px; height: 357px;" src="vny!://i42.tinypic.com/2d0yrfd.jpg[/img]
best i can do on the zoom with out distorting them to much. and my cam had to choose to crap out and not work on the digital zoom at the time i was taking these... at least it worked and took some pictures...
[img style="WIDTH: 123px; HEIGHT: 134px" height=283 src="vny!://img177.imageshack.us/img177/8882/dsc01002xea4.jpg" width=146] OK, I'm a late bloomer. This is what I like best, Michel. Very nice pics. And thanks for letting me know. Sorry about the delay.
This was taken on top of Cypress mountain at 6:30 am. SO PURTY!!!
[img style="WIDTH: 608px; HEIGHT: 547px" height=677 src="vny!://i41.tinypic.com/16beepw.jpg" width=1058]
Wowowie wow wow that is so beautiful... did u get to take it purelife ?
nice shot michel.. is it a fox or a coyote ?
[img style="WIDTH: 291px; HEIGHT: 173px" height=242 src="vny!://img516.imageshack.us/img516/3991/dsc0119xxyl0.jpg" width=416]
Oh my.....what a handsome pup. They have the most beautiful eyes. The fur on his legs is so much redder than his back. What time of year was this photo taken Michel ?
That would be a shame. GET BUSY. You have a most fabulous collection, that is really deserving of being viewed.
Don't make me come over there. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
I keep wishing that my computer had accidently copied all your pics when you had them on here......(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[DIV align=center] Cool
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center]
[DIV align=center] [img alt="Funny Pictures" src="vny!://newmedia2.funnyjunk.com/pictures/2279681880_ea8ff53def.jpg" border=0] [/DIV]
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif) I was going to try and claim that I took it.
It really is a spectacular shot.
hi michel,
steve bloom probably wont like that i stole one of his pictures, let alone my sense of humor. ahhhh-ha-ha-hah... well it is a brilliant photo, i just thought it to be absolutely stunning ... and in serious need of having thought bubble captions added ... so i stole it and spiced it up with some captions [img style="width: 44px; height: 32px;" src="richedit/smileys/Happy/25.gif[/img]
Quote from: Michel you're the culprit ? criminal ! lol
Afraid so this time i am guilty
Orik wrote:
These were taken today...
[img style="width: 372px; height: 495px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0025.jpg"]
[a href="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/DSCF0024.jpg"]Sun & Shadow 3[/a]
I like this one Orik. I don't often play with that kind of direct light - good job.
thanks van guy... i love that pic of the tree's and snow. kind of like a highway to heaven deal, silent and beautiful, the shadows and the sunlight... i just love the effect of the light on top and the shadow beneath it is fantastic..
By popular demand sugar cane fields ...
I don't think that i have any pics of the juicer machine....
wow those are amazing pictures. and is it really that cold in their country they wear toques and dress so heavily.. it so lush and green i find it hard to imagine it could be so cold to need such a heavy toque...
Van Guy Is that a knife or a machete? or is it a combination their off ? and pls remind me not to flirt with any women who have fathers and mothers working the sugarcane fields those things look sharp (//forums/richedit/smileys/12.gif)
i hope u do get a chance in the future to get a picture of a sugarcane juicer making machine i would love to see the contraption at work...
i found t&t market has sugarcane juice in cans. no fresh juice and it doesn't taste all that good but put a bit of lime in it through a blender then pour on ice it is very refreshing. now if i do find any sugarcane i will try it fresh... once i figure out how to eat it lol..
thanks again van guy
Wow, those are really nice pictures of the sugar cane fields, Van Guy.
My mom used to buy the long sugar canes from chinatown but they look nothing like those in the pic. I miss eating sugar canes. They were one of my favorite childhood treats. YUM!
Very nice indeed. I like this one ....
[img style="WIDTH: 130px; HEIGHT: 182px" height=405 src="vny!://photos-h.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v2118/151/76/854865467/n854865467_5554015_8252.jpg" width=224]
You can get it in the grocery stores once or twice a year. I used to buy it for my kids when they were little.
Just out for a walk
Sunset during rush housr
[img style="width: 552px; height: 212px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/NoPho4u.jpg[/img]
No Pho For You
the things you see when walking down hastings street in the early evening hours.
like to see this in day light... will try to get some pics in the sunlight if it is still up in the tree.
[img style="width: 574px; height: 430px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 447px; height: 335px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree3.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 379px; height: 287px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree2.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 392px; height: 292px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree5.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 457px; height: 341px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree4.jpg[/img]
Same tree Same Light Same stuffed snake toy. just diffrent zooms and angles
what i'd like to know is how the snake got in the tree in the first place. its not like their is any forbidden fruit being given away here... or is their.
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Boredom is not always a good thing =)
wow. shame u didn't have a 306 for that last shot moose steaks sounds pretty good right about now...
[img style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 134px" height=225 src="vny!://img98.imageshack.us/img98/5952/dsc0656xxk5.jpg" width=364]
OMG.....this is STUNNING ! I'm packing my bags !
Beautiful pic Michel.
That moose looks like he is smiling. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
lol....it looks like a little farm boy chewing on a piece of grass
His antlers look so velvety soft.
When we were in Yellowstone a few years back, we came around a bend to see the park ranger looking out over a swapy area. We stopped to look too, and there was a mama moose giving birth. Baby was up on it's feet really quickly.
*drops out of school to wander the newfoundland country side*
lol.....I think that was Hollywood gossip, Michel.
[img height=274 alt="an image" src="vny!://www.pugbus.net/artman/uploads/placenta_helper.jpg" width=180 border=0].
[font style="font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial Black;" size="7"][/font]
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0] .
Tuesday at 8 pm on PBS (WTVS 43 in Vancouver on Shaw), there will be a documentary from the Nova series about tre trip of these butterflies. PC, you might want to check it.
[/DIV] I remembered, I remembered ! It comes on KCTS here, channel 48. Have it set to record on the PVR.
[FONT size=5]LOL[/FONT] A million red X's ?
edit....they just came in. [FONT size=6]LOL[/FONT]
Cool ! Did you get to see inside ?
I'd LOVE to see that !
That's on my bucket list....to go to the east coast. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I'd venture out there this summer if I had money.
That's how I was envisioning such a trip.
Best option really would be to drive from St Louis take Marine Atlantic to Newfoundland. Plus I'd knock off the last remaining states east of the Rockies (by the time I do this trip it'll be the last remaining lower 48 lol) I haven't seen in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine.
Then I'm done with the states! woot, I can move on to better things. haha
As a non-colourblind person, I can hardly see it.
*I wonder how come that one is not coming up for me on Google. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
[a href="vny!://www.google.ca/"]
Me too. Just regular one shows for me. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
I've been de-googled. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
[span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"] [/span]
Those are purdy. Looks so surreal.
Michel wrote:
Interesting pics, looks so exotic. Thanks Van Guy.
I might go to Vietnam this Spring, still hesitating with China which seems more attractive to me for now. More atractive but harder for language and "understanding" of the characters. Sad that traditional clothing seems to have disappeared from Vietnam according to these pics. Hope it's not like that everywhere. How do people react to the camera in general? Did the pic of the woman taken from the back has been made to show the machete or is it because some people are reticent or opposed to get their picture taken?
you are very welcome. go before the rains june july is the worst - rain like you have never seen - crikey....
i find you can get most things you want / need with sign language and a little translation book.
Still lots of traditional clothing - motly the older ladies - many still chew the black beetle nut - so teeth are black like coal. Most traditional clothes are in the country side.
Kids love having picture taken - old people indifferent. In the country side many many people cary a machete - collecting fire wood - food - whatever. 70% of people have one. I've never had anyone refuse a picure - except some of our illegal gold miners who don't want proof they were breaking the law.
Personally i REALLY liked westernomst china along the silk road. Very interseting culturally and foodily.
Michel wrote:
Ah I'm surprised, I thought rainy season was now, just like in Southern Thailand. Great to hear about the picture opportunities, I like traditional costumes when it's not wear only for the tourists. Indeed, usually women are more traditional in their clothing, and the older the more. I'll probably go to China this year, than Viet Nam next year, with a quick hoping minimum to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
no it rains very little this time of year.
yeah for the most part people here are quite ok with getting picture taken.
i really enjoyed a city called dun huang - it is in the far west of china - look up
they were spectacular...
i hope to go to angkor wat in august - i'll let you know - but ive herd great things about it.
purelife wrote:
Wow, those are really nice pictures of the sugar cane fields, Van Guy.
My mom used to buy the long sugar canes from chinatown but they look nothing like those in the pic. I miss eating sugar canes. They were one of my favorite childhood treats. YUM!
yup really sugar cane.
just a spot along the road between hanoi and where i work in the north.
about 60 cents for a 2m chunk
cool lake in the center of hanoi(//vny!://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v173/151/76/854865467/n854865467_2011434_8144.jpg)
Michel...just watched the Incredible Journey of the Butterflies. It was so beautiful, it made me weep at the end. I'm embarrassed to admit, that I had no idea the butterflies had any connection to The Day of the Dead....and I was even once there for this celebration myself. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0]
I'm re-running it right now. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) It really was informative as well as beautiful....I also didn't know the caterpillars outgrow and shed their skin FOUR times !!!
I'm not good at remembering details. It's in the memory bank...but I can't withdraw on demand....lol
I don't try to remember....I know it's in my subconscious....and that's good enough for me.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Ah I remember those pic from FB. What's the name of the lake?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]EDIT oh and by the way, since you're here, do you know any good company that sell flight in Van for Asia, outside of Flight Centre and Travel Cuts? First time I'll take the plane from here for leisure, so this time I pay lol. [/div]
Yeah i'm lazy first i have to post picture on FB then here so it takes a while to do new ones.
I don't think that Orik has seen these ones ..\
I get my tickets taken care of here in hanoi - they can buy much cheaper flying from hanoi to vancouver return than me buying vancouver to hanoi return (same plane same seat nearly 1/2 price... go figure).
Ngon Son Temple is the structure in the middle - it has a great 1,000 year old myth associated with it - dealig with turtles and kings and victory over evil overthrowers etc ... not sure what the lake is called. it's right in the center of the old part of the city though.
Different lake - this one is just across from my hotel in Hanoi
van_guy wrote:
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Ah I remember those pic from FB. What's the name of the lake?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div]Hoan Kiem Lake (first with the temple)
West Lake (second with docks and fisherman)
those pictures are marvelous van_guy thank you so much for sharing them. i love the shadows and the reflection in the water.. absolutely stunning. so tranquil so beautiful it makes me so very jealous and more than a little sad at the same time...
who is the lucky fisherman... and was he catching many fish . what kinds of fish
is it the snakehead ? or one of these monsters
[h1][a href="vny!://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=kvz6gs5nWBY"]Giant Cat fish of the Mekong River[/a][/h1][span]Attaining an unconfirmed length of 3 m, the Mekong giant catfish grows extremely quickly, reaching a mass of 150 to 200 kg in only six years.[8] The largest catch recorded in Thailand since record-keeping began in 1981 was a female measuring 2.7 m (roughly 9 feet) in length and weighing 293 kg (646 lb). This specimen, caught in 2005, is widely recognized as the largest freshwater fish ever caught (although sturgeon can far exceed this size, they can be anadromous). Mekong giant catfish have been confirmed as anadromous also. Thai Fisheries officials stripped the fish of its eggs as part of a breeding programme, intending then to release it, but the fish died in captivity and was sold as food to local villagers.[9][10][11]
Grey to white in colour and lacking stripes, the Mekong giant catfish is distinguished by the near-total lack of barbels and the absence of teeth.[8] [/span]
WOW....nice eagle pics Michel. I particularly like the first one.
I also LOVE this one.
[img style="WIDTH: 127px; HEIGHT: 179px" height=466 src="vny!://img158.imageshack.us/img158/3457/dsc2709xvq9.jpg" width=236]
Arbutus are such cool looking trees. I keep hoping to find a nice bough after a wind, to put in the garden with wee white lights on it. They don't stay that fabulous rust colour though.
Orik wrote:
those pictures are marvelous van_guy thank you so much for sharing them. i love the shadows and the reflection in the water.. absolutely stunning. so tranquil so beautiful it makes me so very jealous and more than a little sad at the same time...
who is the lucky fisherman... and was he catching many fish . what kinds of fish
is it the snakehead ? or one of these monsters
Thanks Orik, yeah the light was really nice.
Looks can be deceiving there was a very busy street a few 100m away
not sure what kind of fish they were catching.
they definitely weren't the crazy fish you found. the fishing rods were pretty light weight for that.
Michel wrote:
Some loser pics from We[span style="color: rgb(208, 208, 208);"]s[/span]t Vancouver and Horseshoe Bay area, Wet place on Earth. So exotic lol... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Some great pics there michel, exotic all depends where you live - from these parts what you shot is exotic.
My old office
view from the corner office
my commute
Another office
Another view from office 2
Michel wrote:
lol you would have felt home if you ever went for that job at Labrador city. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img] Except for the cold. No way you could drive a skidoo there with no mittens nor the coat open, somebody would have picked up your fingers on the ground before the end of the day. Probably an arctic fox.
I'm surprised they make you work when there so much snow, you must dig a long time before reaching the main rock.
Yeah, I grew up in northern Ab - i have worked outside all day in -50 degrees' haven't lost any fingers yet - but i did come close once. frostbite is about the most pain i have ever been in. I rank it above getting hit on the thumb with a 12 pound sledge hammer but below having a bulldozer blade land on my foot.
Here in Terrace it was a very nice day. probably -5 degrees. but it got down to -40 degrees - i did up my jacket.
I had a secret weapon to deal with the snow.
But before the snow cat came we had to it by hand - i think we had 27 feet of snow
The rocks were very sexy - thats why we do this in the snow - in some ways it is actually easier in the winter than in the summer. we can use snowmobiles to get around instead of walking or using a 1,000 dollar / hour helicopter
Great pics van guy.
fun job.
Michel wrote:
Ah ok it was a warm day. I don't understand. How come it's more easy in the snow than during summer? Less grass to hide the rocks?
We were drilling - so we don't look at the rocks on the surface but rather rocks that come from below the surface.
Easier because the drill pads may be 1-2 km from camp - easy to get there by skidoo difficult to get to by foot. Plus we can service the rig using snow cat (bring fuel etc...) we can use skidoo to haul core boxes and samples etc.... around, otherwise you have to use helicopter ($1,000 / hr+)
P.C. wrote:
Great pics van guy.
Sportsdude wrote:
fun job.
most days it is a lot of fun - some days it sucks pretty hard
my good days i would pay money to do it.
my bad days are REALLY REALLY bad.
-40 degrees (BC / Arctic)
+50 degrees (mongolia)
monsoons (SE asia)
leeches / snakes (SE asia)
hideous bugs (Arctic)
ticks / snakes / scorpions (Gobi desert and Eastern China)
falling into crevasse (Alaska)
hideous bush / jungle / thorns / poisonous plants (BC Alaska / Eastern china / SE Asia)
sand storms (I had to lie down to avoid being blown on a mountain Gobi desert)
wind storms (nearly killed in the arctic)
snow storms (Arctic / Northern BC)
falling down cliffs (most every where)
elevation (Tibetan Plateu - western china)
being away from family (everywhere)
1 out of 100 leeches that day
i was not a happy camper
Ick ! Leeches are nasty creatures. You have to take a salt shaker with you. That's how we use to get rid of the little buggers.
Not much waiting involved. They curl up and fall off almost instantly. We used to swim at Lac Le Jeune when we were kids, and my mom would hand us our towels and a salt shaker....like they were natural swimming equipment.
We would come out of the water covered head to toe in the darn things. Ick....I don't think I would like to do that any more. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I was just little. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
De-leeched. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/1.gif) Hmmm.
P.C. wrote:
Ick ! Leeches are nasty creatures. You have to take a salt shaker with you. That's how we use to get rid of the little buggers.
not sure salt is the answer - these are dry land leeches. usually wet bodied creatures hate salt - these are dry. Pliers for scale
Aren't you supposed to burn them and not pull on it, as if the leech head stay inside you can cause infection and can easily come back with only one arm in this kind of climate. Seriously, I hope you take care of you. It's only a job after all. Will you still do that type of job for many years ? I'm sure sometimes it must be great, but far from always.
i suppose you could burn them off but they seem pretty heat resistant - no infections to date ...
I am very healthy. Lots of exresise better, diet than north america. lots of fresh air.
These guys (see below) are the ones that creep me out - they are poisonous and hang out in tight dark underground caves (man made) that i explore. hey are very fast and can get about 2-3 times this big.
[img style="WIDTH: 199px; HEIGHT: 135px" height=228 src="vny!://photos-a.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v236/151/76/854865467/n854865467_2960192_9539.jpg" width=332]
Ick ick ick !
Van guy, I was reading about those dry land leeches, and it says that Tiger Balm works good to prevent them from leeching on in the first place....as well as getting them off.
[DIV class=headline] [H1][FONT size=3]Gallery: Baby koala beats the Aussie heat[/FONT][/H1]
[DIV class=clear]When a family in Maude, Victoria found a trembling thirsty baby koala sitting under their deck, abandoned by its mother, their first reaction was surprise. Koalas don't generally come near humans if they can help it, but with ongoing 45 degree celsius weather turning the landscape brown, this little guy would not be denied. [DIV class=headline] [H1][img class=thumbnail id=story_photo height=256 alt="At first, the baby koala wasn't sure about what these crazy humans were offering." src="vny!://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/www.theprovince.com/gallery+baby+koala+beats+aussie+heat/1249808/1249818.bin?size=620x400" width=415 border=0][/H1] [img class=thumbnail id=story_photo style="WIDTH: 418px; HEIGHT: 237px" height=252 alt="A few short gulps of water followed..." src="vny!://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/www.theprovince.com/gallery+baby+koala+beats+aussie+heat/1249808/1249820.bin?size=620x400" width=432 border=0]
[img class=thumbnail id=story_photo style="WIDTH: 416px; HEIGHT: 268px" height=281 alt="With his thirst sated, the baby koala decided to get comfortable." src="vny!://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/www.theprovince.com/gallery+baby+koala+beats+aussie+heat/1249808/1249819.bin?size=620x400" width=466 border=0]
[A href="vny!://www.theprovince.com/Gallery+Baby+koala+beats+Aussie+heat/1249808/story.html"][FONT size=2]vny!://www.theprovince.com/Gallery+Baby+koala+beats+Aussie+heat/1249808/story.html[/FONT][/A]
[DIV class=clear]
[DIV class=clear] [DIV class=headline] [H1] [DIV class=headline] [H1] [/H1][/DIV][/H1][/DIV]
HEY !!!...I LIKE that last pic. NICE!
Michel, today I saw the biggest eagle I have seen in my life....and I've seen a LOT of eagles. He was a MONSTER bird.....absolutely huge. I never knew they got that big. I wished I had my camera with me. Even a bad pic would have been better than no pic. Rats !
Ya....it's a great shot.
I think I might take my camera back to the same place tomorrow, and see if he is there. They often hang around this particular place. It's worth a try.
No....haven't abandoned the idea.....just not tops on the priority list for now.
I have heard no reports of any cougars around here lately....yet I'm still on the look-out when I'm outside.
van_guy wrote:
These guys (see below) are the ones that creep me out - they are poisonous and hang out in tight dark underground caves (man made) that i explore. hey are very fast and can get about 2-3 times this big.
One sees this size centipedes in Maui also.........and they do bite
I understand the being away from family part, but you experience so much of the world at the same time.
Ick ick ick ! [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Van guy, I was reading about those dry land leeches, and it says that Tiger Balm works good to prevent them from leeching on in the first place....as well as getting them off.
I'm with you on the ick - imagine crawling on your hands and knees in a pich black cave it's hot and sweaty and then a couple of these go skittering above you-and they are creepy fast.
Tiger balm ... hmmm i like that stuff - thanks for the tip.
Sportsdude wrote:
I understand the being away from family part, but you experience so much of the world at the same time.
Yeah it's the best of times and the worst of times.
Some days it is very worth it but many it is not.
One of the things i think about is that my kids will see that i work all over the world - and well if your dumb old dad can do it ... maybe they will think they can do anything they want ... no limit to their horizons.
I was really hoping that i would find a gig in the city this year and settle down a bit - but then the economy went into the toilet so now I'm hoping maybe next year ...
[em][/em]One sees this size centipedes in Maui also.........and they do bite
I've been told about like a bee - but not sure if you can get an anaphalactic (sp?) reaction.
I'm going eagle hunting.
Have fun, P.C. Maybe you will find Sam the Eagle.
lol at Sam the Eagle.
Boodles of eagles out there today.....no grandpa. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
Sawdust saw a Golden Eagle on the way home from work today. I'm so envious. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
FOUR gaggles of geese flew over today.....spring is on the horizon ?????
You asked me about Vietnamese kids being shy about getting pictures taken ... I realized that in general little girls were a little shy but the boys loved it ...
Oh MY....what gorgeous children. *melt*
I love that serious beautiful face in the first pic....spring to life in the second....as if someone turned on a switch.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Oh MY....what gorgeous children. *melt* [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I love that serious beautiful face in the first pic....spring to life in the second....as if someone turned on a switch.[/div] They were pretty funny kids.
I have this special talent I can make farting sounds with my hands - a huge benifit to amuse children whose language i do not speak (fart sounds the international language of children of all ages)
I have this special talent I can make farting sounds with my hands - a huge benifit to amuse children whose language i do not speak (fart sounds the international language of children of all ages)
lol.....how true.
Now.....did you have formal training for this ? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Lol Van Guy .. i like that last picture very adorable.. she is hiding ? from the camera ?
i took these two photos while out for my grocery shopping / bicycle ride today
i took them on east cordova time was 12;10 pm. the conditions were dark & grey no wind... my flash failed and my batteries died 1/8 juice left and in the red flashing critical im lucky i got these 2 as it was.
i only manged to get 2 of the kind officr but i would of liked to have gotten a couple more... taken with the officers permission i told him to check here later to see the post of them also..
Front View
[img style="width: 546px; height: 705px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/101-1.jpg"]
And Left Side View
[img style="width: 532px; height: 903px;" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/202-1.jpg"]
Does any body else think he look a bit like rowan atkinson aka mr Bean ?
Michel wrote:
yikes, I'll try to remember that trick, although I think I'm too much of a snob to use it, after all I will represent my country lol
In Latin America, and especially Guatemala, it's close to impossible to take pics of kids as parents tell them that childless white people kidnap them to bring them to their country. Some US women had some trouble with mobs a few years back. Looks like Vietnam is a more healthy mental place...
Yeah it works great - that and they find white people kind of amusing to look at - I'm often referred to as monkey boy - due to the relative abundance of hair on arms / legs.
No kidnapping concerns out in the countryside anyways. Not too sure about the city.
Orik wrote:
Lol Van Guy .. i like that last picture very adorable.. she is hiding ? from the camera ?
Does any body else think he look a bit like rowan atkinson aka mr Bean ?
I think she was just a little shy is all.
Yeah he does. Did you tell him - he probably knows.
Now.....did you have formal training for this ? [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif[/img]
Noooooooo - it's all God given talent. I cup both hands slightly press the edges of the hands together - squeeze firmly to make a nearly air tight pocket of air then squeeze the palms of my hands towards each other - forcing air out either between the fingers or between the cupped hands depending if you want a low rumbly fart sound or a squeeky "one cheek sneek" kind of sound. Then open up hands and repeat. I can play some Tchaikovsy and Rossini (i.e. Barber of Seville) tunes. My mom says "I'm special"
Noooooooo - it's all God given talent. I cup both hands slightly press the edges of the hands together - squeeze firmly to make a nearly air tight pocket of air then squeeze the palms of my hands towards each other - forcing air out either between the fingers or between the cupped hands depending if you want a low rumbly fart sound or a squeeky "one cheek sneek" kind of sound. Then open up hands and repeat. I can play some Tchaikovsy and Rossini (i.e. Barber of Seville) tunes. My mom says "I'm special"
I think your mom is very astute.
I know the technique...I, unfortunately, was never able to master it. I just can't do it. I couldn't do armpit music either, much to the amusement of my sister, who was VERY good at it. It's been hard growing up with no musical talent at all. Although, I have to say, I have a really good ear.
Speaking of 'kid tricks'. Coming home off the inland highway this afternoon, there is a pretty steep hill, which is very winding all the way down. There were about 20 kids in head to toe protective gear doing street luge. Suicidal I tell ya.
So after I cussed out the young whipper-snippers, as any old fart worth their salt should do (of course not to their faces)....I told Sawdust that I thought it would be an absolute blast to try it.....well....at least to watch them. So we went back up and waited and waited and waited. But I guess they were done for the day, because they never came back down the hill. I gotta see this. Hub says they've been doing it for a couple years.
I think your mom is very astute. [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] I know the technique...I, unfortunately, was never able to master it. I just can't do it. I couldn't do armpit music either, much to the amusement of my sister, who was VERY good at it. It's been hard growing up with no musical talent at all. Although, I have to say, I have a really good ear.
My mom is pretty clever all right.
Yeah well it's something that i am very proud of - i often put it on resumes (//forums/richedit/smileys/2.gif)
Funny thing is I'm not very good at the armpit "music"
Michel wrote:
Wow, I have a friend in Thailand, he has the same remarks, kids point at him and laugh. I must say that I laugh at him too [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img]
I have been gawked at, laughed at, stared at, and sometime looked at in horror / disgust (perhaps it was a bad hair day?!) Some days it can be a lot of fun - other days you just want to be like the rest of the Nyguyen'ses (or wongs or ...)
today things got hairy for the local police officers 3 UC ( undercover units )came storming out of nowhere i got side swiped on my bike by one of them. anther inch closer and I would of been hamburger...
but things were hairy for these men and women who came flying in sirens blaring, they hit the ground running guns out. not even closing the car doors... then the rapid fire gun shots made me hit the pavement and I stayed down till the shooting stopped. at less than 150 feet away i make a damn big target and i don't want to get hit by a stray round. I must apologize for the bad photograph this is the clearest one i have. sadly the rest were not even worth posting. and im surprised i got any pictures down with how much my hands were shaking. i've never been run over by a car before.
[font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText" id="msg"]
today things got hairy for the local police officers 3 UC ( undercover units )came storming out of nowhere i got side swiped on my bike by one of them. anther inch closer and I would of been hamburger...
but things were hairy for these men and women who came flying in sirens blaring, they hit the ground running guns out. not even closing the car doors... then the rapid fire gun shots made me hit the pavement and I stayed down till the shooting stopped. at less than 150 feet away i make a damn big target and i don't want to get hit by a stray round. I must apologize for the bad photograph this is the clearest one i have. sadly the rest were not even worth posting. and im surprised i got any pictures done with how much my hands were shaking. i've never been run over by a car before.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Damnshame.jpg" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0" width="472"]
Police gun Fire & Take down
@ the corner of Dunlevy and Powel Street between 3:10 and 3:20 pm on Monday Feb 09 2009 was a 3 police car 6 police officer take down of some bad guys. guns where drawn and shots were fired. sorry the camera pictures sucked i had the camera set for closeups and had forgotten to set it back to landscape.[/span][/font]
Police gun Fire & Take down
@ the corner of Dunlevy and Powel Street between 3:10 and 3:20 pm on Monday Feb 09 2009 was a 3 police car 6 police officer take down of some bad guys. guns where drawn and shots were fired. sorry the camera pictures sucked i had the camera set for closeups and had forgotten to set it back to landscape.
see the whats for lunch thread to know why my camera was set for closeups
[font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText"] [img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/No5Orange.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 463px; height: 242px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
whats some pictures of vancouver with out the number 5 orange at the corner of main and powell
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Number5Orange.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 489px; height: 334px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
and just across the street is one of those 100,000 dollar toilets .
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Portatoilet.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 507px; height: 518px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
it is located right across the street from the No5 Orange a convenient place to deposit all the beer you just finished drinking before at the No5 orange.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/toilet2.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 504px; height: 427px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/toilet3.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 426px; height: 568px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
[/span][/font][font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText"]trust me it is better that the picture is blurry you really don't want a clear view of the interior of one of the local toilets...[/span][/font]
[font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText"]
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Burnt2.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 445px; height: 322px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
The after math of the Fire at the washington Hotel just round the corner from the number 5 orange and down the block from my house
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Fire1.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 456px; height: 412px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
this was my nieghborhood today. pretty boring as usuall.
you plaster this chit on every forum
nomame wrote:
you plaster this chit on every forum
Non name - I do not spend my days scouring every forum. I only do this one. I like this chit.
Keep posting Orik.
thank you vg, I will certainly try to keep posting van_guy. It just depends on how often i can get out...
Oh Brrrrrrrr. Those pics really make you feel the cold !
[img style="WIDTH: 161px; HEIGHT: 111px" src="vny!://img150.imageshack.us/img150/9567/dsc2931xtu1.jpg"] Gorgeous Blue.
They sure give off the Brrrr factor. Almost bleak. Nice pics.
Those are some stunning photographs Michel. the difference between a professional as your self and a amatures like myself. is the quality of your photographs really stands out..
[font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][font color="midnightblue" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][span class="spnMessageText"][img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/whatsforlunch.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 551px; height: 413px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
what do you do when you have a craving for a hot smokie of the none police variety. well you stop at one of these guys at the corner of Granville St & W Georgia St... almost dinner time so i didn't indulge i went to Henry's for a salad.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/alittlemusicifuplease.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 555px; height: 416px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
whats better to go with the city hustle and bustle than a little jazz to light up the day. the sun might not have been shining all that bright. with so many clouds in the sky but this guys sax was gleaming wonderfully.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/HastingsColumbia.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 555px; height: 527px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
well whats Vancouver with out a little sight seeing from the number 20 Victoria bus... these pics speak pretty much for themselves.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/HotelBalmoral.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 558px; height: 505px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
lets get a close up of that sign.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/Empresshotel.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 555px; height: 291px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
this is my neighborhood. @ the corner of Pain & Wasting's commonly known as Main & Hastings
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/East%20Side/MainHastings20.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 555px; height: 429px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
well that's it for my day trip to Saint Paul's for my blood tests, x-rays and other stuff.
hope you enjoyed the pics from my old but new Samsung digimax D53 5 mp digicam... It handles nicer than the old fuji and the pics are certainly better. I can't wait to try it on some sunsets and sunrises with back lit imagery. well here's hoping for sunshine and my having a good day, so i can have the strength to go out and get some new pics. oh yeah. some one stole the snake in a tree it's now missing.
[img title="Click the image to enlarge" name="img" src="vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Snakeinatree2.jpg" style="cursor: pointer; width: 557px; height: 418px;" onclick="doimage(this,event)" border="0"]
i wonder who scaled the tree, to retrieve it. i also wonder how it got up their in the first place. i am also wondering why they would climb the tree to retrieve a stuffed snake. lol ah well i guess we, meaning I shall never know... [/span][/font][/font]
your welcome Michel. I think your pics are pretty good, you probably have pretty good equipment too.
WOW. Were these from your hike today ?
Beautiful detail and clarity !!!
Had to document Posts 999 1000 and this on 1001 hah
I won't go as far as that Michel hehe no cares but me .
I still would like to know who got the snake out of the treee.
[img style="width: 537px; height: 402px;" src="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/32zm5xy.jpg"]
Michel wrote:
Norvan Falls and Cypress mountains with view of the Lions from Hollyburn, pics taken last week end.
[img style="width: 550px; height: 365px;" src="vny!://img266.imageshack.us/img266/5351/dsc2995vy1.jpg"]
I've been meaning to hike the lions for the last couple of years. Where did you get these pics from - Hollyburn Lodge? don't you have to get a bit closer to get shots like these???
Orik wrote:
I won't go as far as that Michel hehe no cares but me .
I still would like to know who got the snake out of the treee.
[img style="width: 537px; height: 402px;" src="vny!://i39.tinypic.com/32zm5xy.jpg"]
I like the play in the light and shadow on the building.
I would try to get a little different angle to eliminate the big wires - I find them distracting.
But that little glint of sunlight at teh top of the building in the middle - makes the photos.
I'm still waiting for pics from Michel's last trip. He's holding out on us....I just know it. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
Could you talk to him for me please ?
Rumour has it, he has been very VERY busy pig hunting. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Ugh Tiger Eater, welcome to my country, please don't eat the bear lol. White man"Big Eye" is called a zoom, and it transform you in a kind of Kokopelli lol [img style="font-style: italic;" src="richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img]
michel, sorry to dissapoint - i've eaten bear since i was a kid. from 0-20 years i ate more moose / deer / bear than did beef.
OK I assume you meant the angle, not the apparent size of the mountains. The picture was taken from the summit of Hollyburn. I didn't pay attention to any lodge but I assume it's close to the road, same place where you rent the snowshoes? Anyway, this is a 2 to 3 hours up in the mountain from where you rent the snowshoes, but I'm slow. (Also I hiked 14 km the day before so I was not in total shape lol ok enough with the excuses). Anyway, probably closer to 2 hours in Summer. The fun part was to slip on my butt to come down in the steepest parts.
so this "lense" thing can make things appear closer ???
Ah the Lions, I hope I'll be able to have time to do it next Summer. But I've to be in better shape than now if I want to keep on smiling lol.
keep me in mind - I'd love to hike it with you.
EDIT : Ah! Just found the official details :
Scouts under Orion
Lamb chops, peas, carrots and potatoes - followed by an orange.
Sorry, this should be in the what's for lunch thread,.
picture gopher picture! it sounds good. lol
hiking, something I want to do this summer.
Extraordinary measures were taken last night by these rescuers to save a mans life.
Last night Police Paramedic's and the Fire department worked unceasingly, to get this unknown mans heart beating again. Approximately 20 minutes after the first responders arrival on scene, they loaded him to a ambulance. I do not know if he died or not. I do know the ambulance sat quiet for about 2 minutes, before it took off code, siren wailing and lights flashing.
If any one wants the full video i am working on converting it. In its unedited unmodified version it is 18.minutes 50 seconds long, in AVI format, 1.23 gigabytes in size. It is filmed at 30 frames per second and is 640 x 480 unfortunatly it is very dark and it has no sound. Even after running it through a filter it is still pretty dark.
I need to make this video much smaller and more manageable for sharing so if you have any recommendations on how to do that with minimal loss of quality I am listening. I did not get the whole thing on video, I missed the first responders arrival but i did get secondry units. And Police and crime scene tape going up.
So if anyone wants to see the full video private msg me.
Michel wrote:
Very nice pic of Orion. I love pictures with stars on it, but I'm lazy and hate the tripod and everything. Plus night is cold lol Last attempt I made was 2 years ago in Organ Pipe NP in Arizona at Christmas time, but my hand freeze on the lens, I said to myself what the f*ck and just went back to bed lol [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img]. I was trying to emulate a pic I took a few years ago of a Saguaro with Ursa Major on it. This summer maybe if I find an interesting foreground subject.
Yeah i love night shots and i love water reflection - so i couldn't pass this up.
That the hard part of night photography is finding something interesting in the foreground. In this case i had a bunch of boy scouts doing some stuff with flash lights ... and i knew there was an interesting mountain there.
lol it's ok as long as this is not a Kermode bear or any endangered species. Indeed up North it's easier to find wild meat than driving 100 km for Safeway. Perfectly logical to hunt there. Just sad as that's less critters for me to shoot at with my camera.
no these were ordinary black bear and moose and white tail deer - there are gobs of them in that part of the world. My father worked about 70km out of town on a private road so he just had to lean out of the window and blast mr moose - even easier (and a lot cheaper) than driving to safeway.
Hey this might happen. Summer will be long again as I lost my kittysitter, so no long vacations again this year so far, unless I resign myself to let the cat stucked in a cage for 6 weeks... which I doubt. Any friendly boyscout out there on your Orion pic who wants to do a 6 weeks blitz of lazy "Good Turn Daily"
Cool - let me know when you are keen. I may or may not be out of town a lot -
My boy scouts have cat allergies - so i doubt they would kitty sit.
[link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/Users/User1/AppData/Local/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [w:WordDocument] [w:View]Normal[/w:View] [w:Zoom]0[/w:Zoom] [w:HyphenationZone]21[/w:HyphenationZone] [w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/] [/w:WordDocument] [/xml][![endif]--][style] [!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal (mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; :12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:FR-CA;) @page Section1 (size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;) div.Section1 (page:Section1;) --] [/style][span style="" times="" new="" roman="" ;="" lang="FR-CA"]Michel,
[/span][link style="font-style: italic;" rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/Users/User1/AppData/Local/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [w:WordDocument] [w:View]Normal[/w:View] [w:Zoom]0[/w:Zoom] [w:HyphenationZone]21[/w:HyphenationZone] [w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/] [/w:WordDocument] [/xml][![endif]--][style] [!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal (mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; :12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:FR-CA;) @page Section1 (size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;) div.Section1 (page:Section1;) --] [/style][span style="font-style: italic;" times="" new="" roman="" ;="" lang="FR-CA"]At the same moment I said that, I checked in my rearview mirror, and I saw another bear crossing the road in the distance !!! I just couldn't believe it. I brake, did a U-Turn and took some pictures of that other bear too. lol for the rest of the month driving to Alaska, I just couldn't hope to see another bear in my rearview mirror everytime I cross dense forested areas.[/span]
I worked in the mountains near Terrace for about 0ne year there were so many bears - unfortunately for me i was not in a car 99.9% of the time.
one bear was coming really close to our camp and wouldn't go away... so i picked up some rocks and was throwing the rocks to scare the bear ... but apparently the adrelaine had kicked in and i chucked the rock pretty hard and he was reared up on his hind legs. one of my guys was filming the incident and when the rock hit the bear in the chest you could hear the "thud" on the videotape.
Last time I saw a bear besides the one I see in the mirror every morning was south of Port Hardy and the guy was just chillin eating on some leaves sitting on a hill side next to the road. The guy looked content, and said to myself 'damn I want whatever he's on.' The rabbits have the same kind of attitude too on that island. Joe Camel wannabes sprawled on the sidewalk saying 'what's up' and nodding their head at you. lol
[img style="WIDTH: 161px; HEIGHT: 201px" height=403 src="vny!://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2477/151/76/854865467/n854865467_5871501_916.jpg" width=223]
Very cool pic Van Guy. I wish I could do a night pic. I've missed so many gorgeous shots, because I don't know how to make that happen. I end up with nothing but light trails.
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) .
OH MY GOD !!! What a comical look he has on his face.....LOL !!!
*did I post in your post again ? I don't know what happened there.
Is he angry Michel ?
My Bard Owl is back. I sure wish I could see him. All I get is to listen....and man are they noisy. Mating season should start any time soon, so they will get noisier. They have a regualr call....then they have a multitude of voices when they mate which is unbelievable.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c[/A]
[img style="WIDTH: 503px; HEIGHT: 422px" height=536 src="vny!://gallery.photo.net/photo/7312796-md.jpg" width=670]
I wish ! I would give anything just to see him, let alone catch a pic !!!!
Love the bear picture, Michel.
I wish I could hear owl sounds. Just about the only sounds we get here are cars, cars, cars and oh, the occasional caw caw of the crows.
[strong style="font-style: italic;"]Very cool pic[/b] Van Guy. I wish I could do a night pic. I've missed so many gorgeous shots, because I don't know how to make that happen. I end up with nothing but light trails.
Thanks PC.
Night shots take a lot of practice and patience. With my shots- I would say 1 out of 50 is worth looking at ... the other 49 are total crap.
You have to have a tripod and use a shutter release that doesn't involve you pushing the button. (i.e. i use the camera's 2 second delay mode)
You can do lots of nifty things - if you want to emphasize something you can "paint" it with your flashlight. i.e. if there is a tree or a house or ??? wave your flashlight on it - to add a bit of light - the longer you paint it the brighter it becomes relative to the rest of your image.
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Sometimes I miss my good ol fashioned Pentax. Setting apertures, and light meters seems to have given a better sense of what I was doing. I know the new digitals have the same....but I'm too lazy to learn it all over again. I use my tripod a lot, because even though I have the 'motion stopper'...that's a technical term.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) ...I still get the little indicator that there is too much motion.
P.C. wrote:
Sometimes I miss my good ol fashioned Pentax. Setting apertures, and light meters seems to have given a better sense of what I was doing. I know the new digitals have the same....but I'm too lazy to learn it all over again. I use my tripod a lot, because even though I have the 'motion stopper'...that's a technical term.[img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif[/img] ...I still get the little indicator that there is too much motion.
PC I'm with you - I used a Pentax K1000 (automatic nuthin') for years and have taken some of my best shots with it. I'm gegining to get a handle on the new school digital stuff - but it is taking a while.
Using a tripod is good, you tend to take more time with the photo - making sure that you have what you want in the pic and leaving out what you want out - i do a better job at ensuring the horizin is horizontal etc...
I used to be into serious photography....I've forgotten more than I know now. We even had our own darkroom, which was boodles of fun. Years of relying on instamatics to capture children's 'flash moments' rendered me lazy. Now that I want to get back to taking some better quality photographs, it's not just a refresher course....it's all different. My pea-like brain can't handle it all.
P.C. wrote:
I used to be into serious photography....I've forgotten more than I know now. We even had our own darkroom, which was boodles of fun. Years of relying on instamatics to capture children's 'flash moments' rendered me lazy. Now that I want to get back to taking some better quality photographs, it's not just a refresher course....it's all different. My pea-like brain can't handle it all.
PC. The new SLR digitals can act a bit like the old school SLR's but they are a bit different. On the positive side it is much much easier / faster to correct screw ups etc... Like the night shot that i took - i didn't get the horizon very good - all i had was a tiny tripod and so I rotated and cropped the photo in 10 seconds to correct my mistake - so the new technology definately has advantages.
I have faith that your pea like brain can expand to such a size as to take in the new digital era.
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[span style="text-decoration: underline;"][/span]Pretty sure this is a burrowing owl as there are no trees in the Gobi desert for this guy to hang out in ...
Oh wow ! Is he ever purdy !!!! Nice pic Van Guy....I like it. How big is that lil guy ? He looks tall....but can't really tell.
I wonder what that plant is in front of the rock. Do you know ?
I've been looking for these photos for ever. I KNOW you will like this.
I found this in the southern gobi desert - near the chinese border. To the best of my knowledge I was the first person to see this for a long long time. It has been dated as bronze age by a archeologist from ulaan batar. I took the archeo around and showed him dozens of others that i found as well. There is now a small shrine where this photo was taken. The guy is my friend Dashdiva - he was my driver and friend for a couple of years while i was there.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Oh wow ! Is he ever purdy !!!! Nice pic Van Guy....I like it. How big is that lil guy ? He looks tall....but can't really tell.[/div]
Quite small - he's only 4-6 inches tall - the "tree" behind him is a shrub that the camels eat.
Mongolian saddle
I cracked my tailbone on one of these babies.
Camel hair on wood.
Wild horses
100's of them stampeding across the desert.
even if my client didn't pay me i would go back to this place just to watch thee guys run.
simply life changing.
If anyone thinks they want to go to Mongolia - please do the land is wonderful, people are EXTRAORDINARY, however under no circumstances wrestle them especially this guy .... they will tear you apart like a twig.
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Cool pics !!! Michel is going to drool.
That's one teeny tiny lil owl. Too cute.
Those wild horses look like little donkeys. That would sure be something to see.
I envy you your travels Van Guy.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Those wild horses look like little donkeys. That would sure be something to see.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] I envy you your travels Van Guy.
Technically they are a "wild ass" - but that just sounds funny. They are one of the most primitive of all the horse family they run more like a caribou than a horse, with their head cocked to one side
They are amazingly fast and nearly impossible to photograph. They are very skiddish.
People say that but it's not all peaches and cream - the wind storms in the Gobi are lethal - or imagine hiking across the desert by yourself in 50 degree heat. Trust me the grass is always greener on the other side - but it has been an adventure to be sure
There's no doubt in my mind, that it's likely no picnic....but you have seen some fascinating sights and had some pretty interesting experiences.
I thought those lil horses looked like lil wild asses. I wasn't going to say it either, because it sounded funny.....lol
Eh I eat people like that wrestler dude for lunch. lol
lol I love the fluffy feet. I feel I want to catch and pet him. Looks a lot like the little ones in the Andes too. Lots of green however, it was taken in the desert? I tought Gobi was more arid like Sahara. Ah never believe the TV lol
This was taken during the rainy season, so it was relatively green and the owl will hang out in the lushest parts where the mice etc hang out ... Gobi is pretty dry - not sahara dry though, there is usually water in the rivers at a depth of 1-2m. I'll post some typical Gobi shots soon.
You are very welcome, I had been looking for this shot since i found out about your love of petroglyphs.
I saw probably 50 or so individual sites with 200+ PG's in my area of interest.
Many of the sites had multiple ages, from bronze age - to last week. Once I saw a PG of William Shakespeare, I'm guessing it was recent.
The place name is 5km north of Bayan Ovoo, it is almost due south of Ulaan Batar - very near the chinese border.
The artwork is what suggested the bronze age to the archeo guy. Plus the location is near some copper deposits - this site was within 20-30m away from a small pit (3m X 5m) where people of the bronze age had dug up some copper.
The house is definately a "ger" - the mongol word for yurt - perhaps poorly drawn but up close you could see some details that made me confident.
This type of rock (andesite) was quite resistant to desert varnish - not sure why - but rocks 20m away are black as night on the surface.
Yes definately one guy with a bow.
The guy that came down was a PhD from the institute of antiquities and spoke quite confidently about the petroglyphs - he seemed to know what he was talking about I will try to find some more pics for you.
Hey thanks for the petroglyphs, yeah Mongolia is very rich in petroglyph sites. There seems to be 2 periods on that rock, and strangely it seems to have been made with a blade, which is not very common. The quality of carving is not that good also, which seems to indicate it was made quite hastily. I assume it's on an ancient caravan route. Do you know the name of that place and why they were specifically associated with Bronze Age? I assume it's because of some other figures in the area, as there's nothing on that rock that can be used as a hint for that period, except the fact that the figures were not made with a rock. Does the house represent a buddist temple, as there are 2 floors it seems like, so it couldn't be a traditional yurt? Anyway, the temple or pagoda seems younger than the animals figure. I'm surprised also that they are so light, with no desert varnish (oxydation) recovering those.
EDIT: I enlarge the pic to check more closely, there seems to be 2 horsemen with 4 to 7 goats represented in part or all, probably shepherds, or maybe hunters, as the extreme upper left horseman seems to have a partilly carved bow, but it's too hard to figure out. So this might be the clue to date the art to the Bronze Age at the most.
Eh I eat people like that wrestler dude for lunch. lol
Pound for pound the mongols are the strongest humans on the planet.
I have seen them do amazing things.
I have seen a 5'7" 150 pound 50 year old mongol take down a VERY tough 35 year old 6'3" 250 pound white guy, in a wresting match. It was amazing to watch how strong this guy was.
Ya but....what about someone with a really really really big head. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
Ya but....what about someone with a really really really big head. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif[/img]
uuuuuuuuh not exactly sure what you are talking about (//forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) Me neither.
P.C. wrote:
Ya but....what about someone with a really really really big head. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha lol
just lower the head and boom its a battering ram. And its wrestling first 5 seconds are the most crucial, got to get a low centre of gravity.
In high school we had wrestling in PE, of course they did it by weight class and when my friend and I went at it, it was like those nature movies with two rams charging at each other. lol Although I didn't have the body mass he did.
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) .
[em][/em] [/p]mmm I have some reserve about that type of quick association, but anyway he was there and saw the older boulders to compare the local style. Probably some other boulders have more typical figure of the bronze age on them with the same type of carving. Rock art is almost impossible to date because of the absence of organic material. Yes I can't recall the exact aspect(s) on which he made his judgement I assume it was a collection of things. But he seemed pretty certain about that one. Others in the area he was less certain.
[/p] It makes sense indeed, but what about the second floor? I only saw one floor yurt. And this carving is definitly made with a knife, much younger than the one under probably. Actually it's border line of being categorized as a graffiti.
Yes you to the best of my knowlege they are only one floor - Ghengis used to travel in a mobile ger - on a huge oxcart. (that might make him the very first trailer park guy!?!?) You can make them quite large - I've been in one that was perhaps 20m in diameter. Most are 3-5m in diameter.
I have seen a three? story log cabin in Whitehorse - but Ger's only one story.
van_guy wrote:
I have seen a three? story log cabin in Whitehorse - but Ger's only one story.
Ghengis used to travel in a mobile ger - on a huge oxcart. (that might make him the very first trailer park guy!?!?) You can make them quite large - I've been in one that was perhaps 20m in diameter. Most are 3-5m in diameter.
I found a lego reconstruction of the ger in question
Michel wrote:
lol so that explain your long absence on DS since yesterday... [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img]
Yeah the log cabin took a few hours but the lego took freakin' forever.
Oh my ! That's a breathtaking view to wake up to !!!!
dang, got me beat.
lol I like to hike to my balcony...
Don't forget to bring a little nourishment....granola bars, trail mix etc. It's unwise to embark on a hike when you're not fully prepared.
lol.....that'll work !!!
*and don't forget matches. You should always have matches. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/n020.gif" border=0]
And a compass.
...and rain gear. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I bet all this is making you think twice before setting out on that trek again !!!
the family size bad, an individual sized bag back home. lol Don't make it smaller because that would un-American and not this country founded for! giant oversized bags!
haha the hike sounds dangerous, you could kill yourself, as a doctor of journalism I advise you to only partake in this balcony exercise with extreme care and caution.
They printed their last paper as they did their first.
My favorite kid picture ...
OH Van Guy....that IS perfect. Beautiful photo, beautiful child.
That is the sweetest face ever !!!
PC you are such as pushover - a sucker for a cute face ...
totally unrelated ....
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); height=98 src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a093.gif" width=103 border=0]
I HOPE that was unrelated ! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/traurig/a005.gif" border=0]
lol salt lake tribune
Michel....any idea what this is ? I'm thinking maybe a female piliated woodpecker....but not so sure. Not the greatest photo..... but.....
lol....yes...that's P.C.P.P.
They are quite large, and very cheeky. I think I remember now, that's what it was. They have scared off all the wee birds with their boldness.
Yes....we have tons of those. I just thought the flicker had the same kind of behaviour...sort of....but not as colourful, like the females often are.
I should take a pic of what the pileated woodpeckers did to one of the trees here. It's amazing. Huge rectangular holes....very symmetrical.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/p015.gif" border=0] .
P.C. wrote:
[img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/p015.gif[/img]
ahhhh you are waiting for me ...
I am resizing a whack of pics and having some waffles ... sticky business maple syrup.... .
lol. Yes, I am. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
lol. Yes, I am. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Pic 1 = dunhuang city center - far west china - gansu province just north of tibet. just east of the stan's
Pic 2 = ghost town - yanchuan - bubonic plague killed 3/4 of all residents in 1976 - most everyone else just left.
Pic 3 = dunhuang market - very nice - you can buy a human skull there if you wish and some lovely spices and nuts and dried fruit (dates etc ...)
Pic 4 = city square statue at night
I hate it when I have to flaunt my ignorance. Bubonic plague in 1976 ? Holy.
[img style="WIDTH: 99px; HEIGHT: 125px" height=357 src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2684/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6050492_3344406.jpg" width=156]What is the structure (?) down the center of the street ?
van_guy wrote:
yanchuan children - mostly broken glass and skulls to play with - amazing what kids think of as normal.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]WOW ![/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Fabulous.
I hate it when I have to flaunt my ignorance. Bubonic plague in 1976 ? Holy.
oh yeah it's still kicking around. not a good idea to eat the marmots in central asia - many have bubonic plague today.
[img style="width: 99px; height: 125px;" src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2684/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6050492_3344406.jpg" width="156" height="357"]
What is the structure (?) down the center of the street ?
many structures - these are little carts that the merchants put thier produce etc ... on - it is very early i the am and the market isn't open yet. so all the carts are in the middle of the market.
I thought they looked like little carts....wasn't sure.
Beautiful pics, VanGuy.
yanchuan children - mostly broken glass and skulls to play with - amazing what kids think of as normal.
How sad. We really have no idea just how fortunate we are.
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]lol what a coincidence I've seen pics of the same area just 2 weeks ago, including the statue of the musician.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Speaking of skulls, have you seen ox or goat skulls in pack beside the roads, and if so, do you know why they're are placed there as the girl who showed me these pics had no clue?
Weird. it is a beautiful part of china - the magao caves are stunning!!
Food is amazing.
no idea regarding skulls.
the weirdest thing i have seen is an entire pig in a plastic bag - the pig had expoded from the expansion of hot gasses and maggots burst out of the pigs ... well ... a$$. It didn't smell very good.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I thought they looked like little carts....wasn't sure.[/div] Beautiful pics, VanGuy.
thanks, you were completely correct - i'll try to dig up a close up[span style="text-decoration: underline;"][/span]
How sad. We really have no idea just how fortunate we are.
[br style="font-weight: normal;"]I try to explain to my kids - but it's hard until you have seen it with your own eyes.[em]
[em] [/em][/div][em][/em] [div]
Wonderful pictures there, van_guy. Thanks for the upload and lesson.
Oh I like the woodpecker bird too. Too bad we don't see any around.....
cool that plague village background looks like Montana.
I found this funny:
Coca-Cola the new Mao.
Sportsdude wrote:
cool that plague village background looks like Montana.
yeah the mountain look kinda similar ...
I found this funny:
[a href="vny!://www.zitantique.com/c2270.html"]
is the book in the guy's hand a little nod to Mao's little red book?[/a]
Coca-Cola the new Mao.
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]lol maybe our flying pig could come with maggots, it would add some action on DS (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Ok thanks for the skulls
more to come ....
Ok thanks for the skulls
Ghost town ...
Gobi desert camel and flowers ...
I have a bunch of pictures of dead camels ... the camel carcasses would always cheer me up because no matter how bad of a day you are having in the desert hot / windy / dusty / etc... you are always doing better than that dude.
How strange to see flowers that we grow in our gardens, growing in the Gobi.
P.C. wrote:
How strange to see flowers that we grow in [strong style="font-style: italic;"]our[/b] gardens, growing in the Gobi.
yes but in the gobi the season is pretty fleeting - these flowers will be dead in a couple weeks then nothing. They do have a very nice wild onion that is very tasty that lasts a bit longer ... then the sage lasts for quite a while.
[img style="width: 99px; height: 125px;" src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2684/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6050492_3344406.jpg" width="156" height="357"]What is the structure (?) down the center of the street ?
one of the few places i've been in asia were you walk down the street and you stop because there is a simply tantalizing smell ... usually it's the other kind of smell -
van_guy wrote:
Sportsdude wrote:
cool that plague village background looks like Montana.
yeah the mountain look kinda similar ...
I found this funny:
[a href="vny!://www.zitantique.com/c2270.html"]
is the book in the guy's hand a little nod to Mao's little red book?[/a]
[img style="width: 194px; height: 205px;" src="vny!://www.pingmag.jp/images/article/chineseposter13.jpg"]
Coca-Cola the new Mao.
Its his book alright. Which is why its hilarious. Cultural Revolution destroy the history and remake yourself into global consumerist logo. haha
"this revolution brought to you by Coke"
Its his book alright. Which is why its hilarious. Cultural Revolution destroy the history and remake yourself into global consumerist logo. haha
"this revolution brought to you by Coke"
that is funny - Mao would be spinning in his grave ...
Oh are those ever cool !!!!! Thanks for finding that vg !
[img style="WIDTH: 106px; HEIGHT: 118px" height=375 src="vny!://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2684/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6065658_5097264.jpg" width=190]
P.C. wrote:
Oh are those ever cool !!!!! Thanks for finding that vg !
[img style="width: 106px; height: 118px;" src="vny!://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2684/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6065658_5097264.jpg" width="190" height="375"]
my pleasure!!
van_guy wrote:
Its his book alright. Which is why its hilarious. Cultural Revolution destroy the history and remake yourself into global consumerist logo. haha
"this revolution brought to you by Coke"
that is funny - Mao would be spinning in his grave ...
Well if the Party continues to ignore the peasants, they'll have another Maoist revolution to kick out the Maoists and replace them with newer Maoists lol. They've gone full circle in 60 years basically. lol
Well if the Party continues to ignore the peasants, they'll have another Maoist revolution to kick out the Maoists and replace them with newer Maoists lol. They've gone full circle in 60 years basically. lol
China is funny - it's is theoretically a communist country - yet it is about the least communist (i.e.one for all all for one) that i have ever been. no social network to speak of - very capitalist - very concerned with #1. Not sure if or when there will be a catastrophic revolution there soon. Things are changing pretty fast - the fabric of the society is streched pretty thin. The one child family thing is such a HUGE issue. The children are spoiled freakin' rotten it is just ugly.
I wouldn't consider Maoism a form of communism, its its own theory. And realistically these movements are about power for a few no matter whatever slogan they use or say they represent. Its still an elite political class of revolutionary philosopher kings wanting to remake the world. Since they want to keep power, they'll masquerade into different arenas to keep control. So its logical to say well this was inevitable. lol
Then again, most of my Chinese buddies laugh at the idea of democracy, dynasties have always seemed to work for China, and its the only way that the country can stay together regardless (according to them and they've got a point with all the factions).
You're seeing the same thing with Putin in Russia, hey we get our dignity back, yea, that's all that matters.
I wouldn't consider Maoism a form of communism, its its own theory. And realistically these movements are about power for a few no matter whatever slogan they use or say they represent. Its still an elite political class of revolutionary philosopher kings wanting to remake the world. Since they want to keep power, they'll masquerade into different arenas to keep control. So its logical to say well this was inevitable. lol
Agreed - but technically China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, north korea are communist countries.
Then again, most of my Chinese buddies laugh at the idea of democracy, dynasties have always seemed to work for China, and its the only way that the country can stay together regardless (according to them and they've got a point with all the factions).
I don't think that china would do well with democracy. Imagine trying to make some of the really tough political moves that it needs to do if it were a democracy - i.e. one child family. that would never fly in a democracy.
You're seeing the same thing with Putin in Russia, hey we get our dignity back, yea, that's all that matters.
I think russians are a little odd - but yeah they need a strong leader otherwise chaos will erupt ... can you imagine a Stephan Dion trying to lead them??
van_guy wrote:
I wouldn't consider Maoism a form of communism, its its own theory. And realistically these movements are about power for a few no matter whatever slogan they use or say they represent. Its still an elite political class of revolutionary philosopher kings wanting to remake the world. Since they want to keep power, they'll masquerade into different arenas to keep control. So its logical to say well this was inevitable. lol
Agreed - but technically China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, north korea are communist countries.
Then again, most of my Chinese buddies laugh at the idea of democracy, dynasties have always seemed to work for China, and its the only way that the country can stay together regardless (according to them and they've got a point with all the factions).
I don't think that china would do well with democracy. Imagine trying to make some of the really tough political moves that it needs to do if it were a democracy - i.e. one child family. that would never fly in a democracy.
You're seeing the same thing with Putin in Russia, hey we get our dignity back, yea, that's all that matters.
I think russians are a little odd - but yeah they need a strong leader otherwise chaos will erupt ... can you imagine a Stephan Dion trying to lead them??
yeah 'communism' in the western media definition. I go by historical definitions and the two are exclusive from one another. But whatever, I laugh when someone says Red China. Yeah Red China, the part of the world that developed money... lol
No, I'm not talking about policies. You have to be stable to have policies. China can't ever be stable unless its under a dynasty type rule. When the civil war happened so many factions were fighting each other. Its like any dilussional person who wants 'democracy' in the middle east. Some dictators/regimes act as a pot with the lid closed and the water is boiling on high. You take off the top and it spews everywhere. That's what would happen in countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, and China. You'd have a mess and would be creating much more harm to the world then good. But, unless you had an alterior motive as the only world super power who is losing its grips on being the world cop. You'd want chaos. Chaos is the only thing that can bring China down and from a US government economic power situation, chaos keeps the US the top dog. Because China couldn't function as a whole, it would splinter in segments.
While the One Child policy is going to create an imbalance, India doesn't have such a policy and they're going to get too big and start having resource depletion. India needs some kind of family planning or its not going to be a super power. It'll have the problem of two many people and too many problems related to the too many people.
Russia never had 'democracy' therefore they don't know what it is and their history has been shaped on pride and power. So as long as someone can give them back a sense of dignity and pride (just take a simple look at their history its full of dominant sometimes tyrannical people who brought power and wealth).
China's been ruled by Dynasty's there's always been a ruling elite class and knowing your place in society's hierarchy. China now will let you do anything as long as you don't piss off the ruling elite and the people who do piss of the elite are rebel rousers wannabe elites who have lost power in some form since the new dynasty took over. That's how mainland Chinese see everything and they've got a point.
A few pics for your viewing pleasure.
Several of these were taken on the top of a large mountain overlooking a large deep valley - a lot of shamanistic rituals took place up here.
Women are not to climb this mountain - it is said that they will become ill if they do.
I had a run in with the mongolian secret olice over this site - they had guns i didn't they won for the day - I got my way in the end.
yeah 'communism' in the western media definition. I go by historical definitions and the two are exclusive from one another. But whatever, I laugh when someone says Red China. Yeah Red China, the part of the world that developed money... lol
I define communism as an ideal that one man or woman is equal to all others - therefore if one man has food everyone has food if one man starves every man starves ...
No, I'm not talking about policies. You have to be stable to have policies. China can't ever be stable unless its under a dynasty type rule. When the civil war happened so many factions were fighting each other. Its like any dilussional person who wants 'democracy' in the middle east. Some dictators/regimes act as a pot with the lid closed and the water is boiling on high. You take off the top and it spews everywhere. That's what would happen in countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, and China. You'd have a mess and would be creating much more harm to the world then good. But, unless you had an alterior motive as the only world super power who is losing its grips on being the world cop. You'd want chaos. Chaos is the only thing that can bring China down and from a US government economic power situation, chaos keeps the US the top dog. Because China couldn't function as a whole, it would splinter in segments.
So you mean that the US had alterior motives to attack Iraq? (//forums/richedit/smileys/4.gif)
While the One Child policy is going to create an imbalance, India doesn't have such a policy and they're going to get too big and start having resource depletion. India needs some kind of family planning or its not going to be a super power. It'll have the problem of two many people and too many problems related to the too many people.
Imbalance?? - you don't understand Chinese society very well. This could well tear the freakin' country assunder. The eldest son is responsible for caring for the parents - it is THE social network. Without a son the aging parents will starve and die.
Russia never had 'democracy' therefore they don't know what it is and their history has been shaped on pride and power. So as long as someone can give them back a sense of dignity and pride (just take a simple look at their history its full of dominant sometimes tyrannical people who brought power and wealth).
Don't know much about Russia - never been - the Mongol's who were a russian satellite have mixed feelings about them.
China's been ruled by Dynasty's there's always been a ruling elite class and knowing your place in society's hierarchy. China now will let you do anything as long as you don't piss off the ruling elite and the people who do piss of the elite are rebel rousers wannabe elites who have lost power in some form since the new dynasty took over. That's how mainland Chinese see everything and they've got a point.
Just ask your friendly neighborhood Tibetan.
Oh I know about the 1+2+2 equation or 1 kid taking care of 4. That said I know people who don't follow the rules, had 4 kids. lol
It goes back to the rural problem again, females in the rural areas move to the cities because that's where the money is, but the males are stuck.
Oh I know about the 1+2+2 equation or 1 kid taking care of 4. That said I know people who don't follow the rules, had 4 kids. lol
It goes back to the rural problem again, females in the rural areas move to the cities because that's where the money is, but the males are stuck.
Yes but if the 1 person is a girl child she has no responsibility to her parents - but rather her husband's parents. The oldest son must take care of the parents - if the couple has no son they have no one to take care of them in their old age ... they are Fu@KED.
So is the government of China who said they can only have one child going to take care of them???? Will they have that kind of money?
A further strain on the fabric is that 20 years ago the elderly were respected as wise - now they don't know anything because they do not understand free market or computers or the west etc... so will there be the political will to support these "useless" old people with no sons??
True, but what are they going to do really? That's the big question.
Beauty !!!!!
Sportsdude wrote:
True, but what are they going to do really? That's the big question.
No idea - I just know these policies are going to strain the fabric that keeps the country together.
Michel wrote:
Thanks for the pics VG. You confused places however, as the horizontal man that look like a graffiti comes from the other place you've been with the driver. The 4th picture is indeed older, lots of oxydation compare to the others pic you posted so far.
One thing that you may not be considering is the facing direction of the rock.
The wind in the gobi is intense from the north and usually mild from the south if the driver PG faced south it would be considerably less weathered than other rocks. Notice that several of teh other rocks in this series are very dark colored with relatively weathered looking PG, but teh driver PG is light colored with relatively little weathering ...
On a side note, for educational and conservation purpose only, I'll add that first pic is considered vandalism and no matter what legally speaking, it contribute to the deterioration of artefacts. You should never touch a petroglyph or a pictograph with your hand as body oil and sweat discolor rocks and erosion occur. Next time tell your guide as I see a younger petroglyph probably less well executed or more abstract partially covered by the hand.
duly noted.
Nice full moon.
I saw it 2 nights ago as it was rising - there wasn't anything interesting in the foreground and i needed to be somewhere so i didn't have time to find something interesting.
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Desert varnish take minimally thousands of years to build, so it is a good indication of the relative age of the rock art in a location, no matter what the orientation relative the dominant wind is. As far as I know, I never heard of any rock art from the same period in the same site that show different shades. It's impossible. If you have different shade in one location, it means hundred if not thousands of years of difference from one petroglyph to the other.[/div]
I am not a desert varnish expert but i had in my mind that wind and sun were critical to the development of desert varnish - I had observed two rocks of similar composition similar area and one had several mm of varnish and another had nearly none ...
I went ot wikipedia ... it states ...
Originally scientists thought that the varnish was made from substances drawn out of the rocks it coats.[sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"][a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_varnish#cite_note-1" title=""][span][[/span]2[span]][/span][/a][/sup] Microscopic and microchemical observations, however, show that a major part of varnish is clay (which could only arrive by wind).[sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"][a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_varnish#cite_note-2" title=""][span][[/span]3[span]][/span][/a][/sup] Clay, then, acts as a [a href="vny!://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/substrate" class="extiw" title="wiktionary:substrate"]substrate[/a] to catch additional substances that chemically react together when the rock reaches high temperatures in the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert" title="Desert"]desert[/a] sun. Wetting by [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew" title="Dew"]dew[/a] is also important in the process.
So I am thinking that the orientation of the rock (i.e. direct sun vs shade) wind direction (lee or stoss) would dramatically affect the amount of desert varnish that would develp in a period of time.
I did a long reply this afternoon at work, with pics as examples. That was a good escape, but I decided to censored it as this forum is not the place for such explanantion. But I think this brief post sum it up.
[/DIV] Were they naked petroglyphs ?(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I've found the whole converstation about it quite interesting. I know almost next to nothing about it, so it's been great to learn.
I drew those. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Yea. But it was a long long time ago.
That's cool ! Is it authentic ?
Really ? I'm going to go find it. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
lol....and you need those lights at a time like this to point out that there is a problem. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Actually, Michel....I was thinking along the same lines. That for slamming through a cement block wall, there is relatively minimal damage.
Cute. Is it for spring ? Or is it a bookworm.
[img style="WIDTH: 266px; HEIGHT: 420px" height=536 src="vny!://www.pocketpcpower.net/Pictures/snowman.jpg" width=359] !!!!!!
P.C. wrote:
Cute. Is it for spring ? Or is it a bookworm.
It is in reference to a kids book - the very hungry catapillar ...
[a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar"]vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar[/a]
I thought it looked familiar. I believe it's on my 'To Read' list. Right now I'm sticking to light reading though. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I thought it looked familiar. I believe it's on my 'To Read' list. Right now I'm sticking to light reading though. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)[/div]
It's a pretty quick read - from memory I'd say about 100 words or so. It's been 5 years since I've read it.
P.C. wrote:
I thought it looked familiar. I believe it's on my 'To Read' list. Right now I'm sticking to light reading though. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif[/img]
In a 1999 survey [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush" title="George W. Bush"]George W. Bush[/a] listed the book among his favorite books from his childhood. This caused some controversy among media commentators since Bush was twenty-three when the book was first published.[sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"][a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar#cite_note-2" title=""][span][[/span]3[span]][/span][/a][/sup][sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"][a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar#cite_note-3" title=""][span][[/span]4[span]][/span][/a][/sup] Bush has also chosen the book to read to elementary school classes.[sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"][a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar#cite_note-4" title=""][span][[/span]5[span]][/span][/a][/sup]
This caused some controversy among media commentators since Bush was twenty-three when the book was first published.
LOL. This sounds about right.
Well maybe he was reading it in a different language, I read it in German last summer after not reading it in English in about 18yrs. lol
wait, its Bush, so I doubt it.
It doesn't matter what language he read it in....he would still be have been 23.
Sportsdude wrote:
Well maybe he was reading it in a different language,
SD. Stop smoking that herbal medicine - it's affecting your brain.
Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Oh so another lie from Bush after the electoral fraud, the Weapons of Mass Destruction, the war on terror, Guantanamo, 9-11, the war for oil in Irak and Afghanistan?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] How I'm disappointed about him.
This is the one that freaks me out.
[a href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60[/a]
I don't know about anyone else - but I remember exactly when / where / who I was with / the color of the couch - everything when i saw the 2nd plane crash into the trade towers. There are only two reasonable conclusions ... Either George was lying (and i can't figure out why he would) or he was in on it.
This is the one that freaks me out.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"][FONT color=#565656]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60[/FONT][/A]
I don't know about anyone else - but I remember exactly when / where / who I was with / the color of the couch - everything when i saw the 2nd plane crash into the trade towers. There are only two reasonable conclusions ... Either George was lying (and i can't figure out why he would) [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]or he was in on it.[/FONT]
I hate to say, but I have always belived this from day one....but that was only my gut talking. Since then, there has been an awful lot of info that could back that up.
I know where I was when I heard the first hit....driving Sawdust to work....and I saw the second hit when I got to work.....as it was unfolding.
That video is quite disturbing to say the least vg.
Oh boy, you guys aren't the mysterious crazies who plaster 9/11 inside job all over Vancouver are you? lol
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I hate to say, but I have always belived this from day one....but that was only my gut talking. [/div]
PC. I honestly didn't get a gut reaction ... I had no opinion ... then a friend mentioned a couple of the following to me and I poked around you tube and the internet in general and found 100's of things that are unsettling.
The most unsettling thing is how quiet the mainstream media in the US is on this whole thing. There is a stigma that if you question this thing you are un-american (a bad person)
There are just soooooooooo many weird things about 9/11 that just don't add up or are just so statistically improbable that it boggles the mind. I'm a scientist so I look at facts all day long and decide the most reasonable explaination and I have a hard time believe a bunch of guys with box cutters pulled this whole thing off.
Fact: no steel reinforced skyscraper had collapsed due to fire before 9/11 then in one day 3 of them collapse -all owned by the same guy! who happened to bought them a couple months before, and who happened to have taken out multi billion dollar insurance against terrorism.
Fact: all 3 collapsed at free fall speed, i.e. with little or no resistance from the structural elements below
Fact: all 3 huge towers collapsed into thier own footprint - it takes trained demolition crews months to demolish building so that this happens - but all three do it on the same day due to inhomogenous damage (i.e. the planes did not hit dead center of the buildings) this doesn't make sense to me.
Fact: the twin towers were designed to be hit by large aircraft
Fact: the buildings were scrapped before a thorough investigation could be completed.
Fact: traces of thermite (an explosive used to demolish buildings) was found by a prof at BYU in some of teh steel from the site.
Weird fact: one of the terrorists passports was discovered in the streets below. A piece of paper survives an inferno that was supposed to be so intense it softened steel??
Weird fact: BBC has found several of the 9//11 hijackers alive and well
There are hundreds of more weird things that I could spout on about ... if there were only one or two things that were difficult to explain I'd be OK with that ... but 100's of things that are difficult to explain ...
SD ... if you can read my last blurb and say that "yes these things all seem probable" ... then I have some land in Florida that I will let you have for a price I would not give my own mama
You don't have to convince me vg. I actually became truly obsessed with it for a while. I couldn't get enough of 'investigating'. I watched Loose Change probably 150 times. It was getting a little ridiculous, but I just wanted some answers, and couldn't stop looking for some that made sense. I never found any.
P.C. wrote:
You don't have to convince me vg. I actually became truly obsessed with it for a while. I couldn't get enough of 'investigating'. I watched Loose Change probably 150 times. It was getting a little ridiculous, but I just wanted some answers, and couldn't stop looking for some that made sense. I never found any.
OK. Yeah I've watched it a bunch of times as well.
I'm not pointing fingers at the government or anybody else. I personally don't care that much... but I'm just amazed that with all the very unusual things that we've both seen, why hasn't there been an incredible roar asking these questions. I simply don't get it.
SD reaction seems very typical. You are a nutter or a fruitcake if you ask questions about 9/11. Now if I was talking about UFO's or the deveils face in the smoke - yeah fruitcake.
Free fall speed. this is scientific evidence - newton didn't pull this out of his ass ... we've been using for the past few hundred years pretty successfully, did the laws of physics took a break on 9/11??
van_guy wrote:
SD ... if you can read my last blurb and say that "yes these things all seem probable" ... then I have some land in Florida that I will let you have for a price I would not give my own mama
Sorry SD that was a demeaning comment ... I apologize . You have every right to your opinion.
van_guy wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I hate to say, but I have always belived this from day one....but that was only my gut talking. [/div]
PC. I honestly didn't get a gut reaction ... I had no opinion ... then a friend mentioned a couple of the following to me and I poked around you tube and the internet in general and found 100's of things that are unsettling.
The most unsettling thing is how quiet the mainstream media in the US is on this whole thing. There is a stigma that if you question this thing you are un-american (a bad person)
There are just soooooooooo many weird things about 9/11 that just don't add up or are just so statistically improbable that it boggles the mind. I'm a scientist so I look at facts all day long and decide the most reasonable explaination and I have a hard time believe a bunch of guys with box cutters pulled this whole thing off.
Fact: no steel reinforced skyscraper had collapsed due to fire before 9/11 then in one day 3 of them collapse -all owned by the same guy! who happened to bought them a couple months before, and who happened to have taken out multi billion dollar insurance against terrorism.
Fact: all 3 collapsed at free fall speed, i.e. with little or no resistance from the structural elements below
Fact: all 3 huge towers collapsed into thier own footprint - it takes trained demolition crews months to demolish building so that this happens - but all three do it on the same day due to inhomogenous damage (i.e. the planes did not hit dead center of the buildings) this doesn't make sense to me.
Fact: the twin towers were designed to be hit by large aircraft
Fact: the buildings were scrapped before a thorough investigation could be completed.
Fact: traces of thermite (an explosive used to demolish buildings) was found by a prof at BYU in some of teh steel from the site.
Weird fact: one of the terrorists passports was discovered in the streets below. A piece of paper survives an inferno that was supposed to be so intense it softened steel??
Weird fact: BBC has found several of the 9//11 hijackers alive and well
There are hundreds of more weird things that I could spout on about ... if there were only one or two things that were difficult to explain I'd be OK with that ... but 100's of things that are difficult to explain ...
Fire: Seriously man, this isn't a fire in a started in a trash can in some office.
Steel melts at extremely high temperatures.
Weird fact: one of the terrorists passports was discovered in the streets below. A piece of paper survives an inferno that was supposed to be so intense it softened steel??
When Columbia blew up over Texas weeks later they found bacteria samples from the mission on the ground still alive.
If you truly believed this, then where's the public outcry, why didn't thousands of people just storm the white house or something. You're searching in the wrong places for something. You're just looking as foolish as people who supported the FLQ in October '72 thinking that they were some kind of movement to prosperity instead of just thugs.
You know I wish the Pacific Northwest and West Coast wasn't so paranoid. Take that back, why are all the regions paranoid? God, I had to deal with this crap in the Midwest about the end of times if gay people got married or this person got elected and such. Then I come up here and its 'They're going to shoot Obama, the secret service, because they're white nationals, so he won't get elected' (heard that on the radio to Seattle) (and he got elected) now its he'll never see the end of his term(s) (well 10 bucks he will) or some other bizarre logic about the government trying to take away all of your guns or something (prevalent in the midwest/south).
Communism this, police state that, seriously are we grown ups here or just mindless blobs of children who spout off their faces without realizing what they're saying? I don't understand this mentality and it takes a certain type of individual I guess to believe this utter shit. I always wondered who are the types that listened to George Noory or something at night, I wondered, 'what is really f*cked up with their life to actually believe in this crap, why do they go searching for this utter nonsense, what leads them to this point?' Well apparently smart people to get mixed up in this goofiness and that's a shame.
The reality, Bush knew of it, but didn't act and we know this through intelligence reports. Now if you want to use this for their reason for their wars, then yeah they used this event to trump up wars. Thatcher used the winter of discontent to bring in neo-liberalism, Hitler used the Wiemar Republic to gain control, Lenin through wars and a vacuum of power structure. etc that's politicking
But to say these things without really even thinking about them clearly and realize what you are saying, or implying is rather foolish. Like I said, if you believed this the last 8yrs would have been different and you'd of been so scared of the government that you'd of moved into the hinterland, built a cabin, and cut of all internet/radio/tv contact and just sit there with a shotgun preparing for the invasion.
People can believe anything I suppose.
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]van_guy wrote:[/SPAN][BR style="FONT-STYLE: italic"][SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]SD ... if you can read my last blurb and say that "yes these things all seem probable" ... then I have some land in Florida that I will let you have for a price I would not give my own mama[/SPAN]
Sorry SD that was a demeaning comment ... I apologize . You have every right to your opinion.
You mean you're going to sell it to him for full price ?
I think one of the first things that really didn't sit well with me....and is not laden with physics or technical data. It was the immediate interviews of the eyewitness at the pentagon. No chance for opinions based on outside influence etc. Even with the knowledge that eyewitnesses are known to be very unreliable, there was a common observation made by many....backed up with the smell...that they witnessed 'a missile'. Our eyes may play tricks on us, but combined with the olfactory....hmmmm.
Also....it's funny, but I remember the early days following the tragedy....wondering why they would not release video that would have answered any and all doubts (one from security cameras at the nearby hotel)....and NOW....the eyewitnesses that can describe in every detail seeing the plane slamming into the Pentagon. Where were they then ? And why...of any of the recorded footage, is there none that showed a plane.
There isn't one of those who were interviewed LIVE amongst this list of eyewitnesses and no mention of what they spoke of on that day. Why.
[A href="vny!://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/911_pentagon_eyewitnesses.html"]vny!://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/911_pentagon_eyewitnesses.html[/A]
Why oh why oh why.
But to say these things without really even thinking about them clearly and realize what you are saying, or implying is rather foolish. Like I said, if you believed this the last 8yrs would have been different and you'd of been so scared of the government that you'd of moved into the hinterland, built a cabin, and cut of all internet/radio/tv contact and just sit there with a shotgun preparing for the invasion.
I've given it an abnormal amount of thought.....and have a clear understanding of what it might imply.
So you're going to start tossing around facts and logic ? That's not fair. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Fire: Seriously man, this isn't a fire in a started in a trash can in some office.
Steel melts at extremely high temperatures.
agreed - steel does melt at very high temperatures - even though the fireballs that ensued after the collisions looked very impressive the actual amount of heat generated by the resulting fire is not great enuf to melt the steel. High rises are designed to withstand fires so the steel they used was a very high temp melting steel. I used to be in the earthquake / disaster field professionally - and I learned quite a lot about fire in high rises - there were several really nasty fires in LA and in mexico and in spain that burned for hours over multiple floors - much heavier damage than 9/11 towers. No strucutral collapse ensued. For 3 to collapse in one day in the same city seems very very very strange indeed.
When Columbia blew up over Texas weeks later they found bacteria samples from the mission on the ground still alive.
Sure bacteria tend to be on the smallish side - 0.5 microns. I think it would be pretty easy to find a place for a 1/2 micron organism to hide in a blast. Inside a steel tube or ??? For a 4 inch piece of paper to survive an inferno seems a little less cerdible
If you truly believed this, then where's the public outcry, why didn't thousands of people just storm the white house or something. You're searching in the wrong places for something. You're just looking as foolish as people who supported the FLQ in October '72 thinking that they were some kind of movement to prosperity instead of just thugs.
I know what you mean ... the only possible explaination i have for this is there was a weird "you are unamerican if you question the official story" mentallity. I do not live in the US so I can not speak to it with any authority, but as an example when PC and I brought it up your first reaction was to call us crazy, fanatics etc... why did you do that? Do you think most americans have the same reaction?? I honestly don't know.
You know I wish the Pacific Northwest and West Coast wasn't so paranoid. Take that back, why are all the regions paranoid? God, I had to deal with this crap in the Midwest about the end of times if gay people got married or this person got elected and such. Then I come up here and its 'They're going to shoot Obama, the secret service, because they're white nationals, so he won't get elected' (heard that on the radio to Seattle) (and he got elected) now its he'll never see the end of his term(s) (well 10 bucks he will) or some other bizarre logic about the government trying to take away all of your guns or something (prevalent in the midwest/south).
But this issue isn't the same as gay marriages that's homophobia
it's not the same as a black man being elected (racist)
to me this is looking at a body of evidence and saying there are some significant questions that have not been answered to my satisfaction.
Communism this, police state that, seriously are we grown ups here or just mindless blobs of children who spout off their faces without realizing what they're saying? I don't understand this mentality and it takes a certain type of individual I guess to believe this utter shit. I always wondered who are the types that listened to George Noory or something at night, I wondered, 'what is really f*cked up with their life to actually believe in this crap, why do they go searching for this utter nonsense, what leads them to this point?' Well apparently smart people to get mixed up in this goofiness and that's a shame.
SD. let's stay on topic here. Yes there are issues with the american populace.
But to say these things without really even thinking about them clearly and realize what you are saying, or implying is rather foolish. Like I said, if you believed this the last 8yrs would have been different and you'd of been so scared of the government that you'd of moved into the hinterland, built a cabin, and cut of all internet/radio/tv contact and just sit there with a shotgun preparing for the invasion.
SD. You arrogant f*ck - how dare you say that I am saying anything without thinking them through clearly. I realize full well what I am saying. I damn well better get an apology out of you...
I'm saying that there are questions that have not been answered to my satisfaction.
I don't live in the US so I don't have to worry about buying a shotgun.
People can believe anything I suppose.
Yes they can
I would have thought that with your analytical mind, SD, that you would demand better answers. They're just not there.
*damn....now I'm back to scouring all the available info again. It fascinates me. I'd better go build something.
Sportsdude wrote:
Oh boy, you guys aren't the mysterious crazies who plaster 9/11 inside job all over Vancouver are you? lol
So SD you countered one of my questions with another question but little else ... can you help me satisfactorily answer any of these?? Please note that I am not saying that Bush did it - or corporate America did it or that Elvis did it I am simply asking questions or pointing to facts that seem statistically improbable.
Please keep in mind that I have a masters of science degree and have a background in disasters. I added some VERY rough probablilites that i pulled out of my a$$ to illustrate a point.
Fact: no steel reinforced skyscraper had collapsed due to fire before 9/11 then in one day 3 of them collapse -all owned by the same guy! who happened to bought them a couple months before, and who happened to have taken out multi billion dollar insurance against terrorism. The chances of this alone are close to 1 in a million. ?
Fact: all 3 collapsed at free fall speed, i.e. with little or no resistance from the structural elements below - the laws of physics took the day off?? chances 1 in 10 million.?
Fact: all 3 huge towers collapsed into their own footprint - it takes trained demolition crews months to demolish building so that this happens - but all three do it on the same day due to inhomogenous damage (i.e. the planes did not hit dead center of the buildings) this doesn't make sense to me. chances 1 in 10 million?
George W Bush saw video of the first plane crash when no -one else on the planet did. chances 1: 7 billion
Fact: the twin towers were designed to be hit by large aircraft but they all collapsed anyway 1:10,000
Fact: the buildings were scrapped before a thorough investigation could be completed. chances 1 in 100,000?
Fact: traces of thermite (an explosive used to demolish buildings) was found by a prof at BYU in some of the steel from the site. chances this is a mistake or ??? 1:1000?
Fact: in the wreckage of the towers temperatures above the melting temperature of steel were recorded (after many days of NYFD spraying water on it). If compounds such as thermite were not used how do you explain that? chances that nasa made a mistake 1:1 million?
Weird fact: one of the terrorists passports was discovered in the streets below. A piece of paper survives an inferno that was supposed to be so intense it softened steel?? 1 in a milion?
Weird fact: BBC has found several of the 9//11 hijackers alive and well 1:1,000?
Weird fact: NORAD screwed up numerous times with respect to shooting down these hijacked planes. 1:10,000?
Weird fact: there was VERY little wreckage outside of the pentagon. VERY little. 1:10,000
Weird fact: there was a VERY small hole in the side of the pentagon 1:10,000?
Weird fact: there was a hole that went through some 9ft? (i could be off a bit - but a huge amount of ) reinforced concrete. 1:10,000?
Weird fact: no bodies were recovered from the plane that crashed into the pentagon 1:10,000?
Fact: Flight 93 crash - no bodies were found at the site. 1:10000?
Fact: Flight 93 very little evidence of an airplane crash there - no blood no bodies almost nothing there... plane crashes are usually very messy. 1:10,000?
again SD these are jus a few of teh very few questions that, in my mind, are poorly answered.
P.C. wrote:
I would have thought that with your analytical mind, SD, that you would demand better answers. They're just not there.
*damn....now I'm back to scouring all the available info again. It fascinates me. I'd better go build something.
Sorry PC didn't mean to go on a tangent there and restoke the obsession.
Oh please don't be. Like I said....it always fascinates me and I'm always interested in hearing others 'take' on some of the issues that puzzle me the most.
I read it. I'm still not exactly sure what you're trying to say. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0] Who is being naive ?
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/5.gif) Oh spit it out !
Don't make me come over there !
Yer a brat. Now SPEAK UP !(//vny!://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/chazee1/cz53.gif)
Nice try.
Now come out fighting. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/n080.gif" border=0]
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/frech/p015.gif" border=0]
I'll wait.
In the mean time....hub and I have engaged in yet another debate over this. He's no fun to debate with, though....as he is too willing to embrace my perspective....and I in return do the same thing. In other words, we accomplish nothing in terms of enlightening each other. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
This was a debate, not an argument....we're quite civilized you know. There are no debate/sex rules.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c032.gif" border=0]
psst. Pictures thread!
Hhahahahaaaa....those are EXCELLENT.
You should print them out, and put them up in the office. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[FONT size=7]SD ![/FONT] Are you sulking ?
finally back on subject. this is the ultimate picture Michel, i love it.
^ found this Fugger crawling around my computers. Did I mention I DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS!
[img style="width: 437px; height: 384px;" src="vny!://i40.tinypic.com/2ap25c.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 480px; height: 496px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/t5g5ew.jpg[/img]
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Those are spectacular Michel. Too many favourites this time....but I think this one might be the winner.....(the other one similar to this is awesome as well) The little birdie one is excellent too.
Great pics.
[img style="WIDTH: 170px; HEIGHT: 115px" height=246 src="vny!://img156.imageshack.us/img156/2746/dsc34081024x768.jpg" width=435]
ok I changed my mind. [img style="WIDTH: 147px; HEIGHT: 101px" height=228 src="vny!://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9923/dsc33361024x768.jpg" width=382] THIS one is my favourite. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
No wait. [img style="WIDTH: 112px; HEIGHT: 78px" height=342 src="vny!://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1335/dsc33671024x768.jpg" width=539] THIS one is my favourite.
I've finally decided for sure. [img style="WIDTH: 152px; HEIGHT: 108px" height=262 src="vny!://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6100/dsc33731024x768.jpg" width=371] THIS one is for sure my favourite. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
P.C. wrote:
I've finally decided for sure. [img style="width: 152px; height: 108px;" src="vny!://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6100/dsc33731024x768.jpg" width="371" height="262"] THIS one is for sure my favourite. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
OMG....could this BE any cuter ?
[A href="vny!://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-03/24/content_11065878.htm"]vny!://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-03/24/content_11065878.htm[/A]
Look at his almost human ears. Amazing little creature.
Michel wrote:
Some landscapes seen last Saturday while snowshoeing.
Stating the obvious - but there are some VERY nice shots. The following are my faves.
Very nice work.
I try to explain to my family how lucky we are to live i a place with such AMAZING natural beauty. There are not many places on the planet that are beautiful / pristine like this (especially with an amazing restaraunt and a beach and a golf course and a ... nearby)
[img style="WIDTH: 414px; HEIGHT: 266px" height=316 src="vny!://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1335/dsc33671024x768.jpg" width=498][img style="WIDTH: 412px; HEIGHT: 269px" height=322 src="vny!://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6100/dsc33731024x768.jpg" width=426][img style="WIDTH: 319px; HEIGHT: 451px" height=534 src="vny!://img91.imageshack.us/img91/1162/dsc33971024x768.jpg" width=319]
P.C. wrote:
OMG....could this BE any cuter ?
check this little guy out.
Michel wrote:
I can't see the pics you're refering too from here, but thanks. It is indeed a nice place on Earth.
As it turns out I picked the others faves -
1) the tree with the sun behind / ice rainbow
2) bird
3) mountain shot with snow on trees in the foreground
You have good pics from everywhere !!!!
I think they're both preety...although the single guy does have a bit of a comical look on his beak. Nice pics.
I tried to take one like that a couple weeks ago when we walked the beach and took pics of the boats....but it turned out looking mostly like confetti. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
OH WOW !!!
Well, it looks much better at a BIG party than it does at a little get-together.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) That's a super shot !
That would put Lil Me into a catatonic stupor. [img height=20 src="vny!://www.pogo.com/images/chat/surprised.gif" width=20 border=0]
Oh MY ! That's so beautiful. He looks to be suspended there.
That's gotta be a bit of a challenge. You did a really nice job. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c014.gif" border=0]
Michel wrote:
lol what's wrong with confetti ?
(//vny!://img401.imageshack.us/img401/6635/dsc9304x.jpg) I'm hoping that you had an umbrella - and not for the rain!!
P.C. wrote:
That would put Lil Me into a catatonic stupor. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://www.pogo.com/images/chat/surprised.gif" width="20" border="0" height="20"]
Yeah she would "turtle" maybe even black out.
Yeah Michel, she has a thing about birds - especially ducks and geese and turkeys and anything large - ostriches are WAY out.
That is an awesome shot. I have a tough time photographing birds - often I'm with the kids and they have the attention span of a gnat - as you know these kinds of shots don't happen in 5 minutes you have to wait and shoot and wait and shoot and wait and shoot .....
Here is my favorite tree shot
THAT is SPECTACULAR ! Definitely a shot to be proud of !
Really eerie!
Gopher wrote:
Really eerie!
Exactly why i took the shot it was really eerie.
P.C. wrote:
THAT is SPECTACULAR ! Definitely a shot to be proud of !
Hey thanks.
Question - - -
I'm a "hero member" you are a "super hero member" is there a "super duper hereo member" or a "super duper ooper hero member" classification???
No, but there certainly should be.
I'm afraid there is no room for advancement. It's kind of like a McTitle.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
*I'm thinking that pic would look mighty fine on the walls of the Ebony Lounge.
P.C. wrote:
I'm afraid there is no room for advancement. It's kind of like a McTitle.[img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif[/img]
Perhaps we need to petition the power that be for a new super duper title.
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
*I'm thinking that pic would look mighty fine on the walls of the Ebony Lounge.
I have to find the high res version of it ... we actually had it blown up and on the wall in an old office of mine. If I find it I would be happy to send you a high res pic.
That would be SUPER ! How many thousands will it cost ?
P.C. wrote:
That would be SUPER ! How many thousands will it cost ?
For you - no charge
Obama and Rick Wagner just had a meeting a couple hours ago and this is what happened:
[FONT size=4]Hey thanks van guy[/FONT] ! It really is a beautiful work.
Hey Michel....you're BACK !!! How was it ?
Speaking of birds....a HUGE gaggle of Trumpeter Swans just flew over. What a racket !
Sounds like it was a semi fruitful trip ?
I'm sure a ranger could detect in a 2 minute conversation with you, what kind of respect you would have for these sites, just by your degree of knowledge of them.
I just can't see where there would be concern for vandalism, of anybody with extensive knowledge of them. It would only be idiots who know nothing about them, that could destroy them.
That Amber is totally inconsiderate. I've already had a few words with her, but it did no good.
Hum, that's "funny".
Oh yah - we were at a zoo (Calgary?) and there was an ostrich enclosure - fenced off - with all the appropritate razor wire and double fences and ... whatever -
She wouldn't get within 1/2 mile of it ...
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Hey Michel....you're BACK !!! How was it ?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Speaking of birds....a HUGE gaggle of Trumpeter Swans just flew over. What a racket !
When a group of swans is flying they are referred to as a wedge of swans ... [a href="vny!://www.birdnature.com/groupnames.html"]vny!://www.birdnature.com/groupnames.html[/a]
does anyone want to borrow my pocket protector ???(//forums/richedit/smileys/4.gif)
nothing else needs to be added
When a group of swans is flying they are referred to as a [SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold"]wedge[/SPAN] of swans ... [A href="vny!://www.birdnature.com/groupnames.html"][FONT color=#000000]vny!://www.birdnature.com/groupnames.html[/FONT][/A]
does anyone want to borrow my pocket protector ???
I wondered if it was different than geese.
I love knowing those things...so I must have my own pocket protector somewhere too.
hum that's weird all those different names in English for group of animals. Hope there's only one specific good word in French as I think there is.
French calls them all the same ? Like a herd of fish, a herd of humming birds, a herd of whales ?
So you don't have terms like....a murder of crows, a parliament of owls, a stand of flamingos...etc ?
This is so funny, I lol'd. Really.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLIPWjks_M"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLIPWjks_M[/A]
[img style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt=rofl2.gif src="vny!://www.kokosgoldfish.invisionzone.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/rofl2.gif" border=0 emoid=":rofl3"] Oh dear.
*and she's wearing flats.
All world leaders are midgets, I'm being oppressed. *puts on a black mask and throws rocks*
NICE pics Michel. OK....these are my faves.
'Water Wings'.
[img style="WIDTH: 202px; HEIGHT: 141px" height=251 src="vny!://img401.imageshack.us/img401/306/dsc36451280x768.jpg" width=430]
'I'm holding my breath 'til you go away.'
[img style="WIDTH: 160px; HEIGHT: 213px" height=399 src="vny!://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5015/dsc40041280x768.jpg" width=192]
And this one...just because he's so cute.
[img style="WIDTH: 198px; HEIGHT: 138px" height=242 src="vny!://img187.imageshack.us/img187/697/dsc41111280x768.jpg" width=376]
Michel wrote:
Mister 5 cents the Eager Beaver at work. Seen on Sunday hike.
I love the first shot where you can see the detail in his eyes!!
Well done.
Michel wrote:
I like the hair on his nose lol
It's quite a coincidence i have hair on my nose too.
So do I.
Hi Gophie !
THIS is SO ADORABLE that it almost made me turn inside out. I've watched it 37 times. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I just can't get enough of that perfect little face.
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgxVZ4uxk8s"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgxVZ4uxk8s[/A]
Ah yes, uebercute!
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/lookmanostrings.jpg" alt="Image"]
just simple view of a helicopter in flight
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/UpUpandaway.jpg" alt="Image"]
wish i could fly
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Speed.jpg" alt="Image"]
it is amazing how fast things can happen
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/SD530346.jpg" alt="Image"]
simplicity of a blue sky
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/IntotheSun.jpg" alt="Image"]
Hidden by the sun
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/FlyingHigh.jpg" alt="Image"]
close up view flying high
[img]vny!://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee144/Orik_Basher/Jan%2020%202009%20vancouver/Distance.jpg" alt="Image"]
shot from a distance
Sawdust is in his glory. Airshow practise has commenced. He loves his jets.
I'm sure he will Michel...and I'm sure he'll take some pics.
Speaking of Golden Hawks.....Sawdust saw a Golden Eagle on the way home from work the other day. (a real one) It was on the ground about 6 feet off the shoulder of the road. I wonder if it was ok....there was no roadkill or carcass around.
...Discrimination, will it never end?
Oh Michel....these are all SO beautiful.
I am really intrigued by this one though. It looks very surreal and a little bit confusing. Can you tell me about it ?
[img style="WIDTH: 402px; HEIGHT: 268px" height=304 src="vny!://img144.imageshack.us/img144/6126/dsc6761x.jpg" width=511]
It looks fabulous how they are silhouetted. Nice shot !!!
Michel wrote:
Thanks, I'm always impressed to see them bravely attack bigger birds.
Thats weird isn't it. Almost every time i see two birds "duking" it out. It's always a littel guy pounding away at a big guy. Are the little ones faster / more agile or ???
BTW... Some stunning shots Michel.
How long did it take you to get those shots? I am guessing most of the day.
I like this one too. The foreground looks like an oil painting.
[img style="WIDTH: 277px; HEIGHT: 410px" height=514 src="vny!://img186.imageshack.us/img186/9706/dsc6863xx1024x768.jpg" width=305]
They are the duck of all ducks. I like a mallard too. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Michel wrote:
<DIV>I'm a reactionnary elitist, mallards are too common for my lens lol</DIV>
Yeah there is something about the green irridescence that is very captivating ... I have a thousand mallard pics as well.
Michel wrote:
Yeah I was kidding, I like mallards too.
I was in Vietnam when we were passing some ducks and my assistant out of nowhere states "You know ... you can fcuk a duck" everyone else sorta spins around and looks at him and he goes on to explain that the size of the egg is smaller than most penises ... so ....
We all sorta looked at Quoc Anh a little differently after that.
Michel wrote:
It was (is?) a very common practice in brothel in all Indochina to f*ck a duck. I think traditionaly you have to kill it at the time of ejaculation.
Oh dear Lord!! Why do you know this?
Why would you kill the duck after you finished with it?
I'm guessing that someone would eat it? Not much goes to waste there (having eaten boiled dog guts there)
Why go to a brothel for a duck? Why wouldn't you just grab a duck off the road? They are every where.
Great pics Michel ! As usual.
This one with mom and baby is just absolutely the cutest. I don't think I've ever seen a baby bison. The wolf with his Siamese cat colouring is awesome. Excellent 'in flight' pic too. I didn't copy it to here, but that blue jay is the fattest ever....lol
[img style="WIDTH: 136px; HEIGHT: 107px" height=237 src="vny!://img34.imageshack.us/img34/9382/dsc5639xx1024x768.jpg" width=342] [img style="WIDTH: 112px; HEIGHT: 165px" height=394 src="vny!://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2049/dsc4969x1024x768.jpg" width=192] [img style="WIDTH: 110px; HEIGHT: 164px" height=442 src="vny!://img39.imageshack.us/img39/8848/dsc5410xxx1024x768.jpg" width=219] [img style="WIDTH: 134px; HEIGHT: 100px" height=171 src="vny!://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5557/dsc6467x1024x768.jpg" width=189]
That's just what I call that colouring. I don't think it's official. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Coooool ! I like it !
As always amazing pics.
Shots from Navajoa,
src="vny!://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871265_7767503.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871267_1141365.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871268_6200403.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871412_930000.jpg"><img
Hmmm. Those don't work so good. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
Awesome Michel. You've made me have an interest in something I've never given much thought to ! I really really really want to see an authentic picto...thing. (pictogram or pictograph petroglyph, pictoglam (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif) ?)
I have the ultimate untrained eye, but I see more than weird carvings. I too find the stories behind them and what they might mean, to be interesting.
P.C. wrote:
Hmmm. Those don't work so good. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
I was using Google chrome - didn't work very well at all.
Here are some pics from my first few days ...
I title this one ... "You think YOU are having a bad day ??"
van_guy wrote:
Shots from Navajoa,
src="vny!://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871265_7767503.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871267_1141365.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871268_6200403.jpg"><img src="vny!://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871412_930000.jpg"><img
fixed for PC :)))) Great shots van guy! oops I see you posted some already lol
[span style="text-decoration: underline;"]
[img style="width: 304px; height: 406px;" src="vny!://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs098.snc1/4739_199345285467_854865467_6871264_3526326_n.jpg[/img] [img style="width: 370px; height: 276px;" src="vny!://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6871265_7767503.jpg[/img]
............saw this on the local news
"Web sites offer cash for photos....
For those of you with a good eye for pictures, you may be able to turn a hobby into some extra cash. ........Some people have been known to make as much as six figures, but most make just some extra spending money.... "
[A href="vny!://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/7_on_your_side&id=6831217"]vny!://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/7_on_your_side&id=6831217[/A]
[img style="width: 656px; height: 434px;" src="vny!://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/foto/72a02aa6_onweer2.jpg"]
[img style="width: 576px; height: 395px;" src="vny!://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/foto/67938a8e__DSC4962e.jpg"]
A friend of mine from Holland emailed me this huge storm went through the country.
Oups I realized maybe you didn't understand my Spanish sentence. It meant :
Thanks, I like the little lizard
I have a phrase book - I got the jist of it. Glad you liked the little guy.
Here's a few more ...
perhaps the good the bad and the ugly may be an appropriate title.
Ugly ...
[span style="text-decoration: underline;"](//vny!://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6951608_5460656.jpg)
Ugly part two
Michel wrote:
Ah turkey vulture makes good pics, despite their uglyness, especially on dead body.
Yeah the one blinking is kinda creepy. They flew away from the dead body as soon as i showed up.
I got a pic of the dead body today - it was pretty gross.
Absolutely breathtaking!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Heads up to Michel for telling me to get my ass to this thread every so often. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/19.gif)
A few pics of a Mexican Graveyard at sunset.
This is so pretty van guy. I like the glowy blue cemetary too. Nice lighting in both.
[img style="WIDTH: 194px; HEIGHT: 255px" height=450 src="vny!://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v4739/151/76/854865467/n854865467_6983841_7940713.jpg" width=289]
Excellent work, van_guy!!
OK...these are going to look pretty stupid next to all your beautiful pics, but thought I'd post a few pics on my project progress. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I started with the two planters on each side of the stairs and worked towards the porch. To the left of the planter is all dug out now and the retaining wall ripped out too. (you can just see the top of it in lower left of pic)
[a href="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/5991/img0084q.jpg" target="_blank"][/a]
Patio stones in...but not grouted yet.
[a href="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/3262/img0108u.jpg" target="_blank"][/a]
[img style="width: 251px; height: 188px;" src="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/783/img0117f.jpg" width="640" height="480"] [img style="width: 258px; height: 188px;" src="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/5378/img0123x.jpg" width="640" height="480"]
And now for an unexpected project. As a result of having to dig up half the yard, the old log retaining wall had to be ripped out. Had a bag of wooden knobs a friend gave me years ago, and some 4x4s that I started making some wooden planters out of, so used those to make some posts to hold the new wall. The logs were pretty rotten, so it was only a matter of time before they had to be ripped out anyways. Just didn't need the extra project right now.
Just to the right of the post that is leaning there, is a 15 foot long 4 foot deep trench, right through the middle of the garden, that we had to dig up to locate the septic's D-Box. The whole yard is in a state, and will be for a few more weeks. We have to leave the trench open for another 2 weeks to see if having the lines flushed worked. (so far we're 12 hundred bucks into this, and that's just to rule out one possibility of failure.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif) )
This one was where the other section of the retaining wall was, but has to remain undone until we know what's going on with the septic. Grrrrrr
Also, the stairs waiting for the patio stones to cure....and the bottom of the stairs in front of the shop, waiting to be framed in for more patio stones. (also on hold because of the septic...double grrrr)
[/div][a href="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/4418/img0083vtn.jpg" target="_blank"][/a] [div]
And....the tail end of my purdy tulips. Gotta have something purdy out of all this mess. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[img style="" src="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/4829/img0095a.jpg" width="480" height="640"] (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Difference is that all i did was show up and push a button a couple of times - you had to build this ..[/p] Looks good - tu;ips are stunning
[/p] [div style="font-style: italic;"]OK...these are going to look pretty stupid next to all your beautiful pics, but thought I'd post a few pics on my project progress. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) [/div][div style="font-style: italic;"]
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div][div style="font-style: italic;"]And....the tail end of my purdy tulips. Gotta have something purdy out of all this mess. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) [/div]
[img style="" src="vny!://img188.imageshack.us/img188/4829/img0095a.jpg" width="480" height="640"] (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
What do you mean, "doing nothing" ? He's on guard duty ! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
I know. He's such a terror. He's old...and not likely to change. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
Like any mother who has taken leave of her senses, I keep defending the poor little man....choosing to blame it on his wicked background... while unsuspecting visitors leave nursing their scars and wounds. But I truly believe he would risk his life to defend us.....but that's not making any points with anybody else...lol
Of all the nasty cactus etc .. this little guy is the nastiest ... it will tear your lips off
General scenery shot of the desert
Tough little lizard
Me too.
van guy...I'm suffering from 'man-hands'...yet your hands look smoother and softer than mine. .[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a090.gif" border=0]
Yeah to keep any skin on my hands i wear gloves. Between the cactus and the various other things - gloves are a must - means soft sweaty hands
I like lizards.
Yeah me too - cute cuddly and not many are poisonous or nasty ...
Hahahahaha....classic. Loved that episode.
Concrete is murder on your hands.
Hey! I know that film, The Cat Come Back!. National Film Board is awesome.
Speaking of NFB, there was this 80s short film done for the '86 Expo that I watched at a friends place.
It was about 3 world living in one colour (blue, yellow, red) and they all hated each other etc. Then someone in yellow (fascist, I thought it was US) flew over to Red (Soviet Union) fell in love with a girl, but she touched him, and was no longer red. Then the Yellow man flew to Blue (clearly French aristocrat).
Anyway it was great. I can't remember the title. Rainbow Warrior or something.
Colour Wars! That's the title.
Exhibition of dinosaurs are coming to Metrotown. I wonder if you're going to take pics, Michel.
Oh is it seniors day ? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
A few sky shots from today...
Michel wrote:
I don't remember that one. They use to do great movies. In one of the panel of the exhibition there was a scene of Neighbors from Norman McLaren which is a little in the same vein.
Ah, she got the title wrong. It was Rainbow War. Expo '86 for those who were there.
[a href="vny!://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1a3e8_rainbow-war_shortfilms"]vny!://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1a3e8_rainbow-war_shortfilms[/a]
THIS is BEAUTIFUL ! I love the lighting. Dawn and dusk shots alway have richer, truer colour. The one directly above too. Nice ! (and of course the little critter) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
[img style="WIDTH: 154px; HEIGHT: 183px" height=507 src="vny!://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3990/dsc78231024x768.jpg" width=272]
haha! lovely! I'll be sure to make a note to stay on the Gatineau side when I'm in Ottawa. As the only 'Ottawa' pic you have is of the museum (I'm going out on a limb, but my knowledge of Ottawa says that museum is on the Quebec side, I think).
The canal pics are awesome.
how could someone think that was a beaver? I'd of thought people would of said otter (otters have long tails thus it isn't an otter)
Weird, everyone who tells me about Ottawa says to stay on the Quebec side. I've already passed up two conventions in that city. This summer its Halifax, but I don't have that kind of money to fly, it'd be cheaper to drive from St. Louis. (The sad state of inter-Canadian air travel, cheaper to go to Tokyo, Singapore, London etc).
The dog does that too apparently at home to sun himself next to the door, but doesn't look as funny.
Well I think they like the Quebec side because it has a better night life with clubs and they hate Ottawa's downtown and suburban lifestyle. They also just want to speak French. Personally I think they're playing themselves up as they're quite stuck up, but nobody has ever told them how they come off.
I've heard the food is better in Gatineau, that the city has a better night life, and is totally different from Ottawa. From 7 people now.
[img style="width: 449px; height: 314px;" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Airbus_A300_cross_section.jpg"]
For P.C. to make her squeamish. haha ;))))
So funny about planes, that's all that separates you from the sub zero air temps.
[img height=243 src="vny!://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6696/dsc78821024x768.jpg" width=160] Now that's a priceless look!!!! Methinks the catz need to go on a diet?
Such a pretty kitty, Michel. She's not fat...she's just fluffy. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
She looks pretty svelte compared to 'the beast'. Mind you, he's done his usual summer slim down. He has no interest being indoors over night in the summer, so he's away from the food dish for at least half of the day. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Hahaha...he's slowed down some on that too.....even without his kitty-bib. I've caught him laying there watching birds that are barely an arms length away. I think he is learning to appreciate nature better. I hope he doesn't bring home any eagle feathers. I'd hate to see him lugged off to jail. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Holy !!!!! [FONT size=4]Look at the legs on that thing [/FONT]!!!
Poor kitty. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/9.gif)
Oh, you could be right. The tail rings certainly do look racoonish. I thought the shape of its little head looked more kittyish. Either way....(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif)
Ohhh.... that's a sad picture!! NO MORE SAD PICTURE, PLZ!!!!!
On the flip side, was that an ostrich that just flew by the car? Yikes, check out the size on that one!
[div style="font-style: italic;"]
Ohhhhhh....so cute. I wonder if she'd let me give the little feller a scritch. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
What a cute cat you have there, Michel. She looks so comfortable on your hardwood. It looks like she just had a belly tickle fest. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
Catz rulz!!
omg.....MELT !!!!
P.C. wrote:
omg.....MELT !!!!
When i first read your reply - I was pretty shocked !!!
I read omg ... MEAT !!!!
Do you think that this misreading may say something about my subconcious??
I think I'm going to ask for my money back from all that counselling I've been to. LOL
don't know why but many of them imageshack photos r not working for me. It says permission denied and they load as the dreaded red X
thank u Michel, those are very nice pictures & that is one very cute cat u have...
Aww....look at that poor fishes face. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[A class=title_top href="vny!://www.linkinn.com/_Got_Lunch"][img title="Got Lunch!" style="WIDTH: 596px; HEIGHT: 357px" height=368 alt="bird fish catch" src="vny!://image.linkinn.com/toppic/photo_0801/Got_Lunch.jpg" width=613 border=0][/A]
I call fake. lol
both animals look beyond the grave fake. hahahaha
[img style="WIDTH: 551px; HEIGHT: 440px" height=498 src="vny!://i38.tinypic.com/2hrh99i.jpg" width=612]
Here's my contribution for the day.
lol....cute Lise.
Actually SD....that picture is not a fake.
P.C. wrote:
Actually SD....that picture is not a fake.
then its hilarious.
omg ! Is she brushing her hair ???? No way. Say it isn't so.
[img style="width: 533px; height: 399px;" src="vny!://i41.tinypic.com/nb23pg.jpg"]
What the heck you staring at!! Have you never seen a starling with a Mohawk before
[img style="width: 558px; height: 432px;" src="vny!://i41.tinypic.com/2ros177.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Chicken Any1
[img style="width: 529px; height: 386px;" src="vny!://i41.tinypic.com/xenyfn.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Working hard or hardly working...
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P.C. wrote:
omg ! Is she brushing her hair ???? No way. Say it isn't so.
Somethings are just more important than others.
Orik wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 558px; HEIGHT: 432px" border=0 alt="" src="vny!://i41.tinypic.com/2ros177.jpg"]
Chicken Any1
Mmmm duck.
The Smart Car.....what we will be forced to drive soon.
[SPAN style="COLOR: #ff9b37"][FONT size=7]The Smamborghini![/FONT][/SPAN]
[P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center][FONT color=gray size=7 face="Times New Roman"][SPAN style="COLOR: gray"]The Smorsche![/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"] [/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center][FONT color=#7c9cd8 size=7 face="Times New Roman"][SPAN style="COLOR: #7c9cd8"]The Smerrari![/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"] [/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center][FONT color=#7c9cd8 size=7 face="Times New Roman"][SPAN style="COLOR: #7c9cd8"]And last, but not least[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=#1f497d size=7][SPAN style="COLOR: #1f497d"],[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"] [/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center][FONT color=#1f497d size=7 face="Times New Roman"][SPAN style="COLOR: #1f497d"]The Smustang[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=#7c9cd8 size=7][SPAN style="COLOR: #7c9cd8"],[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"] [/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=black][SPAN style="COLOR: black"][/SPAN][/FONT]
[img style="WIDTH: 383px; HEIGHT: 245px" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/53plzm.gif" width=703 height=269]
that just make's me want to do something silly like leap for joy
[img style="width: 313px; height: 240px;" src="vny!://i42.tinypic.com/339q3at.gif"]
omg....that's the reaction I had to that clip as well. The first thing I said to hubby is, I HAVE TO TRY THAT !!!!! He makes it look so darn simple.
This is my favourite of the smurf cars.....
[img]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Home/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg" alt=""][img]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Home/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg" alt=""]
I hope you notice pc he is doing it in a gym on a large area floor mat. and i am sure he practised it many times with spotters and thicker mats till he had it perfected. if you try it blind with out the padding you might end up like this guy
[img style="width: 580px; height: 480px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/2vbr3it.jpg" alt="Posted Image" class="bbc_img"]
LOL. Good pics!!
[img style="width: 374px; height: 523px;" src="vny!://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/07/f22_raptor_supersonic_jalopnik.jpg"]
F-22 breaking the sound barrier while being caught on a photo.
[a href="vny!://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=73057"]vny!://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=73057[/a]
Other than the cool pic, those things are such a waste of money. lol
I hope every one had a delightful canada day!
Just a few shots of what i appreciate about canada
Great pics van guy ! Fireworks are tough to catch !
(this one looks like Bethlehem (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif) )
[img style="WIDTH: 143px; HEIGHT: 172px" height=394 src="vny!://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_222052860467_854865467_7452178_1083238_n.jpg" width=267]
Good selection, van guy.
That towel tucked at the back of that guy's shorts just makes me want to yank it out. Very sexy!
Nice assortment of pics Van Guy.
That's not a towel....it's the aftermath of a turbo wedgie. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) Still sexy ?
Excellent shots on Canada Day. Well done!!
P.C. wrote:
Great pics van guy ! Fireworks are tough to catch !
(this one looks like Bethlehem (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif) )
Thanks. Not too hard - just a little planning and then take 100 pics and a few will be ok.
I wasn't around at that time - can't say for sure - you are looking well for beeing 2009+ yrs old
= )
Lise wrote:
Excellent shots on Canada Day. Well done!!
Thanks all for your kind words. PC what is a turbo wedgie??
It's several degrees greater than a super wedgie.
Ouch! And I'm not even a dude!
P.C. wrote:
It's several degrees greater than a super wedgie.
Gottcha - i think if the towel were really a turbo wedgie hang over - I think the expression on his face would be similar to the expression on the young man's in your photo. I don't think the effects of the TW would wear off quickly.
Worlds ugliest dog contest semi finalist.
I just don't think I could look at that every day.
LM's henna before peeling the henna off.
[span class="smalltext"]
Sometimes spam bot scares me!!![/span]
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[/td][/tr][tr][td]dec[/td][td]s[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="122d37d68a90c6dd73c50f21424cb349" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [input name="post" value="Post" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" tabindex="3" type="submit"] [input name="preview" value="Preview" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == "undefined" || !document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value || confirm('You will have to reattach any attachments, continue with preview?')) && submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="p" tabindex="4" type="submit"][img]Themes/default/images/blank.gif" alt="" id="fetchSessionTemp"]
That looks really pretty Miss Me.
What has to get peeled off ?
Here's a pic of my morning visitor. I took this pic about 10 minutes ago, and she is still here snarfing back all my lilies. I haven't got the heart to shoo her away.
Forgot to show the finished retaining wall project.
And finished walkway (except the grout still isn't done in these pics)
Now it's a nice clean walk from the house right into the shop.
Shop doors [span style="font-family: Verdana;"]V[/span]
Amazing as always P.C.
Is the colour of the garden the same as the house?
Thanks. (//vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif) The colour of the garden the same as the house ? I'm not sure what you mean.
add: Do you mean is the colour of the shop the same ?
That's the shop? It looks like the house.
yeah the new thing you built looks like it matches the house/shop. This morning I remembered you talking about paint.
Yup SD. The shop matches the house, and the retaining wall matches the shop. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Ah perfect, love your house as always.
I am amazed, at the humorous, things that can be found on the internet, this had me laughing for the better part of the day.
[div style="text-align: left;"][img style="width: 640px; height: 537px;" src="vny!://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/51b7a6820e.jpg"]
[/div]Why has no one posted any pictures for one month and one day ?
uniform's and Decals
Working Hard
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/WorkingHard.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Making an arrest
Innocent till proven guilty 1
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Innocenttillprovenguilty.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Innocent till proven guilty 2
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Innocenttillprovenguilty2.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Innocent till proven guilty 3
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Innocenttillprovenguilty3.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
On the other side of a prison fence
Free as a Bird
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/FreeasaBird.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Bird On a wire
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/BirdOnawire.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Fenced In
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/FencedIn.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
where there is smoke there's fire
On Fire 1
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Fire1.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
No Smoking Please
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/NoSmokingPlease.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
long legs from a long distance
Long shot legs
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Longshotlegs.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Bugged Out
On the bathroom wall
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Onthebathroomwall.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
Crawling along my floor
[img]vny!://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu43/Frog_Shots/Van%20Frog%20Pics%201/Crawlingalongmyfloor.jpg" alt="" border="0"]
The happiest camel I've ever seen.
van_guy wrote:
The happiest camel I've ever seen.
The happierst camel milker I've ever seen ... come to think of it ...
The weirdest camel picture I've ever taken
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Kids playing with a camel
My helpers messing with a camel
Me playing on a camel
I have this brand on my shoulder
Sooooooooo close .......
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[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]mp[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]chu[/td][td]s[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="ab80d0b66d65628b8ad670b0d7e884d4" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
[img style="width: 198px; height: 148px;" src="vny!://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs150.snc1/5570_261385035467_854865467_8438751_6003589_n.jpg"]
omg....I can't tell if that lil guy is so cute, he's ugly....or he's so ugly, he's cute. What a face !!!
Are you kidding ...
look at those beautiful eyelashes ... the teeth ... the elegant nose ...
wait a minute yup pretty ugly ... but I bet his mom thinks he's as cute as a button!!!
[img style="width: 198px; height: 148px;" src="vny!://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs150.snc1/5570_261385035467_854865467_8438751_6003589_n.jpg"]
omg....I can't tell if that lil guy is so cute, he's ugly....or he's so ugly, he's cute. What a face !!!
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]wait a minute yup pretty ugly ... but I bet his mom thinks he's as cute as a button!!![/span]
I guess that's where the old expression, 'he's got a face only a mother could love' came from.
I guess that's where the old expression, 'he's got a face only a mother could love' came from.
I have a cousin who had a baby arguably uglier than the camel in question. They fawned over little Lloyd anyway. He turned out to be an ok looking kid but Gad zooks .... you know when you go to the shower and usually everybody is "OOoOoooOOOh what a cute baby" not so much here. This was one UGLY baby! LM is a kinder gentler human than I am and she thought it wise to leave the child in the forest to die or let the wolves raise it or something.
them do be some ugly critters... why do camel's and lamas look so repulsive and mean, while horse's look majestic and peaceful.
perhaps camels are aliens in disguise
[table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"][tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]mi[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]cos[/td][td]c[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="92b75b9b23931085361c521b19ae97d3" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [input name="post" value="Post" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" tabindex="3" type="submit"] [input name="preview" value="Preview" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == "undefined" || !document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value || confirm('You will have to reattach any attachments, continue with preview?')) && submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="p" tabindex="4" type="submit"][img]Themes/default/images/blank.gif" alt="" id="fetchSessionTemp"]
the spy bot stopper has been fairly entertaining today
Orik wrote:
them do be some ugly critters... why do camel's and lamas look so repulsive and mean, while horse's look majestic and peaceful.
perhaps camels are aliens in disguise
They are not all that attractive but if you ever want a ton of stuff moved - camels are your beast of burden of choice to be sure.
Strong - fast - excellent endurance. Can you make a house out of horse hair?? I think I am going to start a camel fan club!!!
The google logo reminds me of this Dollar Store Craft I came across the other day. It's not about to make me change my decor, but pretty cute for a boys room, for under 5 bucks.
[img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-876" title="alien abduction lamp by dollar store crafts via curbly" height=600 alt="alien abduction lamp by dollar store crafts via curbly" src="vny!://notbeige.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/alien-abduction-lamp-by-dollar-store-crafts-via-curbly.jpg?w=400&h=600" width=400]
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]The google logo reminds me of this Dollar Store Craft I came across the other day. It's not about to make me change my decor, but pretty cute for a boys room, for under 5 bucks.[/div]
What did Tarzan do when he came across an elephant in the jungle
[br style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"][span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]He wiped it off and said - "I'm sorry"[/span]
Highlight to read
Some Pictures of my weekend getaway
Sailing in to the sunset
Sun Shadow
Night Flight
Standing Tall
Night rave 1
Night rave 2
Night rave 3
Night rave 4
that's it for now, though i have another 100 or so to go through yet/
looks like a angry cat in a box
The house I grew up in and never could return to...
Ah, memories of first homes - they're always so poignant.
No, it's not a cat but an owl from California. A motorist in California picked the injured owl off the road and took it to a shelter.
[img style="width: 493px; height: 370px;" src="vny!://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/10/Owl_in_Car_2.jpg"]
Damn Sportsdude... that was my original thought. A owl.. but then I thought who carries owls in a box, it must be a cat and I changed my post.. lol .. (cardboard boxes the poor mans cat carrier I should know having conducted many a move using one )
For baby purelife!
That's so sweet JJ !!!
Way to cute Great post JJ
Saw this on another forum...too cute!
The Swine Flu Remedy!
Making a pumpkin pie
LOL Hahahahahahaha.
Lunch thread or picture thread.................hmm
Before Dental work to fix them
(//vny!://i28.tinypic.com/2ngyjae.jpg)[img style="width: 147px; height: 131px;" src="vny!://i26.tinypic.com/2wezbpc.jpg[/img][img style="width: 137px; height: 130px;" src="vny!://i28.tinypic.com/v7h1es.jpg[/img]
After 600 dollars to fix them
these teeth are still yellowish and ugly but I was not in for beautification. I am in to get my teeth fixed. I can worry about making the smile look pretty, after all of the holes and the black rotten parts are cut out and filled with new silver fillings or in the case of these front ones done with that white amalgam enamel? Well whatever they call the stuff, it costs a fortune to get done it's more expensive than the gold. and the regular silver fillings would of cost me half what I paid. but the teeth would not look like teeth. At least this way they look ok. I wont win awards for my smiles. However I can still smile at least and the bonus is my teeth no longer have big missing chunks of enamel out of them. If You dare to look close you can see a couple of the other cavities that need to be fixed yet..
I still have 4 more in that top row of my badly damaged teeth in need of repair.
Needless to say this is not cheap. It is costing me a small fortune to have done. Lesson learned Take better care of your teeth. See a dentist more often than once every 20 or so years i have had a couple of few emergency check ups to fix broken teeth or cavities that were to big and had to be fixed.
I shall have some more Photo's to go here soon. after the Olympics is over of Various Night Shots of crowds and People of them showing Canadian Spirit and or pride. I have over 2000 photos in the past 6 months to go through and sort . of all those photos only 100 or so will probably end up as keepers the rest will hit the trash bin. the nice thing about Digital camera's is that you can take 300 photos of the same subject to get that 1 perfect shot. well for what I consider my perfect shot. the things i find appealing about my subject item and the way the light sets it off the over or under exposure or tracer (blurring) or the shadows on it plus some other small and significant things is not what other people may find appealing.
we all have a specific taste in what we call art. for me it is lights and shadows. i love the times between 0300 and 0500 for most of my photographs problem is my camera as it stands has a crap night light feature and is horrid at exposure and iso settings for night shots... i also enojoy lunch time or the sunset hour and first nights shadows of starlight.. for more photography
[font size="1"][span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"].[/span][/font]
She needs a shave.
She's got a little Lady Gaga going on there.
We're all pink inside.
That's as maybe, but just imagine how we'd look if our skins were transparent.
Then we'd get turned on by how "firm and jutting" a girl's liver is.
Not to mention what happens when they see a nice pair of kidneys.
just imagine how hot that spleen would be...
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I took this picture of my living room window. It looked cool to me!! Just thought I'd share. I'm easily impressed. :)
[img style="width: 436px; height: 582px;" src="vny!://i43.tinypic.com/3532sf5.jpg"]
Oh it IS cool purelife. What is that pretty coloured orb ? I like it. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Thanks P.C. It's a friendship globe. :) It's made out of glass and comes in other swirl of colors.
Nice Lamp. Sweet Globe. :)
When did you tale it, Purelife? Can there really be leaves on the trees outside your window?
Very observant Gophie. I took last year, Sept. :)
Ah, I thought it had been taken when the weather was 'acceptable'. I loved the light.
Thanks Gophie. :)
Took this one yesterday. (also taken out of the same living room window) I love the pretty flowers. I also saw a cool cherry blossom tree that has been trimmed in front of a blue house. Oh, it's so pretty. I'll have to take a picture of it to share with you guys.
Wow. Already in flower!
That is sucha lovely shot Prelife thank you for posting and sharing it with us. :) Purelife if mother nature is obliging and lights up that tree can you take another photo to share. I love the cloud cover and the difussed lighting on it now the way the flowers ( buds) stand out but I have this thing for sun and shadows and can not help but wonder what it looks like all lit-up ...
In the mean time here are some of my Olympic pics sorry but most of the ones I had were lost when My last computer went up in smoke and the hard drive containing all my important photos and videos was fried with a electrical short. recovering the drive is beyond my means. if it was only a couple of hundred i would spend the money. but a 500 GB drive is towards thousands of dollars to recover.. it nmight work if I found a cheap way to replacce the elctronic board but it is no gaurantee the drive would still spin up... that is a loss I will never recover from. lots of my poetry was also lost well I am sure some one is celebrating some weare knowing they will; never have to read any mor eof m y mad rambling or see any more blurey photos..
these are a few of the ones i did manage to save :( 700 MBout of 500 GB what a =(
sorry they are so bad the camera is not good and has a bad focus that some times does not work
Reflection In Granite
Jackson 2010 Olympic Billboard
Canada Is number 1
Hockey Final waiting the bar to open
Love the Canadian pride being flown & shown all over
9 AM line up most had been there since many hours earlier
Quuen Elzibeth Theater at 4 Am
Same picture less zoom and taken 2 hours later
[img style="width: 644px; height: 481px;" src="vny!://i44.tinypic.com/2drx85k.jpg[/img]
most photos are of library sqaure left side but the right side line up is just as strong
Canadian hockey Fans on the way to the arena
thats all for the moment If I can recover more photos from the Cameras video card i will see what I can do to share them .
You captured some great photos of the enthusiasts in downtown, Orik. Thanks for sharing.
Here's a picture of the same tree outside my living room window in sun! The pic below it caught my eye as it has been a while since I've seen so many blossom trees in a row. As Michel always used to say "A photoshopped sky!!" Miss the guy... :(
Ohh those are beautiful Purelife... thank you for sharing them and thank you for the kind words of my own photos. I am just a little disappointed in my photos and the way they turned out.
I hope to upgrade in the future to a more decent camera. so if you know of any one who has bought or is planning to buy a new digital camera and wants to sell the older cam for a fair price i am more than interested in a inexpensive camera that works better than the one i am using now. heck almost anything is better than this camera
Purelife.. I to miss Michel sense of humour then there were the witty remarks some great photos too... any idea what would cause him to leave in such a manner ? you can PM on that...for the life of me, i can not figure out why such great posters as tekanni, michel, lise, & kitten plus a few other great posters have all left the forum... unless it's me.even Kits left =( maybe is all my fault that they are gone =(
Great photos PL! Nice street!
Indeed the blue sky.
I loved these photos, PL.
I liked the shadow.
Wowsers great picture purelife. looks like the tree is growing along the ground the way the blosoms and grass mix with the flowing shadow... imagine what it could look like if taken from the base of the tree looking out instead...
That really was an unusual shot of the blossoms, I didn't immediately know what they were.
Love the petal pic. Great photos purelife.
I'd love to see some more pics... maybe i should put some batteries back in that piece of junk camera and try taking a few more...
Yes, do!
Well I shall see what I can get done this week then...
Yes, more pics from your eye, Orik. :)
My camera is a few years old as well but it does the trick.
purelife wrote:
You captured some great photos of the enthusiasts in downtown, Orik. Thanks for sharing.
Here's a picture of the same tree outside my living room window in sun! The pic below it caught my eye as it has been a while since I've seen so many blossom trees in a row. As Michel always used to say "A photoshopped sky!!" Miss the guy... :(
Looks like Ozy place
What's an Ozy place?
Ozborne Street in NW................. 2 and 4 you know all that area
Taken between 4 and 5 AM on my Dinner break That is the Canada Post Building.
This one is sunset at Oppenheimer Park
Same sunset at Oppenheimer Park different exposure and slight change in position.
I like the sunset pictures, Orik. I didn't get the chance to see the Canada Post building, so thanks for sharing that. I heard on the news that people were around the area taking pictures of an owl that was found perching on one of the trees.
So did I, sunset and long spring and summer evenings are my favourite times of the year.
Well I worked in the area for some time I never did see any owls, but then again I was off shift at 10 am and at home in bed sound asleep by 3-4 pm. to wake up at 12 AM to go start another shift at 2 am
So there is lots i missed out on during the Olympics and stuff. but the money was good. but being laid off stinks...
the photos are alright, they did not turn out very good in my opinion.
I saw this goofy face the other day and had to share this picture with you.
^ :)
is that one of those glow in the dark faces? I saw some like that out with the Halloween decorations this past year. I started to get one but knowing me I'd forget about it, catch a glance of it and get scared so I passed.
that is a pretty creepy looking face God forbid I saw that glowing in the dark it would prolly scare what little hair I have left right off my head..
great pic though purelife
I have no idea if it's glow-in-the-dark. I'm not willing to find out either. It'll scare the bejeebus out of me. I'd probably pee my pants.
You would never catch me watching a scary movie, ever!
Tell me the location I will go find out
lol.. I guess it would be scary to see a random face glowing in the dark.
I'm definitly getting one for Halloween now =D[/DIV]
Natasha wrote:
lol.. I guess it would be scary to see a random face glowing in the dark.
I'm definitly getting one for Halloween now =D
[A href="vny!://www.fabuloussavings.com/online/us/plow_and_hearth_home/1/treefaces/"]vny!://www.fabuloussavings.com/online/us/plow_and_hearth_home/1/treefaces/[/A]
^ =) Cool. Thanks a bunch.
(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/20.gif) Neener Neener Neener
Neeener wrote:
[img border=0 src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/20.gif"] Neener Neener Neener
=) cute flowers.
All for you Neenerbot (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
Looks like a bunch of stop motion photography. I wonder how many photos and how much time it took to do that...
I think it's video but joined some how to make the gif. Anyway it's strange looking but cute.
LMAO at the gif. It's funny til you see the front then it's a little scary but I like it :)
That baby lol here it is vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkjyZHZhokM
That little chubby baby floor polisher is so creepy. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/1.gif)
I posted on YouTube they needed some polishing rags on her butt so she would clean the floor (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/7.gif)
Neeener wrote:
... [img border=0 src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/5.gif" width=16 height=21]
impressive... the photo-shopping and animation of that is awesome.. bravo..
the original pic that I have seen and that animated gif... some one turned it in to a true work of art.
Yeah it's a work of art lol Ill never eat a hot dog again (//forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
you got to admit it is funny though... I am sure you will eat hot dogs again.. maybe you just wont eat ones some one else has prepared...
No maybe not, they are pretty gross anyhow.
Maybe with mustard if I do (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/16.gif)
Very cute neener..
(//vny!://i40.tinypic.com/65vmgo.jpg) May be my Avatar if the boss ever sends me an A-ok so I can join.
Been a while and still email response. (//forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif) I guess I can go to memeBee or DATW (//forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/4.gif)
Still NO email response ;-/
Sorry GF see my thread on how to post photos different method here for some reason, the Tagged or HTML encoded photos wont post on this forum need to ask or pester TehBorken untill they do...
[img style="width: 501px; height: 331px;" src="vny!://farm5.static.flickr.com/4010/4585817848_a7b5fb1fc8_o.jpg"]
Dalek Cat must destroy all dogs (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Hahhahahaha That's hilarious !!!! Takes a swipe at the dog at his convenience. Hahahahaaaaa
and the cat just stayed there.................LOL...........the dog is going WTF!
Small wonder the dog has no self esteem....they've got the poor thing in an argyle sweater vest. All he needs now is a pocket protector.
Seattle Library from when I went to Seattle last week:
Nice shot, it's interesting from an architectural standpoint.
I hate that I have to admit this, but I don't get it. I even let it sink in for a day and tried again, but I still don't get it. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
[img style="width: 635px; height: 280px;" src="vny!://i40.tinypic.com/a27xnm.jpg"]
The toy chest for the adult toys is begging to be killed,,, now whether it is for the man or the woman I don't know... but u make the guess...
Why would they want to be killed.
LOL yeah, all the toys came to life including hers, and apparently they don't like being alive.
Not weather she uses them on herself of him (//forums/richedit/smileys/Thinking/1.gif)
sorry, Now weather she uses them on herself of him.
I have a suspicion by how unhappy he looks she uses them on him
still (//richedit/upload/2k7cd3faa04c.gif)at the Comic, the Cat Dalik and the new doggy swing....
Thanks Neener. Yeah I was surprised at how that shot turned out even with the dinky old camera that I've had for years.
A dog -- at the front lines, protesting in Greece (December 2009)
The dog being tear gassed in January 2009
The dog barks at police in April 2010
Dog Sit in Nov, 2008
These photos are from different protests of different years in Athens but the dog looks the same.
Oh I saw a whole picture page on that dog earlier this morning, he seems to crash about anyplace cops are around.
Looks a lot like the one in the swing (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
(//vny!://i40.tinypic.com/ogb9za.jpg) (//vny!://i44.tinypic.com/2hdnwux.jpg)
(//vny!://www.gifbin.com/bin/052009/1242115505_owned_with_a_pool_ball.gif) Ouch, that could be a kill shot where it hit if done hard enough.
Omg, that's a rather dangerous thing to do to someone. Why would anyone think that's funny?
Really. Not too funny at all. Ouch.
:) Raccoons will do anything to get attention and a snack :)
What else are little sisters for ? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Neeener please go see my thread on photo hosting and posting, try to work on resizing those great photo's to a bit less than 640x480, when they are below that size, we can all enjoy them without need to scroll all the time... I love most of the Gifs & pics you post
That gif of the pool ball is idiocy, not to mention potentially lethal to the person struck, looks like the lad was out cold the instant he was struck. The idiotic things people do astounds me.
I am not squeamish but I would rather not see things like that if it can be helped..
And this commercial for duct tape is hilarious...
That's cute. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif)
(//vny!://i40.tinypic.com/eqnj35.jpg) Me thinks you need a bigger Screen Orik or ditch the toolbars 640x480 is way to small.
lol.. funny cat!
I like pics that are somewhat big in size too.
Natasha wrote:
lol.. funny cat!
I like pics that are somewhat big in size too.
I think the bigger the better :) I don't mind if they are 10 times the screen size even but if people want them small I guess I can try.
I like that one =)
Had it been too small we wouldn't be able to see the detail.
If I had the software still I could shrink all my pics for posting but Ill just hold off I guess and post on my forum :) Neener Neener Neener !
Neeener wrote:
If I had the software still I could shrink all my pics for posting but Ill just hold off I guess and post on my forum :) Neener Neener Neener !
I wouldn't go through any trouble or avoidance just to appease one poster. I'll stop by your forum tomorrow sometime. I haven't been back there in a bit =(
Thanks for the pics and the company =)
Are you leaving ? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
Yes sir. I've had a long day. Worked hard and have to do it all over again tomorrow.
Good night.
Well good night and many sweet dreams, I think Ill go to bed also.
I thought she looked familiar ;-)
lol.. too cute =)
Neener you do not by any means need to make them smaller for me, The reason I suggest resixing your photos smaller is so the photo's can be appreciated by everyone, not everyone visiting these forums has monitors or computers as nice as ours may be.
I recommend a 640 x 480 photo size because some forums do not have image resizing capabilities and posting photos larger than that stretch the threads way out of proportion and that kind of ruins them for everyone with smaller resolution capable video cards and monitors who may be trying to read them.
Herw the images larger than 640 x 480 are still posted but the thread is not stetched per say jusat the post it adds a scroll bar to the post. Then you need to scroll the image in little bits to see it. I am kind of weird, I like to see the full picture with out having to scroll it a little bit at a time, so I will often right click a image that is put in a scroll bars and go to it so I can view it in its full size.
Just so you know my screen is 1280 by 1024 and my second monitor is 1024 x 768 When working on videos or Photo's or some thing else I have my Screens at dual 1024 x 768 x 75 refresh rates. I find this is the best resolutions for easier reading of text...
Orik wrote:
Neener you do not by any means need to make them smaller for me, The reason I suggest resixing your photos smaller is so the photo's can be appreciated by everyone, not everyone visiting these forums has monitors or computers as nice as ours may be.
I recommend a 640 x 480 photo size because some forums do not have image resizing capabilities and posting photos larger than that stretch the threads way out of proportion and that kind of ruins them for everyone with smaller resolution capable video cards and monitors who may be trying to read them.
Herw the images larger than 640 x 480 are still posted but the thread is not stetched per say jusat the post it adds a scroll bar to the post. Then you need to scroll the image in little bits to see it. I am kind of weird, I like to see the full picture with out having to scroll it a little bit at a time, so I will often right click a image that is put in a scroll bars and go to it so I can view it in its full size.
Just so you know my screen is 1280 by 1024 and my second monitor is 1024 x 768 When working on videos or Photo's or some thing else I have my Screens at dual 1024 x 768 x 75 refresh rates. I find this is the best resolutions for easier reading of text...
Oh yeah, isn't stretching what got your entire pic thread deleted on datw?
I do not know I never got a satisfactory response as to why my thread was deleted... you would need to ask eyeball for more information about the deletion of the photo thread... I was sort of not there at the time everything happened..
as far as I know from one of eyeball stated msg's it was a accident he accidentally deleted the whole thread. I am not sure if that is what occurred but I am kind of thining that is what happened. Eyeball never seemed spiteful or out to do anything on purpose with malicious intent I do not think there was anything more to it than just a simple accident.
If it was a deleted because of a over sized photo causing problems, then the full thread deletion is a bit overkill, I am also doubtful it was one of my posted photos that would cause problems on the thread. I try to be very careful about not ruining threads. Unlike some posters who take great pleasure in destroying them or wrecking havoc, these trolls or problematic posters are out causing mayhem and seeding strife wherever they may roam for kicks.
I am a retired troll and was much more thoughtful in my posting, I was more of one who was out to make Posters go hmm to make them think, I did not go about destroying others ability's to post or to enjoy a forum what is the fun in that, If other people can not post to a forum or thread, then I to would not be able to post and interact with others on those forums which would be pointless because I end up bored once more.
also if it was a oversize pic posted by me I would of used imageshack or tinypics resizing feature to downsize the photo to the 640 x 480 size. or I would of removed the single image causing problems completely.
Perhaps if Eyeball is around reading this he could explain exactly what it is that did happen ? until otherwise known I have no choice but to accept what I know it was a accident no more no less.
Just out of curiosity, why is it you respond with paragraphs and not a simple answer with a simple short explanation?
It's the lawyer's soul I inherited.
He just fu**ed up thats all went to deleate a pic but did whole thread.........end of story.........not like we all had a good handle on what we could or could not do as mods there......
I do not think it is needed to be put in to such crass terms there is a time to swear with verbosity and times not to.. Hehe, the shyster in me is wanting to go on and on. From the sounds of it By DDD and others statements, It was a accident. no more & no less, for now On with the Pictures please.
[img style="width: 120px; height: 120px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2ke9871d474c.gif[/img]
^ perhaps the future avatar for DDD
[img style="width: 41px; height: 64px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2k6301831697.gif[/img]
Could go with the dancing baby.
Or perhaps a little bit of a chicken shake
Don't forget to Show some love
Tasha just for you
Insomniac Orik wrote:
It's the lawyer's soul I inherited.
lol.. that's understandable.
I just feel badly sometimes when I'm not able to read everything in your reply due to various reasons. So please forgive me.
DDD wrote:
Tasha just for you
haha.. EWW that pic is so disturbing.
And not in a good way either.
I understand & forgive you Natasha, Feel free to read or ignore my posts whichever the case maybe or as you deem necessary. However, I thought the tongue Gif was more laughable, than disturbing.
Natasha wrote:
DDD wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 120px; HEIGHT: 120px" border=0 src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/upload/2ke9871d474c.gif"]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"]This brings back so many good memories.[SPAN] [FONT color=#ffffff]Tasha just for you[/FONT][/SPAN][O:P][/O:P][/SPAN]
haha.. EWW that pic is so disturbing.
And not in a good way either.
And why would that be ??? it's not like you would see it??? now is it???
(//vny!://i41.tinypic.com/r7vyph.jpg) LOL, I don't even know what it's for (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/7.gif)
At least Kermit looks happy lol
opps sorry for the caps lock
I have no Idea about that movie or show but that outfit she has on rocks. (//forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
[img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/pig_r.gif" width=68 height=72] thats all i gots
Hey whats with the flying pig every now and then (//forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
Well if you register and become a member If that Pig pops up chase it with the mouse and try to click on it. If you hit it when you are logged in you get some positive karma 1 to 9 points random amounts of positive karma are awarded each time you manage to click that very fast agile pig.
Oh thanks Oric, I have clicked on it several times but nothing happen and it shows you can click it.
I registered when I first posted but never got an Email, even when I sent for another notification, I would have good Karma by now (//forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif) LOL
Oh well, no biggie I guess.
omg neener, that is the cutest.
Cute :)
Gopher wrote:
See all women are evil
What a weird thing to do to a little girl.
Beetlejuice is probably her favourite 'children's' movie.
LOL that's an adorable little girl, I love the smile :)
P.C. wrote:
What a weird thing to do to a little girl.
I was thinking the same thing.
What is she suppose to be anyway?
hahaha I have no idea. I guess the days of sugar and spice and everything nice are loooooong gone.
(//vny!://i47.tinypic.com/211mx2.jpg) Good Evening People :-) I hope your all good.
cool pic ^^^^^
you could even say it is really mesmerizing...
it has a real hypnotic effect on one...
She was a very interesting looking and pretty girl, the eyes made her famous.
Here's her background:
vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_Girl (//vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_Girl)
Thanks, SD.
sure turned out lets say..............
Her name is Sharbat Gula, and is about 30 in the last picture and 12 in the original from 1984. The photographer who took the famous picture of her was taken from a refugee camp in the Peshawar, Pakistan after she was forced from her home in the Pashtun area of Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war. At 6, her parents were killed in a Soviet of her rural village, married in the late 80s, left the refugee camp in '92 and has 3 daughters survive infancy. Steve McCurry, the photographer who took her photo found her 17yrs later in 2002.
Refugees and people living in war torn regions of the world experience a life that does not particularly age you gracefully.
[a href="vny!://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2002/04/afghan-girl/index-text/1"]vny!://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2002/04/afghan-girl/index-text/1[/a]
yes she has aged hard..........sucks that we treat people this way around the world..........f*ck WAR
[img style="width: 300px; height: 223px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2k623b590508.jpg" border="0"] [img style="width: 298px; height: 223px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2k1221c3c842.jpg" border="0"]
19 & 21
They live a hard life in a hard country. Will they age well or poorly ?
.when grandpa babysits
not sure if i should laugh or be disgusted at that pic 49er... it is both at the same time.
I laughed at the baby pic but I'm uncertain if showing a baby penis is appropriate for a forum. Then again the baby sort of looks like one of those life like babys people buy. But what type of sicko would put a penis on a fake baby? Unless it's photoshopped? Idk... it was funny but in a wrong type of way.
Natasha wrote:
I laughed at the baby pic but I'm uncertain if showing a baby penis
Oh, is that what it is?
well I don't think it is the lads belly button gopher..
Its funny for what it is and as long as that stays that way no big deal to have it posted here.........imo
The Scotsman his pride is showing... Well at least he is a true Scotsman and wears nothing under his kilt... I wonder how much Shit he got for that ? I am sure the Queens PR people had a royal coniption fit after the release of that photo..,
Even though the photo is now many years old.. I still want to know if there was holy hell raised over it...
I want to know if it is real or photo shoped
D as far as I know it is a real photo and was not photo shopped it was released a few years ago... I do not know if it is authentic or not. I think it was authenticated though but my brain is old and none to sharp so maybe I am remembering things wrong.
=D I could have done without seeing that wee wee.
Gopher wrote:
So many woman do want DDD
And here are some of them!
Gopher wrote:
And here are some of them!
not what / who are they?
I don't know, I just assumed they were your groupies.
Gopher wrote:
I don't know, I just assumed they were your groupies.[/DIV]
I have groupies...cool
LMAO.. great picture Gophie =D
Natasha wrote:
LMAO.. great picture Gophie =D[/DIV]
Are you my groupy
I like you and all but look at them and look at me, I don't think they'd let me into their gang =(
Natasha wrote:
I like you and all but look at them and look at me, I don't think they'd let me into their gang =([/DIV]
Well I will just have you replace all of them then...........so you are my only one now and forever
We've been putting up with each other for years now. I think it's safe to say, I'm not going anywhere =)
Why does it seem so difficult to post pictures on this forum? Honest to goodness I've never had this much trouble posting pics =( ... and yes Orik, I did try your suggestions =)
Have a safe and fun weekend DSers.
P.C. wrote:
[FONT size=7]LMAO[/FONT]
Thank you, P.C. =)
wine ok.....must be red
When words are not enough to express how you feel...
[img style="width: 558px; height: 418px;" src="vny!://i52.tinypic.com/2zemd6d.jpg"]
:o Gopher, that sure looks like one very sweet wine. Mind you, I am judging that solely on the very high the alcohol content and I love the picture. It says exactly what your thinking while saying it and being funny so the insult would come across less hurtful... Mine is perfect only for those that are full of crap and a horses ass. Should go on the Parliaments front doors...
A late September morning in Swan Hills, AB
It looks like a post card SD :)
I thought so too...............
Looks great sportsdude..
[img style="width: 674px; height: 505px;" src="vny!://i.imgur.com/Vj2Gk.jpg"]
[img style="width: 572px; height: 429px;" src="vny!://i56.tinypic.com/148j11h.jpg"]
Re-sized smaller to a 640X480 from the original 2576X1932
I took his way to late in the evening or way to early in the morning. Depending on your perspective and the shift time's you are working. I was on 2 AM to 10 AM shifts, brutal hours to work, but it was a simple static post and well worth it to me.
I don't mind night shifts at all. You can get some very beautiful photos of lights & shadow at night.
The sunrise reflecting off the CBC I thought it was just perfect. I could not resist this shot or from taking a few others.
thread needs more cats.
[a href="vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/bc-politics/cat-owned-by-member-of-christy-clarks-campaign-joins-the-bc-liberals/article1894062/"]vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/bc-politics/cat-owned-by-member-of-christy-clarks-campaign-joins-the-bc-liberals/article1894062/[/a]
i joined...........now i get to help pick the next leader unelected
Gopher wrote:
Best one to date!
where is that looks nice and warm
Northwest England
Looks a bit like trout lake in East Vancouver
Old one but still LOL
Gopher wrote:
I can't see the pics in this thread anymore because my work has since upgraded their firewall protection and I'm not allowed to see some images.... :(
Oh, that's terrible!
Now this flaming posted in the wrong thread My fire fox is really whacked opening wrong pages & sending posts I make on other threads to a totally different thread than the one I was trying to post in..
The sky, ten minutes ago.
A dark morning sky with a promise of a beautiful day to come.
You're right. It eventually changed.
How to exercise your cat & clean the floor..
Unless you live down south then this is just another way to amuse some rednecks
With out Physical evidence they were forced to release him...
to bad they didn't see the video before they cut him loose.
I'm easily amused... LOL!
purelife wrote:
I'm easily amused... LOL!
you looking :)
Mickey Mouse with beard cartoon enrages Egypt's Muslims
Fundamentalist Muslims in Egypt have called for a boycott of the country's richest businessman after he posted a cartoon showing Mickey Mouse wearing an Islamic beard and Minnie in a face-veil on Twitter.
^^^ Is that you ^^^
Who knows?
Gopher wrote:
Who knows?[/DIV]
YOU!!!! knows (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/cliparts/1.gif)
I wanna know too!
Do you want it to be?
Sure why not?
It's nice to put a face with a name some times.
I think it is a real good photo..........nice back ground.................and a man looking out towards the land scape.......
I think it matches.
When you're the tallest person in Vancouver, one doesn't need a face with a name -- one just needs to look up at the sky. (granted, I'm currently not residing in the Terminal City, so this is all for naught.)
;D good pic, Gophie
Damned auto-correct...
FancyBox 4 mod added (click any pic to see what it does).
Thats cool 8)
(//vny!://i40.tinypic.com/x6g07.jpg) (//vny!://i40.tinypic.com/x6g07.jpg)
Home Office...
Palma de Mallorca 9th April 2012
Nice Gopher!
I found this while looking through The Atlantic's NYC archives from the early 20th Century. There are some great ones here, but this one made my day, especially with May Day coming up.
Painters on working on the Brooklyn Bridge in 1914.
Rather them than me.
(//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/35381hz.jpg) (//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/35381hz.jpg)
Good point.
Nice photos!
LMAO ^^^^
What a great day ^^^^^^^^^
This made me :)
u want to see my stick
Anytime a man refers to his as a "stick" then it's not worth seeing ;)
LMASO................ :(
Quote from: DDD on Jul 04 12 11:24
LMASO................ :(
Thanks from stick man :'(
Thats all I want
" Pictures Only Please!" ;)
cool pic
With new camera
^ for some reason that pic makes me want nachos :-\
I want a cold beer and be sitting down watching a parade go by
Is that YOUR hand, Natasha?
A bit smaller this time
(//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/2ur32bm.jpg) (//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/2ur32bm.jpg)
Lol those are some funny pics & greatly used in responding to each others posts.
Those are some beautiful close up flower photos Gopher. Did you take those with the Olympus? ?
Quote from: Orik on Jul 09 12 03:47
Lol those are some funny pics & greatly used in responding to each others posts.
Those are some beautiful close up flower photos Gopher. Did you take those with the Olympus? ?
Yep, it's proving to be a great not too expensive camera.
Quote from: Natasha on Jul 16 12 03:45
(//vny!s://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/523951_476819588995741_2037617056_n.jpg) (//vny!s://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/523951_476819588995741_2037617056_n.jpg)
Excellent, Natasha.
Strange but true...
Quote from: TehBorken on Jul 18 12 10:32
Strange but true...
Where you get that from??? Link ???
One brave orange...
^^^^^^^thats so bad not sure if to LOL or :'(
Quote from: DDD on Aug 03 12 12:34
^^^^^^^thats so bad not sure if to LOL or :'(
I did both. Actually I LOL'd then felt a little guilty for it so I :'( a little.
me too
Mooncake Festival :)
Nice Pics Man... Have to log in to see them though.. I have one I would like to post but it may be a bit inappropriate the woman is only wearing a flower and body paint.. But she did run a marathon in the outfit..
Well, as long as her petals didn't drop off.....
Quote from: Orik on Oct 04 12 12:17Nice Pics Man... Have to log in to see them though.. I have one I would like to post but it may be a bit inappropriate the woman is only wearing a flower and body paint.. But she did run a marathon in the outfit..
Hmmm, not sure why that is. I'll see if I can fix that.
Lol, Vote For Megatron!
Why Romney Will Win
Funny pics, TB
So true........
Going to copy this for sure............dont think i can post it at work as some girly might complain
Shocking evidence that gun crime is responsible for video games.
Hmm, what?
(//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/105705d.jpg) (//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/105705d.jpg)
(//vny!://i50.tinypic.com/ei1506.jpg) (//vny!://i50.tinypic.com/ei1506.jpg)
(//vny!://i47.tinypic.com/258osd0.jpg) (//vny!://i47.tinypic.com/258osd0.jpg)
Some priorities you just have to admire.
(//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/a616o.jpg) (//vny!://i46.tinypic.com/a616o.jpg)
God says............
Palm tree in Andratx
I can't put my finger on it, but something looks off about that palm tree
Quote from: Russ on Mar 25 13 08:51
I can't put my finger on it, but something looks off about that palm tree
I thought so too - hence the photograph.
Even in Spain
Sworn in..........
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Long-stalked Cranesbill
(//vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/Duchess_of_Cornwall_2012.JPG/448px-Duchess_of_Cornwall_2012.JPG) (//vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Duchess_of_Cornwall_2012.JPG)
Welsh poppies
Have we been introduced?
Taken his morning
Very nice!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's cool 8)
Prince George certainly has long legs for one so young.
Quote from: Gopher on Nov 21 13 12:26
(//vny!://i44.tinypic.com/t84y1i.png) (//vny!://i44.tinypic.com/t84y1i.png)
LOL nasty!
Quote from: Natasha on Nov 21 13 05:39
LOL nasty!
It's on youtube, but it doesn't explain how she makes it or what the ingredients are.
vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWIjgajgMSI (//vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWIjgajgMSI)
I think the ingrediants are self explanatory ???
I love the way she produces it in cubes, obviously very talented.
Quote from: Gopher on Dec 20 13 07:36
hope they catch Sandra Bullock 1st
Christmas morning
Royal Flush
Presidential charm
Waive the shipping?
Putin on the Ritz
Black Devil cigarettes
Gonna start posting these all over the place, lol.
Table For One
You could also have picnics under it on a rainy day.
Great new iPad app called "Cutting Board"
They see me rolling....
Meadow Cranesbill
Gorgeous! I love the captions too. Your sense of humour has not diminished over time.
Morning walk
Very nice.
Quote from: Gopher on May 31 14 01:15
Morning walk
(//vny!://i60.tinypic.com/nzg3dy.jpg) (//vny!://i60.tinypic.com/nzg3dy.jpg)
Is that Welsh? Google says it's either Welsh or Klingon.
(//vny!://i62.tinypic.com/2ufzygz.jpg) (//vny!://i62.tinypic.com/2ufzygz.jpg)
The smallest house in Britain. Conwy, Wales.
Photographs of the Commonwealth Baton Relay
It was a very English affair.
A picture paints a thousand words!
Mrs Frizzle shouldn't have taken those kids to Compton, yo.
Another part of my morning walk.
Such a beautiful morning walk for you!
Yes it certainly is, very often I take the same walk several times a day.
Brilliant juxtaposition. Beautiful contrast of the painting against the snow.
Very nice, indeed.
Another of my daily walks.
Now that's what I call a farm house.
Now that's what I call a baby announcement. :)
Tres chic.
A few photos of where I live now (n.b. not in one of these houses). The trendiest, swingiest and most expensive bar in town is in the third photo (too swingy, trendy and expensive for me).
Looks like a very quaint and friendly neighborhood.
VERY friendly, but not so quaint.
Beautiful, Gophie.
That's where I live in my dreams. *swoon*
That cartoon is hilarious! Thank you for posting it, Natasha. I'll sleep happy tonight, providing I can get this silly grin :D off my face long enough to get to sleep.
The sky's the limit!
Big Finn and little Finn
The fragrant charm of a toilet in an Estonian restaurant.
N.B. I didn't notice any paper.
Is that an outhouse, or would it be used indoors? How does it flush? (or does it?) It reminds me of the outhouse on my grandparents' farm. I wouldn't want to encounter it in a restaurant. ;)
I'm not sure whether or not it would flush, I didn't get close enough. However it was INSIDE the restaurant and the only one. I'll see if I can find a photo of the rest of the restaurant, but I don't think it will be very good as it was extremely dark inside.
Sunset at Frankfurt Airport
Kamppi Kappeli, Helsinki. Believe it or not, this is a church.
Kamppi Kappeli (interior).
One of the quays in Helsinki
House of Estates, Helsinki
Saturday morning in a small English town.
Orthodox Cathedral, Tampere.
Fat Margaret's Tower, Tallinn, Estonia
Has science gone too far?
Looks as though it's steaming
Conwy Castle
I've done this - twice. Almost knocked out. Plate glass windows should not be cleaned.
Quote from: Gopher on Jul 31 14 09:22
I've done this - twice. Almost knocked out. Plate glass windows should not be cleaned.
Wait- you've robbed a place and ran through plate glass window on the way out? ;)
How did you know?
vny!s://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuJF6qoIcAA3yZb.jpg:large (//vny!s://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuJF6qoIcAA3yZb.jpg:large)
Notice anything wrong with this?
Chicken-flavored ham.....? I need an adult....
(//vny!s://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuJF6qoIcAA3yZb.jpg:large) (//vny!s://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuJF6qoIcAA3yZb.jpg:large)
Obviously the harlot's shirt needs to be buttoned a little higher.
Plus there's no such thing as "giant hornets", or a country named "China". Pfffft.
Thanks for reminding me of the word Harlot - it's seriously underused.
Just remember.....
Another daily walk
Great! But do I like it? Not sure.
Interesting building in Holyhead
Another of my watering holes (late 15th century).
The lad at work. :) This was at Sheppard AFB, but he's currently at Whiteman AFB.
Is there any resemblance?
Quote from: Gopher on Sep 17 14 12:54Is there any resemblance?
Yes, but it shouldn't hold him back too much. ;)
Anyone care for a good time?
Moss on a stone wall
Male privilege......
Quote from: TehBorken on Dec 12 14 09:08
And they said it grew on trees.
Quote from: Gopher on Dec 13 14 11:30
And they said it grew on trees.
Yeah, the spaghetti harvest....good times.
That picture is just mesmerizing, lol.
Myths....best way to see this is to right-click and select "View image".
(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/image/myths.png) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/image/myths.png)
MMmmm....I don't think so.
Oh baby oh baby
Are these for open sale in the US? Get me to the vomtarium.
I think that's the gun from
Blade Runner. But still, oh baby oh baby.
Quote from: Gopher on Dec 24 14 07:09
Are these for open sale in the US? Get me to the vomtarium.
Bacon flavoured beer. New Zealand.
(//vny!://i60.tinypic.com/2l8ak5u.jpg) (//vny!://i60.tinypic.com/2l8ak5u.jpg)
Does it taste ok?
It has a hint of bacon.
When I tried it, I asked my friend "What is that?"
He said "Bacon!"
"Oh yeah!"
It is derived from smoking the hops before brewing.
Murky January, but there's still a bit of colour to be seen.
Wild snowdrops
"In Windows 10, we fixed everything!"
The local park
It's my birthday today. I spent this morning at the hospital where I have to go for tests every twenty eight days - I was surprised to be greeted with a birthday card and cake by the research staff.
Quote from: Gopher on Mar 19 15 11:57
It's my birthday today. I spent this morning at the hospital where I have to go for tests every twenty eight days - I was surprised to be greeted with a birthday card and cake by the research staff.
Happy birthday, Gophie!
Yeah, I've been making some doctor visits the last few days too...and more coming. :(
It's a real bind....good luck. Wait until you take so many tablets you lose count.
Spring is here
Opening ash buds
That's really nice.
Quote from: Gopher on Mar 25 15 01:41
(//vny!://i59.tinypic.com/28i5fyf.jpg) (//vny!://i59.tinypic.com/28i5fyf.jpg)
I know. I didn't take it.
more mmmmmmm
more mmmmmmm
Click here
Quote from: Gopher on Jun 19 15 10:36
Even my wife thought that was funny. :)
Ha! Funny wife.
(//vny!://i.imgur.com/ZBtTXXk.jpg) (//vny!://i.imgur.com/ZBtTXXk.jpg)
We must go deeper....
lol :)
A montage created from some of various ways of imaging the Sun. I thought it was cool. I'm tempted to enlarge this, print it, and hang it on the wall.
I was always told that the sun was hot.
Quote from: Gopher on Jun 21 15 11:12
I was always told that the sun was hot.
It is, that's why they wait until nighttime to take the pics.
No doubt using a flash.
Good one
Novel new use for Cheerios....
No sure what it is
Nice. Macro lens, or...?
Quote from: Gopher on May 25 16 10:55
(//vny!://i64.tinypic.com/10wsgid.jpg) (//vny!://i64.tinypic.com/10wsgid.jpg)
No, just ordinary close-up with some later cropping.
I'm Tehborken, and I approve this message.
Water beading after using Lifeguard penetrating liquid silicone rubber treatment. Treatment lasts about 10 years or so.